Ageing rock stars

I would like to nominate ageing rock stars for a 120 decibel cunting. The Rolling Stones in particular spring to mind, their latest “top up the pension tour ” is a particularly platinum plated carnival of cuntery , with tickets ranging from a quite ridiculous ninety odd quid, to a stratosphericaly cuntish thousand pounds plus . Old rubber lips and his band of “establishment trendy” coffin dodgers must be pissing themselves silly, well, they probably piss themselves ever day.I bet they have a tour truck especially for the Tena Man pads, the smelly cunts.
How anyone can take them seriously is beyond me.
Bob Geldof can fuck off too, the scruffy Irish cunt.
Ageing rock stars ? Irrelevant cunts.

nominated by, Jack The Cunter

72 thoughts on “Ageing rock stars

  1. If I could sell out a stadium at £90+++ a pop, I should care naught if some miserable cunt cunted me. Next-door but one (sixtyish) drove 130 miles to see them at Coventry, and spent the following afternoon telling all his mates about it on his phone, in the garden due to a crap signal, at the top of his voice. Apparently he enjoyed it. Cunt.

      • Thank you. I am not sure why. Even doing that, they’re great entertainers!

      • Let’s be fair, poor old Jagger has a wife and a hernia to support, and fucking Geldof is so poor he can’t afford to wash, shave or get a haircut. He must smell worse than a Japanese wrestlers jockstrap

  2. Cannot agree more Jack.

    Find it sad and depressing that that many of the acts that I saw in the 1970’s are still touring, either with the original members or replacements.

    They were of their time and on my opinion should remain there. Have no wish to pay hundreds of pounds to see geriatrics perform on stage in order to enlarge their pension pots much preferring to have paid a couple of quid back then and see them playing their very best stuff when they looked half decent and musically were at their peak.

    Also cannot abide those middle aged cunts who seem to think it is ok to dance at today’s concerts to the annoyance of others in a futile and rather pathetic attempt to recapture their youth.

    I would much prefer to remember the bands I like as they were and not as they are now.

  3. The bloke in the pic… Coverdale was a decent enough singer in Deep Purple, but he sure as shite wasn’t Ian Gillan… Purple (with Ian) still tour, but at least Gillan now looks like a normal bloke for his age, and not some old fool with a ridiculous poodle hairdo… And Coverdale? Well, Whitesnake started off OK: with a heavy, almost Free-like, blues based sound… Then Cov decided to sack most of the band, get in a load of hair metal musos, and sell out by doing all that perm rock shite and glossy MTV friendly videos… Sure, it made them big in 87, but it blew their cred with proper rock fans…

    • That MTV rock was inescapable during the mid-late 80s. Out of all the things to happen in music during that decade, MTV had to be rock bottom. Suddenly artists with absolutely zero talent were selling millions of records on their looks alone. Whitesnake weren’t the only rock heavy hitters taking that route. Def Leppard, the Scorpions, Kiss, Alice Cooper and even Judas Priest tarred up their image and sugar coated their music. Hell, if you look at pictures of Ozzy Osbourne from that era he looks like Shelley Winters. In the end the whole scene just became a pantomime and we know the rest…..
      Thrash metal and then grunge.

      • Cloverdale’s singing in the Burn album was splendid and he sang Gillians songs really well live but he showed his weaknesses in the stormbringer album Imo Norm

  4. The older these bands are, the more embarrassing they become. I used to collect everything that was recorded by half a dozen bands but in almost every case their musical output turned to shit. Only Arthur Lee was still making good music right up to the end.

  5. Oh, and Richie Blackmore hated Coverdale… Mind you, I think Richie hates everybody….

    • People think Blackmore has a really bad ego problem but hes getting older and can’t put up with the hijnks or celebrity rock n roll gossip anymore.

      I remember in a interview he said that he doesn’t hate anybody in the band but that he won’t work with certain people anymore because of the childish shite he has put up with in the past from other members You might be right tho Blackmore is a bitter moody cunt

  6. What a fucking embarrassment these cunts are.

    Stones should have fucked off 40 years ago after ‘Some Girls’ (1978), many would say after ‘Exile’ (1972). A crash during take off in their private jet from tax haven would have sorted things nicely.

    Ageing rock stars are about as attractive as pensioner porn stars (ok, bet at least one pervy cunt posting here likes stuff like that). The Stones however are the greedy epitome of legacy trashing narcissists.

    • What stinks about the Stones is how they’ve attempted to dumb down and airbrush Brian Jones out of their story…. For all the ways he made their 60s (and best) output sound way above the rest (Under My Thumb, The Last Time, 2000 Light Years, Paint It Black, We Love You, I Am Waiting etc) he gets little to no credit these days and hasn’t done for years… As for Jones being called a cunt by the Glimmer Twins? Like Mick and Keef aren’t cunts and never have been?! Apparently this dumbing down was in full swing when he was alive… I recall Bill Wyman saying, ‘He (Jones) was seen by Mick and Keith as a contributor, not a collaborator… There was a deliberate agenda to keep him (Jones) down….’

      • Although I have great affection and memories of Brian Jones, he was probably lucky to get murdered when he did. His best years, in every department, were undoubtedly well behind him, and with his legacy sealed at the regulation age of 27, he couldn’t go on to destroy it. I suspect however he was at least as big a cunt as everybody else.

      • I agree with you both, the stones treatment of Mick Taylor and Brian Jones is shameful like erasing them from Rolling Stone History

        The Stones went in a creativity pile drive after that and cunts can’t act their age anymore 60 fucking years later and the old gezzers cunts are still touring and pumping out shite albums

    • I only like what the Stones did up to Sticky Fingers. Angie was a good single .

  7. Lynyrd Skynyrd,who I consider one of the greatest rock bands,did the decent thing and cashed out early before they had a chance to sully their reputation. Other “classic” rock bands should seriously consider going down the same route,or flight-path,if you’d rather.

    • Lynyrd Skynyrd best band ever ?i dunno Dick don’t get me wrong LS has a few great songs and Street Survivors is a great album but when I think of it they were really a meat and potato type rock n roll band

      Bill hicks summed up the song freebird quite right i think…

    • Fuck and bugger, me cuntings been posted while I’ve been toiling away !
      Skynyrd are one of my favourite bands, saw them a couple of times in the 70’s and they were superb .
      About 10 years ago a mate of mine sprang a surprise and got tickets for Rush, we’d seen them back in the 70’s. Anyway we went to the concert and even though it was slick and they can still play really well it was uncomfortable, an audience of older blokes watching a band of even older blokes playing stuff from 40 years ago, those times are gone but I still enjoy listening at home.
      Live rock n roll is for the young

  8. Pink floyd were alright, kept a pretty low profile save for Roger and his nonsense politics. Gilmour could still play and sing.

    They’re the only band I still love. Lots of abstract thoughts, themes on madness and the folly of life. None of this whinging shite about women and sex/easy sell bullshit.

    All in all they’re just cunts in the wall.

    • Pink Floyd never really get boring for me, even tho I listened to every record of theirs a million times or more

      It isn’t dad rock either cause my dad thought they were stuck up cunts and thought grand funk railroad and aerosmith were great bands

      • Ironically Pink Floyd probably cared less about what anyone thought than all the identikit punks put together.

      • I still listen to Echoes frequently despite it being 24 minutes long. I doubt I could stand 24 seconds of most modern music.

      • As long as the music is good I don’t care how long a song is. I agree Echoes is a great track I have my favorite parts looped especially gilmour’s lovely guitar solo towards the end

        The Atom heart mother suite another 24 minute one is good I have a bunch of live versions of both these epic songs too

      • #MeToo… the best Echoes (aka ‘Looking through the knot-holes in granny’s wooden leg’) I have is a 26 minute live version from Boblingen, Germany,1972. Fucking bliss.

        Have over 100 great Floyd bootleg CDs, sad cunt that I am…

      • Cheers for that! Nice and deep. Shall add it to my collection.

        I dig the Pompeii version on Obfusc/ation, and recently got the .flac of the meddle 5.1 mix hidden on the early years boxset.

        Had a suspicion there might be a Floyd fan or two here.

      • There are some incredible live versions of ‘A Saucerful Of Secrets’ out there.

        Pompeii was an excellent gig.

  9. Scott Walker still does interesting stuff (when he appears), but he was never what you’d call a ‘rock star’ anyway… Scott was arguably the most reluctant pop idol ever…. I also sort of respect any big name who refuses to re-form a band for the cash… As much as I loved The Jam I am glad that Weller has never done that…. They were great as they were…. Same with Knopfler and Dire Straits… He could milk the name and the legacy, but he doesn’t… I’ll admit though I was pleased when I heard of the Stone Roses reunion in 2011… But five years later still no album and still doing the ‘Greatest Hits’ cash-in tours? What a load of sell-out cunts…

  10. And that Monty Python O2 reunion thing was just embarrassing… Now in their mid 70s, they appeared onstage: doing all the old sketches like it was still 1970… Then there were the cringeworthy musical numbers/showtunes…. And, to cap it off, guest appearances by cunts like Mike Myers and Fanny Izzard….And for me you can’t have the Pythons without Graham Chapman anyway… It was fucking awful, but John Cleese did have another massive divorce bill to pay….

    • See also the Stone Roses reunion. That was to do with Ian Brown covering the costs of a divorce. Although I’m sure the others didn’t take too much persuading for one more go around, considering the bread those two tours (all outside/stadiums/festival headline slots) must have taken.

      • Mecha, those two songs they released a couple of years ago were the final nails in the coffin.

        “All for one, one for all, If we all join hands, we’ll make a wall.”


      • Half the people who went to the Stone Roses gigs just went to see Squire play guitar or Reni play the drums… Take either one of them out of it (like what happened last time) and they are fucked…

    • Or its identity…. Nothing about the residents sound is easy listening or pop music inspired Their music is unnerving like fingernails against a chalk board thought Duckstab and Meet the residents was good tho

  11. Ozzy Osborne is a tiresome,coffin-dodging old Cunt who should never be forgiven for giving house room to that repulsive bag of a wife and his spaccy children. Fucked-up ,geriatric spunk-bubble should load his tired old carcass,plus family,onto his Crazy Train and locomotive his way off the Tay Bridge.

    I’m a bat lover.

  12. Hear hear. ACDC should have been laid to rest when Malcolm and George had passed and when Brian left.

    Axl Rose is a shiny-faced porky, screeching old cunt.

  13. Van Morrison must simply be the worst.

    A corpulent, sloth-like, mumbling Oirish old fart with all the stage presence of a blocked toilet.

    The decrepit, fossilised old cunt lost his voice years ago. In recent times he sounds reminiscent of Brando’s Don Corleone trying to shit out a tune.

  14. For the most part I’d have to agree with this cunting. I do think there’s some flexibility based upon the type of music. If you’re a crooner type, then performing into your 70s and 80s is OK. If your music is up tempto, angst ridden, yoof rallying, aggressive and high energy, then trying to pull that off at 65+ is likely to look sad and pathetic.

    I saw the Blondie/Garbage tour several months back. Never seen Garbage before and they were great. But I really wanted to see Blondie. Parallel Lines was my first or second album on cassette! Oh dear. Let’s just say I got to see Blondie 20 years too late and we left after about 5 songs. I should have known better, but I did learn from the experience. On a recent trip to the UK, I had tickets to see Belinda Carlisle. Mrs Yank was/is a massive BC fan but had never seen her live. I had back in 1989 on her Runaway Horses tour at the Brighton Centre. I checked out a few recent YT vids to check if all was well. I decided it wasn’t, so gave my ticket to my sister instead. I stayed at the hotel and drank beer, Mrs. Yank & sister both had a good time and my memory of a good concert from ’89 stayed intact. A win-win.

  15. I can get with this cunting a bit more then the Livingstone one seriously that remark he made was like 5 years ago ffs why is it being brought up again for the 100th time?

    Don’t get me wrong I hate the Labour party but I also don’t care for the Tories either but this is a witch hunt on Ken Livingstone whatever it is its seems like a distraction

  16. May I humbly recommend me cunting orf Jagger when eventually it graces these pages.

    • Read it me old fruit, a quality cunting that scores high on the old titterometer. Hope the discharge is better today, keep taking the tablets and wash it twice daily.
      Toodle pip !

  17. The only old band I found still worth going to see were Motorhead.
    Sadly now all a bit too dead to perform…

    • I went to see Iron Maiden last year and they can still put on a good show. But I don’t think they’ve got long left in them.

    • Had a ticket to see Motorhead in London many years ago. I didn’t go for some reason. Wish I had.

  18. I agree with this great cunting and virtually everything that has been said in this thread. I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Sir James Paul McCartney CH MBE OLD CUNT

    A true legend…he has descended into a state of hopeless cuntitude. To wit this vomit inducing footage of him singing “Michelle” to Moochie Obama at the White House speaks for itself.

    • He’s just a senile old div. Everyone, and I mean everyone, saw that one-legged slapper for what she really was/is except him.

    • Only Beatle who wasn’t a cunt was George… Ringo is a cunt for constantly banging the doors off Spy Who Loved Me era Barbara Bach…. Lucky fucking cunt….

      • George was a bitter and twisted cunt. And as for his petulant ‘ I’ll play whatever you want me to play or I wont play at all if you don’t want me to’ whinge in Let it Be, Macca should have at that point just said, you know what George, I’m fed up of walking on egg shells with you. Fuck right off you fucking precious little tit and don’t ever darken our door again with another Blue Jay Way heap of dismal preachy crap. You got that ?

    • @Cuntflap

      Not a Rock Star? Really? Oh you mean not of the calibre of Van Morrison, Blondi, Garbage, Belinda Carlise or even Bob Geldof..all of whom were mentioned in this thread.


  19. One can imagine an Oasis reunion when they’re in their 70s… With the Gallagher cunts acting like a cross between Albert Tatlock and Harry Enfield’s Old Gits…

    • For a while there I thought they’d do it, but I think the time to cash in on maximum interest in a reunited Oasis as passed.

      Saw them once in Minneapolis. Fucking awful. I think Liam must have had a cold or something ‘cos he was pants.

  20. Very true… All For One was sitcom theme shite, and Reni disliked Beautiful Thing so much he refused to be on it or play it live…. Even Squire’s Seahorses stuff was better then those two songs…They should have just got Leckie and Schroeder in and done ten simple but effective songs, like they did for the first album….

  21. Depeche Mode ? Fucks me Richard !
    What next fran and fuckin Anna
    Bay city Rollers ?
    Mind you fran and Anna ie wee nicola and Harvey fae the greens totally irrelevant shower of fucks

  22. To retain your street cred (I’m assuming you are oozing it ) you should only listen to their music behind closed doors. Never watch them live , it would be emotionally painful and quite expensive , it would also leave the aforementioned street cred in tatters .They’re old hasbeens for fucks sake, just like us.Some things are best done in private.
    Please do not ask for advice on ‘man caves ‘,they’re for cunts. Real men have rooms and home made sheds, no easy to assemble flat pack shit, thank you very much.
    Good evening.

  23. Appreciate your view, Cumnock Cunt, but we’ll agree to disagree on Depeche Mode. As for the Bride of McKrankiestein and ‘Pee Wee Herman’ Harvey, could not agree more. Truly bring’s her office of First Minister of Scotland into absolute disrepute. In the last 11 year’s, Sturgeon and Salmond along with the SNP and the independence movement have created so much bitterness, hatred, division and bile in this once great country of our’s, that I would leave at the drop of a hat. Such a sad state of affair’s, don’t you think, CC.

  24. Nowt wrong with the Mode, saw em twice last year along with many thousands at the Olympic Stadium and the O2. Still relevant?maybe, maybe not, but a lot of good stuff to listen too if you like that sort of thing.

    I’d suggest there is a cut- off point in which graceful retirement should be taken, for sure Jagger looks like a wrinkled old prune of a cunt nowadays and probably way past the ‘best see by date’. Gahan still has a voice and can move, despite near drug induced near death experiences and bladder cancer.

    However I’m not sure any of the ‘groups’ around today, mainly those fekking dunderheads ‘discovered’ by Cunty Cowell will be around in 5years time, let alone performing 30years of back catalogue hits to 60,000 sell out stadiums.

    • Music For The Masses and Violator are great albums by DM… Always had a soft spot for New Order, but I find it hard to accept the current line-up… You can’t have New Order without Hooky…

    • The problem with the Mode is they were absolutely beyond fucking shite for ages. For years they were merely cashing in on the electronic door opened for them (any many others to be fair) by the genius of Gary Numan. New Life, Just Can’t Get Enough, See You. Jeezus Christ on a skateboard. Talk about purile cak.

      Violator showed hope. Songs of Faith and Devotion had even more highlights. Ultra – they peaked. I absolutely adore that album and was very VERY excited for the follow up which was Exciter. Oh dear. And they’ve been shite ever since. Pity. In my opinion. 🙂

  25. I saw The Rolling Stones at Wembley Stadium in either ’89 or ’90 on their Steel Wheels tour. I thought they were really good at the time. Never been a big fan, but agree they should have knocked it on the head by now. If they don’t you can see Jagger doing a Tommy Cooper.

  26. Imitation Yank, I agree with a lot of what you say. The problem with the ‘Mode is, Alan Wilder left in the mid 90’s, and as much as I love ’em, he was the glue that held them together. Still a great band, but not as good now as they we’re when Wilder was their. By the way, check out Wilder’s other stuff, particularly Recoil. Great stuff!

    • Ta for the tip, Richard. I have a vague recollection of one of them leaving but I thought that was Vince Clarke who went on to do Yazoo, Erasure, etc. I’ll look into Recoil. Cheers.

  27. Can I put in a cunting-plea for ageing Liverpudlian conductors living in Berlin ?

    Ever-determined to get a new London concert hall for himself, it seems as though some disused old site in The City tops the list.

    The City want rid of it, because nobody went to it.

    Also, The City has The Barbican…

    Other proposals are sticking it out in the Olympic reccy so how many people from N, S or W London limits would go there ?

    If it were up to me, I’d slap a CPO on that ugly-as-fuck modern hotel up by All Soul’s, Langham Place / Oxford Circus tube and build something superb there. At least it would be central, and accessible to a greater part of the poulation.

    Otherwise, you might just as well do a cheapo make-over on the Golders Green Hipp, Watford Coliseum, Fairfield Halls or something on the W side of London (am unsure as to whether there is any pre-existing “facility”).

    However, given the utter shitehole-bubble that London has become, I’d sooner go to Manc or Brum (even tho I’m currently in Cardiff).

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