The Right Honourable Stephen Kinnock MP.
Normally I wouldn’t blame a bloke for the sins of his father, especially when he has inherited his bald bonce and ugly face, but this cunt is an exception.
Stephen was elected as recently as 2015 (safe seat Aberavon) after spending his early career pushing pens and shuffling paper in the EU bureaucracy (I wonder where he got that idea?) He also took the opportunity to marry the future PM of Denmark, a slag who managed to get him off charges of tax dodging in Denmark.
Taking the advice of Mummy and Daddy (each received £130 grand payoff and £67 grand a year pension for their invaluable “work” for the EU) he decided that the he needed to steal from the British taxpayers’ pocket at source.
Obviously a solid gold Blairite and remoaner, tipped by the media to reach the top of Labour politics, just like his traitorous turncoat parents. The apple never falls far from the tree, they say, but this bastard is going to own the tree.
Truly a CUNT for our times.
And he is also a massive anti Zionist. Cunt.
Kinnock snr enjoyed a substantial financial reward for years of failure and political mediocrity, both underpinned by astonishing levels of shouting and general windbaggery.
Kinnock Jr is the spawn of satan, no mistake. He bears an uncanny resemblance to Uncle Fester, but as per his dear old pops, he knows how to ride the train of gravy.
He manifestly could not run a fucking hot dog stall but when has that ever prevented a bright, young, socialist Labour MP from making a success of their lot?
A typical Establishment cunt. All the Establishment are cunts and in my latest diatribe I accuse them of racism and white supremacism – their favourite accusations against anyone they dislike.
Stephen Kinnock a white supremacist?! what, come on now have you seen the refugee plan the labour party pushes? its actually not different from the tory refugee plan but still white supremacist… I dunno I’m skeptical
When the conductor called ” all aboard the ( gravy) train ” this despicable Cunt got on the front carriage with the rest of his loathsome family, they have all buried their heads deep into the trough of EU swill, the level of cuntitude in the kinnock family is simply jaw dropping!!
What would windbag senior be doing without his cushy EU job and exorbitant pension?? The man was an utter failure and was explicitly rejected by the British electorate!!, I’m afraid it’s another Apple not falling far from the tree!! Junior is a second rate politician and a first rate Cunt!
A proper freeloading cunt, part of a wider circle of so called ‘red princes and princesses’ who are the offspring of Labour cunts looking for a seat on the Westminster gravy train. Jack Straw, Tony Benn and uber cunt Blair’s waste of spunk looking to make our lives a misery second time round.
Like Piers Morgan, Iain Duncan Smith and Bono, Kinnock Junior can never ever be cunted often enough. Someone should stamp on the cunt’s nasty sanctimonious face.
I’m told MP’s exist to represent their constituents. How come none of the cunts are former plumbers, nurses or window cleaners? This cunt was groomed for life as an MP. An education/indoctrination at the best schools money can bribe, followed by earning millions in a career doing fuck all.
Yeah, this guy speaks for me.
What is the reasoning behind the £130,000 pay offs the Kinnocks received. They were obscenely overpaid in the first place. On what basis is it considered justified? Aren’t their fat fuckin pensions enough for that the greedy fuckin fuckers ? Do all Eurocrats receive it? Another good reason for getting out of the slime pit.
I have asked this question before. What in god’s name did the Pillocks senior do for the EU? Apart from themselves, what benefit was their function to any EU citizen?
And as for this slap headed cunt of an offspring .Does he know his country voted leave? And why the fuck did the thick Welsh twats vote for him and that other odious old cunt Flynn?
Kinnock has no visible connection to Wales or his working class constituency of Aberavon.
Useless, parasitic cunt.
He has no connection to Aberavon whatsoever. The cunt has his constituency address as a flat above a kebab shop. Remember the shit that scouse cunt Nuttall had for doing the same thing? Doesn’t the cunt live in Switzerland anyway? I wonder what his carbon footprint is? With all these second generation socialists popping up, it’s like the boys from Brasil!
Fuck off Jane. Unfunny twat
Bollocks Total Crank…………..cunt…….Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaah(c)
He’s a Kinnock.He’s a Cunt.
Looks like he’s just grasped a hold of the Invisible Man’s cock,and is about to give him a gobble. Wonder if his wife knows that he’s a knob-nosher? She looks tidy enough for an old bird,and if she’s not getting any,I’ll slip her a length…. She’ll have to pay me,mind, us gigolos don’t come cheap.
Being Blairite scum and a class enemy hopefully one of McDonnell’s NKVD commissars will have him liquidated (deselected) at the nearest opportunity
I do hope you are right Mr Quim…saves me having to do the job of knocking him off.
Stephen Kinnock could dedicate the rest of his life to single-handledly saving kittens from trees and refugees from sinking banana boats. It matters not, due to the facts that i) he’s a Kinnock, and ii) a politico in the Blairite mould. Therefore, he shall forever be categorised as an exceptionally high-ranking cunt.
Wonder if Kinncock the Younger has a go on the ‘Banana Gob’ ride?…
Because everyone else on the EU gravy train probably has… ‘Daylight cum and me wanna go hoooome!’….
This made me laugh. Cheers, Norman.
Have any fellow cunters heard about this?…
A person has been sacked… Why? Because he has (had?) pride in his business, and he didn’t want the place he worked for filled with scum and undesirables… Naturally, hounding of the poor bloke by snowflakes and libmongs on the online asylum that is Twatter brought about his fall… As General Manager of the place he should have had the final say, but for daring to disagree and calling out ‘Grime Music’ for what it is (Fucking Shite) and those it attracts (Chavs and criminal types) he has lost his job….. Welcome to fascist Britain….
More like marxist britain! I wish it was fascist britain truthfully speaking, modern day degeneracy wouldn’t be tolerated and special privileges wouldnt be granted to refugees patriotism would be encouraged not scorned at
Grime is shite just rap music recooked and pre packaged. Grime music wouldn’t even be allowed under the degenerate musik law just saying M8…
I see Channel 4’s Jon Snow has boarded the ship called “Celebrities Uttering No Tory Support” (C.U.N.T.S.).
Fair enough that people subscribe to any politics they wish, but it’s nauseous and distasteful when it’s so steeped in hypocrisy. He’s supposed to be an impartial, unbiased journalist! I rather used to like him but he definitely seems to have become caught up in the cloying net of vanity-obsessed sleb culture.
All aboard H.M.S. Cunts for the virtue-signalling sail. The boat leaves at dawn.
I would like to nominate modern advertising for an accumulated cunting; this fucking shit has been festering for years and it is high time that the phenomenon as a whole was covered in these hallowed pages.
Let’s be clear – adverts have almost always been annoying. There is the odd funny one or the odd ‘clever’ one. But on the whole, they are, and always have been shit. Unfortunately, advertising execs have taken increasingly bolder steps in recent years to not only up the cunt-ante, but try their level best to burrow inside your fucking skull; no longer with the aim of telling you about their product but like all things in the modern age, geared towards getting noticed and getting attention, usually via hashtwatters.
Trying my best to summarise this as succinctly as possible (and failing), consider:
1) The endless regurgitation of 80s songs – no matter how irrelevant to the fucking advert – with these eye-gougingly annoying breathy waifish cunts murdering them beyond recognition. Most of these acoustic cunts sound like crooning asthmatics… just who decided that this should be the backing template for every fucking ‘thoughtful’ add? Too many songs to mention that have been ruined by this type of ad; ‘Wonderful Life’, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, ‘You Spin Me Round’ are a bare few examples… don’t get me wrong, many of these tunes were shite in the first place, but adding extra layers of fucking hipster appeal just makes me desperate to time travel and swap places with Belsen camp detainees circa 1942. Anything to escape this particular brand of torture.
2) The whole Hashtag #LOLZ-type fucking branch of ads. Filed under this category are mammoth examples of cuntitude such as Moneysupermarket’s dancing woofters, Compare the Bastard Meerkat,… noticing anything? Yes, always the same type of shit comparison and insurance site. they have nothing tangible to sell so instead, buoyed by millions earned from their online ad revenue, they attack you relentlessly with such fucking #LOL creations as operatic Welsh cunts and stuffed Russian rodents. In fact, one of my all-time fantasies involves being locked inside a real Meerkat reserve compound, a 20-gauge sawn-off Remington and unlimited fucking buckshot.
3) Any advert featuring ‘yoof’. Any advert with any kind of 14-20-year old since 2008 always, fucking ALWAYS, depicts ‘street level’ with that fucking backward Jamaican-Bangladeshi hybrid patois of utter cuntdom; even when said youths hail from white-middle class Barnstaple or Windsor. What the fuck? Is this normal now? For every fucking kid in the land to sound like a tryhard cross between Ali G and Tim fucking Westwood? Fuck off, and take your cunting ‘fam’ with you. Remember that Galaxy ad with the innit rapper and the crooning waif sounding off in the recording booth? Oh, and talking of fucking which…
4) That bastard, Christing, OTHER fucking uber-cunt Galaxy advert with the CGI Audrey Hepburn. This fucking abomination has almost been going on as long as the Hillsborough aftermath. Please, make the fucker stop.
5) This more recent trend of using sounds and close-up noises (read up on ASMR) to almost drive you to distraction and grab your attention. Examples include that supermarket ad which had ultra-loud close-ups of cows chewing grass, and Crunchy nut adverts where the mic is almost inside the chomping fucker’s mouth. Fucking disgusting and excruciating at the same time.
6) Ads which attempt emotional manipulation. These range from saccharine stuff like that dead dad advert from McDonald’s a few weeks ago and the Paul Whitehouse weird undead shit advertising Aviva; right through to the starving African charity ads that hit us from time to time. Nothing however caps cuntlords like Ewan MacGregor lecturing us to dip into our pockets for UNICEF, while that cunt furiously wanks over his £50,000 appearance fee for the privilege of giving you the sermon. Cunt right off.
I’ve probably lumped in several cunt-worthy examples into one congealed cunting, but Christ. Modern ads instantly turn my piss into scorching hot vapour.
Apparently all British families now contain a golly,a half-chat kid,a monger and a strong,independent female role model (lezza).
My family doesn’t DF.
Got a few cunts in it though…mainly on my wife’s side.
I’m guessing that’s why you’ve never been chosen to appear in an ad, IA…unless you were the original Milky Bar Kid,and just can’t face the shame?….
No, I’m not the Milky Bar kid DF.
Never been in an advert.
I did used to be a model though….for toby jugs.
Great stuff and all true… The Magnum Ice Lolly ads bug the fuck out of me… Some tart bites into a choc ice on a stick, and there’s a loud crunching sound, that sounds like Eddie trapping Richie’s bollocks in a door in an episode of Bottom… Others that grate are the Ray Winstone ‘Bet Free Six Foive’ ones that encourage addiction to gambling, the spaz on the Maltesers ad (like that’s gonna get any good looking bloke’s number ever!), and moneygrabbing celebricunts who are so greedy they also do loads of advertising deals (Scarlett Johansson being one of the worst…. Sodastream?! For fuck’s sake!)… Still give her one, mind…
Those Maltesers ads are what happens when PC is driven to it’s limit. Of course, disabled people like anyone else have desires etc etc., what grinds me though is how fucking unrealistic the depiction is just to promote a bit of equality.
“At least I got the best man’s number” – No you didn’t, you fucking cunt. Not unless he was a salesman for Dignitas.
Spot on.
Castrate those feckin meerkats (that is, if they indeed have any bollox…they all appear a bit Catterick to me).
Also, McCains sponsoring Emmerdale. Indeed, that superheats my piss massively. I admit to being a cunt for watching Emmerdale, but I have now blacklisted any McCains junk, along with Wanker’s Crisps, for obvious reasons…
I’d still bang Charity Dingle, though…
I used to like Chastity Dingle…. Gone a bit manky now though…
Eva Price from Corrie…. Now yer talkin…..
Love this post. Apart from the Barnstaple reference. Barnstaple is the arsehole of Devon and ain’t middle class in any shape or form. God bless it. Exeter would have been a better candidate. Never the less I wholeheartedly agree with everything else.
Christ on a jet ski thats made my weekend
Excellent cunting with a cunting your third point should be a cunting in its own right I hate the way that the yoof do that whole “you get me fam” patois despite being white middle class suburb dwelling shithouses.
Nothing the matter with a few stabbings and shootings as long as they stick to their own kind. In fact, I’d encourage it.
Car adverts are the worst. What the fuck are they going on about? Some ohhhhh so trendy fuckin female singer singing bollocks while they try to sell some fuckin non existent dream world that will magically become real once you their fuckin car. Do they think we are fuckin stooopid? Errrr yes they do. They are almost as bad as ‘ men’s fragrance ‘ ads. Fuck em all.
A lot of car ads seem to be geared around what the “kids” think…is it “coool” enough. Fuck that,I’d make every kid who lived in a 5-mile radius walk to school. Get some of the beef off the fat little fuckers and stop those damned women and effeminate men blocking up the roads. Four-wheel drive vehicles should only be sold to men who have a legitimate use for them.
Get the kids cycling.
Close half the roads and turn them into cycle lane.
Fuck No…the thought of even more fuckers on pushbikes is appalling. Bloody things should be banned.
I’d ban cyclists,women drivers,caravanners, old people,burqa-wearers and Sunshine Coaches from the public highways.
In fact, I’d ban all moslems too, for fear that they were going to try and run me over,before stabbing me. Better safe than sorry, I say. Ban the whole lot of them,particularly the taxi-driving moslems.
and Deliverpoo cunts. FFS, if people want to eat mountains of industrial lard and sugar all sold as a pizza, they should get off their fat arses and walk to the take-away. It can’t be that far away, as Deliverpoo are hardly going to send cyclists 10 miles ??!
Agreed, Mike… I used to walk through Newton Heath and New Moston every day after school in the 70s… It was no picnic, but lessons were learned and independence and self sufficiency too… Little cunts now have bus passes and Oystercards just for a couple of stops…. I don’t even think it’s down to a fear of p@edos… It’s more down to bad parenting, laziness, and that sense of entitlement all bin lids have nowadays….
‘lessons were learned’ after walking through rough areas.
I ended up carrying a machete by the age of fifteen, and i lived in a shitty small town.
I’d also bang the bird in the Honda Civic ad…
Oh aye… Me too…
Where’s the button gone?
I never bother wasting time looking for the button. I just plunge in dry.
I’d like to nominate Namby pamby hoyty toyty poncey political correct soft shit for a cunting.
Apart from the obvious politically correct racist bollocks I think it deserves a cunting because of;
1/ Nursery education.
What the fuck is that for? When I was a kid we stayed at home with mum until we started school at 4 or 5 and then were educated until 16. I’ll tell you what it’s for, it’s so both parents can go out to work to fund their BMW’S, gym memberships and hot tubs etc instead of one of them staying at home and doing without a few of lifes ‘neccesities’ for a while.
2/ Maternity leave.
Why have maternity leave? You want kids? Then leave your job and have them. Don’t expect employers and colleagues to foot the bill and be inconvenienced by your choices.
3/ Paternity leave?
Fuck off. Me and Mrs A have four children and back when we had them I saved a week from my annual leave to take when each one was born and we just got on with it. As with maternity leave, don’t expect other people to pay for and be inconvenienced by your choices.
Seems to me that everybody wants everything handed to them on a plate and it’s their right to have it. Cunts.
All the more reason for the young to be taught financial literacy and view their choices in life through a financial lens rather than an emotional one.
Evaluate every spending choice or habit continually, earn and save, use your ability to earn outside of your main occupation (rather then going to the pub etc) save it, live productively, relatively frugally and have the choice of whether to have (or need) a full time job, or a job at all, within 15 years or so.
Never have people had such opportunity with amazing technology, communication at their fingertips.
@ Ian Appropriate
When you’re born and registered, you are the property of the state and therefore they invest in you, the product, to make a profit from you in the future.
I’m sure someone will say I’m talking nonsense, fair enough, i ain’t listening.
Nope, you’re absolutely right. Get them young and you can fill their little heads with whatever idealogical bullshit you wish without any interference from the parents.
The Nazis, along with subsequent other forms of socialists, liked to get them young…
number of ‘refugees ‘ picked up in the Med up to 10, 000 in the last 3 days. what the fucks happening?
Where are shoals of lethally venomous jellyfish when needed ??
I’ve always admired the Ozzies for the sheer number of vicious, biting, poisonous creatures they have there.
Please, Ozzies, send your box jellies to the Med for a big training exercise…
Oh, by the way, I’d defo bang that Germaine Greer…
Germaine Greer in the 1960s maybe… Aussie birds? I always wanted to bang the buggery out of that Delvene Delaney from The Paul Hogan Show and The Young Doctors…
Another Aussie gem from Hogan’s show…. Karen West. (1:24 onwards).
On the subject of feminists like Germaine Greer, there is no pleasing them.
I paid a compliment to one once and she called me every name you could think of.
All I’d said was ” Nice tits Luv ”
I think they are on the coast stinging all the cunts that cant get in
Jellies vs Gollies? That sounds like a fine video game. Use your controller to control a darkie and negotiate him between a shoal of jellies. If he succeeds, there can be an animation of a swedish bird for him to have a “struggle snuggle” with. I’d rather controll the jellies though, sort out the med good and proper
What an excellent idea for a game. You would make a fortune out of that one. ! Just think…box jellyfish…!
And this evening our Italian friends are screaming enough! ( A little louder and Merkel may hear it )
Reni is not a cunt…. I think people know full well what they are getting with Reni, he’s quixotic and he’s been that way all his life…. He needs managing and handling with care… I also don’t think he takes fools gladly, and that sometimes shows with his dealings with Ian Brown… It showed in the press conference, it showed at Barca/Amsterdam, it showed at the film premier, etc… IB’s got an ego, and sometimes it needs propping…. I doubt whether Brown has ever taken personal responsibility for anything, and the one constant in all his problems is himself… He seems to gloss over his part in the break-up of the Roses the first time, it wasn’t his fault he ended up in Strangeways, it wasn’t his fault that that lad got a shoeing on stage and it’s not his fault now…. Bollocks, of course… The behaviour of IB in the last few concerts has been immature at best and unprofessional at worst… Bigger bands have had worse relationships and delivered on stage… Look at Floyd at Live8, Zep at the O2, The Stones at various times, Fleetwood Mac, or CSNY… No matter what has gone on behind the scenes, IB has embarrassed himself… A 50 something year old man, entering the stage from a different side, parading about the stage with a t-shirt on a hanger? Changing the lyrics to songs? ‘Playing’ bongos over Reni’s majestic drum solo? Singing Beautiful Thing from stage left? And all the other subtle stuff? Childish …. ‘The drummer’s a cunt’?…. Could it be the other way round?…
Reni may not be the ‘C’ word but it could be said that he dresses like one.
Get a clue son, yer a rock star yet dress like a ‘dad’ who shops in the back pages of a Sunday newspaper.
Ian Brown on the other hand is cool and the main draw for fans, then John Squire, then Mani and then the old guy with a dodgy barnet.
I remember reading why Ian Brown wanted to be in a band and he said that whilst at a party one night, this guy said that he should be famous coz he’s a ‘star’, so after that he set about making it in a band.
That guy at the party was right, and even though the Roses are excellent, and great musicians, Ian Brown is still the main man and the one who pulls in the punters.
Without Squire the Roses would be (and were) fucked… Like Led Zeppelin: Plant, Jones and Bonham were very important, but take Page out and the game’s up… Saw a few Reni-less shows when they had that buffoon, Maddix (Squire saved those shows), but when John decided to go (and they hired Aziz and some dodgy keyboard player) it was diabolically shite (Brown included)… Same goes for Seahorses… Johnny was The Seahorses, and without him they’d have been crap…
And Brown not shaking Reni’s hand at the end of their last gig at Hampden (if that’s the case)?… That’s cunty behaviour on a par with Glen Frey or Paul Weller…
I think The Roses are like Queen or The Who… Take one out of the four and it just doesn’t work… The Who haven’t made a good record since Keith Moon died, and as for Queen?… No Freddie, no nothing… Simple as that….
I’ve watched Stardust twice in the last week and also That’ll Be The Day twice.
Stardust IMHO is the most underrated rock filum, yet again, IMHO, its the best.
Never liked Queen. They were a Pantomime version of Led Zeppelin.
Correct, losing Reni may not be a beautiful thing, but hes not What The World Is Waiting For.
David Essex was good in those films…. He was one of those artists in the 70s that was a girls favourite, but was also seen as cool by lads too…
Good mix of Essex and Doves by an old mate of mine:
And a Roses one… Oddly enough, it works…. Love the Byrds bit near the end…
Jeez, that twisted my melon, maaaan.
It was done well, but it threw my senses all over the room
I felt like I’d drank some acid tea.
The first one didn’t play, but ta, Norman.
My melon is still twisted.
i’d like to cunt Oakley sunglasses and also myself for buying them. why have i got the distinct feeling i’ve been ripped off?
Because you have.
Any cunt that gives over their hard earned for any ‘branded’ goods, coz they are ‘branded’ is a cunt.
All you are paying for is a cheap set of sunglasses and the ridiculously high costs of advertising them to you as something special.
Turkish Ray-bans are the future………
A gentleman has been arrested after pretending to have lost his family and possessions in the Greenfell fire. Apparently he was looking to be rehoused and given his compo. No mention made of his name yet… I’m going to take a stab in the dark (much like they do)…and guess … Mohammed.
His claim for loss is for his camel , and for loss of earnings from driving said camel.
Yawn! More camelbuggering opportunist human filth…
I’m listening to radio 4 news and there’s a piece on ‘so called Islamic state’ and ‘those who call themselves Islamic state’ and then they spoke to a British drone operator called Dave but ”Dave’ is not his real name.
I don’t know who was doing what to who , there.
Any whiff of a freebie will attract our peaceful friends like a fly on shit. Authorities also allowing any illegals resident in Grenfell Tower can now stay after May promised an amnesty, endorsed by Kunt Khan of course. Every Ali Baba and Abdul in London will be all over this.
Probably discover that there were 25 thousand peacefuls and 2 thousand pikeys all claiming to be packed in there if they think there’s a payout available.
Always the case, we all know that amnesty offer is ripe for abuse. Just like the child migrants thing…… it was so annoyingly predictable that the ”children” who showed up were all in their 30s.
It would be like Tetris, where every shape is brown.
Is this to suss out exactly how many people were in there? FFS!
My Aunt and Uncle lived in a set of flats which made Grenfell look like a bungalow!
Anything happened there and they could ask anyone and they could tell them to within a man exactly how many folk lived there, who and where in the flats.
To now be a fortnight on and to still have no idea “how many” tells me there must’ve been more undocumented illegals than the contents of the Odessa file!
This tower block fire is a going to be milked for all its worth by every jobless, feckless waster within ten miles of the fucking thing. Even the poor white trash of the area are in on it.
On the radio today was a spokesman of the Grenfell action group or some such made up rubbish. This was a mick who didn’t even live in the fucking place shouting his mouth off and basically saying gimme gimme gimme….me me me
Forget the poor fuckers who went up in smoke, just give me some shit and more shit becuase I live near the place.
Utter cunts.
Throughout this whole thing, I’ve found that the actual legit residents of the tower are the ones who have made the least noise. It’s every opportunistic cunt under the sun who are making the noise, from chancers to illegals, from nearby cunts to politician cunts.
Bit of a sad story:-
A Hungarian hit two girls with his car in Oldham last NYE, then does a runner. Possibly because he hasn’t got a valid Driving Licence. One girl dies on the spot but the other agonises for two days before dying, yet the Hungarian goes out and parties. It transpires that, yes, you’ve guessed it, he had previous back in his country. As did all three crims that were with him that night (one for rape). He was given four years.
Nevertheless, EU-loving turd-eaters, like the spawn of Kinnock above, say we should just let anyone walk in, presumably unchecked and unqualified. Spineless, anti-British Remainiac rat.
They certainly should be deported after having done their time, but that won’t bring back the two girls. Furthermore, after we’ve spent 40 grand a year on each one of them (the cost per prisoner) keeping them, feeding them, educating them etc, every party will have lost out. Prevention is better than cure. Stop the bastards with criminal history coming into the country. Yet (once again) we cannot control our own borders and this is just another statistic drenched in the blood of the EU.
Couldn’t we just have sent a team out to hunt him down then butcher him on the spot on finding him. That would be justice for this piece of human shit.
Further to the splendid cunting by The Empire Cunts Back, I should like to add that I watched an old TV show the other day and *that* Maltesers ad was on
in the break…therefore:
A good hearty cunting needed for Maltesers and the accursed progressive nature of advertising in general. Not content with belittling and undermining men for the last 20 years, we all had, I’m sure, a little bit of sick in the mouth when that tiny Davros announced that she left a wedding reception ‘with the best man’s number’.
No, the best man did indeed NOT give you his number, unless his name was Barnum or he was some sort of uber-spaz doctor. Perhaps he was simply a
colossal pervert?
Would Dick Fiddler be brave enough to pound her until her Joey pelvis looked like a dropped Milky Bar.
Imagine pulling back the bedclothes on that little creature, it’s fliddy little legs looking like knobbly white twiglets thrashing around, like ED-209 when he falls down a stairwell.
I suppose that once her legs were pulled open, she’d be physically unable to get ’em closed again.
Although it does open up an entirely new world of possiblities for the advertising agencies – real life Deacons advertising products.
Here’s my idea for another choccy ad:
Showing an actual syndrome lady in an ill-fitting negligee seductively peeling back the wrapper of a Flake bar in a French chateau, the moonlight reflected like dappled pools in a long string of saliva as it drools from her wonky bottom lip. She
licks her lips (inadvertantly), her glistening tongue slips between mis-shapen teeth as she looks at the camera and howls “Flaaaaaake!””
I’d buy that for a dollar! Well, 45p at most.
Fingers crossed you remain able bodied, eh?
Even if an accident or disease rendered me disabled, I certainly wouldn’t use my disability to flog a product for a virtue-signalling cunt of a company.
Good for you.
Good for him.
They could get Lily Mong to do that Flake commercial, Thomas…
Indeed. She could point out (through sanctimonious tears) that ? a Mars a day helps you rape, steal and pray?. Or should that be “prey”?!