Rent-a-gob celebrity has been all the rage for some time. Recently, it has become derigeur amongst the millionaire class of Hollywood and the arts world, collectively aligned against the Tango Man.
Over the past few days J Kunt Growling has waded into another Twatter spat against him.
She accused him of ignoring a three year old disabled boy called Monty at an event. She stated on Twatter he could not “bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the President.” She wrote the display was “stunning” and “horrible,” calling the president a “monster of narcissism” in a series of seven tweets. She spewed forward a tirade of abuse against him.
Here is the rub. It turned out she was WRONG and The Donald had in fact interacted with Monty.
So after facing a Twatter and social meejah backlash she apologised to Monty and his family. Good you may think. However, she did NOT apologise to the Tango Man. She only deleted the tweets after the storm of condemnation.
This sanctimonious storyteller does not have the manners and decency to apologise to the subject of her criticism and abuse. She cannot bring herself to undertake a simple act of contrition. Her tweets of lies and abuse were re-tweeted 75,000 times by her followers.
I wonder what ‘Jack’ ( or whatever he/she is called this week) Monroe thinks of gobby Growling’s behaviour? After all ‘Jack’ sued Katie Hopkins for a mistaken tweet meant for someone else. Here we have J Kunt defaming the President of the US of A, without any justification and still has (and does) not apologise to him.
This is what we have come to expect from a woman who holds the warmongering and crooked Killary Kiloton in such high esteem. She is also a Barry Obummer groupie. Additionally, her great wisdom of all things political is shown by her sycophantic love of the EU.
She applies to geopolitics her simplistic knowledge of who and what she THINKS are good and evil from her childish books. She should stick to writing mind-numbing fairytales and leave politics and real world issues to the grown-ups. Living in a world of fantasy and fiction, so it would seem, she doesn’t need to let facts get in the way of a (fake) story.
I have just one question for J Kunt. Who is the narcissist in this true life story? I recommend she looks in the mirror for the answer.
Nominated by Mike Oxard.
Excellent cunting!!! ???
And what the fuck does it have to do with her in the first place? Daft tart…
Well, she’s run out of ideas for her garden gnome-gnovels, so moved on to something else she clearly has bugger all of a grip on. Like reality !
It really is a laugh when these so called celeb twats spew out a load of sanctimonious bollocks which then ultimately shows them up to be the tossers that they are.
Great cunting as always mike. I don’t know how these cunts come to the conclusion that they are wise.
Doesn’t matter if it’s kicking a ball around, mincing about on a stage pretending to be someone else or writing stupid stories for kids, they all seem to think that they know better that the “normal” people and so should give us advice and the great benefit of their wisdom and experience.
All slebs are cunts.
On a separate note. Has anyone heard a peep from that queen of cunts wee Burney lately? I still haven’t seen or heard a thing since the election.
…I’m not complaining. Just seems weird.
She was on the tv ALL DAY, EVERY FUCKIN DAY whinging about brexit and then suddenly … … nothing.
….happy days!
Wee Burney is on to a hiding in Scotland right now.
Her and her cronies are being accused of waisting public money on jaunts and the teachers and nurses are gunning for her and the Snats blood.
So no more blogging for her the now.
PS. DeploytheSausage, go on the SDL page and you’ll see how many pro British Scottish there really is.
Fuckin “BLAGGING” not fuckin “blogging”.
Blagging has existed for years before fuckin”blogging”
Rowling’d be an ideal candidate for Viz’s “Borderline Boilers”. I still would. But mostly out of spite.
Yeah…I can see why you could….just for spite… go on mate her!
But she’d defo need gagging…before, during, after and then in the dustbin.
Trump never apologises for the deliberate lies he tells/tweets every single day, so why should Rowling?
In my book, they’re BOTH cunts.
Oh, apparently Rowling DID apologise. I wouldn’t have done. The trouble with Trump (well, one of many) is that when it comes to accusing others of not telling the truth, he has absolutely zero credibility, given the tsunami of lies which emanate daily from the White House and the POTUS Twitter account.
She did, but not to Trump…
Gotta love the Don, winds up lefty snowflake cunts just by existing. He triggers snowflake outrage just by being. He is a cunt but the fact he winds up bigger cunts redeems him.
Don’t like the Don, he don’t care, some cunts are choking on their won bile.
She sounds a proper fucking Dudley do right!! , I live in central cuntsville ( hove) it’s riddled with people like your sister in law, some of these fuckers have still got their labour and Green Party election stickers in their windows!! Virtue signaling Cunts one and all……
Asimplearsehole, your sister in law sounds EXACTLY the sort of cunt to be a teacher. Teachers should be neutral and focus on the curriculum, but allot are left wing along with the NUT who push their bollocks onto young minds with a Left = good, Right = bad mantra.
Ever considered a Family Dinner Party Massacre scenario?
Steak knives don’t just cut steak…
I live in Hove to Quislings and could not agree with you more. Poets Corner is where these smug self righteous cunts live. They call each other dude and budddy and congregate in pubs that sell trendy ale that goes for up to £8 a pint. CUNTSSSSSSSSS.
As my dear departed Granny used to say “The higher up the monkey goes the more it shows it’s arse” How very true.
Write some (plagiarised) kids books, then think that gives you the clout to slag people off.
Stupid fucking bitch needs to take a long, hard look at herself. Self-important cunt.
And I think she’s a Jock.
Thankfully not… I believe she just went to Airdinbro Uni. (Morningside pronunciation !!)
Moved to Edinburgh a poor single parent of two.
Fuck knows how a single parent of two managed to upsticks to Auld Edina. Not cheap.
Grendfell cunts again,if I had an empty property in Kensington would I bollocks be loaning it to the Grendfull tower people,im amazed that these mostly on benefits people think the have any claim on anyone else s property even if it is empty, someone who works for a living has payed for that and can you imagine trying to get rid of the cunts once they are in.
The residents should track down the goat herder with the dodgy freezer that started the blaze for answere s, there is a limit to what any council should have to do, at some point people have to look after themselves as opposed to riot because they are not impressed with the handouts they have got so far.
Nobody else gets sorted out after a fire unless they have insurance,so I have to wonder if you have no insurance and kick up enough of a stink can you move into someones empty mansion for free?
Still they should be happy Adele and Lilly the musical mong turned up when the cameras were filming………[not there now that everyones bored of hearing about it]
Wonderful cunting there, Mike – both in terms of the sizeable cunt in question and the highlighting of the major hypocrisies of the so-called liberal fucking intelligentsia.
Whilst I have mixed feelings on Trump, the one thing painfully apparent to me is that his continued demonisation in the Western centre/liberal media has now turned into a tieresome bandwagon that every fucking paid-up member of the Twitterati feels the need to jump on.
This collective of overly-vocal shitcunts fail to realise that they are simply reinforcing the division which led to millions turning toward Trump. Like this country proved with Brexit, there are still millions of non-cunt members of the public who don’t buy into all this safe-space, trans-fluid, services economy driven, immigrant welcoming whipping boy shit-politics that both the US and the UK have revelled in, like pigs in shit, over the last 10 years or so.
The patronising, offence-seeking bollocks perfectly exhibited by J. Kunt. Rowling on this issue with the flid kid just shows that there was never any actual concern or empathy with the boy in question – just an excuse to attack the Donald and get an online public nod of approval for her cuntish virtue-signalling. When it was proven she was wrong, the lack of direct apology aptly demonstrates that her motives were driven purely by an anti-Trump bias. Nothing more. This fucking cunt was just playing to the Twitter gallery and ended up looking even more cuntish than normal.
And let’s move this cunting closer to home, shall we – J.K. Rowling’s books are for children. Not fucking boho commutercunts who laud her ‘capabilities’ as a writer – in that regard, she has precisely zero credibility. Her writing is piss-poor – passable to tell a children’s story – but fuck me, certainly not to be celebrated in any literary capacity. She simply got lucky that her shit was picked up and turned into a bloated commercial film franchise.
It is of course indirectly due to cunting Rowling that we now have manchild ever-prepubescent Daniel Radcliffe, faux-feminist and generally shite-talking walking axe-wound Emma Watson, and that ugly ginger one who evidently suffered an unfortunate puberty.
J.K. Rowling does not remotely speak for single mothers. She speaks for the sheep, the braindead, the blind followers of far-left virtues who simply cannot fucking think for themselves. Somewhere between Stephen Fry and Simon Schama, this monolithic cunt will, come the glorious day, be force-fed her own fucking novels until she chokes to death on that there shoddily-written wizard wankery.
Rowling is a Hagrid-sized fotze for the ages.
Nice cunting TECB…..
Wizard wankery….. classic stuff??
Rowling is cut from the same cloth as Lily Spaz, Kev/Nick/Jack Monroe, Fanny Lineker, Kunty Perry, Benderdict Cuntberdinck and other sundry snowflake scum… It’s only OK to spread lies and spit venom when they do it… Nobody else is allowed to…. Cunts to a man….
Spot on about the Potter ‘stars’…. Radcliffe: irritating smug cunt…. Watson: titless taxdodging gobshite… Grint: piss poor Kris Marshall….
Is Grint a Norfolk name, by any chance ?
When I was at school, many decades ago, there was a perfectly-named prostitute of E European origin by the name of Anna Grunt – all mixed up in the “Rotary Tools” scandal.
I kid you not…
Always liked the tale George Harrison told about how Badfinger got their name…. He always said that he named the band after Hamburg prostitute, Helga Fabdinger….
A mini-cunting for UEFA and this mythical Financial Fair Play they promote.
Neymar has all but been signed by PSG for £198million. One hundred and ninety eight million. A fifth of a billion.
What a cunting farce.
It’s beyond me why anyone takes an interest in top level football. Unless you watch the lower divisions there is no honest endeavour just playacting and tantrums. I hope the whole fucking edifice comes crashing down when economics and sound management catches up with it. Fuck Sky, BT, fucking dodgy Arabs and Russians and all the rest for subsidising this shite.
Can’t argue with that…. My time was the Docherty years (Sexton was crap) and then Big Ron and then Fergie…. Then came the Premier League, Sky TV, Dodgy Russian oligarchs, American carpetbaggers, Oil Sheiks from fascist states, diving foreign mercenaries, half/half scarf wearing selfie stick mongs, and now fucking wimmin’s football….. It truly has gone to fuck…. From Pancho raising his fist to the Stretford End, to cunts like Alexis Sanchez and Carlos Tevez….
You could probably buy the greatest squad of all time with 198 mill and have change… Banks, Moore, Beckenbauer, Best, Cruyff, Pele. Law, Baresi, Cantona, Eusebio, Platini, Dalglish, Van Basten, Greaves, Finney, Souness, Puskas, Charlton, Di Stefano etc…
But today? nigh on 200 million pounds for an overrated tosspot haired diving ponce?! Fuck that….
Rowling’s did not write fuck all, her books are plagiarized from some of the best fantasy and children’s novels written.
Any cunt can copy and paste then just alter a few words and names then publish a book. How the fuck she has become one of the richest women in the world doing this is beyond me
An entire Wikipedia entry on Harry Potter legal disputes, with even more detailed sub-articles within.
I have to admit I didn’t know about all these actions, some of which are fucking appalling – especially the ruination of the Jacobs estate.
This puts Rowling on an entirely different plane of cuntitude.
It’s just fucking Star Wars rehashed with Witches and Wizards instead of the force.
Star Wars being a rehash of a plethora of kids stories from the ages beforehand (Grimm Brothers) mixed in with a bit of Dickensian angst, hey presto! A new movie genre is born.
The only difference being that Lucas was happy to sit back and count the money whereas this gobshite believes it entitles her to have her opinion thought of more highly than anyone else’s because of it.
She obviously doesn’t do or understand irony because if she did she’d realise that her “look at me I’m important” tweets are no different to those of the Don’s (who she despises so much). Ah but because she’s a leftist virtue signalling cunt then that makes it alright.
And I wonder just how many 40yr “peaceful” children from the Calais jungle (who are economic migrants who think the deserve to get into Blighty purely because they can get here) she has homed in her many mansions and villas across the globe since decrying there plight last year?
WellI bet she’s on a par with Big Don on that one as well!
Star Wars ripped off The Seven Samurai as welll
And 633 Squadron/ The Dambusters.
“Star Wars ripped off The Seven Samurai as welll”
True norm and R2-D2 was a blatant rip off of Daleks why didn’t they sue the pants off Lucas? Yep said it before Rowling is a huge plagarist and 100’s of writers wouldn’t have whored out their novel like that She is a shameless slut who got lucky
Worst of all, she’s responsible for “introducing” the odious, sneery, slop-pants Twatson to the world…
God, do I DETEST that smug little bint.
Loathsome upper class leftie bitch in the same mould as Bono Geldorf and Branson.
Mind you , I would still bend her over and give her good bum full, hurl abuse at her during the act and of course go in dry. Ouch !!!
Something tells me Rowling could fit a whole Quidditch broomstick up her grotesquely distended and well-used growler.
My missus says seeing as it’s my birthday she’s finally agreed to us doing anal….
What the hell is a strap on?….
Ask Hillary Clinton, we all know she keeps Bill’s bollocks in her handbag.
You wear a strap on when you re-gender assign from female to male as per Justine Greening’s policy.
After hormone treatment the final stage is an operation to build the tackle called a strapadictome.
Doctor Cuntbubble
Is that sad fucking twat still pointlessly running on?
Tragic specimen or what…?
Jesus h Christ!!! Trollers has absolutely no life whatsoever!!
What a boring cunt!! ????
Don’t miss Queers tonight on BBC Bore. We all got to get onboard gay Britannia. Obviously the BBC feels no conflict with its continued promotion of the peaceful ideology and its research into gay men achieving unassisted flight from the top of tall buildings
I remember a year or two ago a story of a black woman verbally abusing a postbox on a bus in London. My first thought was “How will the BBC decide which minority to back in his one?”
Actually, I think the hour of the liberal left facing multiple paradoxes is extremely fucking nigh. It won’t be long before peaceful females express the desire to join the gynocentric society at large in the UK. But who will the BBC and the Guardian get behind? What happens when the inevitable gay muslim movement goes mainstream in a generation or two?
Speaking of perverted peacefuls, news just in that an East London-based doctor, GP Manish Shah, has been charged with 118 sex offences, including 67 rapes.
Just the fucking tonic. What a fucking warped cunt.
It’s ok, Allah allows it. We are all infidel scum. Ask J.K or Bonoff or linwanker or Lillyput or Sad dick or Arch Bish Cuntberry.
Doubt if it’ll make the big news they’re far too busy with anti-Brexit and anti-Trump fake news for real stories.
That said had it been the hated middle-aged white man I bet all ABBC channels would have it as “Breaking News” for the next two months or so (allowing them to gloss over any “peaceful” atrocities in the meantime).
Could someone explain if this cunt is legit mentally ill?
Who the fuck goes on like this?
Just rub ya knob gorgonzola in her yorkshire pud.
I would make her a special batch of Yorkshire pudding, lovingly created with a generous helping of creamy man better.
Batter not fucking Better! Jesus fucking spelling Nanny.
I would roughly helmet Rowling in the arsehole before choking her to my hairy balls and then finally spooging all over her tats and face.
I would love to see her turn that one into a sequel. “Hairy Potter and the Goblet of Spooge”.
I’d certainly kick her back door in. Just as a therapy mind.
All the cunters that would root this moomings starring cunt should watch her being interviewed.
She has a very strange demeanor about her and tucks her nipples into her kecks.
Harry Potter? I know naffink abaaaaaht it. I would give JK Rowling one or seven though, I’d then ask the cunt to lend me a couple of million. The cunt.
Poison the bitch
Her latest book: “Horrendous Beasts and Where to Find Them!”
I hope I don’t spoil it for anyone but apparently they can be found at 12.30pm on ITV1.
J Kunt Rowling is a narcissistic libmong fake and a total shit….
Gives a good gobble tho so I’ve been reliably informed.
To be fair, she’s got a fair pair of chesticles. Plus, as a ‘thank-you’ present for giving her a nice pearl drizzle over them, she’d probably buy you an Aston Martin.
He hates me with a passion. He’s told so many lies about me, imitated me on various blogs and posted filth and even pretends to be me over at the Penguin.
I was tempted to go take a look when i read this comment but I decided several weeks back to ignore him so I haven’t even looked at what’s been going on over there. I’ve been around long enough for people to know that the shit he’s posted pretending to be me wasn’t written by me.
I particularly like the way he bangs on about threats and intimidation whilst threatening and trying to intimidate me. It drives him nuts that I completely ignore him so he glove puppets me and talks to himself. Kid you not.
Over the years he’s trolled Longrider, Grandad, Pat Nurse, Captain Ranty (RIP), Anna Raccoon and several others. He’s glovepuppeted me, Sir Limply, Kath Gillon, Serena, Flaxen Saxon and countless others. He has several !og ons at Cunts Corner. He even abuses his own alter egos just to disrupt blogs.
He is genuinely certifiable…
I am a psychiatric nurse: prehaps he has a aevere case of raving cuntitis?
Update on my big fuckbook adventure.
I’ve put my feelers out and been snooping on cunts of olde.
I’ve been gobsmacked by how many double barreled names these council estate cunts have.
I’ve even encountered two doss cunts who share their wives surname.
Who do these cunts think they are?
Its just a fuckin name, but hold on, double barreled sounds, eh, upmarket, right?
Fuck piss-off.
Pretentious cunts.
And don’t get me started on their kids names.
Does every kid born this millennium need to end in a ‘Y’ or ‘IE’ ????
PS. I’ve found the easiest way of giving someone a cunting, deny their friend request.
I’ve accepted two, and since then knocked back eight.
All these social media goons “liking” everything and only positives being written must feel crushed when someone is not going to jump on their sunshine bus.
Oh, to be a fly on their wall when their darling Facebook tells them FRIENDSHIP DENIED!!!!!!
Love it.
This is why we’ve got cunts now who can’t accept a democratic decision because only their opinion counts and any cunt who disagrees gets banished and therefore they drown in their opinion (and their lickspittle “friends” –
who they’ve never met) and theirs alone.
Unfortunately, away from a keyboard or smartphone, reality doesn’t work like that and when they don’t get their own way the have no idea what to do other than bawl like a 2yr old who’s had its ice cream taken off it!
Like I say, you can’t unfriend reality you cunts!
This is true…
A Swedish golfer called Fredrik Andersson has been on the European Tour for years.
About 8yrs ago he became Fredrik Andersson Hed.
Sky commentary went as follows…
“The Swede Fredrick Andersson Hed lining up his birdie putt.”
“When I was on tour he was always ‘Fredrick Andersson’ so where did the ‘Hed’ come from?”
“His wife.”
….stifled laughter, vain attempt to mute the mic as they realise the double-entendre…
“Ahem! Anyway… this for birdie.”
I think it was Richard Boxal and Ewan Murray in the commentary box.
It must be a Swedish thing because Magnus Persson (also a golfer) became Magnus Persson Atlevi with his Mrs’ name taking pride of place.
Poor Swedes, fucked over by Merkel’s “peaceful” plot and slowly being emasculated into manjinas by their women-folk.
No place in Valhalla for those hen-pecked cunts!
Its a shame. Harry Potter was great, it really was. I don’t understand how someone who could write something like that could be so tunnelled in their opinions. So quick to judge and such a fucking snob. That’s the trouble with the ‘liberals’ they aren’t liberal. I like to hear every cunts opinion, regardless of class or political leanings. It’s twats like this who wouldn’t ever again speak to their gran if she voted Brexit. They wait for any slip up and pounce like starving lions as soon as anyone on the ‘ wrong side’ slips up and band around like crack heads to get them banned or shamed into resigning or disappearing. I am sick of hearing the same old shit. ‘I’m so scared of trump’ ‘I’m so uncertain about Brexit’ Fuck off and get a fucking life, you Mumford and sons, fifty shades of grey cunts! You can still go to France on holiday and you can still buy your fucking awful wank stained clothes from Boden, you’ve ruined the boozers with your elephants breath paint and your faux fun lives. Please go and live full time in your houses in Europe, we and you will be happy. Please just fuck off.
To take a leaf out of the remoaners’ book, ie accusing anyone who doesn’t agree with their pov as being stupid, thick, uneducated, my reply is…
Europe existed long before the EU.
It will continue to exist long after the EU has disappeared up its own chronically-abused tailpipe.
If libtards can’t stand the sight of people waving the Union Jack at Last Night of The Proms, then surely a load of brainwashed snowflakes blubbing and waving the EU flag is just the flip side of the coin.
Ellie Goulding is a whiny, horse-faced, talentless…dunno. What the feck IS she supposed to be ? Model, actress, singer… I hope she gets terminally decked by the punchbag in that auto-tuned shampoo ad.
Bet her minge smells of spam fritters.
Just saying.
Ellie Goulding is insufferable. She has an air of arrogance on the level of Phillip Green.
I don’t know who told her she could sing. Silly tart semi speaks the lyrics as her vocal range can’t handle anything as simple as Humpty Dumpty. William Shatner would make a better job of it.
She is nothing in the looks department despite her having the air of arrogance and contempt that suggests otherwise. Her face looks like the sole of a foot with a face drawn on it.
William Shatner is issufferable too ever hear his solo albums? sawing off my finger with a sharpened spoon is less painful then listening to his spoken word shite
I like Shatner.
I’ve heard from many accounts that he’s a colossal cunt but I just can’t help it. He’s funny.
When he finally pegs it, the western world will become just that tiny bit more dull, sanitized and bland…
Listen to his cover of pulps’ common people, it’s fucking tidy! The album it’s from has some great stuff on it. I only got hold of it to laugh at it, but was pleasantly surprised!