Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is an absolute cunt, and no mistake, and there’s a fucking shed load of it about.

Now admittedly, this is a pretty broad category, so let me try to be a little more specific. It goes without saying, I think, that serious offences such as murder, drug-running, arson and the like are well beyond the pale as far as any average Joe is concerned.

No, the problem I refer to here is all those ‘petty’ crimes that thoughtless ratbags commit, and all those misdemeanours that aren’t even regarded as crimes, that just make day to day life that little bit less tolerable for the rest of us. It’s…

– cunt cyclists who race over the crossing when the green man is on, shouting abuse when challenged.
– the pigs who chew gum then spit it on the pavement for me to get stuck in the soles of my trainers
-louts who spray graffiti and vandalise property
-arsewipes who chuck litter about and fly tip, or gob in the street
-dog owners who let their pooch shit in the park and just leave it, or inexplicably bag it then hurl it into the nearest bush to dangle like a grotesque decoration
-motormouths on buses and trains who prattle on incessantly into a mobile phone
-tanked up pissheads who turn town centres into virtual no go areas at weekends

The list goes on, but enough already. There are myriads of antisocial actions being performed every day by myriads of antisocial shits, and the worst of it is, they’re so ignorant about their own behaviour that they can’t even begin to comprehend what cunts they are. They need to be hammered into the ground with a fucking baseball bat, every last one of them.

Nominated by Ron Knee

36 thoughts on “Antisocial Behaviour

  1. If , when I was a kid, you had told me that one day there would be security guards in hospitals I would have said:
    “.Oh yeah? Would that be to stop people nicking the bandages you cunt?”

    “ No it will be to stop people assaulting doctors, nurses, ambulance paramedics and all the other hospital staff.”

    “Don’t be a cunt. Why would anyone want to do that?”

    “Because they can.”

    • And there Freddie you have summed it all up in a sentence or two. They do it because they can. The punishments? Hardly any. A liberal “tolerate it all” philosophy has brought about a near feral anarchist state. And in the years to come? Well, at my age (73) I won’t have to endure much torment before I depart!

  2. Absolutely spot on RK. The problem is that they get away with doing whatever they like from birth. What is needed is a form of punishment which holds them up for public ridicule and derision; the current regime of ASBOs etc. just makes them more “Jack the lad”.

    First offence: A properly unpleasant drop of community service. e.g. dog shit clearance duties (no bags or scrapers, just hands and a bucket). Parents included if under 16.

    Second offence: More of the same plus a public birching.

    Third offence: Nailed to a post and set on fire.

    • Bring back the stocks and we all get to throw shit at the cunts.
      Totally agree with this nom and would like to add council tips into the mix. As the stupid cunts now charge a lot of people to take certain non trade waste it just encourages more fly tipping. The only thing I PERSONALLY get from the council tax is my bin emptied and the contents dealt with. All the other council services are community based unless you are a scum chav cunt who does get a personal social worker a personal probation officer etc.
      So it’s time the council did the right thing and increase the recycling centres make criminal cunts sort it out in exchange for bread and water and stop charging anyone for using the tips Inc builders cos I’m sure picking up two tons of thick micks building spoil from down a beautiful country lane is more expensive than allowing them to tip it free at the tip. Also give the council the legal right to execute anyone that does fly tip anything. Dogends chewing gum Mcdonalds wrappers the lot. Double tap to the back of the head. The dregs of the world are coming to speed up the end of our green and pleasant land so let’s please try and make it last a bit longer just for old times sake

      • The American prison system does a lot with taking the inmates out to clean up roads and other sorts of basic public services. Always thought it seemed like a good idea to get criminals working to give something back to society rather than just sitting in cells being kept alive by our taxes. But unfortunately we have to deal with the usual cunts telling us how this is cruel and inhumane. Fuck them.

  3. I heard on the radio some teens between 14 and 16 years old broke into a pen housing a giant breed of rabbit and kicked them to death.

    This was in the Teeside area.

    That just sums up the antisocial cuntitude of our nation currently.

    And when (if) Teeside police manage to catch these little angels, no doubt there’ll be excuse after excuse for the cause of this behaviour and how they are really the victims in all of this.

    For me any cunt performing any act of antisocial criminal behaviour should be paraded to the middle of the nearest football stadium where at half time their faces shown, name and offence read out, before being given 5 lashes from the birch!

    No fucking courts to piss money away on and – I’m betting – after one offence they wouldn’t be too keen to be antisocial again!


    • Miserable cunts. These are tomorrow’s psychopaths in the making. Rabbits today, then dogs before children. Cunts should be given a lengthy custodial sentence with supervised classes to learn to care and respect animals.

      Child and animal cruelty sickens me to the pit. The ultimate act of cowardice towards something unable to fight back.

      Prisons would be run by the army if I had my way. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman types managing the day to day of the detainees. They would fucking learn by the numbers alright.


      • Not many months ago, some obnoxious cunts set fire to a pet rabbit in Glos., I believe.

        Punishment should be like for like. I know I’m biased, having had house-rabbits in the past, but they are very easily scared animals, and it’s a nightmare for me if I even start to imagine what the poor creatures endured.

        The perpetrators should have been rubber-necklaced.

        And, given recent and entirely justifiable strikes by prison officers, I agree very strongly in handing prisons over to the army. Preferably the most brutal elements. If prisoners can’t cope, they should think about their life of crime first.

      • Hear hear Paul.
        Ex club swingers and army PTI’s. Ex Marine, Paras, RAF Regiment upon leaving the service should be offered £50k+ a year to go into a new regime of jail. We had them before and they worked. Ask any ex Borstal boy if they would like another 12 months in one. The service nick in Colchester is another fine example of discipline that works. Fuck dealing drugs and smoking dope loafing in your cells all day. After a 6am start with PT and a healthy 12 hour shift you wouldn’t have enough breath left in your lungs to bother about smoking dope. Catch the cunts young so that they have not tasted real jail time. These useless fucking teenage detention centres are just the forerunner to real jail time and once they have done real bird its hard to rehabilitate the cunts. Borstal training works – it was only the namby pamby cunts like Lord Longford who decreed it was a harsh regime – well fuck my tall hat – that’s the reason we are where we are right now. Oh – and no pardoned 5 times a day to pray and halal food – you all start the same – an untrustworthy scroat bag until you prove yourself, your peers and your instructors otherwise. Borstal fed the services of the 50’s and 60’s and made some real good men out of useless vermin. Bring it back.

    • I lived on Teesside for years. One day, if this cunting comes back and I’ve had a few, I will write such a long comment on our experiences that you will tell me to fucking bore off. I swear I could write a book. Until much CCTV and phones people simply refused to believe how bad it can be. And no one gave a fuck. It was a no go zone for the cops. People laugh. Not in England. Ray Mallon, RoboCop, yeah, and Uber corrupt fucking cop. Cleveland Police? Up there, if not worse, than Met cunts. Stockton Council. Useless and part cause of the problem. Dumping. They all do it, they all deny it. Dari Taylor MP, Labour aristocracy, parachuted in, expenses fiddler, fucking useless. Threw me out of a meeting threatened me with plod because I was aggressive, or I was shaming her because I knew more than she did. I’ll shut up, sorry, lost pots of money there, it was quiet, anonymous street. Hanging baskets, council planters, flowers. Then after a few years all hell broke loose.

      • Great posting Tony.

        Those in charge are as much of the problem as anyone else. From a relatively small council to the current government/shadow government.

        They are all fucking dodgy cunts who are ruining this lovely country, purely for their self preservation and power. Most of them have never had a proper job, probably because they are too thick, and totally bereft of any common sense.

        String the fuckers up for what they are doing.

      • Cheers mate, I’m an angry fucker I admit it, but I don’t want to be a whiner. But like we are now, everything is from a different universe. Mixed, Victorian terraces. Most private, some council. Rancid heroin dealer moved in next door, to work one morn, he abused an old biddie who bumped into him, I went fucking bananas, threatened to turn his head into strawberry jam. Rang council, they literally told me I should be grateful as they were about to board the house up. All true. I knew then, you’re on your own in this shithole by and large. If you’ve got decent mates, keep em close.

      • Hi Tony, Dari Taylor, now there’s a name to conjur with. Ultra feminist bitch “taught” me sociology A level back in 1973. I say “taught”, because she ignored (totally) all the boys in the class. She only EVER responded to girls who put their hands up. The boys were invisible to her. Utter slime ball…

    • The modern approach of treating these criminal cunts as victims really pisses me off. BBC are always doing it, especially with all these minority cunts stabbing everyone they see. What the hell ever happened to the concept of personal responsibility? If you choose to be a cunt then only you are to blame for your actions, not our society that these cunts are determined to drag down with them.

  4. I’m all for horsewhipping said anti social cunts
    National Service on leaving school for EVERYONE regardless of colour or creed or gender ( fluid or not )
    That will st least sort some of it out
    The Cunts

  5. Beat on the brat
    Beat on the brat
    Beat on the brat with a baseball bat
    Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

    What can you lose?

    (Ramones 1976)

  6. Good cunting.This ones got some serious legs on it.My take on it – A special “police” unit dedicated to combating anti social behaviour must be formed.Recruits must be a minimum 6 foot tall and 100kg(16 stone).Preference given to cops who enjoy beating up suspects.First Offence-culprit is slapped around and told dont do it again,Second offence a good kicking and 6 months solitary,Third offence culprit disappears for good,probably killed by “Rival Gang”.
    By the way,Mayor Sadiq Khunt is exactly that,a sad old cunt.

  7. In working in immigration detention centres and HMP. I encountered this liberal tit sucking shite about ” everyone is to be respected “. The fuck they are. I have no respect for the crazed drug adled cunts raping, murdering and god knows what else.
    In my day, respect was earned, cunts were cunts and were left on the peripheries of society.

    A fucking decent return to the 1950’s is required.

    • Respect is earned; toleration is about my limit now if you leave me alone. So right people act the cunt because in the main they can. Who really gives a fuck about a two month community service order and a £20 fine and £30 for victims fund or whatever. I would consider that sort of pathetic result a great big fuck off bonus.

    • Why are people so afraid to have sympathy for prisoners and immigrants, for their unfortunate choices and roots, but also to simultaneously put up a barrier of self and community protection? It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

      I’m all for helping when help is genuinely ready to be received, but half these cunts would stab you just for a McDonalds.

      Sympathy is a doorway for abuse. You don’t just leave it open.

  8. It’s what you get when you have rights without responsibilities. And the responsibilities aren’t even things that are hard to comply with, just common decency for the most part. Scum cunts.

    • Rights without responsibilities is exactly the problem. In my book, if you fail to fulfill your responsibilities to the best of of your ability, then the rest of society owes you nothing but contempt.

  9. New York City adopted the ‘Broken Windows Policy’ in 1993 under Mayor Giuliani cracking down on petty crime like subway fare evasion, graffiti, public drinking and urination. The result, both petty and serious crime fell significantly and from what it was in the 90’s with 2000+ murders a year and the subway a no-go-zone, to a generally safe world city is remarkable. Of course they didn’t have to factor in everyone’s ‘human right’ to be a cunt for it to work here.

  10. And these cunts also have no fashion sense… In my younger days it was the casual look: with stuff like Adidas, Sergio Tacchini, Fila, and all that… That later evolved into the ‘baggy’ look of ‘Madchester’ (as the NME southern cunts called it)… I am not saying that me and my mates were angels, but we weren’t thugs who callously caused willful damage to people and property, we didn’t scare old people and young mothers, and we were never, ever scruffy… In actual fact, a good appearance and looking good was a badge of honour for a working class lad in the 80s…. In those days you didn’t pull a decent bird looking like a knobhead… Now these cunts deliberately try to look ‘menacing’ and ‘moody’ in the same fucking black hooded top uniform and their ‘wigga’ accessories…. That picture above sums it up, it’s like the fuckers are being cloned in a lab somewhere…. Nasty, ugly, bland, boring and soulless dystopian cunts…

  11. This has only come about because the clever twats that over think everything have risen to positions of power, they can’t look at a spade and see a fecking shovel they see a manual terrain redistribution implement and they are very pleased with themselves that they can be so clever. Stop it you twats, sometimes simple is better especially when dealing with fecking low-life, who are smarter than the social worker classless could ever imagine, the scum play em like a trout.

  12. ‘spit helmet’ I caught on the local news. ‘spit helmet’ what’s that? Took me a moment. Oh, the police are considering issuing officers with a helmet to protect them from being spat at. Then the talk all about how uncomfortable it would be to wear…nothing about any real punishment for the cunts who do it.

    • Am sure a certain amount of “attention” might be paid to the oral regions to prevent spitting. Although it might lead to spitting out of teeth and blood.

  13. Just wait until Generation Snowflake is fully in charge. They’ll have to bear the brunt of their own actions, indulging their own children to the degree that they have zero respect for anyone or anything.
    I wonder if they’ll be quite so understanding then

    • Be to busy hiding and holding hands whilst singing songs of healing and reconciliation surrounded by candles and aura enhancing crystals.

    • Little fuckers will probably be sent for counselling, with a bit of anger management thrown in, then given a herb candle to light at bedtime

  14. My daughter just phoned, and mentioned that last night, some cunts (not her actual word, to do her justice) were seen running from a car near her house, which shortly thereafter burst into flames. It was parked right next to the side of the local cop shop (not a coincidence, I’d wager), and the rozzers were on the scene in seconds apparently. No doubt it was nicked, then torched. Pity the fuckers never went up with it.

  15. When you step in the fucking road for some breeding cunt with a buggy and the self entitled fucktard doesn’t even have the common decency to say thank you. Don’t mind me getting run over by traffic so you mongchops can get to the Co-op to buy your fucking fish fingers for Dmitri. I hope your next is a stillbirth you dozey cunt!

    In other news, this is my first comment. Hi everyone! And also, a Google of ‘Lauren Laverne is a cunt’ signposted me here and I’m very grateful it did too!!!

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