A cunting for liberal, lefty cunts everywhere, but today’s example in particular.
The Home Secretary has said that he wont seek assurances re the death penalty for the 2 pieces of IS vermin currently held by the Kurds, should they be extradited to the USA. These are the cunts the more fuckwitted press referred to as ‘the Beatles’
Cue outrage and horror from the usual suspects, including good old anti-Semite whitewasher Shami Chukkabutty. The same cunts who are happy to pursue ex squaddies for alleged offences committed in the fog of war.
The fact that these cunts are no longer British citizens doesn’t seem to matter.
The fact that we, the UK, supported and pursued a policy of drone strikes against these self same vermin doesn’t seem to matter.
The fact that their crimes were orchestrated in cold blood, not the heat of battle is not even considered.
Yewman Rights, blah blah, Sets a precedent blah blah.
They have no human rights. I hope they die screaming and that the lefty cunts hold a vigil outside the prison.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Thankfully I have never had the misfortune of seeing one of those horrific beheading videos on Facebook.
I could however quite happily watch one that involved those two IS terrorist pieces of shit.
That’s why it’s not a balanced debate, Empire. Let’s screen the beheadings (after the watershed) – the whole process. How the victim is drugged, drained of blood (so they are too weak to struggle) and so on. It would give Snowflakes nightmares for life.
How about the real footage from Westminster Bridge – the victims falling under a bus as they tried to flee.
Or the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS. I watched that one (my big mistake). Not exactly Love Island.
Let the truth be out, Shami, or shut the fuck up.
I remember seeing Alan Henning’s poor teenage daughter saying how she wanted to see these pieces of shit who murdered her father to die painful deaths. But she has to deal with all these liberal scumbags who have never personally suffered at the hands of ISIS tell us all how they deserve a fair trial in our far too soft legal system where they probably wouldn’t even get a conviction. It’s disgusting, especially after seeing these two scumbags interviewed and the sheer arrogance and total lack of remorse for what they’ve done. Getting hung, drawn and quartered would be too good for them.
I was recently asked by a left wing snowflake how I felt about “enhanced interrogation methods “. I replied that it should just be remembered that the red wire is positive and the black wire is negative and that 35 degrees is the best angle when waterboarding. Thought the silly little cunt was going to explode he was so apoplectic with disgust. So, I then asked him if information that could be extracted by such methods could save his life or one of his loved ones he just did not know what to say.
I’d have said to them ‘Enhanced interrogation? Shame my granddad isn’t still alive… He could have told you about the Japanese and Changi Prison’… But, then again, the snowflake scum wouldn’t give a toss about an elderly British war veteran from Newton Heath, would they? Libfuck peaceful appeasing crawling cunts….
A salute to your granddad Norman. I have been to the Changi Memorial and Museum few times. Very moving, as is the Mt Elizabeth Hospital Memorial . Many wounded patients bayoneted in their beds by the Sons of Nippon there.
Well, do we really want ‘basic interrogation methods’ after all this is 2018 surely we have evolved beyond thumbscrews etc,
Enhanced all the way in my book.
That picture reminds me… Must clean out the cat’s turd tray….
The Robertson’s jam golly mascots have been re-launched to reflect 21st century Britain. Hopefully if Javid holds his nerve they will have a pair of matching orange jumpsuits in Gitmo.
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya ?
Someone’s murdering, kumbaya,
Hanged for treason, kumbaya… ?
Well surprise fucking surprise yesterday’s attacker was Sudanese. Why do we let people into the country who hate us?
Just google ‘IQ by country’ and go through to iq-research.info this should explain rather a lot.
ISAC won’t let me add the link for some reason.
Note to mods, the address bar show ISAC as ‘not secure’ is there no SSL anymore?
It sounds like a proper car crash of an effort. Sorry …
Ba dum tis
I wanted to put womp womp instead but apparently that was too short
You can be certain that all the left wing shit in Labour and beyond will be making excuses for the *poor* bastard. He didn’t know what he was doing, he was brainwashed, or it was a strong reaction against Brexit.
The compassion of the left is a one-way street and the wrong way at that. I always recall a homosexual *meja commentator* being understanding to Muslims, even after they had thrown some of his number down a very high wall
Waste of a good Ford Fiesta if you ask me. I work and can’t afford one of those. What a fucking cunt!
I don’t know what Shameless Checkmebargee is moaning about. Cunts in the USA spend about 20 years on Death Row anyway going through all the appeals.
By that time she’ll be living it up in the House of Lords. Oh……..wait a minute.
FFS – Thick Labour supporter on the radio just now claiming Corbyn won the Nobel Peace Prize last year…
Cunt was presumably referring to a Sean MacBride Peace Prize (named after an IRA terrorist) awarded by pacifist commie cunts International Peace Bureau. Easy mistake to make if you’re an idiot:
Maybe they heard appeasing prize.
Slightly off topic (or perhaps not) I see that the Huddersfield child sex enquiry has released 19 names of the 30 or so accused. I’ll give you all 1 guess as to the most common name there. Clue – begins with M
O.K. me first, is it Malcolm?
Close but no cigar this time Fillipo…
All good old traditional English names:
Warms the heart doesn’t it Ladytwat
There a common thread running through these cases up and down the land. Damned if I can work out what it is, though…
The pair of cunts look a little undernourished in the pictures above. Perhaps if they made a point of enjoying a good old English roast dinner or fish and chips followed by a good old Bramley apple pie and whipped cream once in a while, they might not have become so aggressive?
Ah, yes. These will be the chappies who showed such high regard for the human rights of aid workers and other inoffensive people that they abducted and beheaded them…
When Saddam was rushed through a trial and execution with indecent haste I don’t recall any libtard saying a single fucking word about that. Of course their god Tony was in charge and had good reason to want the cunt dead.
Fucking hypocrites.
These cunts say they’re at war with us. They’re not wearing uniform therefore can, and should be, shot on sight.
These cunts should of been air dropped over Iran sans parachutes
I don’t think the Iranians have any more regard for these Sunni cunts than we do. I’m sure they’ll give them a suitable reception when they land. What’s left of them anyway.
Lock them in a room with the Hackney hippo.
you know there are ways and means of dealing with some people and not everyone needs to know, back in the day in a land far away this happened.