“Oooooh but cut your fingernails next time Froggy”
Have sat through me share orf arrogant frog pygmy presidents – in recent times the likes orf Mitterand, Sarkozy, Holland and now Macron. Determined to take La Belle France back to its rightful place orn the world stage the cunt says. Restore the home orf boulevard dog shite and garlic to some Louis Quinze Sun King Empire orf prestige and majesty. The natural leader orf Europe and America’s oldest ally (if you count its Liberte Egalite Fraternite position as premiere and longest lasting supplier orf slaves to the rebellious colonists), the cunt dreams orf supplanting Blighty’s coveted place up the yanks arse. Hence his tossing little performance over Syria and his arse licking orf Trump.
Indeed cannot contain himself wanking over his supposed restraining advice to Trump and his diplomatic efforts re Putin. As the headline in The Sun (Sun King geddit) might read “It’s Macron what dunnit”. Good Luck Froggy is what Yours Ttuly says. Bugger lot orf good the “Special Relationship” has done Blighty. Obliged us to take the arse end position in every swivel eyed panto horse fuck up the yanks have embarked upon. There to be the scapegoat for Uncle Sam’s torturing and murdering orf prisoners in Iraq plus friendly fire various ect ect. Blame it orn the limeys. It’s what we are there for. Extra delicious that in all these farragos we have the pleasure orf paying for our own ticket as well. Blighty is such an easy fuck at least buy us dinner, a candle lit McDonalds will do.
Now May is behaving like an old whore that has been given the elbow. Indeed she is an old whore ect ect. Broken with Europe (hopefully) and now Trump has asked for his key back and given it to Macron. Take the advice orf Comrade Putin. Time to work the streets and Fuck Orfski.
As ever cannot be arsed to supply overmuch detail so leave that in the over tossed hands orf Pedantic Cunt and his famous sticky keyboard.
Nominated by. Sir Limply Stoke
I would say that detail isn’t needed, the well-explained overview of this country as a pathetic arse-licking stooge pretty much sums it up.
May: Really Darling you French should bathe more often. You reek!
Macron: My Dear you shouldn’t talk. Your breath smells like you’ve been sucking multiple dicks.
May: I have. It’s the only way I can stay in office.
Macron: Well since you’re doingsuch a wonderful job thwarting Brexit and are committed to staying in the EU we will send you some mouthwash.
May: Thank you Darling and we will send you some soap and deodorant.
In Unison: European Unity is Wonderful.
May is part of an unholy trinty – alongside Amber Dud and Cressida Dickhead – who have less collective spine than a tin of salmon and who will destroy the UK by putting anyone and anything before Britain and its people…
As for Macron? Garlic smelling granny shagger….
Pepe Le Pew in human form…
Well, human-ish anyway…
Nice comment
So utterly spineless, I’m now wondering if you can get tinned jellyfish !
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.”
(Joseph de Maistre – about 200 fucking years ago).
This country is finished.
Macron seems to be another publicity hungry, lightweight pseudo-intellectual who enjoys playing the big boys arselicker, who likes to look important. Tony fucking Blair Mark 2 in fact
Macron is a globalist neoliberal goldman shill. Just like our very own Charles Lynton, he has the air of a low grade sexual deviant about him. The powers that be likely snared him years ago, shuffling sheepishly out of a brothel with the distinct odour of stale piss and fresh fixodent. The photos are prime to be released should he ever go off script – he can either toe the line and make a wad of cash in the process, or he can see his political career and financial future smeared up the back of a tena maxi. Being swiftly replaced by the next hungry political nobody with a soul for sale. Maistre was wrong, we don’t deserve these people, the game is rigged and it’s only these people we are allowed to choose from. Anyone they suspect may slip and do the right thing is Robin Cooked / John Smithd with immediate effect. Cui Bono?
The Trump angle is a complicit derailment of Brexit by Appeaser May and Macaroon.
Let’s make Trump feel like a cunt while visiting by not making it an official state visit by an in-office President and allowing the cunt vitriol by meejah, sleb and political twats alike to go unchallenged.
Next get Macaroon to stab us in the back with Trump to put us in the “Obama” end of the trade queue following Brexit.
I wish May would fuck off. She fucked the past as home secretary doing fuck all about anything. She’s fucked the present (accidentally on purpose I’m slowly realising – 21pt lead you cunt) and now she’s clearly complicit in fucking our future by wrecking Brexit and gifting Corbyn the premiership next time around.
She is a totally fucking useless cunt. In fact she’s worse than useless because a useless cunt usually has zero input or effect on anything, this cunt is having an extremely detrimental effect on everything.
I can’t help feel she’s being bankrolled by cunts like Soros and Juncker’s back channels to be as bad as she is because it must take quite a bit of effort to be this fucking bad!
And the reason BoJo and Pob, et. al., are saying fuck all because they never really wanted Brexit either. They just wanted to look good to the electorate when it became their turn to throw their hats into a leadership run.
Alas we called that duplicitous pair’s fucking bluff too!
With some very rare exceptions (Jacob Rees Mogg and Kate Hoey) every cunt in Westminster (both houses) are cunts! Pity we can rid ourselves of these fuckers with their hands in the public’s cookie jar!
I don’t wish ill on anyone but if a Guy Fawkes event were to befall the Palace of Westminster on a Wednesday afternoon, there wouldn’t be many tears from my eyes.
It would at least allows us to start from scratch without the corruption, treachery and EU toadying we have now.
Eventually corruption would take hold again but I’ll be long gone by then and that’s the next lot’s problem.
Mind you the next lot will no doubt roll over quicker than a tickled puppy! So enjoy your Shariah safe-spaces you feckless, weak-minded, snowflake cunts!
That just about sums it up RWAC…… ?
May and Macron,two political nonentities,competing for the attentions of a Cunt who will shit on either of them when it suits him. Perhaps one of them should offer the Leader of the Free World a golden shower. It’s about all that the useless pair of Cunts have to offer that might interest him.
”Britain to offer EU a deal very similar to Freedom of Movement”
Ok, no. This is not what we voted for, someone kindly get May ousted now. Her blatant attempts to nullify Brexit are tiresome and piss boiling now.
Well at least she’s being consistent!
Oh she’s consistent alright and in this case it’s another example why she needs to be ousted.
The Tories know Brexit is a dead duck and that they’ll lose the next election because of that. Instead they’re banking on Labour being such an unmitigated disaster they will easily resume power in 2025 at the latest with new ‘leader’, viz. business as usual.
Maggie May and Froggy Macroon has been beating the war drums last week to bomb syria amid gassing rumors, yet shes silent on the tragedy in yemen could it perhaps be that Theresa gets lavishly expensive gifts from saudi arabia and bends over backwards for them?
Or is that too much of a generalisation and assumption on my part?! just sayin
Its all about three things as far as the globalists see it:
Power Retention + Control + Energy = Money.
From that initial triad, all the rest of the shit flows. Corruption, greed, blackmail, lies, deception, murder of the just and decline.
Democracy is the paradoxic mask which conveniently hides the ugly face of reality and buys them a little more time. Macron and May, marionettes, jerked around by the deep state.
Can this system continue in perpetuum? The cracks in the mask are widening, but most are too chicken to want to see.
Did anyone see the Piers Morgan/Dianne Flabbot interview this morning? What a complete and utter 200% distilled Cunt that mega arsed “let em all in” apologist is. We are not fooled.
She better not get into bed with that granny shagger, I don’t trust them surrendering cunts much.
Who needs detail? Agree with Sir L’s every word – brightened up my Monday morning instantly. Something of a call to arms. But I fear UK plc is now incapable of doing anything but disappearing up its own arse with a faint pop. The roads are fucked. The health service is fucked. The water mains are fucked. The Forces are fucked. The government’s fucked in every orifice, and the opposition’s a public sex doll. About the only exception to this dismal catalogue is the banking system. Which fucks everything it touches.
I see my transitory lightening of mood has dissipated.