I think it’s time the left had another cunting. As you’ve probably come to expect, this will be a long rant, but I have a lot to say. So, go make yourself a coffee and grab a packet of crisps, this is going to take a while. Actually, I’ll try to do it in two parts.
The left like to consider themselves to be tolerant, liberal, educated, intelligent, sophisticated and civilised. In fact, the vast majority of lefties are none of those things. Sure, they tend to come from upper or middle class families, which means they generally attend grammar or fee paying schools, before heading off to university, but that does not mean they are either educated or intelligent.
Most lefties certainly are neither tolerant nor liberal. You try to debate with a leftie on an issue you have a differing opinion on, immigration for instance, and they will immediately stop listening what you’re saying. Instead, they will insist that you’re saying something completely different to what you’re actually saying. They will also throw a tantrum and start screaming and shouting in an effort to shut you up. They will become increasingly hysterical and at some point, they will use a word that has long since become a cliché, racist. And the more you try to explain your point of view, the worse they will become, until they either become violent, or you give up and go away.
Someone who is both and tolerant and liberal would not do that. A liberal is someone who believes in things such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, free markets, democracy, international cooperation and gender equality. They will claim to believe in these in things, but in truth, they don’t. But when you actually examine their claims you will find they depend very much on their definition. Take freedom of speech. They’re all for it when THEY have something to say, but as with my comment above, their belief in free speech goes right out of the window when they encounter someone who has a different opinion. It also blows their claim to be tolerant right out of the water, since, as I said above, the second they realise you don’t agree with them, they will immediately try to shut you up. So straight away, I’ve proved their claims to be tolerant and liberal to be completely false.
They’ll tell you that all religions are equal, but they frequently prove that that to the left, the opposite is true. For some baffling reason, lefties seem to be obsessed with perpetuating the lie that Islam is THE religion of peace, even though Islam’s beliefs run contrary to the beliefs of the left, and despite the fact that Muslims prove on a daily basis that it is not even slightly peaceful. Lefties support gay rights, feminism, trans rights etcetera. Muslims believe that women are the property of men, and that gay and transgendered people should be killed. They also believe that apostates, those who leave Islam should be killed. These are things that would have lefties turning purple with rage if you or I expressed those beliefs. But lefties are bafflingly silent when a Muslim expresses them. Which means that lefties are also hypocrites.
There have been numerous cases of bakers with deep Christian beliefs being sued by gays because they refused to bake cakes that openly celebrated homosexuality, something that goes against those beliefs (although Christians would not throw gay people from the roof of a building), yet they wouldn’t dare do it with a Muslim baker. A few years back, a Christian woman who worked at Heathrow was sacked after someone complained that she openly wore a Christian cross on a necklace. She had to fight tooth and nail through the courts to get her job back, and for the right to open display a symbol of her faith. Yet according to lefties, it’s ok for a Muslim woman to wear a hijab or a burqa. Again, hypocrisy. And discrimination in fact.
You only have to look at the current Labour Party to learn about left wing hypocrisy. A few weeks back, Toby Young had to resign from an advisory job with the government, after much screaming and wailing about sexism, over stupid jokes he’d tweeted years ago. Yet, there are a number of women in the Labour party who have made allegations of sexism and of sexual abuse at the hands of certain male Labour MP’s. Corbyn’s pitiful response to one current allegation, was for the woman who made the allegations to have a face to face with the MP she has alleged touched her up, so HE could question HER about them. And I would point out that unlike the Tories, Labour have NEVER had a female leader, never mind a female Prime Minister.
And currently, we have the anti-Semitism allegations levelled at various members of the Labour Party, including Corbyn himself. These are serious allegations, some of which have already been proved conclusively, including the revelations that Corbyn is or was a member of SIX Facefuck groups that were either openly anti-Semitic or had numerous anti-Semitic posts. There is no allegation that Corbyn himself posted anything anti-Semitic, but the fact he is or was a member of these groups is grounds for concern. As his support for the artist, whose painting featured group of fat, hook nosed, rich men sat around a table. Corbyn and his minions claim that he didn’t look closely at the painting. In that case, why voice for the artist? To be fair, he was added to some of the Facefuck groups by other people, but others he joined himself, so he must have been aware of the anti-Semitic content of a large number of the posts, so his claims not to have known are ludicrous to say the least. Ken Livingstone is a known anti-Semite, having made several vile comments in the subject. Then of course there is Corbyn’s continued for his ‘friends’ in Hamas and Hezbollah. Both groups are actively fighting Jews, you cannot be any more anti-Semitic than that.
The response of most Labour MP’s has been, to say the least, Pathetic, both the Abbotopotamus and Christine Shawcroft, another Corbyn lickspittle and NEC member have tried brush off the allegations of Labour’s anti-Semitism as nothing more than an attack on Jeremy Corbyn. That is as pathetic as it is absurd. As I said, many of these allegations are provably true. And yesterday (29th March 2018), Corbyn was busy campaigning in the ward of a Councillor, Margaret Burke, who in the 1980’s was the 2nd in Command of a Neo-Nazi group by the name of the November 9th Society. Corbyn brushed this off by saying that Burke had been questioned at length when she applied to join the Labour Party, and they were satisfied she had changed her ways. That may be, but my issue is with the lie that the left like to perpetuate that the Nazis were a far right party. They were not. The real name of the Nazi Party was the, “National SOCIALIST German Workers Party”. Socialists are left wing, like Labour and Momentum, ANTIFA, etcetera. And the tactics of Momentum and ANTIFA bear a very close resemblance to the tactics employed by the Nazis against THEIR enemies. Including Jews. Violence, threats of violence, suppression of free speech, freedom of the press, religious freedom and all that.
Labour Councillors and other left wingers carry a share of the blame for the abuse of non-Muslim girls at the hands of Muslim males in places like Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford. Social workers and the police KNEW that these innocent young girls, both Sikh, Hindu and White girls were being abused and raped, but they wilfully ignored the allegations, for fear of being branded racist. How low has this country sunk when some people, people whose job it is to protect the innocent, ignore serious allegations of sexual abuse, because their priority was to avoid being called racist? Some of those girls were called liars. The police said they were from the “wrong side of the tracks”, as if that somehow absolved their abusers of any blame. A few people with the police and Social Services DID try to speak out against the abusers, but as is usual for lefties, they were either threatened and intimated in silence or they were sacked after having their reputations trashed. Some of those young girls could have been saved from becoming victims of those Muslim pervs, if the police and Social Services had done their jobs. There were a couple of sacrificial lambs, but to date, nobody has been charged for their complicity, and their inaction means they WERE complicit. All we’ve ever got is the mantra that lefties use when they’ve been caught doing wrong. “Lessons will be learned”. And usual with lefties, that is an outright LIE! Lessons have NOT been learned, because it’s STILL happening. Then there’s the recent revelations of sexual abuse levelled at certain employees of OXFAM and other charities, in places like Haiti. No indignant protests from the left there.
Lefties like to boast about their respect for democracy. But Brexit has proved this to be yet another untruth. To be fair, there are plenty of Tories who are against Brexit, but the vast majority are left wingers. To the lefty, democracy is only a good thing when they are on the winning side. There have been so many calls for a second referendum on our membership of the EU that I’ve stopped counting. And as usual with lefties, rather than debate the issue of Brexit, they instead slander and insult the 17.5 million of us who voted to leave. Only a couple of weeks ago, that ridiculous, squinting lefty, Vince Cable, made a speech in which he insinuated that the majority of Brexiteers were old people who were motivated by racism and memories of the Empire. That was as vile and pathetic as it was untrue. And is the norm for the left, Cable refuses to admit that he was wrong, or apologise for it. And from a lot their statements, it is clear that they believe democracy is something that only THEY should enjoy, because only they, being intellectually superior to the rest of us, can be trusted to vote the ‘correct’ way. They often claim that we were lied to during the campaign. Maybe we were, but the fact is that many of us had already decided to vote to leave long before the campaigning ever started. And on the subject of lies, how about the lies of omission from the left. That Remainers told some of the most blatant lies, that they spent MORE money on campaigning than Leavers, that some of them, Clegg, Mandelson, the Kinnocks and a number of others, have a vested, financial interest in the UK staying in the EU? Before becoming an MP, Clegg worked in Brussels, for the EU. He’s entitled to a pension. As former EU Commissioners, Mandelson and the Kinnocks get pensions from the EU. They will be affected when we leave, but they never mention this when they mouth off.
Lefties like to portray themselves not only as being morally superior, but as the guardians of morality. Like everything else, this not true. When Margaret Thatcher died, a disturbingly large number of left wingers not only tweeted their joy at the news, they openly celebrated with parties, and even sang “Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead”. Then there’s the aforementioned sex abuse scandals and their hypocrisy over various issues. Morally superior? Their morality is in the sewer.
They like to pretend that they are in favour of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Recently, the Sun ran a story on how a transgender couple were expecting a child. They mentioned that the ‘wife’ used to be a male British Army Captain, and the ‘husband’ used to be a woman. Cue much outrage and cries of ‘transphobia’ from the left over the Sun mentioning their previous genders. What did the Sun do wrong? Everything they wrote was true. The man used to be a woman and the woman used to be a man. How is mentioning that basic fact transphobic? It’s like being branded homophobic for saying Elton John is gay. It’s true, he IS gay, so what’s the fucking problem?
And it’s the same with freedom of speech. To a lefty, it’s something only THEY have a right to, because the rest of us aren’t clever enough to be trusted with such a basic human right. As I mentioned earlier, try debating an issue, any issue, with a lefty, when you have a different opinion. You will instantly be met with fury and righteous anger. And as I again mentioned earlier, a recent debate on freedom of speech at Kings College London was disrupted when regressive thugs from ANTIFA invaded it and started getting violent. Imagine that. In 2018, the 21st Century, a bunch of middle class, left wing trust fund degenerates actually brought a halt to a debate on free speech, because they wrongly thought they had a right to stop it, because they didn’t like the speakers. And the same thing happened earlier this year, when a debate featuring Jacob Rees Mogg was disrupted by left wing cunts, simply because they didn’t like him. He’s a Tory toff, so how dare he presume to have an opinion on anything? Last year, that bastion of left wingery and feminism, Germaine Greer was told not to attend a debate at Oxford (or was it Cambridge? I can’t remember), because she had the nerve to say that ‘women’ who used to be men, were not actually women. There was nothing false about what she said, it’s a simple biological fact that women have two X chromosomes. And no matter how much they argue otherwise, without two X chromosomes, and men have an X and Y chromosome. And no amount of gender reassignment will make a male fully female. Though I dare say the day will come when it’s possible to change a Y chromosome into an X, and vice versa. But that day is a long way off. Until then, cutting your cock don’t make you a woman. Although these days, some lefties are even arguing with nature, saying that being born male or female does not necessarily mean that you ARE male or female. Well, sorry snowflakes, but YES IT FUCKING DOES!! On the other hand, merely identifying as female does not make a man a woman. It makes him a man who WANTS to be a woman. I could say that I identify as a Siberian tiger, but it doesn’t mean that I AM a Siberian tiger. It means I need a psychiatrist.
Then there’s Max Mosely, remember him? He’s the son of British Fascist leader, Oswald Mosely. A few years ago, he had a photograph of him attending a Nazi themed orgy splashed all over the press. Ever since then, he and several ‘celebrities’, notably, Steve Coogan and Hugh Grant, have spearheaded a campaign to have the free press shackled. Mosely is a key donator to an organisation known as Impress, which tried to get newspapers to sign a voluntary code of conduct, and were promptly told to fuck right off. Incidentally, Coogan had his apparently profound love of cocaine made public, and Grant is now more famous for getting sucked off in a car by a two bit whore than he is for acting. So, no ulterior motives there. I mean, seriously, the guy was fucking LIZ HURLEY, yet he still felt the need pay a woman who makes Freddy Krueger look gorgeous for a blowjob. What a fucking cunt.
Again, lefties believe that only they should have freedoms of the speech and press, for only they have the intellectual and moral maturity to use them properly. They are not only wrong in that belief, but they are seriously deluded to believe it in the first place. To the left, things like facts and the truth are inconvenient and subjective. Both can be manipulated to say what THEY want them to say. The problem there, is that once they have been manipulated, they are no long facts and the truth. They are lies. But lefties are ok with lies. When they tell lies that is. That’s because to a lefty, a lie is something that can only be told by those who are ‘far right’. And they define the far right as anyone who disagrees with them.
Want to stage a protest? About anything? You can guarantee that ANTIFA, Hope Not Hate and/or Unite Against Fascism will stage a counter-protest. They’ll often turn up dressed in black, with faces covered and carrying some kind weapon. And I can also guarantee that it will be THEY who instigate any violence that occurs. A couple of years back, I attended the demonstration to free Sgt Alexander Blackman, the Royal Marine who was imprisoned for murder for shooting a Taliban who was already dead (or at least, at death’s door). A small number of lefty protesters turned up, hurling abuse at us. They didn’t stay long though. Off they fucked after about an hour. I guess they didn’t fancy taking on several hundred disgruntled military veterans. And that’s another thing the left are responsible for. Only in the UK would British military personnel face investigation and prosecution for alleged crimes committed in war zones, while on active duty years, sometimes decades, after the alleged crime had been committed. It’s fucking ridiculous.
Over the past few months, there have been numerous allegations of sexual abuse and rape coming out of Hollywood, made against the likes of Harvey Wine Stain, James Franco and several others. Led by Provo loving bitch, Rose McGowan, it has spawned hashtag movements such as #Me Too. Lena Dunham is also a prominent supporter, though she’s been somewhat quiet of late. Showing outright contempt for legal concepts such as trial by jury and due process, she tweeted that she believed that all women who made allegations of sexual abuse and/or rape should be believed no matter what. That is, she believed that until one of her close male friends was accused of rape, then she believed that the woman accusing him was a lying bitch. This led to much outrage and anger, and Dunham apologised for her blatant hypocrisy and, well like I said, she’s been pretty quiet lately.
The attitude of supporters of these movements, as you would expect from lefties, is, “If you’re not with us, you’re against us”. McGowan in particular has been especially vitriolic toward anyone who dares to criticise or speak out against the bullshit that has been flying out of Hollywood since McGowan started the shit flying with her claims. It’s not confined to her though. Scarlett Johansson had a go at James Franco, and Norman recently did an excellent cunting of Ellen Barking after she went after Terry Gilliam when he criticised #Me Too. All the signs of classic left wing anti-free speechism were there, anger, outrage and slurs bordering on slander. The thing is, nothing that Gilliam said was either unreasonable or untrue. Things HAVE gone too far. Wine Stain has admitted to several of the allegations, but denied others. None of the other claims made against him, Franco or anyone else have proved. They certainly haven’t been tested in a court of law. In true left wing fashion though, that’s irrelevant. To their minds, the allegations have been made, so they must be true. It’s funny though, isn’t it, that all these actresses were silent when they were unknowns? Now that they’re rich and famous though, they’re all coming forward. As some of the critics have pointed out, these women are complicit in the alleged crimes of their alleged abusers. A lot of women could have been saved from abuse if they’d come forward sooner. It seems that the lure of fortune and fame proved too great though. McGowan has also been VERY vitriolic and abusive towards Wine Stain’s wife for not leaving him sooner. Well I’m sorry, but that is somewhat hypocritical, since, although McGowan did make an allegation early in her career, she waited until she was rich and famous before pursuing it in any meaningful manner. Then again, McGowan is a nasty piece of work. I’ve no doubt that some of these allegations are true. There have been allegations of such behaviour from producers since the very early days of Hollywood.
Ironic though, isn’t it? Actresses who alleged sexual abuse and/or rape when they were unknown are instantly believed. Yet the poor, innocent, often underage White, Sikh and Hindu girls who made the same claims against adult Muslim males were branded liars. And while we’re on the subject, where were the British supporters of #Me Too, such as Helen Mirren and Emma Watson, two so called feminists, when these girls were being called liars? Where was the righteous anger? Where were the hashtags? Once again, a case of left wing hypocrisy.
The one thing that’s guaranteed to trigger lefties, is the issue of immigration. To them, mass, unchecked immigration is wonderful. They give no thought though, or they simply don’t care, about the effects it has on the country and its infrastructure. We keep being told that we have a housing crisis. We don’t, we have a population crisis. We have too few houses and flats, because we have TOO MANY people in our country. When we had that bullshit last year about how many so called child refugees would be allowed into the UK, lefties whinged that it wasn’t enough, then they whinged even louder when the government, sensibly in my opinion, suggested carrying out medical checks on all ‘child’ refugees, to ensure that they were children. And when they did let them in, the photos of the first wave, showed ‘children’ who were clearly adults. Our roads are heavily congested because there are so many cars, vans and trucks on them. Why? because there are too many drivers. Why? Because there are too many fucking people in the country. The NHS has been all but destroyed because too many people want to use it. Where I live, in Manchester, every Wednesday afternoon, an Emirates A380 from Pakistan flies into Manchester airport. It’s ironically and half jokingly referred to as the “MRI Flight”. MRI being Manchester Royal Infirmary, since the plane has a number of people on board who are relatives of British passport holders. They fly in, get free medical treatment, and they fuck off home. There aren’t enough jobs in the UK, because there are too many people applying for them. And employers now prefer to employ foreigners. Officially, they say it’s because Brits are too lazy to do them. That’s not only a lie, it’s a disgusting slur. The truth is, foreigners, especially Eastern Europeans, are prepared to work for less, thereby saving employers a fortune on their wage bills. And that’s only the ones who want to work. There are just as many who come here expecting free housing, free smartphones and money. And they get them. And this week, we had the story of the Muslim terrorist who somehow managed to get TWO flats. One for him, one for his wife. My godson and his girlfriend and young son had to wait nearly TWO years for ONE two bedroomed flat. His problem is that he was born here. And he’s White. With that combination, you’ve got fucking Buckley’s chance of getting ahead, thanks to lefties.
Complain about the level of immigration, or try to point out the negative impact it’s had on our infrastructure and resources, and lefties will turn purple with rage and start shouting RRRRAAAACCCCIIIISSSSTTTT, in the hope it will shut you up. It used to work too. Recently though, a growing number of people have started to challenge the fuckers, so there is at least hope.
So there we have it. Proof positive that lefties, far from being good, decent people, who respect everything and everyone, especially the poor and the working class, are in fact nasty, vicious, lying, deceitful, hypocritical, small minded, intolerant, illiberal, deranged and completely fucking moronic cunts.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
An epic,in every sense of the word, Cunting, QDM. I rarely read anything longer than the form guide in the Racing Post,but thoroughly enjoyed your essay. The only trouble being that you are so comprehensive in your lambasting that I can find very little to add.
Hell of a bit of work.
It will probably end up the way it always seems to, the woolly back fucking hand wringers we be pushing there all inclusive, anti military agenda and somewhere will be another Adolf who they will appease and pander to until its too late it will then be up to us thick knuckle dragging patriotic lower orders to leave our insides on foreign battlefields why they form a healing circle of candles and sing silly fuckin songs.
One of the best cuntings on here yet. Quality work, QDM.
An excellent cunting QDM. Just now on BBC Radio they announced the death of Winnie Mandella. First item on the news. Very little mention of how the old cunt supervised *necklacing* boys she and her tribe regarded as *traitors* – necklacing entailed putting a burning tire round the neck of the poor cunt they thought had betrayed them.
The fact that *busy Millenuals* feel they need safe spaces show what spineless cunts they are. As for Brexit it is clear that fuckwit Mandelson is more worried about his over generous pension going down the crapper, and Blair sees his dream of replacing Drunker as we leave flushed down the same crapper. But they shouldn’t worry. Izzard, I read today is *passionately* anti Brexit so he will no doubt be putting on his makeup and lipstick and that fucking pink beret to persue their cause.
Just seen it on the 6 news. The predictable gushing tribute from Al-Beebera.
Winnie Madella dead = one less cunt in the world as far as I’m concerned.
I’m sure that was an excellent post Quick Draw but I have to confess I lost interest half way through. Sorry matey…
That was one hell of a cunting, the longest one I’ve read yet.
Damned if I can find anything in it to disagree with, goes to show what a cancer the Loony Left is.
What they are a herd of insidious cunts, like an army of McPalpatines.
Winnie’s favourite brand of tyre?
Top cunting QDM. No words to describe its excellence.
Winnie Mandella – Cunt
Your suggestion for the inscription on her gravestone, CC? It certainly does her justice.
Winnie Mandela
It was a total cunt.
R.I.P…. Rest In Pain
That is, quite honestly, a truly awesome piece of writing.
Very well written mate,says it all really. Heart breaking whats become of the once fabulous Great Britain, i think we should remove the ” Great” from the name until we are once again, hopefully there will be a resurgence of right thinking people one day.
An amazing cunting, well written and eloquent. Everything i am not supposed to be according to the left. Alas, it is all for nought, as i have a genuine fear that we are lost. parallels to pre war nazi Germany are too evident in our society, Brownshirt thugs (momentum) crashing freedom of speech, having our language, opinions and thoughts crushed as wrong. A leader (Corbyn) with no real policies but fanatically followed and deified by the foaming mouthed ill informed cult followers, listening to his every word, tearing down our history and our culture in the name of the left. We are losing our identity, as our very thoughts and ideas are being outlawed. There is a class war coming, there are those who turn up at anti fascist demonstrations who dont realise there is such as thing as left and right wing fascists. Even the anti semitism can be seen as a parallel. I am afraid for the future. If the next prime minister is comrade Corbyn there will be no future worth saving. He is a living warning from history.
I hope that a very large number of people saw Sugar’s picture of Corbyn and Hitler together.
As y’all know, I love words, but that image went like the best arrow… And it upset that CUNT John McDonnell, and a lot of other whiny liebore types.
In case anyone missed it:
Blimey QDM
Covers pretty much everything.
I still do not understand the left.
Those who do not care what happens to this country, some of whom are wilfully adding to the decline, or those who cannot see further than their own lives and the lives of their families either through ignorance or selfishness are in my opinion highly negligent at best or fucking traitors at worst.
Why would they want this country to become an over infested fucking shithole?
We need someone strong to lead this country, and to fight fire with fire. People may not like Donald Trump or what he stands for but by god he stands up for what he believes in and does not tolerate any shit from the PC brigade or the lefties. Look at how he is dealing with North Korea. He will get stuff done and he is serious about it, people will not fuck with him.
Like you and many others on this site I am passionate about this country. We have such a weak and indecisive bunch of cunts in government who sit on the fence trying to please everyone instead of seeing what is really going on and trying to stop and or reverse the shit that has been allowed to happen for far too long. This country has been a soft touch for far too long, we need some steel and strong leadership.
The EU negotiations have been a prime example of how pathetic this country now is, and we have become a fucking laughing stock throughout the world. The bully boys of the EU should have been told to fuck off a long time ago. Fed up our “leaders” scuttling around until they meet the demands of Martin Selmayr and his fucking puppets. What a smack in the face for those brave enough to die for this country.
A few months ago (mid December) I had a spare half hour and decided to try and list some things if in power I would change. A ISAC manifesto if you like, which I have copied here. Nearly 4 months later time has moved on, happy for newer ISAC members to add or delete any points they think appropriate.
Abolish Political Correctness.
Stop all benefits especially for those not prepared to work.
Deport all foreign criminals.
Do away with the third strike rule, lock up first time offenders.
More prisons (absolutely no fucking luxuries at all) where life means life. Solitary confinement for all of the fuckers for the entire duration of their stay.
Replace our judges with hard nosed bastards. Immigration reduced to zero unless the country needs them.
Stop overseas aid. Ensure politicians only have one job, with no conflicts of interest.
Abolish completely the House of Lords.
Stop HS2.
No more fucking mosques, any protesters to be deported immediately.
Increase defence budget and strengthen our border defences.
Bring back national service.
More police on the street.
Fine heavily any individual or corporation not paying their correct tax and ban if necessary.
Put British people before immigrants.
Abolish or rework the human rights act.
More money into schools, free university for those bright enough.
Start making stuff that the rest of the world needs.
Fucking sort out the NHS once and for all from top to bottom. For essential operations/treatment ONLY. Stop immediately all the gender fluid bollocks. Overhaul the justice system and ensure everyone can access legal aid at no cost.
Get rid of the BBC news channels, just let them make dramas and documentaries etc.
Anyway QDM, once again a great posting, and agree with everything you say on the matter.
Were you trying to make the comment longer than the essay?
That must set a record on ISAC for the longest post ever. Shame I fell asleep of boredom before I got to the bottom. Never mind. I’m sure some cunt will write an even longer one.
TLDNR. Sorry.
Brilliant Quick Draw. Have a beer, that must have taken hours.
You summarised the situation in Blighty, and the world, correctly and in a mere 4,054 words.
4,054? Seemed longer.
Oh come on Pedantic, you can do better than that.
Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address was a mere 271 words.
? ?
An absolute joy to read Quick draw. I well and truly doff my cap to you sir.
Would you mind if I sent this to the Guardian to see if they’ll reprint it?
The bbc doing their utmost best to portray Winnie the pooh Mandela as some sort of fucking saint. Quickly airbrushing over the necklaces and her part in at least one murder. Well done cock knuckles
I heard on the train this evening that she is related to Dianne Abbot.
Have you considered starting your own blog. This could be the first twenty two posts.
Quick Draw….please fucking stop it. You’re making some of us look like illiterate cunts, well me anyway….
Another corker….
“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
“Writing is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent elimination.”
― Louise Brooks
“Brevity is the sister of talent.”
― Anton Chekhov
Pedantry is the last refuge of the witless
——– Don’t have a clue who said it either.
CUNTO. 2/4/2018..
Ooh, my brain hurts… Awesome cunting QDM!
I’ve always though the Left, and Socialists in particular, are basically inadequate cunts who, from an early age, realised they could never hope to compete in the real world with their more intelligent, aspirational, hard working peers, those that create the wealth and provide the tax dollars for the envious, unproductive, virtue signalling career politicians to piss selflessly down the shitter for the benefit of all humanity.
Your nomination would suggest I have not been too far from the mark…
The loony left and socialist cunts are the inadequate incompetents who are incapable of functioning in the real world, which is why they want to re-shape it in their twisted vision.
To hell with them all.
I have just taken a close look (not a pretty sight) at the Labour Front Bench, and regardless of race, colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation, blah blah woof woof – they have one thing in common: they are all incredibly thick.
Absolutely Ruff Tuff.
Last week Boris Johnson was made to apologise for calling Ms Emily Thornberry, by her married name, Lady Nugee.
That dwarf cunt, Mr speaker said it was sexist to refer to a woman by her married name.
Still, seeing as his sexual preference is – allegedly – watching his wife getting fucked by two blokes (neither of them is him natch!) in their marital bed, I suppose calling a woman Mrs [insert husbands name] is pretty rude.
You have made a huge mistake by assuming that Leftists are Rational creatures whose beliefs are grounded on FACTS and logical reasoning.
Leftianity / “Progressivism”, with its various sects (Marxism, Feminism, Egalitarianism, Race denialism, Communism, etc.), is, currently, the most popular RELIGION in the West. It has replaced Christianity. And as any student of history knows, gods/religions never die. One god/religion dethrones another god/religion. So, it is very obvious why Leftianity, being the successor to Christianity, is extremely hostile to Christianity, its adherents, and all pre-Leftianity customs and traditions. Also, following the well-known dictum of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, that barbaric Arab cult has become our ruling class’ beloved friend. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Islam
Brilliant cunting and all true. Should Corbyn and his communist band ever get in power the curtailment of our centuries old freedoms will be completed in a very short time. And there won’t be any more elections in order to correct their takeover.
I would say if that ever happens I’d hope the Dark Forces got the commie cunts…… except they’ve also been infiltrated by leftie cunts and deviants.
An excellent and articulate War and Peace of a cunting QDM. It is totally correct that the socialists are at the root of all anti-democratic violence in recent history – let’s face it – the Nazi’s were National Socialists after all.
While I personally do not give one single fuck to any ism or phobia anti-Semitism is something that I became quite sympathetic to after working for a 4×2 firm that went to the wall. What happened next went straight back to the days of the concentration camp – the 4x2s in the firm became Kapos with their noses right up the bosses and Administrators arses while the gentiles stood around and got properly fucked over. If any of these cunts are waiting for sympathy from me then they have got a long wait coming.
Thankfully, if you want an antidote to all of this left wing bollocks then Jordan Peterson is your man – he is rapidly becoming my hero……
Yup, Jordan is yer man. He stands for no fuckaboutery. If you tackle him with your degree in meedja studies and are adept at interviewing fuckwits stay well clear of Mr Peterson. An added bonus about Jordan is that he doesn’t seem to raise his voice – however smug and cuntish his adversary might be.
Forget Media Studies, it’s the law degrees that aren’t worth a shit that are apparently all the rage now.
A truly comprehensive cunting, and while we’re on about lefty cunts, Izzard has been appointed to Labour’s NEC . Labour, a fascist freak show. I hope they get fucking slaughtered in the local elections, cunts.
So does he come under their women’s representative? Either way he’s a fucking mess, a joke yes but not funny.
Perhaps they’re opening a make up counter.
Alison Saunders is a CUNT for resembling Gizzard.
And Gizzard is a CUNT for resembling Saunders.
Are they by any chance related ? I think we should be told.
I also think Ian Hislop should fuck off.
Peaceful loving cunts I meant to say.
Nothing else to add to this nom so….
A fat ugly bird is walking past a pet shop when suddenly a parrot shouts out…
“Oi you”…
“What?” she asks.
“You’re a fat ugly cunt” says the parrot.
Disgusted and angry, she walks away.
Following day, the same thing happens, so she enters the shop and complains to the owner, saying if it happens again she’ll inform the police.
Next day as she passes the shop the parrot says…
“Oi you”..
“What?” she asks.
“You fucking know what”….
I’d love to print this out and send a batch of copies to Labour, LibDum and Green party HQ’s. Hopefully then they’d see the hypocrisy of their respective positions and the many contradictions in their so-called ethos.
Even then they wouldn’t get it because – unlike the working class they haven’t represented for nearly 40yrs – they’re a bunch of arrogant cunts who refuse to believe that they could possibly be wrong on anything.
Even to point out to the cunts in black and white that they are wrong (like Abbotts’ many numerical blunders) then you’re a wacist because mathematics is now officially wacist.
An epic post and the best cunting this year! Fucking leftist cunts!
Neo-liberals = old fascists!
Slightly off-topic…
I see a very clear reason why the study of science is suffering in this country.
Science is based on proven facts, experiments that can be reproduced, leaving researchers to make further observations, thus leading to an increase of scientific knowledge.
How could snoflakes possibly cope with a wall of truth, a mountain of facts ? It must be soooo howwiboo, so hateful for their tiny little minds, to have to d/w something that they cannot realistically dispute.
Great cunting, Quick Draw,
Mystified about why TPTB cunts would want to invite hoards of peacefuls into our once great country? To understand why we have wound up in this shit pool, we have to understand some of the history of Islam and in particular the true origins of ISIS which is not a new phenomenom. Rewind to the 14th century, when in what is now Saudi Arabia, a certain radical scholar, Taymiyyah, Abd al-Wahhab decided that he had enough of the corrupt “other Muslims” who he considered to be no better than infidels. This period was the seeding of takfiri/jihadi intolerance. “Those who would not conform to his view should be killed, their wives and daughters violated, and their possessions confiscated”, he wrote. This was Wahhabism and there is very little that separates it from ISIS then or now. Abd al-Wahhab was booted out of his own town and went a wandering. Eventually he met up with the Ibn Saud and his tribe. Saud eagerly took up the doctrines and used them to justify the usual pillage of other tribes using Wahhabism to gain power. Jihad, Martydom and convert or die were born out of this unholy alliance. Fast forward to the 19th century and the Wahhabist slaughter of the occupants of Karbala and Medina in 1801.
A British official, Lieutenant Francis Warden, observing the situation at the time, wrote: “They pillaged the whole of it [Karbala], and plundered the Tomb of Hussein… slaying in the course of the day, with circumstances of peculiar cruelty, above five thousand of the inhabitants …”
In 1818, the Ottomans captured and destroyed the Wahhabi capital of Dariyah. The first Saudi state was no more. The few remaining Wahhabis withdrew into the desert to regroup, and there they remained, quiescent for most of the 19th century.
The demise of the controlling Ottoman empire in the early 20th century,
enabled the Sauds to roar back into a power vacuum. They formed the Ikhwan a proto ISIS group whose roots were still Wahhabism. This group was largely destroyed by machine gun fire in the late 1930’s by King Abd-al Aziz.
From that point onward the Sauds ruled the peninsular. But the old Wahhabism still remains within SA and in the future, given certain conditions, could reignite and destroy the Sauds.
The West could assist in their downfall if it suited them, so what better than for the Sauds, to have a little insurance policy. Lots of Sunni Moslems embedded in the West. How did they achieve that? Having billions of dollars to promote the Sunni position, I will leave it to you cunters to work that one out and why the peacefuls are so protected. Your inconvenience at their presence is of no consequence to TPTB.
It’s all about the flow of oil and money. The left’s idiocy and the mantra of diversity, is a convenient smoke screen to cover their iniquities, the f****** cunts.
A really interesting post. I see also the machinations of the Banks ( and their families ) aided and abetted by some useful idiots in the intelligencia.
Fuck in hell, fuck me, what the fuck. Hang on I’m just gonna finish War and Peace then I’ll have a read. Me brain’s sore at the moment.
I do wonder if that explains the new rules in the nominations section……
I read one of Willie Stroker’s (still not posted) that was even longer…
Question, how do you guys all get your icons/avatars changed like that?
Not possible Ruff Tuff. Think you must have dreamed it!!
Don’t think I dreamed it Willie, but after reading QDMs nom for a second time, I believe you’re probably right about it not being possible.
Ever wonder how the money we give to the EU is spent? Here is an example.
Christos Stylianides
(European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management – EU Ebola Coordinator) says;
Announced today new funding of €180 million for aid projects in #Greece to help the #refugees including to scale up the flagship “Emergency Support to Integration & Accommodation” (ESTIA) programme
Thought the EU were supposed to be discouraging refugees and asylum seekers?
The EU have never passed an audit have they? Any other organisation that failed so many decades worth of audits….. well fuck, they would have been shut down after the first few years.
The EU – a rotten, corrupt, sclerotic, wasteful, worthless dominion.
It’s shit like this which is why I for one voted out.
No reputable accounting firm has agreed to sign off on the EU “official” accounts for at least the last 15 years.
Like you, another contributing factor to my decision to vote to Leave.
“Reputable accounting firm” is oxymoronic. I worked in HMRC for over 30 years and I KNOW…
I’m certainly not jumping to the EU’s defence, but I believe they have finally filed accounts that the auditors were prepared to sign off. I have no idea why that should be after all years they couldn’t.
Have been away for some time but logged on tonight and have just read the epic cunting handed out by QDM. Fantastic stuff and all absolutely spot on.
The fucking left just don’t see what fascists and hypocrites they actually are.
The current mob running the labour party ( Momentum) are using the same tricks Hitler did when he was rising to power. Thought Police are just round the corner if not here already.
Great stuff. QDM… And the demise of that spearchucking slag, Winnie, will be a wankfest for these leftie libfucks… Absolutely typical arselicking from the BBC… Leftism (or, if you like, liberalism) basically means if you are black or muslim you can get away with anything and be forgiven for anything…. If Hitler had been black the BBC would go on about how ‘oppressed’ and ‘misunderstood’ he was… And watch the beeb lick Mugabe’s jacksy when that old cunt finally pops off… Guaranteed…
First…Good fucking riddance to Comrade Mandela’s wife Madame Man. I’m quite sure she is roasting in the fires of hell even as I write this.
As for our esteemed cunter Qweeksdraw. I am a great admirer of your posts. This cunting is a true epic of Homerian proportion. And I would be hard pressed to find anything in it I could take serious issue with.
To be fair I too can be quite wordy. But this is a bit much for this forum and this format. (In my opinion.). It makes it hard to offer meaningful comments on a particular point and engage in a discourse on that particular point.
Having read the nominations page I know there is more to follow.
?. ?
“and lefties will turn purple with rage and start shouting RRRRAAAACCCCIIIISSSSTTTT,”
actually most of the shouts of RRRRAAACCCCISSSTTT have been directed at the labour left over the last week. But I guess its not political correctness when we do it.
During the First World War in order to deal with the stalemate of trench warfare the Germans invented and used the flamethrower and poison gas.
When my American ancestors arrived they brought with them the shotgun to use in clearing the trenches. The Germans filed a formal protest in Geneva.
“Oh come on! Flamethrowers and poison gas is one thing but a shotgun? That crosses the line!”
Along those same lines…anything is fair game for use by the cunt left. And no matter what weapon is used…the cunt left will always cry foul when the good guys fight back.
But they reserve their most vitriolic ire and positively lose their tiny little minds when their own weapons are turned against them.
Well put. Leftism is a brain disease. The bit I really can’t get to the bottom of is their love for the peacefuls. OK, they represent Corbyn’s core voting base, but how do they think their values fit with Islam? It’s baffling to me. Most of the dopey fuckwits who stand up so fervently for islam would be first to be chucked off a roof by them. Total, and utter fucking idiots of the highest calibre.