Priyamvada Gopal

Priyamvada Gopal

Who: No, not one of those self-indulgently shit Kula Shaker Hindu song titles from the 90s, but an incredibly pompous and stuck-up ‘madam’ university academic.

Cunt: This mekon-headed scumcunt – Cambridge lecturer by day and racist-card-playing full-time victim, also by day – is staging some kind of one-cunt protest after a campus porter called her ‘madam’ instead of ‘doctor’. And you’ve guessed it folks, such a jaw-droppingly heinous crime can only be explained as due to said porter’s deeply racist attitude.

Now thankfully, most on social media have rounded on this self-entitled fucking snob and called her out for her racist accusation fakery. This nomination is prompted though because I am increasingly reading about more and more intolerance-masked-as-victimhood in our Universities and seats of learning. Fees are actually going towards the salary of this fucking specimen with a forehead so large it surely induces feeling of gross inadequacy for the old Tefal man. But she’s one of many cunts in a sea of academia liberalists.

Last year we had that black Cambridge student – a balanced individual due to equally sized chips on both shoulders – claiming all whites are racist and all blacks are oppressed; the irony of him tweeting that claim from Jesus College apparently lost on him. Earlier this year we had Lammy cunting about on University ‘white privilege’, and student unions were the old stomping ground of The Crying Game’s worst black tribute act, Munroe Bergdorf.

Our universities are jam-packed with abhorrent cunts, which in a few years will include my own nephew. So whilst this is a solid cunting to Herr Doktor Madam Shitcunt Gopal, it is also a general expression of ire towards what our higher education institutions have become.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

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