Young People

A long overdue cunting of young people.

Believe it or not, I’m glad I’m not young.
It seems to me that the vast majority of young people are utter, utter, cunts.
(Unless you’re a young cunter of course, in which case you’re ok and this cunting doesn’t apply to you).
I can’t really say too much (but I’m gunna anyway), when u was young I was a dumb cunt and just like young cunts today, I thought that I knew it all.

Most terrorists are young people, most crime is done by young people (I think) and they all drive like cunts (though I guess they’re still better than Indians).
Most of the people that shit their pants on a regular basis are young people (a bit younger that the one’s I’m cunting, but still young people none the less).

And what’s with those skinny fuckin jeans?!
You look like a cunt, and you’ll have one soon if you keep wearing trousers like that!
Though having a dick AND a cunt would probably be quite trendy in your libtard, lbwgt (whatever the fuck) culture.

While watching the recent election coverage, sky news (cunts too) decided to interview the “yoof” to see how they were voting.
…guess what. Every one of the gullible, deluded cunts was voting for comrade corbyn.
“Because he’s the kind of guy you could have a beer with.”


Maybe if you’re a member of the IRA, ISIS, ANTIFA or some other acronymed shite, but most normal people would smack the cunt if they got chance.

I can’t just blame them. It’s society’s fault.
The youth of today are all told that they’re special and that they can do whatever they want if they believe.
When I was young I was told “children should be seen and not heard” and if I moaned about something: “tough. Stop moaning.”
Most now seem to believe that they are actually special and that they can change the world.

No. You’re just a cunt same as the rest of us.

Sleb culture, Social media, SJW’s … all “yoof” shit and I hate it all.

….and don’t even get me started on those Glastonbury cunts.
I hope it fuckin pisses down all weekend!

Though the “yoof” of today are so wet already they’d probably hardly notice.

113 thoughts on “Young People

  1. “Most of the people who shit their pants on a regular basis are young people”. ???
    Is this a euphemism? Or is there some evidence for this? Statistics for soiling oneself , broken down by age and gender perhaps?

  2. As a cunter who is at the tail end of being in their 20s…….. I can’t stand these young spazmatron cunts either, they are so generally out of step and clueless it’s not even funny, some of the young fuckers at work don’t even know things that most people would consider easy general knowledge.

    As for these youth mongs who think Comrade Corbyn is their saviour…… ignirant pricks it wasn’t even that long ago that his ilk were doing their part to fuck the economy into the dirt when in power. They think he’s someone who is in touch with the people? Shows what they know – fuck all!

    As for the uni cunts – you are considered the intellectual elite and support the like of Corbyn and McPalpatine? You’d be the first to go under a commie regime!

    And the fucks are always glued to their damn phones on Farcebook and Twatter!

    I am convinced that these twats should all off themselves now because they will fail and get nowhere in life – they are utterly clueless!

  3. I was a total Cunt when I was a young’un…drinking,fighting,whoring…now I’m in my fifties and I’m still a Cunt,except everything takes longer and leaves me short of breath.

    • Too right DF. Me too.
      I think we had the best times growing up.
      I’ll be fucked if I’d want to be young again the way the world is now.
      I’ve got four kids and I don’t envy them at all.

      • Now I know it wasn’t as long ago as some of you guys, no offence, but I’m in no hurry to re-live those days either, things in this country were going to hell then, it is well and truly worse than ever now!

      • Certainly is PMS.
        Bollocks to it.
        I think more alcohol and possibly some mind expanding substances may be the answer.
        Shame I can’t afford it…’s those bloody four kids fault!

      • Eh, I don’t do any of that stuff…… I would say that I’d retreat back to happy memories of my youth but I fucking hated living it then!

        Christ it’s true, my generation are/were plutonium grade cunts – I’ve always got on better with older generations than mine! What the hell does that say about this cunter?

    • I can’t be arsed to do it at all.

      All that bouncing around and squelching…no thanks.

    • Rickie was the load that his mother should have swallowed that time……

      What’s the cunt up to now Dio?

    • Dickless Dribblemong is the load that his mother should have swallowed……

      Hey Dio, what’s the cunt done now?

      • Same old I’m not Upton Man crap. But then again he did say :

        LOL LOL LOL”

        Terrible memory that boy…

      • I think that sums him up accurately.

        Actually I think that blog is great. It gets the little git so wound up on occasions it’s beautiful to watch. It also seems that there’s a troll on there who isn’t him that seems to be trolling Rickie. Of course, it could be one of his multiple personalities.
        And whoever the Rickiebaiter is – and he’s accused just about everybody including me, Norman and Birdman – he’s doing a great job of yanking his chain.

        He’s still banging on about my getting an innocent man’s name out of the phonebook which we all know is nonsense. And then there’s the guy who bet him £5k he couldn’t prove he wasn’t Upton Man.

        It’s all priceless stuff. The guy is clearly off his trolley but it’s wonderful to watch him getting a dose of his own medicine. Latest thing is he’s gone back to trolling Frank Davis who he first started on in 2012. Yes, 2012! The guy is defo nuts…

      • I cant leave a comment.
        I do the anti robot picture puzzle but when i press the button , nothing.

      • He nuts alright, I think he needs to be sectioned, he’s very clearly a wrong ‘un.

        I do find it disturbing how he keeps using female aliases, he some kind of prevert or something?

      • Worth a read about that over there. There’s this guy that says he knows him from when he was locked away. Apparently the female aliases he uses are real first names of people he knows and the surnames are designed to display his deep sense of resentment over female rejection. Fascinating stuff…

      • Another gem from the exciting world of Rickie. This is a cracker…

        “cyclist by any other name said…
        Tuesday Morning,s at Priory just are not the same without you Ricky. Are you still addicted to Dichloralphenazone Ricky, or are you moving on. One thing that you cannot move on though, is your disdain of women. Sitting outside of schools and so on. Sunny Days at Sheringham. You really are a sick cunt.

        Look at the names you are posting in. Some, your victims, some your perverted fantasies. You really are a sick cunt.

        I remember Dr Mace returning from a home visit to you at Upton. He was seriously of the opinion that you should be sectioned. It didn’t happen though, more’s the pity. If you had been sectioned , some of your victims may have escaped your attentions. We simply will never know. I left in late 2012. I don’t miss it and I don’t miss you.

        Dr Mace went to work in Italy, he was a nice guy. Because he visited you at home in Upton that is how I know with certainty your identity. I mentioned earlier that at first I was unsure that you were in fact Richard the Troll until I saw the name and address at ISAC.

        I even thought it was possible that your id had been hijacked. But, like all with even a rudimentary application of M.O. you came back with all the same familiars.

        Your postings are the same as all those written threats and little stories that float in your mind. When the psychologist asks you to write a diary, they do so for a reason, they also keep the diary Ricky.

        The written words are the same as your posts. Even the names.

        You really are a sick cunt.”

      • Yep, he hates women. Anybody remember when the cunt gave me a verbal bashing for being a female smoker, fucking hell !

      • Penguin hasn’t touched that blog since 2012 has he? That would be a bit of a mission to contact him……

        That blog needs to be deleted, it’s not even that funny anymore what Dickless is doing.

      • Who gives a flying fuck about the insignificant little cunt? By even mentioning his name he has won. What he wants is attention and you are giving it to him.

  4. Yep the Facebook and Twatter generation, Zuckerfucker was right when he said ‘ the art of conversation is dead’, when they do engage most talk like a brainwashed Corbynista cunt.

    The older generations have destroyed our future is what you hear, well you stupid cunts since only around 40% of 18-24 year olds voted in the referendum you couldn’t have been that fucking bothered.

    • I don’t believe that generations older than mine have done such harm – if anything, because you all lived through the shit that has gone down back in the day, you generally know what’s what. I’ve heard the horror stories too.

    • Zuckerberg is an utter cunt. This liberal parasite is supposedly going to run for president. Controlling the media image won’t be a problem then…

  5. I was gonna go to the aqua park tomorrow but i think I’ll just stay in and scroll a bit and hit that blue button and go back to the top.
    Wooooaaaaah, here i gooooooooo. 🙂

    • Who’s playing funny cunts?

      Seriosly , it gets in the way.
      I was going to comment that the blue button is positioned exactly where i place my thumb to s roll down.
      Now its been replaced by boxes with arrows. WTF ?

      I never whinge about ISAC, as i have nothing to whinge about, but this is doing my head in and getting in the way.

      There was nothing wring before and i fear change.

      If it stays, can it be moved?

      Cant even reread my comment before i post it, so i apologize for my spelling mistakes from now on.

      • Now the blue button is on the left hand side of the screen…’s quite distracting.

      • The left is a bit better, but is still getting in the way.

        Voting time.

        Nsn the button press like.

      • I fucked up the word “ban” on the original one coz i didn’t see my spelling mistake when it was on the left.
        I’m for an outright ban.
        Ban the burkha and ban the button.
        Went to fix a spelling mistake there and spun, spun i say, all the way to the top off the page.

        Just done it again.

        I was gonna joke that i must be a weak cunt for getting wound up at a new blue button but when I’ve been”thrown” to the top of the page twice, whilst writing this post proves it really is a cunt.

        I’ll be biting the little cunt by tomorrow.
        Or my phone will get launched.

      • It’s on the left on mine. I suspect admin are tinkering with a plugin. Somebody asked for a back to top button yesterday I think it was?..

        If it’s unpopular then I’m guessing if enough people say they don’t like it then it’ll get removed. Personally I’m OK with it. Opinions?

      • Personally I don’t care. I’m just glad it’s not my problem these days 😉

        “You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time but you can’t please all of the people all off the time”

        I always found it difficult enough to please any of the people any of the time…

  6. Like with the recent entry on Precocious Children, I’m not sure who is the bigger cunt – the youth or the enabling parents. The latter have complete tunnel vision when it comes to their cunts, and both their failings and their upbringing are increasingly someone else’s responsibility.

    If they behave badly, it’s the fault of the school, the ‘bad lot’ of the fucking government; meanwhile it’s every other fucker’s responsibility to ensure they are kept sancrosact as the future.

    And I always love, fucking Kevin-Keegan-headphone-rant LOVE IT when some sharp-elbowed shitcunt mum tries to tell everyone that we all must pander to teh childrenz, because they are our future doctors, scientists and well-intentioned leaders…

    … no, love. They are more likely to be our future muggers, the landlords who screw us over when we inevitable face lifelong renting and he unscrupulous financiers who try to diddle us out of our meagre pension. Fuck the next generation well and truly.

    Oh, and as for the bearded hipster social media cunts – second behind mudslimes as far as I am concerned. Is that beard ‘ironic’? Nope, you’re just another fucking cunt.

  7. Also, ever notice how many ‘young’ cunts all talk with that fucking spasticated faux Bangladeshi-Jamaican bastardized hybrid of shitspeak? Even when they are white and from Saffron cuntifucking Walden?

    When did that become a thing, you fucking shitheels? More cultural enrichment?

    • Yes, and why the fuck do all ( even the white fuckers ) hold their nuts, wiv one an swing d other, when they are talking. ? FFS

    • True. For some unknown reason, some of them think they sound right-on and hardnail, but they sound like a coachload of mongs on the sunnyside yellow bus to the coast. “Orrroyt mayt”. “Cunt out you fake crip, I’m not your mate”.

      What’s all this wankage with these baseball caps with the flat peak as well? More of the same old plastic wigger shit, cuntish beatboxing fuckery and Eminemineminem “rap battles”. What a bowser full of dull cunt. Jesus and Joseph in a tunnel, general standards have dropped. Any old cuntage is acceptable these days.

  8. I don’t mind the yoof, i used to be one.

    Seriously, they are fucked.
    And so are we.
    Every generation is disliked by the older generation, but this time its different.
    Older generations, when they were younger, had their own trends and personalities. Some good , some bad, but personality none the less.
    This crop are fuckin morons who’s idea of heaven is going to a day time pool party on the Med, sipping a cocktail through a straw whilst bopping their heads.
    Year after year after year.
    Nothing has changed in the last fifteen years.
    They just pose, pose and pose .

    At least we done stuff. Even if it was getting off our heads, we done stuff.
    They yoof of today remind me of The Boys From Brazil. All brainwashed clones of each other.

    • All brainwashed clones who were engineered to be that way……

      I think I narrowly dodged a bullet there….

    • 21st century handcarts are going to hell faster than in the old days…

      Must be turdocharged

  9. It just gets better.
    Residents in luxury flats in the posh part of Kensington are ‘dismayed’ that the survivors are going to be rehoused on their patch.
    One very posh daddies girl finishing school type said this is horrendous.
    Oh yes but that’s London for you just round the corner from the luxury enclaves are the great unwashed.
    I don’t expect Lilly and her celeb chums will have any worries though there’s going to have to a few thousand tower blocks torched before any of them are dumped on their doorstep..mores the pity.

    • Yeah, they don’t like it now that it’s happening on their doorstep.

      • Very true it was perfectly ok for them to be put on some council estate up north amongst those terrible crass working class types and their ferrets and cloth caps.

      • Please tell me all this is true. Please, please. Where I can see videos, and pics and read news reports. Seeing the privileged classes being hoisted by their own petard as well as their bollocks will be pornographic Schadenfreude.

  10. The next tower block that goes up every luxury apartment block resident is going to be frantically going round the building checking to see how many of the places are actually occupied and getting the local estate agents round pronto to get them filled before Abdul his 5 wives and 4 camels is in there.Either that or pray to God there’s no survivors

    • I had a thought last night. If I were a peaceful, and I wanted “nicer” accommodation , I should simply torch my place of abode. Its worked so far.

  11. I’ve had this theory for a while now.
    The younger generation are fucked coz from a young age, they have worn hooded tops with baseball caps, obscuring their vision and headphones pumping out tat numbing their sense of hearing.
    They get driven everywhere. Picked up and dropped off, so don’t know their surroundings.
    They are glued to handheld electronic devices, again obscuring their view of the world and all the internet channel, social media and fantasy filums have fucked up their way of seeing how things really are.
    Killing people is not like a computer game.

    I believe some if not all I’ve listed is the reason the younger generation are beyond fucked.

  12. I want to nominate ” Hot Weather Whingers ” for a cunting. Fuck me, 38 degrees is fuck all. Come December it will be 45 degrees plus here day in day out and all the whingIng cunts in Blighty will be moaning about the cold. A tip for the cunts, get an air conditioner for your bedroom.

    • C’mon, turn up the sun
      Turn it up for everyone

      I’ve never felt unbearable heat. Never, bring it on and turn it up.

      • Oh yes, 1976 what a summer, I was 19 years old and all I thought about was shagging drinking and buying LP’s.
        I loved being a young cunt in those days, the deep and meaningless relationships. Oh the memories.
        Excuse me I’ve come over all emotional.

  13. One time I was going home from work on my motorcycle and it started belting it down so heavy I couldn’t see a fucking thing.
    So I pulled over and got under a bus shelter, fucking water dripping off me like a drowned rat. There were 3 kids, about 14/15, doing the same thing. One was black and the other 2 were white and they were talking all that Jamaican patois shit…….de feds cum round me yard, damn bludclawt and all that bollocks.
    Anyway, it stopped raining and 2 of them fucked off and this one white kid stayed, obviously waiting for a bus. I was getting my helmet and gloves on and this kid says, in perfect English , “excuse me have you got the time please?”
    I couldn’t stop myself and said “nah bruv, me ain’t got me watch ting innit?”
    The kid looked at me like I was fucking Gary Glitter and ran like the clappers. Cunt.

    • How come a black yoof from Dorset has the same accent as a black yoof from Doncaster ?
      And how come a black “G” from Tallahassee has the same accent as a black “G” from Toronto ?

      Proves its all fake , dunnit ?

      • Two young fuzzy haired gentlemen attempted to relive me of my bike last year, I just caught the cunts in time . Don’t leave it anywhere now.

  14. Now. We’ve got a lovely blue button I don’t want to push it but any chance of numbering comments?

    • Let’s get rid of the blue button first.

      There’s a protest in my living room in five minutes.
      Bring yer own placard.

      • How did the protest go? Peaceful? Or rioting, looting, punch ups and scuffles with police.

        Most importantly did you get a tax payer funded luxury apartment out of it?

      • Too hot. Too much effort. Nothing in it for them.
        Much easier to have virtual protest on Twatter.

        Proves we should never ever allow voting via the internet…

  15. This is a binary issue not one of intersectionality……the blue cunt has got to go.

  16. I am back at uni and pushing 50. The student union (Mandela loving Israel hating LGBTQIZTRHCHF emos) sent me an email saying how proud they were that a very large number of the yoof went out to vote. And still captain Hamas (Jezza) lost. Get back to your safe spaces you bunch of triggered morons….

    • Kind of worrying that you gave your email address to the students union in the first place!

      Fucking snake pits that they are.

      Are your students union lot all about being oppressed, offended and LGBTDFTTG rights are the most important things in the world, or are they a touch more rational than that?

      • Most unions seem to obsess over bullshit ‘issues’ like what bog some trans cunt can take a crap in, mansplaning for hysterical, unfuckable feminazi dykes or cultural appropriation.

        Protest, demonstrate and no-platform anyone who’s views they don’t agree with. £9000 a year to come out at the end of it an ignorant, intolerent snowflake cunt who’s political views are dictated by fake news on Facebook or what some Z lister arsehole is tweeting about.

      • I is a gay Zionist. I hate lefties and always take them on! Gay pride? Fuck off. It is a political movement. Uni has a mosque and I get regular emails about Friday prayers. Iman is a woman which I think is really progressive. Usual Israel hatinvg ninja clad nonsense…

    • Of interest ( off piste ) Following the Ramit’in celebrations the other night in Londonistan, the peacefuls had been celebrating Hamas, and there were inflammatory and unsavoury speeches made that would well fall into the category of supporting acts of terrorism.
      Hamas Fags and a Palestinian Flag were evidenced. However, we all know what happened next.

  17. The biggest problem with ‘the yoof’, is listening to people not qualified to give advice, and those that do not really have the ‘yoofs’ best interests at heart (think left wing SJW fucktards)

    I know what I would tell my youthful self if i had the chance, whether my youthful self would listen is a different matter. I am not talking about lottery numbers etc, but living a good, purposeful and financially rewarding/independent life.

    I am partly there (mostly retired at 46) but with some less irrational choices this could have been achieved around mid 30’s

  18. Why do so many people on the telly box more so young than old begin to answer a question with the word “so” ? Boils my piss. As the first poster says I’d smash the redhead while she ate the blondie. But that’s for another thread

  19. Went into ASDA on my dinner hour yesterday… And apart from the diabolical ‘Celebrate Eid’ banners all over the place (fucking collaborators!), there were these young talking shit student cunts in the queue… The two girls were irritating enough (although one did have a spectacular arse!), but the lad (I use the term very loosely!) with them was a total dick… Pink T-Shirt, jeans that had more holes and tears than material, and long (as in Neil the Hippy, only scruffier) luminous green hair…. As appearances go – apart from Ace/King/Queen/Jack Monroe and Lily Spaz – he’d win cunt of the year hands down… And the badges?…. A hammer and sickle, a Superman symbol, a ‘Che’ (murdering cunt!), A Stones tongue, a McDonald’s ‘M’, and a ‘No To Brexit!’?!…. When the till bird (another cracker with corking norks!) asked him if he liked The Stones (pointing at the tongue badge), the snowflake scholng didn’t have a clue what (or who) she was talking about…. Didn’t know who Che was either…. What a fucking wanker…

    Of course, after hearing the conversation and the student cunts had skidaddled, I steamed in and chatted to the till bird about the merits of ‘Beggars Banquet’ and how it pisses all over ‘Exile On Main Street’…..Jesus, what a pair she had…. Lovely face and all…

    • And a fit bird who knows her music is a rare bird indeed…. She wasn’t a feminist tosser either… The conversation turned to Anita Pallenberg’s demise, and the fit ‘un behind the checkout said, ‘Oh, she was a slag! She ruined Brian!’
      Lovely stuff….

  20. Fair play to the Sun. Brilliant headline over yesterday’s non event ‘protest’

    ‘ Too Hot to Trot’.

    • It’s good one, I agree….

      Another one could have been ‘Heatwave Melts Snowflakes!’

    • I don’t think hes a white nationalist just someone who went off his rocker , for starters he had a horrible plan to kill all muslims, definitely not a well thought out plan. I mean could you imagine going to school nowadays and the moslem kids taunting the white kids and saying they are better at running people over with trucks the badly teased white kids would have to embarrassingly admit that their race sucks at killing people with trucks 10 badly injured wtf darren? The attack in Paris, Nice was 87 FFS! and the one in sweden was like in 20’s I think

      • The Nice attack was 87 deaths and 458 injures sorry I typed too fast got ahead of myself I mean 87 deaths and 458 injures is a pretty impressive score I have to admit.

        If only white supremacist Darren actually used his brain instead of foolishly running and gunning for a crappy shit tier score Sad!, I mean 10 badly injured what the hell kind of score is that?! just pathetic darrren really

  21. THe Prime Miniister has just stated that anybody found to be living in a tower block with unsafe cladding should be re-housed immediately! Really? Where the fuck will they go?

    • Claridge’s, Hilton &c.

      At taxpayers’ expense.

      No whingeing, proles at the back !! It’s good business for the hotel trade…

    • Nice one, Norm. Don’t get to see much au natural beaver these days. I’d be up that like a shot.

      That’s another thing about the young, they all have bald mots. Cunts.

  22. Doug Stanhope is spot on about the young cunts these days. They will be the first generation that us old cunts hate for being too “square”.

    I was dating a student a few years back so I thought I’d meet her student friends and re-live my own student daze of drug and alcohol fuelled debauchery. Nothing could be further from the truth. The most straight laced vapid brain dead mongs you could ever meet. None of them smoked, drank very little and if one of them scored a 1/16 it was a big deal. Cunts addicted to their mobile phones and social fucking media.

    • Seen ’em on the Metrolink, Skiddy…. They don’t even talk to each other… Almost all of them sit looking at Twatter on their phones… The only two students that actually talk to each other (and others) are two Italian kids….
      And the way a lot of them take up two seats – putting their bag or backpack near the window and they sit in the isle seat – shows what spoilt and selfish cunts they are…

      And don’t get me started on the student scum who play loud and stupid games on their phones and also blare out autotuned dance bollocks on their phones on public transport of a morning….

      • I’ve seen that too, playing some sort of noise on their phones without headphones. I won’t call it music. How fucking self centred are these cunts? Mobile fucking phones have a great deal to answer for. In my day people used to say TV killed the art of conversation but now mobile phones have not only killed conversation but also buried it and pissed on its grave singing the hallelujah chorus.

  23. My dad gave me the best advice when I was about 14. Never get married and never have children.

    I fucked up with the marriage part but in my defence she was 16 years younger, had G cup tits and liked it up the bum so what can you do?

    • Hard to resist that, Skiddy… So I don’t blame you the marriage bit….
      As the old Jimmy Helms hit goes, ‘Gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse..’

  24. I hate to say it but the problem with the younger Generation is the older generation who tolerate this shit.
    I have a young chap who allegedly works for me, late in the mornings, late back from lunch, first out the place when we close.
    complains about data charges on his phone, (put the fucking thing down then and do your job)
    fails to turn up for work days on end.
    He went missing once and I went round his house, his dad told me I was mistaken and that he was on a paid trip by the company. I pointed out that I was his boss and this was not the case, to which he said “what can I do he is his own man” at which point I said “I wouldn’t go that far and left”
    so time moves forward he had his last disciplinary in may, at which point the manager pointed out that he was 27 and needed to grow a pair.
    I almost fell off my chair the guy is so retarded that I thought he might just be 20.
    well today I got an e-mail from him saying he could not sleep last night due to the heat and the sunburn he sustained last week when he fucked off un announced.
    So why?
    Well quite frankly mummy and Daddy put up with his shit and are willing to carry him on their backs, that’s who I blame, i won’t give you a Monty Python sob story of my childhood, but it stopped at 16 and I got a job and paid rent.
    so who are the cunts now?

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