Priyamvada Gopal

Priyamvada Gopal

Who: No, not one of those self-indulgently shit Kula Shaker Hindu song titles from the 90s, but an incredibly pompous and stuck-up ‘madam’ university academic.

Cunt: This mekon-headed scumcunt – Cambridge lecturer by day and racist-card-playing full-time victim, also by day – is staging some kind of one-cunt protest after a campus porter called her ‘madam’ instead of ‘doctor’. And you’ve guessed it folks, such a jaw-droppingly heinous crime can only be explained as due to said porter’s deeply racist attitude.

Now thankfully, most on social media have rounded on this self-entitled fucking snob and called her out for her racist accusation fakery. This nomination is prompted though because I am increasingly reading about more and more intolerance-masked-as-victimhood in our Universities and seats of learning. Fees are actually going towards the salary of this fucking specimen with a forehead so large it surely induces feeling of gross inadequacy for the old Tefal man. But she’s one of many cunts in a sea of academia liberalists.

Last year we had that black Cambridge student – a balanced individual due to equally sized chips on both shoulders – claiming all whites are racist and all blacks are oppressed; the irony of him tweeting that claim from Jesus College apparently lost on him. Earlier this year we had Lammy cunting about on University ‘white privilege’, and student unions were the old stomping ground of The Crying Game’s worst black tribute act, Munroe Bergdorf.

Our universities are jam-packed with abhorrent cunts, which in a few years will include my own nephew. So whilst this is a solid cunting to Herr Doktor Madam Shitcunt Gopal, it is also a general expression of ire towards what our higher education institutions have become.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

54 thoughts on “Priyamvada Gopal

  1. All college porters should be issued with Bulgarian umbrellas for dealing with these twats !!

    And bowlers with razor-blade brims…

  2. Fuck off back to India then Priya. I’m sure they’ll call you something more appropriate like “bitch” , “whore” or “stuck up fucking cow.”
    With any luck they might even give you a good slap.
    I’ll pay your airfare if you like. First class of course, madam.

    • Right on Freddie,
      We had a little ditty back in the day when the first Parkingstanleys pitched up in our Northern mill town and slowly began ghettoising a perfectly great little town. When there’s a few they request, when there’s more there is an expectation, when its saturated they demand. Show me an area of any part of England blighted by these blambo cunts who don’t follow the same method. The ditty – “If you do not like white man, plenty room in Pakistan”.

  3. Self entitled uppity bint.

    Get back to the plantation, love. Those tea leaves won’t pick themselves……

  4. Given the way our universities and academia in general are, I am only surprised she didn’t play the feminist card by calling her ‘madam’ or even the oh-so-fashionable transbender bandwagon of assuming she was female.

  5. She should be grateful to be called “Madam”. …I just call them all,male or female, Gunga Din and tell them that I’ll have a mutton Phal washed down with Cobra beer. I say it to every brown person that I meet anywhere,although I must admit that the local chemist was a bit offhand when I saw her and her family out shopping and bellowed my hilarious quip,for the thousandth time,at them. The other customers in Waitrose didn’t laugh either….snooty Cunts.

    • I usually cut off Asian telephone canvassers by ordering
      some’ beef curry & some popodams please’

  6. Never heard of this uppity punka wallah but she sounds a right piece of work!!
    No like England? Too many waycist people’s?
    Feel free to fuck off!

    • Yeah and Koenig would have bottled it, while Straker would have kicked butt, taken names and generally got the job done.

    • She does look uncannily like that demented fakir/soothsayer from Carry On Up The Khyber….

  7. Fucking hell; first the Marrakesh declaration and now this cunt. I’m going into hiding with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones before my ears rupture and bleed.

  8. The more I see and read, the more I’m starting to take a more sympathetic view towards Pol Pot and his views on students and lecturers.

  9. Only Britain and Europeans had empires apparently.
    Apart from the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Benin tribes (whatever the fuck they were called) Zimbabweans (of Great Zimbabwe) Ottomans, Moors, Zulus (under Shaka probably killed or caused the death of more Africans than all the colonial powers. See Mfecane)
    Aztecs, Moguls etc etc.
    And Europeans, by and large, left their empires in a far better state than they found them. The imperialist cunts.
    I apologise to all oppressed professors for the misdeeds of my ancestors, who were starving in the potato famine or digging coal and iron, and generally living off the backs of the colonies. The cunts.

  10. And there was me thinking that Indians were the least cunty of all the darkie savage races?

    • In my experience she’s not representative of most Indians, the Hindus & Sikhs, at least…. Ones I know would be ashamed.

      • Well, indeed RTC. I always thought Indians were alright, specifically because they hated their child-fiddling, pork and soap avoiding neighbours to the north west.

      • You mean north-east surely?

        Oh sorry, you’re talking about England! I thought you meant India. Easy mistake to make.

      • Precisely TtCE, the Indians I know hate their peaceful neighbours at least as much as most posting here do… and for good reason… going back generations. My mum was a nurse deployed in India toward the end of WWII, and was witness to much cultural friction involving our peaceful friends…

      • Cultural friction? “British go home” they said, so we fucking did. We had to create a new country (Pakistan) to stop the cunts killing each other.
        But while the Hindus were streaming out of Pakistan into India and the Muzzies were going the other way what did they do? Fucking slaughtered each other the cunts!
        70 fucking years later they are pointing nuclear weapons at each other.
        The British went home so fucking follow our example and fuck off back where you came from you superstitious fucking wankers.
        Fuck them all to hell!

      • Freddie – I was referring to the long standing cultural friction between the Hindus and the Muslims, not the obvious problem of British occupation or the mindless slaughter following Partition in 1947. Thankfully my mother was spared having to witness that little local difficulty…

  11. Never heard of this cunt. Although she has a forehead the size of a melon.

  12. Her name is reminiscent of some cauliflower bhaji dish. Sly cunts like Gopal realise the law is firmly on their side in their quest for the ultimate subjugation of whitey.

    With both this and that satanic cockcheese known as the Marrakesh Agreement, Saggy May is now urgently putting the foot on the accelerator to ensure we stay in the EU having signed up to this. The Tory cunts are selling us so far down the shitpipe, you would need to forcibly part May’s scraggly old arsecheeks to see us coming into view.

    The white population will be silenced and obedient. We will not be allowed to voice any dissent towards living in a prospective third world, fly-blown, disease and poverty ridden UK.

    Cunts just doesn’t cut it for me. I am so appalled and fucking apoplectic.

  13. Fuck… If you shaved it’s head I’m torn between Dhalsim from street fighter or that fella from temple of doom. Kali ma!!!
    And it’s a doctor of? English apparently, although interests lie in ‘gender and feminism; Marxism, critical race studies’, so basically a card carrying cunt and Corbyn recruiter. Usual story, let everyone in with no checks and make the taxpayer pay (as long as they don’t let them live in the Cotswolds and I can put all my wages through a private company to pay an effective rate of about 12%) ? I bet you I’m not wrong.

  14. The only ones I call “Doctor” are medical doctors. I had some fractious twat point out to me that I should call him Doctor, so I asked him “Doctor of fucking what?”
    It was in philosophy or economics or some other bullshit field, so I told him he should call me “Doctor” because I knew as much about his subject as he did.
    I hate cunts like that who insist on being addressed with a title that is only bestowed upon them by academia ( and some of those academies are decidedly dodgy )

  15. Yep, universities and all the seditious activites they get up to need to be dealt with, hard.

    Guess who did away with sedition being a thing in the country?

  16. Ho ho, when Belgium just scored, one of their players picked the ball out of the net and re-kicked it in, for some reason. Anyway, he did it well hard about 6 feet from the goalpost and it rebounded and twatted him right in the face!

  17. This slap head may be playing the race card but her real problem is class. Have you noticed that the neo-libtards all want to talk about differences…….race, gender, age, religion but never about class differences. Could this be because they are getting richer by the week while we are getting poorer?
    You can bet that Priya comes from a family of Maharajahs or similar cunts who have been rich for centuries. Her real problem is that she regards a porter as no better than an “Untouchable” who , in her own country, she wouldn’t go within a hundred miles of.
    Meanwhile we have to apologise for rich cunts like Rhodes and Nelson while the descendants of these cunts sit in the House of Lords telling us what wankers we are.

    Fuck race, religion, age, gender and all that shit. It’s all about class and money.

  18. Guess who helped the rise of Europe’s mini -Trumps ? Brexit poisoned Britain. So says Verhofstadt writing in the Guardian, in an article that condemns the likes of Viktor Orban and praises more immigration, nay, even desires it. Project fear and fake news.
    The sooner the Guardian goes bust and Verhofstadt meets a nasty end the better.

    • Amen to that, they are both shit that needs to be flushed away.

    • Fuckin hell Jack, The eu is collapsing because of immigration and cunts like Merkel and Verstadtshit show no sign of stopping it.

  19. When I go to the toilet and take a shit, I read the Andrex double-quilted and wipe my arse with the Guardian.

    • I wouldn’t bring the Guardian anywhere near my precious arse, my shit is far too good for that rag!

  20. Blimey, what with all this traffic, you could be excused England lost or something.

  21. Dissenting?

    This cunt and her elite femistasi ilk aren’t dissenting or being seditious – that’s part of the problem! They’re actually conforming to the PC libtard line, brainwashing her students with Liebour propaganda, ffs!

    So much for enquiring minds…

  22. I am uttery repulsed by this cunt in every conceivable way.

    Probably the only woman alive who could walk into a fire and end up better looking.

  23. Very off-topic, but…

    Do any fellow cunters feel that the sudden shortage of carbon dioxide is all a bit iffy ?
    I might not have had my eye on the ball for every second of my life, but I don’t ever recall all plants shutting down for “routine maintenance” at the same time… I believe it’s a by-product of certain chemical processes, rather than something extracted and scrubbed from the atmosphere. I’m just wondering if it’s being stockpiled for nefarious purposes by our electorate-respecting and transparent government.

    If onions go missing, I shall get seriously worried.

  24. Now Winter Hill is on fucking fire…

    But have the BBC news site mentioned it? Nah! It’s the usual Brexit, Windrush, Anti-Trump, migrants, and Grenfell bollocks… They really don’t give a fuck about Britain or the British… Fucking cunts….

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