Selective amnesia

I would like to nominate amnesia for a proper cunting, as it seems that if you are a woman born any time in the last 50 years or so you suffer from a rather debilitating version of selective amnesia in which you all of a sudden remember hideous sexual abuse and harassment when your memory is remarkably jogged by either an Al-BBC reporter or a lawyer.

It seems that 67% of women have suffered some form of sexual harassment and then “got on with their lives” completely oblivious to the fact that it actually was abuse until the witch hunter comes a knocking, at which point, sometimes many years later, they suddenly remember the trauma and abuse and start blubbing and claiming a ruined life for something they previously hadn’t given much thought about, the poor souls.

There was a time when we used to be able to say anything to each other in the pursuit of chasing the opposite sex, flirting it used to be called. It was innocent and both ladies and men used to do it in the hope of having it off with someone eventually. Now it seems any kind of historical chat up lines can be brought to bear as harassment and sexual abuse. Amazing that something only matters when its given a label and a price tag.

With flirting and sex now off the table it appears the human race is doomed to die out, good fucking riddance i say, cos a world without paying compliments, flirting and, gulp, sex isnt worth saving.

My overriding worry in all this is that in primary school in 1977 me and Mary Smith played “you show me yours and ill show you mine”, so its only a mater of time now…..

Nominated by Detective Sergeant Cuntstubble.

270 thoughts on “Selective amnesia

  1. I am expecting a knock on my door by the thought police for dreaming of a shag with Rachel Riley. I don’t think I’d be alone!!

  2. To be honest the libtards can lock me up in jail.Not because I have done anything but 3 free meals a day.No work .No bills.Bring it on.

  3. Was inspired to see Julia Hartley-Brewer defying the ABBC poppy fascists this morning on Sunday Politics. Every single other cunt predictably sporting a perfectly aligned, stage managed regulation poppy.


  4. When I think of the things I used to get up to when I was a mere slip of a lad with the young girl who lived down the street, I break out in a cold sweat. As kids I don’t know how we came up with what we did, ‘fucking disgusting ‘ really doesn’t do it justice, but ‘advanced fetishism’ does, (no I’m not giving details). After moving out of the area she came visiting years later, (both then in early twenties) and actually started talking about ‘those things’. I got the impression she wanted to pick up where we’d left off (fucking pervert)……aaaarrrggghhh!!!!!……….It never happened. If she bleats I won’t just have plod to worry about, the Sunday Papers will be beating a path to my door. If they published my story ‘outraged’ of Tonbridge Wells will have a massive fucking coronary.

  5. I was accused of Selective Memory off some wanker when I returned to engineering after a six month break when I had a head injury. I could remember how to program a CNC machine no problem, but this cunt picked up on whenever I remembered anything afterwards.

    It would be the slightest thing, like a job being a couple of microns in difference… somehow, I would notice, check it out, & the cunt would be shouting that there was fuck all wrong with my memory, and that I had been lying about the time that I had off work with my injury.

    I often wanted to show the cunt just what it felt like to have holes drilled into his two-faced cunting head, I would have gladly taken a Black & Decker and shown him, but thankfully, the cunt was sacked for decking one of the guvnors who allowed me to come back. The cunt.

  6. At least when I get falsely charged and jailed for looking at a girls breasts at school 10 years ago I can get 3 free meals a day and not have to worry about my job or bills.

  7. Can’t wait to be put in jail for looking at a girls tits in assembly 10 years ago.Wont have to work in that fucking hell hole of a workplace pay bills or have to listen to moronic social justice wankers for a few years.3 paid for meals free heating free from my family.Sign me up.

    • And apparently now they’re allowed phones too.

      Saw the pledge the other day (I don’t usually watch it but the remote was on the other chair and I couldn’t be arsed to get up) and the lefty cunt on there was promoting phones to “tell the kitchen what you want for dinner”.

      Once the lefties have finished their purge of education, policing, media, politics and prisons we’ll all be signing up to a nice spell in re-education camp.

      But by then I guess we’ll all be living in one big prison anyway.
      Just choose between a free one or one you’ve got to work and pay for.

      If they had their way, we’d all be banged up for expressing free speech anyway.
      And it’ll probably be safer inside.

      • Well the feminazi cunts will have to stop being activists and do proper jobs that all us men folk have been sacked from.Either that or society will collapse.It will be the latter probably.

      • I didn’t know they were allowed phones as they all seem to have a “beat the boss” phone up their arseholes. Maybe its purely for pleasure when they are not wrecking the games room in protest at the shortage of sirloin steaks.

        They get television provided by the mob who does that hospital TV that costs 8 quid a day. Apparently they get all the channels for £1 a week.

        The company clearly makes shitloads ripping of poor people lying in their sick beds and their families, all under the watchful eye of the government / NHS and so subsidies another government department as a thank you in return.

        I bet the back handers don’t stop there either.

        Privatisation & contracting out of our essential services is a cunt.

        If it can be profitable for these maggot cunts feeding off us, it can be profitable under our governments control.

    • We had a teacher… Miss Cox, who would deliberately rub her big welsh boobs up & down my mate & me when she could. She was about 5 foot, and I was far shorter than her then.

      She had the biggest set of tits that I had ever seen, but I preferred another teacher called Mrs Colverson, who had a set of ‘bee stings,’ as my mates used to call them.

      Mrs Colverson showed my mate & me her new house one day, & we didn’t leave for three days… I loved her tits, & sometimes wished that I had gone for Miss Cox & her huge welsh bossoms, as she had a gorgeous arse.

      There is no way that I would want to complain about Miss Cox & Mrs Colverson, fucking hell, it was great… which reminds me of another thing, why do soppy 17 year old cunts of today complain about their very horny teachers throwing themselves against them?

      Oh yes… stupid me, snowflakes.

    • Thanks to a European kangaroo court of Human Rights, prisoners will now be allowed out to vote, so long as they are banged up for less than one year (which most seem to be, anyway)
      As a good line in the PROPER “Porridge” series said,
      “You’re better off inside on a night like this.”

  8. When I was nine I paid Paul Read sixpence for a peek at his sister Caroline’s cunt. In reality it was no more than a flash, but her minge remains perfectly ingrained on my mind to this day.

    Like an old war criminal, I await plod’s knock at my door any day now.

    • I was always a good boy and never got any of that kind of excitement.
      Luckily I’m poor but if I ever become well off I’m sure they’ll be some cunt accusing me of deplorable behaviour to get the victim sympathy and a few bob.

      I wonder if innocent until proven guilty is still a thing?

      Just being a cunter is enough to become a pariah these days.

      • I too never had an experience like that but have always flirted with women not in a nasty violent or creepy way but even banter could be used against me I suspect.

      • Exactly. Sexual harassment is wrong, and Harvey wankstains and those like him should be beaten with sticks (or fists), but who defines what sexual harassment is?

        Judging by the way society is going, sexual harassment will soon be just a “funny look” from anyone that you don’t like..
        ..not really sexual harassment.

      • My first girlfriend grabbed my dick in public when I was 16.Could I report it and have her arrested and potentially pulled before the courts? Or that time I sent a series of love letters to a crush without asking permission.Will she go to the police and say oh he stalked me and was harassing me.Will the bloke at school who once pulled down a girls skirt in class when we were 14 get done.Rape sexual assault and stalking are abhorrent and need to be dealt with seriously.By redefining the term harassment to encompass almost anything you will ironically discredit woman and men too that have really suffered.

      • Very true. Just like the way these cunts love to throw about the “phobia” term.

        There are actually people out there that have genuine phobias. A recognised medical / psychological condition.

        But I guess they don’t care about offending them. What cunts.

    • PS: cunts were actually called ‘slits’ in those days. Not a lot of people know that…

    • I saw my first pussy the day I started school, Debbie Collins came walking into class with her knickers around her ankles, and asked Mrs Dixon to wipe her.

      I’ve been fascinated with pussy ever since… I adore it, and I’m just glad that it wasn’t a boy who came in and asked Mrs Dixon to wipe his wee winkie… fuck knows how I’d have ended up.

    • Apparrently the Catalan independence are fiercely against the eu.

      I understand that the vote wasn’t legal but we all should have the right to choose.

      Perhaps they should be allowed a referendum like the Scots got.

      But I did hear that the Cornish were considering the same thing and (after I’d stopped laughing) thought no fuckin way.

      Where do you draw the line with referendums? …depends how much they kick off I guess.

      • Oy, I live in Cornwall (now), and no, we don’t want independence. It’s poor enough as it is, without being run by idiotic piskies.

      • I love the Cornish.
        Can’t remember who told me but just heard that there’s an independence thing going.

        ….apparently u guys have your own language. (Scoff scoff) 🙂

    • As with Scotland, Catalonia strongly in favour of continued EU membership, and even retaining the euro following independence!

      • Ok maybe I got it wrong. I think it was king Nige of farage that said that they were anti Reich.
        …if they’re for the Reich too then it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference and they’re arguing about nothing.
        Time wasting cunts.

      • They say the rest of Spain is a drain on their wealth – kind of like Scotland in reverse, which mooches off England.

      • Its mainly the SNP who want to remain in the EU despite being told they would automatically be out of EU, if they became independent from the rest of Great Britain. That came from the EU.

        That’s why the loon keeps protesting Scameron said keeping the union guaranteed Scotland remained in the EU.

        SNP just like blaming Westminster for everything that goes wrong & want more powers , when they don’t even use the ones that they already cried for years to get.

        Scotland can’t afford the EU membership anyway and has debt higher than the criteria set.

      • Thats inncorrect, it is estimate that around a third of SNP supporters voted leave ( these are the consistent cunts that truly understand what the word ‘independent’ actually means) .If measured by political affiliation, the SNP had the largest proportion of leave voters. The largest proportion of remain voters came from the Scottish Conservatives. Ruth Davidson is an ardent remainer. Funny old world. Btw despite that the SNP are cunts.

      • How can what I said be incorrect?

        I said that “most” of the SNP wanted to remain in the EU.

        You then say that’s not true and that a third of them voted to leave?

        So is the remaining two thirds that didn’t vote to leave the EU not the “most” of the SNP?

        Many Scots actually voted to remain that would have rather vote leave, just to avoid dredging up another country damaging vote on Scottish independence.

        The stupid Nats let the plan slip prior to the referendum that in the event of a EU leave decision, they would attempt to use the Scottish electorate figures to winge their way to another stab at independence.

        It doesn’t matter anyway as the vote was clearly a decision for British people and not a regional or local election.

        Its a joke that “the national party” that wants an “independent Scotland” is intent in tearing the country apart, swapping Westminster rule for Brussels rule instead.

        A proper looney party indeed.

    • Catalonia has fuck all to do with remoaners, leavers or the EU.

      Its Spain’s problem and leaders from other countries or EU have no business interfering or publicly commenting.

      Oh nearly forgot this applies to non / will never lead or control a country leaders like Salmond & Sturgeon too.

      Our leaders have enough problems to deal with that actually do fucking concern them.

  9. Even George Bush senior is now being called a sex pervert fat patting an actress on the bum from his wheelchair.The guy is probably senile he is 93 for fucks sake.The thing about Weinstein is everyone in Hollywood knew.Courtney Love said it live on air as did Seth MacFarlane and it was used as gags in sitcoms.These fucking holier than thou Hollywood types should stop the facade.Fair play to Tarrantino though he admitted he knew something wasn’t right and should have spoken out.Hollywood also defends child rapist Polanski in large and yet they moan about the treatment of women and girls.Sort your own back yard out you utter hypocritical cunts.

    • Just like Seville mate.

      Any normal, decent man would’ve ripped savilles head off at the first incling of the shit he was up to.
      But the “elites” are so much more morally any intellectually superior to us they all sat there and did NOTHING.
      Now they’re all virtue signalling and wailing about how they knew but they were just scared. WEAK CUNTS.
      If I heard of someone I work with raping someone (And knew he’d done it) I’d fuckin mince the cunt.
      Ester ranson… the beacon of honesty and decency (ha) knew all about it and did NOTHING.
      Makes me glad I’m back to working on building sites. These “elites” should sort their moral courage before going after free speech and the “evil right”.

      As I’ve said before, I’d lock up EVERYONE that knew about saville and throw away the fucking key.

      • A letter to Viz at the time summed it up.
        To paraphrase: ‘ Don’t see how all the celebs, BBC, NHS etc could know about Savile. Although I did and I’m a plumber on Orkney.’

      • Remember that cunt lord Longford and his campaign to release myra Hindley well that’s the liberal elite in a nutshell. Out of touch with reality in every way possible.

  10. Rose McGowan has started her Weinstein cash and publicity bonanza with gusto….
    The ex-Charmed and errr Charmed star has said that it’s time for women to rise….

    Pity the victims of Warrington, Birmingham, Enniskillen, Guildford, Omagh, Hyde Park, Brighton etc can’t rise too… As in rise from the dead… Fuck McGowan, the Fenian fucking, murder loving, Z-Lister IRA sympathiser fucking slag!

    • Presumably, Weinstein is to blame for the copious number of sex scenes McGowan agreed to in her various b-list/arthouse/shithouse films. I always laugh to myself when I see these women who enjoyed their career peak full of indiscriminate fucking and immoral whoring (on and off screen), suddenly develop that there moral conscience once the tits start to sag and the klunge starts to resemble a badly-made ham sandwich. Jolie and Madonna are two classic examples of born-again shitcunts in the fight to stay relevant.

      I will repeat for the avoidance of doubt: Weinstein is a cunt worthy of the very worst excesses from the book of Corinthians. A dirty old cunt and no mistake. However, no-one involved comes out looking great in my opinion; particularly, as far as I am concerned, those endless, opportunist claims against him which to my knowledge, haven’t yet yielded any criminal action.

      If all these allegations are true, then it’s amazing that he had time to work on any of these fucking films.

      • Notice Jennifer Lawrence is strangely silent about all this. Maybe something to do with her cum face images the dirty slag

      • On seeing her jizz covered face I immediatley thought this could be mother natures vengance.

    • well said norman
      what a very silly little girl she really is
      completely clueless lets all look at me shitcunt

    • Interesting. I always had Clunes down as an unfathomable cunt with swollen facial features like some kind of shit-goblin.

      But that set of comments does see him deserve something of an un-cunting.

      I’m generally relcutant to un-cunt, as the few times I’ve gone soft, said subject immediately exhibits cuntitude of the highest order; making me look and feel like an even more monumental cunt than I normally do.

      • It is possible to uncunt somebody, although it is a rarity….
        I uncunted Phil Collins: when he called Paul McCartney a ‘Fucking fuck’ and an ‘arrogant cunt’….

      • Phil Collins is OK by me too. Shagged around a lot boozed it up big style played and sang in a great band and sang and wrote loads of solo hits. I know he could make annoying records but calling macca a “fucking fuck” and an “arrogant cunt” takes him off any possible past cunt list

      • “swollen facial features like some kind of shit-goblin”
        ..You Sir are The Cunt Laureate ….
        Always look forward to your posts.

      • “Phil Collins is OK by me too” His genesis material after gabriel left is pretty gud and he was at one time one of the best drummers in blighty.

        I agree that his solo albums is like pop music for mums tho…. still more interesting then any wank that Maca puts out

  11. They didn’t even come out screaming when Bill Cosby was under fire.

    If he raped anyone, he should pay the price.

    I’m betting most didn’t mutter a “no” or “stop” or even consider choosing to turn around and walk out the door till they milked him dry.

  12. St Vincent is a cunt…
    Anyone who chooses such a pretentious and ridiculous stage name has to be a monumental cunt (see also Bono, Badly Draw Cunt, Chickboy Gaga, Kunty Perry, Eminem, Stormzy etc)… And we all know nobody would give a fuck about her ‘music’ (which is shite anyway) if she wasn’t a celeb rugmuncher who’s been up numerous other celeb dick van dykes like Delevigne and Psycho Heard….

    • Hadn’t heard of this one. However, a google inspired wiki session provided all the gender fluid shit one doesn’t need to hear. Educated to the existence of another celebarrassment.

  13. The following link has a reasoned view on the polarity of discussion we find today (courtesy of the meejah both social and popular):

    It makes a lot of sense until you realise that it was sponsored by YouTube (and therefore Google) that doyenne of partisan, liberalist, group-think!

    Do they think we’re so cheaply bought with a feeble attempt at advocating real discussion when the reality is that they’re still pushing their liberalist agenda, still favouring negative stories on Trump and Brexit over positive ones, and above all else, are still cunts!

    Go fuck yourself Google and your social (engineering) media ilk!

    • That’s 4 minutes and 45 seconds of my life I’ll never get back again. Thank you Rebel for bringing that cunt to my attention. NOT!

  14. I see Kevin Spacey has fallen foul of the Wankstain Witch-hunt.

    He’s come out as living as a gay man (the alleged encounter coming from another male “actor” – who you’ve never heard of and never will again – back in 1986) in a pre-emptive strike against the “tolerant” backlash from the glitterati.

    Does being gay or straight matter in this day and age? I’d have said not unless it’s Hollywood and you haven’t come out on their terms, giving them enough time to gush/virtue-signal over the “bravery” of the one coming out.

    If guilty then fair enough but there’s a feeding frenzy currently in a rush to show how horrible all this is (even though they were happy to be complicit when it suited).

    This is no different to the same cunts who – after Savile-gate broke – all to a one decried: “I never really knew Sir Jimmy!”

    Fuck off! Media-whoring cunts!

    • Respected actor/director Spacey, who everyone knew was gay after an incident some years ago (Hampstead Heath?) is accused by some fucking no-mark bandwagon jumping piece of shit. What a surprise.

    • Spacey only played the Gay card to deflect attention from the fact that he was trying to queer up a 14 year old child. Now anyone who dares to mention the truth can be shouted down with cries of “Homophobe”.

  15. WTF!

    Estimated 11,000 people left suffering mental health problems in wake of the Grenfell Tower fire!? Jesus fucking Christ on a trike! How we made it thru the 2nd world war I will never know.

    Would imagine Lily Mong & and the compensation lawyers came up with this ludicrous figure. Cunts all. They not only demean the actual victims, their families, friends, and those who witnessed the tragedy, but also the courageous rescue and suppport services.

    I smell a fat and very lucrative rat.

    • I had to have counselling and I only saw it on the telly. This was due to the fact that despite there being 1000s of Londoners on the council waiting lists, the victims were mostly 3rd world peaceful cunts.
      I can feel compo setting in as I type.

    • 11,000 potential claimants equates to approximately 130 people for every person that perished in the fire. Who has come up with this ridiculous figure, what criteria has been used to establish who is eligible and who do I write to in order to try and get something for nothing?

      What the hell has happened to this once great nation. The decent hardworking indigenous population of this country are fed up with fucking nonsense like this and the blatant piss takes of trying to get “free stuff” by those who are seemingly allowed to get away with it.

      Where has the concept of “getting a grip” vanished to, trying to sort out your own problems in life, and not burdening others?

      Not wanting to appear to be a hard nosed bastard, and I am sure that perhaps there may be a few people who require counselling but certainly not 11,000.

      • I bet they think they will get handed cash money that enables them to go / not go and get their own counseling.

        Kensington is so stupid that they probably will and will again, give it out at the three different venues / locations to the same people thrice again .

        This will extend to;

        Ones that claimed to be inside it but were miles away.

        Ones who claim to be related to ones inside.

        Ones claiming for bogus illegals lost inside, once the threat of prosecution / deportation was ruled out….thanks Jez, Flab, Sado, Lammy, Coadent etc.

        Ones with no connection at all but just claiming to get free citizenship and any other freebies that flutter their way.

        It just keeps on giving!

      • Just deport this despicable miserable lying foreign cunt. Spare the cost of his translator. Living here for 30 years should have made the effort to learn the fucking language. What a bunch of completely gullible cunts giving him anything especially as he has 28 previous criminal convictions. What a sad state of affairs.

    • I’ve had plenty of stuff going around in my head since two smelly black cunts came up behind me & kicked the shit out of me, & several boots to my head.

      I walked around with what felt like brain freeze for five or six months, & the pain was 24/7. The cunts of doctors that I went to see told me that I had a migraine/something wrong with my nose/or it was all in my head. One cunt had me removed from his office because I had seen six doctors in five days, and I had got down on my knees to beg tithe cunt for help.

      Three days later I had holes drilled into my skull, and when I came out of the coma, I felt no pain… even though part of my skull had been drilled, and was held together with big fuck off staples. (They felt big and fuckoffish when the nurse pulled them out anyway)

      When I was able to walk again, lots of my mates said that I should sue the NHS because of what happened, but the NHS had done nothing wrong… they saved my life. Imagine walking around with brain freeze for five or six months, then waking up with holes drilled into your skull… but feeling no pain.

      It’s the doctors that I should have sued, but the money would still have come from the NHS anyway… and I was just glad to be alive.

      • Sorry to hear this one Ram it.

        You must be white, have a family tree going back multiple generations into British history and a surname that gives the game away to your Britishness and you do not broadcast any religious beliefs you might have.

        You are therefore eligible for fuck all help from the system you were forced to pay into for years.

  16. Sting is such a cunt!

    His latest vehicle of self-promotion is his “musical” called The Last Ship.

    This based on his experiences as a child watching the ships leave the docks of the Tyne.

    It completely befuddles me that an ordinary lad from Newcastle could become such an up himself cunt.

    Don’t get me wrong his music with The Police in the late 70’s early 80’s was decent and deserved the #1’s they had and the accompanying awards.

    But post Police where did this cunt disappear to with his Eco Hat (easy to have a social conscience and wear a green hat when you’re minted) and tantric sex mumbo jumbo?

    I mean it was this cunt who released an album of Lute music and then got all ass-hurt when it tanked! What the fuck did he expect? Yeah a true Geordie that one – LIKE!

    Now we have this attempt at virtue-signalling to a bygone age of his dim and distant past…

    What a cunt, I bet a bottle of brown ale has never crossed his lips!

    I bet he likes a drop of champagne to go with his faux socialism though – the cunt!

    • Wow, that sounds like a wonderful evenings entertainment, a musical about ships leaving the harbour. I think I might even forego watching Come Dine With Me to see it.

      • Probably have songs like “Fuck Off Ships” and “That Yellow Ships A Bit Of A Cunt” and “I’d rather be on that ship than shag Rachel Riley”.

      • Liar liar Cunts n’ Roses on fire!

        No-one in their right mind would be idiotic enough to miss an episode of CDWM, under ANY circumstances.

        They might just agree to forgo The One Show. Maybe…

    • His boasts about being able to go for hours without blowing his load because of Tantric sex are pathetic. I used to be able to grind away for hours at the ex-wife and never even come close to splurting. Bet I could do the same with that wrinkled old biddy Trudi Styler.

  17. A nomination for Rose McGowan.

    She is using the veil of sexual abuse and victimhood for self-promotion and furthering her own status (witness #rosearmy). This cunt needs to be brought into fucking line and pushed back into obscurity.

    • Totally.

      “McGowan thanked her supporters ‘for giving me wings during this very difficult time’ and said: ‘The triggering has been insane – the monster’s face has been everywhere, my nightmare. I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed, I have been harassed, I have been maligned, and you know what? I am just like you. What happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in this society. It cannot stand and will not stand.'”

      Neither would she if I ever got my hands on her.

    • Every journo who meets McGowan should aggressively question her about her support for the IRA and all the murders they were responsible for.. I hope her heroes come out of retirement and shove some Semtex up her snatch, the media whore cunt…

  18. Two 14 yr olds arrested for preparing for acts of Northallerton.

    I bet they ain’t white . and I bet neither is called Smith or summat. Cunts

    • 14 year olds ? Obviously too young to get involved in the family minicab business. A bit of underage sex,rape and drug dealing would probably divert their attentions. Perhaps the Council would be prepared to buy them a 12 year old Vectra…no need for a licence,MOT,insurance or any of that shit.

    • And I bet they (or their predecessors) come from that wonderful region to the West of Northern India!

      There’s a huge “peaceful” problem in this country but the ones from that region of the world who are the real zealots in this country. Ungrateful cunts!

      Quite happy to take the infidel’s hand-outs and groom their youngsters (barely reported on) to abuse and yet still want to blow us the fuck up!

      You thick idle cunts – if you kill us all who will you have to work and pay taxes so that you don’t have to?

      Let’s face it, there’s not an ounce of work in any of them (outside of an odd hour’s grooming in a minicab), so what happens when you have your way and the infidel is wiped out? Why thus country turns into the same Islamabad shithole where you come from (not that a dozen cities/towns in the UK don’t feel like Islamabad already – all now shitholes)!

      And what you gonna do then? Cos there’s nowhere left to annex where your parasitic existence can be sustained.

      The “peacefuls” – especially the North West territories “peacefuls” – are a cancer of the Earth. Spreading to all corners, infecting the hosting areas, destroying it and turning into an unrecognisable shithole that only resembles the shithole from wence they came in the first place. Cunts!

      • So true. I have always said they are the thickest cunts on earth. They come from shitholes of violence, inequality, poverty with no social infrastructure so immediately want to turn Europe the same. What stupid cunts they are.

      • One could also say “what stupid cunts the people of Europe are for putting up with the massive influx of peaceful cunts” Some of the newer eu countries are getting somewhat pissed off at the number of peacefuls and africans wandering in, but, I suppose the rest of us are to late. Better fucking not be; got a few good years left and those baggy pants and weird beards do not suit me at all. Nor does the cultural practise of kiddie diddling, multiple wives and shagging goats etc. And no way on Earth am I going to blow myself to fuck cos I get a crack at x number of virgins. So I fight on; fuck it beer time.

      • Especially if we buy candles, sing along with some wank sleb and think that talking and love will solve all the things that are wrong with those of a “peaceful” bent.

      • Cowell will release a new / cover version of a song for each new incident / tragedy to give them Fuckall Factor cunts something to do and give them a false feeling of self importance. Whine along.

  19. I want to thank John, LBC listener who phoned in to say there’s a traffic jam on the M25.

    • With the greatest respect, I live in America’s Mid West region, have no access to traffic cameras or up to date traffic reports and even I know there’s a fucking traffic jam on the M25. That road is a massive cunt.

      • That’s fair comment, HBH.

        On my recent trip to the UK, I needed to drive from Tonbridge (Kent) to Oxford. Journey was a cunt both ways. The 5 or 6 junctions on the M25 around Heathrow were 40 MPH speed restricted, but actually moved at either 0 or 20 MPH. Fucking nightmare. On the way back at gone midnight, the cunts had closed 2 of the 3 lanes somewhere between the A3 and M23 exits. Once again, bumper to bumper. Thanks a lot UK highways and byways – a fair % of my holiday spent sitting in fucking traffic. Bastard scum of satan’s ball bag.

  20. This witch hunt that’s going through Westminster reminds me of the witch hunts that happened in 16th century Britain , but instead of Catholics , this time it’s any bloke with a sex drive.

    • It’s all a fucking smoke-screen – Rome is burning and all they can come up with is chat about whether some men are cunts and some women are wussies.

      Who would have thunk it!? One day they might actually get down to sorting this basket case of a country out, though doubt I’ll live to see it…

      • I know Shitcake, This country has gone fucking mad. There seems to be an obsession to
        eradicate all male macho manhood. Driven by BBC man hating biffo lezzers no doubt

    • If my boss ever asks me to go out and buy two dildoes for him in my lunch break,I shall just tell the lazy old cunt to go and get them himself. There,that was easy,wasn’t it?. And I haven’t even got a degree!

      • I’d just go and get the cunt a couple if strap on’s for his wife to sort him out with or a couple of those big fist / mannequin arms and tell him they are all the rage with the ladies.

        Watch the cunt hobble in the next day like John Wayne complete with two black eyes.

    • Not really, appears to be ugly fucking geezers who cannot control their sex drive. As for sex pest politicals too much money , nothing to do and a belief that when they sit for a shit the bog is filled with golden light. A massive shitfest is beginning. Till someone in british baker or whatever is outed as a transphobic kiddy diddler.

  21. Selective Amnesia needs a good cunting. A right good long as fuck cunting that lasts days, so it does.

  22. Overheard colleagues at work saying I am fucking useless can’t do anything right and it was astonishing that I got payed.So tempted to just tell them to shove it up their cracks.

    • Sorry to hear m8, Is it Office work or something? I worked in a office a few years back its like hell in a hand basket, everyone breathing down each others necks and forming their own ingroups to slag off loners like me, a hectic work environment for meager wages.

      I offer no words of wisdom but it was a relief quitting Heres some soothing Björk to cheer you up 🙂

      • It is worse than an office although staying off paperwork is keeping me in trouble.

    • I wouldn’t give a flying fuck what anyone thought . Just keep picking the money up and ignore the Cunts. At some stage you’ll get a chance to shit on them. Take it.

      • Dick’s right, Shaun… There’ll be a time when you can get your own back on these cunts…. When I was a kid three cunts jumped me…. My dad’s advice was get them all back individually and one by one… So I waited till each one was on his own and I twatted all three of the cunts…. Not that I recommend doing these cunts over (tempting as it may seem), but your time will come, pal….

      • I will carry on until training in a couple of weeks which if I pass means I will be going to somewhere immeasurably worse for the same pay.That is in effect a demotion so in the words of Malcolm Tucker the fat fucks can kiss my sweaty balls.

    • SOTD – Don’t fret pet. Working in IT as I do, I’ve had to endure office life my entire career. Upon graduating, I was in my first proper grown up job for 2 weeks before I realised why people did the ‘football pools’. Offices are just a school playground for adults.

      I don’t know where you are in your career, what your outgoings are or what your earning potential is, but having seen what I saw early on in my career, I made an important and ultimately brilliant, decision. That decision was to work on financially insulating myself from other people’s bullshit. In other words, be in control of your own destiny by having sufficient money behind you control where you work, who you work for and under what circumstances.

      Many people have to suck it up when it comes to appalling work conditions and piss poor treatment by others. The reason is usually because they have one or more of the following: out-of-control mortgage, car repayment, credit card debt, hire purchase loans, kids, non-working spouse, etc. This makes them financially vulnerable to the point where they cannot speak their mind, stand up for themselves or tell a company/boss to shove it because doing so would be financially catastrophic.

      It takes a while, but build up that nest egg and put yourself in a position of being able to walk out of a job if you want to. I’ve done this many times and it’s very satisfying. You may not be in this position right at this moment, but consider it going forward. Most people are sheep and just sway with the wind. Other people like myself will not stand for being pushed around and being badly treated. Take control and earn your right to stick 2 fingers up when the time’s right.

      Best of luck to you and let us all know what happens. Cheers – I.Y.

      • A reasonable mortgage, child and a smoker spouse on part time hours is enough to chain you to conditions of hell. Should have walked out on all of the selfish cunts and maybe I wouldn’t be sitting here now, questioning what the years of hell have made me.

        Life really is too short for taking shit.

    • Take heart young sir, payback is a bitch. Same thing happened to me years ago. Had the good fortune to meet one of my detractors when the circumstances had changed somewhat…

    • I bet they’re the ones that aren’t worth paying.
      After all, they’re spending their time bitching about you.
      You have got a proper thinking sensible head on your shoulders……
      you’re a cunter and a damn fine one at that.
      Ignore those fuckers. Don’t let them win, carry on what you’re doing and keep taking the money.
      Don’t let ’em get to you mate. Fuck them.

      • They were the school bullies to thick to get into organized crime or politics and too weak too be bouncers or pigs.

    • Don’t waste time thinking about walking out:just do it. I did it in August after 16 years and am now earing more money, no stress and a brilliant new job!

    • And when you do make sure you let the cunts who have made your time there shit know it in a loud tirade of well thought out abuse. We all deserve respect until proven unworthy and those that don’t give it should be ridiculed as the cunts they truly are.

  23. Massive cuntong to the peaceful twat on ITV news last night who no longercwants be fight for ISIS.The little sissy boy wants to cone home! Says all he did was sit in an office and use a playstation…I say FUCK OFF YOUR TWISTED SISSY CUNT. You made your bed…. In any event he was very camp.Prehaps he should have stayed at home and played with a barbie doll:cunt.

    • Saw that. Almost threw up. Return the lying cunt + a dvd of the interview to ISIS – or take him out with a drone. No price to pay = no deterrent.

      • You are being a bit harsh. He changed his mind and I’m guilty of the same thing. Only yesterday I went to the Co-op to buy some wine but I bought brandy instead.

      • I think the cunting should go to ITV (And Sky) for even giving it airtime.

        Just take him out and behead him. Or give the cunt back to ISIS let them do it.

      • No wonder ISIS got defeated if their soldiers were all on their PlayStation’s.

        Sanctions on the Jap’s right now for providing ISIS weapons of mass destruction.

        Sony are cunts, what is it this Christmas you family budget theiving cunts?

    • He’s got a photograph of the PlayStation on his phone to prove it because it probably isn’t there anymore.

      I love the way the cunt wants to know his punishment before he decides whether or not to return.

      I would take him up on a plane and kick him out above an area inhabited by his ISIS friends, included would be a rucksack full of copies of his press interview to allow them to see what a sniveling cunt he has been.

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