Gary Lineker [8]

God this cunt can’t miss any opportunity to stroke his gigantic ever increasing ego! This Twittering pontificator from luvvie bubble central will now be presenting the World Cup drawer for Moscow (cunt competition).
“What???!!!” you say! “Not Gary Lineker!? Surely not?!”

Not, Fifa make me feel sick, I’m revolted at the top level corruption, it’s run like a dictatorship Gary Lineker? Surely not?

You mean awful, self parodying in a knowing way, Walkers crisp Gary?
“I’ve got to strip to my underpants “reluctantly” on MotD Gary?
Working for BT whilst being paid by the tv tax Gary?
Smug “National Treasure” a bit like cunt Stephen Fry, Gary?
Loves the sound of his own voice Gary?
Offshore tax Gary?

The same Gary that dumped his wife for a vacuous model and then morphed into an unrecognisable, shiny-faced, trimmed goaty, husk of his former self Gary?
He scored goals for England therefore he must be a good ‘un Gary?
Hypocrite Gary? Him?

Yep that one.

Nominated by Oliver Reed

55 thoughts on “Gary Lineker [8]

  1. Good afternoon and welcome. Here are the latest figures just in concerning the Refugees Re-homed:-

    J.K.Rowling ➖ 0
    Benedict Cumberbatch ➖ 0
    Jude Law ➖ 0

    But wait, here’s a late entry, it’s the big-eared hypocrite himself….
    Gary Lineker ➖ 0

    Yes, folks. It’s neck and neck.

      • The Lilycunt took in a wealthy foreign diplomat for mucho rent. That counts as taking in needy immigrants doesn’t it, right? Right guyse?

      • Was going to mention, Lily Spaz, Hairy Mulligan, Slob Geldof, and Bono… All lovers of rapeugees and total hypocritical cunts…

      • The list of celebrities pulling earnest faces and demanding that the Government do something is fairly fucking copious so I only included the ridiculously wealthy. I wasn’t certain Lily Allen was in the same bracket as Gary “a few million a year” Lineker and J.K.”Numerous Houses” Rowling. The only certain fact is that she’s a cunt.

      • Also need an honourable mention here for Cary Grant lookalike and thespian George Clooney who so loves refugees that on learning they had come to the idyllic village in Italy where he had purchased a chateau far from offering them shelter put his home up for sale alleging that Italy was now no longer safe and did the same with his house in Walton-on-Thames because of peaceful terrorists enlivening things on London bridges.

  2. The smug self satisfaction and hypocrisy of this cunt is what led me to these hallowed pages. Over the last eighteen months, the jug eared tax dodging cunt has morphed into Leicester’s answer to Martin Luther King and an authority on every thing from the ‘dystopian UK’ following Brexit vote to the ‘racism’ of people not wanting to except thousands of so-called child refugees.

  3. Quality cunting.

    Lineker has an unquestionable pedigree of supreme cuntitude. There are very few that can touch him in this respect. Blair, the Mong and Abbott are three stablemates immediately springing to mind.

    He indeed exists within the very upper echelons. I feel proud and privileged to be able to participate in this historical moment in cunting this scallop-eared specimen of vanity.

    He resides in the equivalent of the House of Lords for cunts if you will. He is the cunting gift that keeps on giving. The 8th outing on these hallowed pages speaks volumes of how our appetite for cunting this cunt grows from strength to strength and shows no sign of diminishing.

    • The House of Lords already is a House of Cunts…if May doesn’t award Linekunt a seat in the New Years Honours I’ll eat my Mr Kipling treacle tart!

      • Tinned custard Willie – though I had some with Elmlea last night. Nice to have a little variation now and again.

      • Clotted cream…
        Reminds me of the fairest cunty of Cornwall, and Juicy Lucy Lane…
        Fap-tastic !!!

  4. Excellent cunting Oliver Reed!

    The very sight and sound of this cunt makes me want to puke! And as for all the “footie” fans who say “ah, but…! I say fuck off you cretins. Linneker was never THAT fucking good. He was average in a poor fucking team.
    In the North East he is known as “wing nut ” Cunt.

  5. I hope someone shits on his doorstep and fuses his Christmas lights , choke on a turkey bone Gary, you cunt.

  6. Delighted to see that in addition to wrestling naked in front of fireplaces, Oliver Reed is just as adept at cunting much-deserved individuals from the elite corps of cuntitude.

    It was really fucking hilarious recently, watching this most champagne of socialists attempt to justify his Russian FIFA payday when reminded of his anti-FIFA ‘principles’ on Twatter.

    Lineker is merely a symptom of the cancerous modern age of social media – a tumour of celebrity self-importance, fuelled in this case by a misplaced belief that being given a public platform for kicking a fucking football gives him carte blanche to preach on all matters social and ethical, in a world according to a jug-eared crisp-nicking money-driven cuntlord.

    Never a massive football fan since my younger days and especially since the WC 2010 debacle, I have deliberately banned this cunt’s programmes from the Empire household. And in addition to an extensive cunt rap sheet, Lineker’s facial hair makes him look like a middle-aged gallic spiv.

    A cunt for the ages, and in concurrence with P. Maskinback above, we are so lucky to be able to witness such a cunt in action. These are amazing days we’re living in, bros.

    • Although nobody can touch Blair for a complete lack of self awareness Lineker is really starting to climbing that mountain of blissful cuntitude….

      • Just think what Linedancer might achieve if he went into politics professionally.
        The ultimate imprimatur of extreme weapons-grade cuntitude.

  7. Him and She-ra raise the heat of my urine to very very unhealthy levels. Moan moan moan, uber-sanctimonious comment it was never like that in my day, heightening their observations to quasi-biblical proportions as if they were the Lord and Christ Almighty reincarnate, they are two of the most overrated shitehawks ever to have appeared on our sodding screens.That they are paid a king’s ransom for spouting their spurious drivel takes the fucking chocolate digestive. Cunt off you fucking cunting cunts.

  8. I recall Linekunt being all smug and condescending over Macron beating Le Pen… Nice Guy Gary told the masses on Twatter, ‘She lost! Get over it!’ One person responded with ‘Like you did over Brexit?’ Just those five words, no swearing or aggression… But Linkeunt blocked them just for saying that and daring to question him…. Just like he was on the pitch, the man is a total shithouse and fucking crybaby of a cunt…

    • A common happenstance with those leaning on the left – anything they don’t like or don’t agree with on their safespace is instantly banned. I mean, what use is an echo chamber with dissenting voices spoiling the reinforcement of shit-opinion?

  9. This twat fits into a special category along with the likes of Blair, Campbell, Drunker, Verpeadstadt, Clegg, Mong etc who can never be cunted enough. Oh and Flabbott. We should make an advent calendar with a different cunt for each day. Christmas eve reserved for coty.

  10. Lineker and his now ex (I think) went the same way as Shane Warne when he started dating that slattern Liz Hurley (I still would, though).

    Plastic faced, fake tans, liposuction body and dressing like a 20-something uni student.

    Daft fucking pricks. Now single and about an attractive to women as a dog turd covered in glitter.

  11. “It’s time to face the truth. We cannot and will never be able to stop migration,” writes EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos Brussels has said that Europeans must accept mass migration from the third world as the “new norm”, warning that neither walls nor policies will allow any part of the EU to remain “homogenous and migration-free”.

    All right its time that the EU nigger mudslimes lovers are put out of their misery like the dirty rat traitors that they are! I plead with any divine, extraterrestrial/or foreign power to wipe out brussels completely Nuke these shitrats from the face of the earth along with mama merkel and her gang of deplorable ugly faced cunts, they stand in the way of european progress. Kim Jong Un if you are listening please just bomb these cunts to oblivion also they called your father fat and stupid all I’m saying is I wouldn’t let that slide it was very mean of the EU to say this about your father he was a great man and a fearless leader and who was only starving his people in the hope that they would stop eating dogs

    • TS, the last thing Kim Jong-Un would do is nuke Brussels. A megalomaniac wants his enemies weak. Therefore, all he has to do is sit back and watch Europe destroy itself with its suicidally soft immigration policies. The destruction and subsequent dismantling of culture is well under way.

      He’s no doubt sitting watching it all with a soju in one hand, a cigar in the other, and tears of laughter cascading down his chubby, despotic face.

    • You can bet your last quid that Lineker, the living personification of vanity, will have googled his name many, many times. One can but hope this site trickles through somewhere.

  12. Lineker? I’ve heard the name. Didn’t he play kickball once?

    Of course he’s a bloody hypocrite. That’s how you get to be rich, isn’t it?

  13. Gawd. O’ Briern is reaching new levels of smugness this morning( I follow him on twitter and boy does he tweet!)’ he is contending that the ECJs ruling that Uber is a transport company is evidence that that the EU is great for workers and is acting in all our interests. Errrr is there any reason our own courts couldn’t have reached the same conclusion you stupid twat.

    • I thought, particularly following recent events, that said company is some sort of set-up for integrating rapists, paedos, and murderers into our society…

  14. OMG! Anybody watch the brilliant W1A about the bonkers BBC? It’s all true! There is an ad in today’s Guardian(where else) looking for a ‘Head of Change’. Worth trying to find to read the bonkers job description.

  15. Off point
    Last nights LOG, the return of pops who apparently has been fighting Somali pirates single handily? FFS!! I spat my bourbon out all over the fuckin dog!!!

    • You accidentally gave your dog a bourbon bath did you? thats a fine choice alternative for dog shampoo kills fleas too…

      • Expensive too…..
        He actually didn’t give a fuck having spent 2 hours chasing squirrels, it had finished him off for the evening…….

      • A rather large bloke goes to the pub and has a few pints of ale. He then scoffs a pie and buys a few bags of crisps, peanuts, then has another ale. He then goes for a curry and washes it down with a few lagers. He then staggers past a chippy and buys a bag of chips but feels pretty pissed.

        He manages to make it all the way home but feels nauseous. He opens his front door and his dog comes to meet him. Alas, he chunders all over Fido. As he finishes pebble-dashing the little bugger, the man looks down and says, “I don’t remember eating THAT!”

  16. A Pakistani immigrant kid comes home from school and says to him mum…
    “I’ve got to write two pages of homework, one about democracy and one about racism. What’s democracy mean?”

    “Well, democracy is what allows us to come to Britain and let the hard working British tax payer support us by contributing to our benefits, housing benefit, free healthcare, schooling and even contributing to our mosque and community centre.”

    “Doesn’t the British tax payer get angry about this” asks the boy.

    “Of course they do” replies his mum “But that’s racism”…

  17. You really could expand this cunting to all mainstream TV presenters. Cuntiness appears endemic. Can’t think of one mainstream presenter not afflicted. Maybe Alex Jones, but that’s just a shaggability issue.

    • You’d shag Alex Jones? Christ!

      I liked “The Snowman” but that’s going too far.

      • Alex Jones (that bit that presents The One Show) and Rachel Riley would be let off on grounds of fuckability….

      • Alex Jones is a wonderful actor a great improv/talker he says some of the craziest shite ever and rages out of nowhere haha. Hes had comrade corbyns more sane brother on a few times actually

  18. I recall visiting one of his bars in my first holiday to Magaluf, they are his aren’t they? Or are they his brothers! Who knows? Who cares?

    Anyway, me & her indoors went in for a post breakfast refreshment to find the place dead as a fucking dodo with three bar tenders at the ready. After placing my request, the staff were having a good old chuckle to themselves.

    As we made our way to our seats, on came the fucking jukebox full blast. Footballs coming home, followed by every other football song they could through at us.

    Yes it was 1998 and the Euros were on and the resort was rocking, however the place was quiet when we went in for a quiet drink. Obviously my accent provided a source of entertainment for them. Cunts.

    Stayed for one and couldn’t get out to the boozer next door fast enough. It wasn’t the music though, it was the cunts laughing away non stop, thinking something was funny.

    Cunts working for a cunt / cunts family of cunts.

  19. Do the BBC really think that their audience really wants to pay to watch ethic religious programmes?
    Or any religious programmes come to think of it?

    This is supposedly a Christian country after all, can you imagine if Christian wanted religious programmes be aired in predominantly Muslim countries? It simply would not be allowed to happen.

    About time the BBC license fee is totally abolished giving us freedom of choice and to allow us to opt as to how our money is spent.

    BBC, our of touch useless fucking cunts.

    • Harry Secombe on Songs of Praise…threw a massive spanner in my enjoyment of the Goons. Fat cunt.

  20. I don’t like Gary Lineker, but for me the truly 24 carat gold cunt of (ex) football has to be that gurning fucking tosspot David Beckham. Not just shit-britches Dave himself but the whole of his waste of space family – the pop tart wife, the attention seeking self obsessed kids which Dave pimps out – if one of them had a wank Dave would have it in a press release before the jissum had dried.

    Beckham is an illiterate, stupid, posturing heap of steaming turd, with the constant half-witted grin. Some village must be short of their idiot.

    The fuckwit who is Beckham is trading on a faded reputation and should fuck off with his family to a desert island

    • Oh yes Mr Boggs. Oh very fucking yes, that excremental family of attention seeking no talent detritus has had the gawping attention of our deeply cuntish media for much too long.
      I was told by a gent of the press that the skinny utterly talentless tart that Silly Bollocks David married would take a shit in Trafalgar square if it would get her on the back cover of Train Spotters monthly.
      A fading but not fast enough product of our scum media because he was a decent footballer and she was in a stupid wanky band and loves her fucking self to death. I seriously wouldn’t and that puts her next to Jo Brand on my Shelf of the Rejected.
      Bin the whole fucking breed ,Cunts ,really awful me me cunts .

  21. Don’t forget his participation in the recent Walker’s wave advertising promotion I mentioned the other day.

    Cunt with pictures of other uncouth cunts.

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