Not for their original output… They were of their time and could knock out a tune, but the tasteless shite that has surrounded them puts them in cunt territory… There’s the dreadfully sad tribute bands like Bjorn Again, and the modern ‘fans’ are always cunts: who are either screaming benders, stupid wimmin, or student cunts who view the group as either ‘kitsch’ ‘a guilty pleasure’ or ‘retro old school cool’…
Then, of course, there is the steaming turd that is the Mamma Mia musical…. And now Concorde Conk Streep and the rest are going to torture the world with a sequel… And there’s the media wetting themselves and jerking off because Abba are putting out some new songs…. Abba were of their time, but the media cunts will big up this new stuff when they know there’s every chance it might be crap… Still new Abba songs are still more than those lazy cunts, The Stone Roses. could be arsed to manage…
Nominated by Norman
If there was ever a better example of throwing something in people’s faces often enough then this is it. I’ve never understood why people hold them in such high regard. I mean they really are laughably bad. Here’s an old article that sums up what I think of them:
There’s a fucking host of these bands that need to look at themselves and decide to call it a fucking day. Saw Roger Daltry on TV last night and although he looks and sounds ok(ish) it’s still toe curlingly cringeworthy that they try to pretend they’re not old. FFS give it a fucking rest and have a word with The Stones, Elton f in John etc etc. Old cunts!
Amongst that Kendo you have to include Paul McCartcunt, Mick Fleetcunt and Ray fucking Davies. absolute abysmal trash – there are a couple of exceptions (IMO) that can cut the mustard as long as their songs are chosen carefully but watching McCartcunt attempting to sing “Yesterday” a couple of months ago was toe curling. As for ABBA – so many people went overboard on that Mama Mia movie I have been cajoled, nay almost bullied into watching the shite – thankfully I had just painted the garden fence and was watching it dry evenly – and it was a sight fuck more interesting than watching the 2+ virtue signalling cunts Streep and Brosnan.
I like Daltrey. In interviews, he comes across as having views that would fit in pretty well in our parish and he doesn’t give a fuck about causing offence when he expresses them.
Second that Mecha.
Daltry was a big supporter of Brexit and is on record saying he hates what the EU has done in terms of lowering wages for the working man through mass immigration.
Obviously he’s not affected and whilst he’s one of the original ‘rock stars’ he doesn’t mix in those circles.
It’s fairly common knowledge he’s kept many of the friendships he had from childhood so has seen first hand how people who were once classed as semi/skilled such as sparkies have had their hourly rates mullered by Poles living 10 to a room.
My questions are; (1) how long has Keith Richards been dead and (2) why doesn’t someone tell him?
? ??
Top observation there General. How in Gods name has be managed to reach that age on 60 a day and a bottle of spirits is truly staggering. I have heard him recite tales of going 6 days without sleep, relying entirely on uppers, downers, coke, brandy and tabs. The mans a fucking legend. I haven’t the heart to cunt such a man who must have been missed off the grim reapers list for 20 years or more.
Don’t forget his 10 year addiction to heroin. Presumably what would’ve killed a normal person just made him stronger.
I forgot about that RTC – I wager Keith did too 😉
I can’t cunt ABBA themselves as I am a fan, but that Mamma Mia wank – what the fuck was that shitefest?
Piers Brosnan singing like some Oirish fucking tarmac layer and beaky old Streep cauterwailing like she is suffering a terminal case of piles. What on earth enticed anyone to watch what is no better than a 6th form amateur production is beyond my comprehension.
Let’s see.
Everyone has a favourite ABBA song. I was a smidge too young to know their early stuff but my favourite was an 80’s track called “The Day Before You Came”.
It again was of its time (fledgling electro-synth sound that would come to dominate a lot of 80’s hits). I don’t think it did much chart wise but it had a haunted feel about it as they were all breaking up.
Will their new stiff be shite? Possibly. Probably (if they target their latched onto “Rainbow” demographic), but let’s see.
It won’t be any worse than some of the shite purported as music these days – and I’m not even pointing the finger at dance and rap here – more your turgid bollocks from the two gingers (Adele, Ed Shearan, et. al.), how the fuck that shit sells is beyond me!?!
Abba were a good laugh back in the 70s and early 80’s but it’s only in the past couple of decades that legions of twats have gone on about how ‘iconic’ they were/are. Liking Abba when I was at school (which I’m sure most people secretly did) would lead to instant accusations of benderism and some kind of violence.
Remember in the 90’s when students would wear shirts with ‘Benny Hill – King of Comedy’? The bloke was hounded off the telly by proto-snowflakes. Only once he was dead did Hill become an ‘icon.’
Good quote from Christopher Hitchens…
I wish Christopher Hitchens was alive today. Many a lively debate has been sadly missed.
I love watching these boomer aged celebrities and their legions get fucking old, still pretending they are ‘hip’ and relevant, like they were something magical in the history of the cunting universe. It’s all one big cunting show for these people and their over inflated egos. Not that I think anyone now is any better.
It’s all slightly revolting to be honest, like some esoteric mutual masturbation session between several thousand cunts. Take a bow and get off the bloody stage already.
Every dog has his day, but some cunts don’t know when it’s time to pack it in.
Heard a live set on the radio recently featuring Robert Plant….
‘Stairlift’ to heaven….
Ani and Agnetha…! I still come at the thought of rooting one or the other or even both together ! Agnetha in particular was eminently shaggable, and I defy any red blooded male even today to say he wouldn’t have given her one.
Musically ? I was more into Purple, ELP etc. Are ABBA cunts ? Possibly. I’ll wait and see. In the meantime….I think the wank bank needs a revisit.
Hmmmm ‘fraid so.
Nazi salute, or attempted fisting?
Asimplefisting, that should have read.
A liquid experience
I love to watch and listen to SNP on the Telly. I swear it is the best entertainment on tv. Watching rabies develop in real time to the point where the rabid fuckers start to foam at the mouth.! Truly amazing !
Can someone explain why a cunting of Abba is accompanied by a picture of four elderly teachers applauding Primary One’s Christmas play, please?
Abba were,and are,at the vanguard of pooferism. To the experienced Deviant Spotter it was quite obvious that the group consisted of 2 Gay men and 2 trannies. They led the Gay assault on popular music..there were no Fruities in music before Abba. They are therefore responsible for Elton John,Freddie Mercury,George Michael and Liberace.
They also popularised the Eurovision song contest,that yearly Nuremberg-style rally glorifying degeneracy. The last decent singer we had was she knew how to belt out a tune. We should demand that only hetrosexual acts are allowed to enter Eurovision,that should level the playing-field somewhat.
99% of Abba lovers are shady,suspicious characters who probably enjoy The Brotherhood of Man a bit more than is decent and proper.
Fuck them.
I’ve always suspect Cilla drank from the furry cup.
I remember when Mamma Mia first came out my brother gushed, “you don’t have to be an Abba fan to enjoy it, it’s fantastic!” and thinking “cunt”. Apart from the hysterical media hype, chances are he was only appeasing his ghastly femstasi wife again anyway. Naturally I wasn’t fooled or tempted for a second.
Then there was my sad old dad, a military man, marching around the living room to the strains of Super Trouper, imagining it was a sycophantic song about a soldier… My family is a never ending source of disappointment and embarassment to me.
Great objective cunting Norman, these cunts are almost dead anyway so why don’t they just fuck off and retain whatever dignity they may once have had.
I used to more or less tolerate my siblings and colleagues’ brainwashed mainstream libtard mindsets… until I discovered ISAC. Now I wind them up gratuitously at every opportunity!
Thankfully my parents had their heads screwed on, just about. No doubt they’re spinning in their graves now at the basket case the Country they were prepared to lay their lives down for has become.
Asimplearsehole, try living in the SNP’s Scotland. Totally in the gutter. BIG TIME! We do send a never ending supply of ‘guest’s’ down to the Jeremy Kyle show, though. Something to be proud of. NOT!!!!! And you take it easy with that shaky hand of hour’s. You’ll end up with a white stick and a Labrador. Woof, Woof.
I shall try very hard my friend……
I love ABBA, I love Mama Mia too. Sorry…
Good on you Francis – ISAC is not an echo chamber, thank Allah (his name be fucked).
Its not a echo chamber francis, but you are a cunt for liking abba and you are definitely a cunt for liking mama mia
You’re both cunts for spelling it incorrectly.
Back in the day I’d have smashed the fuck out of the blonde from behind I tell you… They were some incredible hind quarters… Imagine pulling out and plastering those lovely arse cheeks!
You old romantic.
oh come come !
Ok I admit it I think Abba were great ! They could actually write tunes. What’s a great ED Sheeran tune? For example. And Mamma Mia is a great feel good tongue in cheek film which doesn’t take itself too seriously. Something that has always stuck in my mind was returning late at night to a campsite in Corfu, someone was playing Dancing Queen And a stunning girl about 18 probably out of her head wearing only a short t shirt and knickers was dancing to it all by herself. Was rather magical.
Will probably be some subtle song title changes to reflect their age…
“Where’s the loo..?”….
Other possible title tweaks that might help give them a little street cred:
Dancing Tranny
The Day Before You Shot Your Wad
Take A Dump On Me
Thank You For The Stabbing
Or how about…
The Day I Flicked The Teacher
Voulez Poove
The Way That Old Fruits Do
Super Duper Trouper
Ring Ring
Aspiring astronaut…
It would seem RP is correct
SNP cunts are on QT tonight watch it and see what sort of bile and hatred will be spoken
Wouldn’t be surprised if SOUTER pulls out again ( he was supposed to be in kilmarnock a few months ago )
He comes from Perth and is a billionaire
He won’t be penniless and on benefits when Wee krankie Sturgeon has another and another and another “ once in a lifetime “ referendum as in
#indyref 2,3,4,5
Fuck the whole lot of them !!!!!
Does he still live in a castle?
RP I THINK the time has come for a proper cunting of the SNP
ISAC need to know !!!!!!!
Without his input man shall never establish a colony on the moon now. For shame.
So much for democracy…..
‘The Troika would have to march into Rome’: German MEP says Brussels could take control of Italy’s finance ministry if populist parties form a Eurosceptic government
Read more:
What else would you expect from a bloody German ? They love marching in and taking control, as many a Slavic untermensch type person has found out in the past, along with Red Sea pedestrians, filthy French peasants and a host of others. But instead of embarking on an armoured anarchy tour as they did in the 30’s they now do it through economics, and instead of wearing Hugo Boss designed SS uniforms they wear bespoke suits and sound oh so sensible and logical.
The Italians should give him the Mussolini treatment, string him up and deknacker him, the cunt.
Good afternoon.
What gets in my fucking tits is the cunts that tell you that you’re not a patriotic Scot if you don’t vote to leave the uk
Same as all the cunts telling the English Cunts , welsh ( sheep shagging) cunts and our Ulster brethren ( bigoted cunts) that same thing
Leaving Europe has fuck all to do with patriotism is to do with being lumped with a failing fucked up money sucking buerocratic beamoth that lets immigration happen on a huge scale which is the worst thing you can do for the poorest cunts in the world
Question Time tonight fellow cunters and you’ll see flawed principles
The Cunts
It’s the same new-speak brainwashing that occurs elsewhere, eg “If you hate the EU, you’re, like, OMG !!! (shriek) a waaaaaycist.”
I live in Cardiff, have zero problem with the fair cuntry or its inhabitants, but as for the “Cardiff Bay Home for the Weak & Incontinent”, that’s another matter.
I’m eleven sixteenths English and, guess what…I hate the House of Lords. Cuuuuunts.
Dick as you know the job is fucked
Putin could Mobilse today and be playing golf in Portugal this time next week
He did it with Crimea chaps !!!!!!!!
Oh and I for one would rather be speaking Russian than Arabic !!!!!!!
Snackbars no more !!!!!!!
Indeed, you have a point Sir..
Vlad’s policy on troublesome peacefuls is best illustrated by his oft quoted comment following an islamic outrage in Moscow .. “have them found dead in a toilet..” possibly a policy to be tried within the “United” Kingdom…
Like Paul Maskinback cannot cunt ABBA. An extremely talented group who produced some classic songs in the 1970’s.
Head and shoulders above the talentless shite being produced these days.
No interest whatsoever in any of the ABBA tribute bands, the musicals or any money making opportunities by third parties following the groups split.
Cannot imagine any of the band members are short of a bob or two with money made either at the time or subsequent royalties so in my humble opinion if they are legally able to should put a stop to anything that risks cheapening their name and reputation.
Well, I think I’d have married Agnetha in those days…
I love the way the McKrankie and her goon squad piously announce that on achieving independence they will keep the Pound. Really? That’s odd as it will be the currency of a foreign country then, wont it you thick Cunts… you can revert to using bits of twig and animal bone. Now Fuck Off and eat some Shortbread….
The Romans didn’t think Scotland worth occupying. Considered it beyond the civilised world, requiring containment only.
Must have been dominated by deluded SNP nut-jobs even then.
Indeed.. I understand they launched several clearing operations or pre-emptive strikes north of the wall though, just to maintain the initiative… sounds like a good plan for the future, only using an Apache gunship….
Asimplearsehole could probably supply us with something like that…
Don’t blame all the stone roses dude! I reckon they would get back together if it weren’t for that self-important, pretensious hippy cunt John Squire………. Music’s beneath him, he’s an accomplished artist now don’t you know?!
From what I’ve heard in and around Mcr it’s Reni who’s been the problem… He is supposed to have left the ‘Beautiful Thing’ sessions (hence the drum loop on the record)… He then refused to play ‘Beautiful Thing’ live and this further antagonised Ian Brown…. Brown also said that ‘one particular member had made this reunion very difficult’… There was also Reni’s walkout in Amsterdam (‘The drummer’s a cunt’ as Brown said on stage)… Brown and Squire are still on very good terms, but Brown refused a handshake/group hug with Reni at that last Hampden Park gig….
That whole reunion was a cash grab. And the single they released to great fanfare was total gash.
I still saw them at Wembley last year though.
I think the band have bottled it proper… They won’t get another drummer, because the last replacement for Reni was a total cunt and they looked like knobs (anyone remember Reading 96?)… So now if Reni has fucked off a second time, they’re afraid of looking like cunts again… At least The Who attempted to carry on after Moon’s passing, and they got a good drummer in Kenney Jones… But The Stone Roses are now trying to preserve the myth and mystique (all that ‘wall of silence’ bollocks), but I think ‘All For One’, the inability to make a new album, and that farcical ending at Hampden have already fucked their rep….
I’d have taken a big sloppy cunting off Agnetha any day of the week. I’d have even let her keep her little wooly hat on. Oh my, I’ve just involuntarily licked my lips.
Make that two Jack.
Always fancied her, my late father preferred the other one.
Good afternoon Willie. Yes, the other one was very attractive too .I wouldn’t have said no.
Benny or Björn?
I would agree with Cunts Mate Cunt on this one. At the time the usual comment about ABBA was…”fucking shit, but i’d fuck the arse off the blonde one.” Their most productive years were during the punk era so the only cunts who liked them were dumb girls and your Mum and Dad. It was only years later that they enjoyed a revival, beginning in the faggot social scene. That was long before that Streep bollocks.
Their bland, up beat sugary bollocks fits in nicely with the current Cowellised shit enjoyed by Millennials today. It’s shit but i’d still fuck the arse off the blonde one.