One Love Manchester “Zleb Fest”

I’m fucking dreading this concert thing tonight in aid of the Manchester victims.

I reckon it’ll even surpass Diana’s funeral for mawkish sentimentality. A load of ignorant pop stars wailing away to a VIP section of minor soap stars, reality tv show actors, assorted right-on social commentators and a bunch of vote-hungry politicians. They’ll all be at the front,with extra security, while the “ordinary” folk can hold their mobile phones up at the back.

Of course,there’ll be no mention of the Elephant in the Room, just endless cant about “Standing United” and “Love conquers Hate.” Nobody’ll dare utter the dreaded “Muslim terrorist” phrase, instead we’ll get tales of how the muslim “Community” helped the victims, and how “shocked” they all are. Presumably not so shocked that they bothered to do anything about the terrorists who they hid,and continue to hide, in their “peaceful community.”

Saints Bono and Bob’ll probably put in an appearance,along with whichever “star” Simon Cowell is currently plugging…is it a dancing dog this year? The over-the-top grief signalling will be unstoppable. Even “Self-Pity City”, Liverpool won’t be able to hold a tear-doused tea-candle to it.

All the weeping and wailing won’t change a fucking thing. Unless this country wises up, and fucking quickly, this muslim terrorism will increase and spread.

Nominated by dick fiddler.

Ticketmaster put aside 14,200 free passes for those people who attended the original concert. They received 25,000 applications from those people claiming to be there that fateful Monday. So, over 10,000 false claims.

Good to see the human spirit of honesty and compassion is burning strong.

The thieving, lying scum that will stoop so low, so as to get a free ticket on the back of other people’s suffering and misery.

Contemptible, miserable fuckwits. I despair.

Nominated by Mike Oxard.

163 thoughts on “One Love Manchester “Zleb Fest”

  1. Elephant in the room. Is Adele also a liner ? She could cry a fucking river on this one the cunt.

  2. What a load of attention seeking cunts. Instead of condemning these gutless goat fondlers they use it to launch their ailing careers. The snowflakes will lap it up like the spineless fucks they are.

    • Apart from the mawkish bullshit fest this is, the talentless turds that appear are an affront to anyone who appreciates music and musicians.
      At what stage did ‘band’ mean a set of autotuned cowellised dancers?
      When did a piece of shit like Robbie Williams attain star status. And who the fuck is ariola appigrandry or whatever her name is?
      And payment isn’t an issue. Saint Bob became a multi-millionaire on the back of supplying arms and money to Ethiopian warlords.

  3. Never heard of this Ariana Grande attention seeking cunt before Manchester, she’s already tweeting about her love for London, maybe looking for a sell out weep fest at the O2?.

  4. The idea of this sing-a-long in aid of Manchester victims is vomit inducing if not a downright insult.
    They shouldn’t have needed aid at all. It’s not like the Aberfan disaster where the tragedy was as a result of our own ineptitude. This fucking outrage was imported, and without the agreement of most people capable of rational thought.
    The worst of it all is that nobodies will be jumping on the band wagon trying to promote their own sense of worth. They’ll be banging on about togetherness, tolerance, multiculturalism, and all sorts of shit that they themselves don’t have to endure or live amongst.
    I have a different idea. I no longer want integration, I want segregation, and I want it made permanent.
    Fuck off forever you malevolent cunts. Hardly anyone wanted you here in the first place. I’m damn sure no-one wants you here now.

  5. Off subject but just had a stinking huge row with me sister and mother about the peaceful sand monkeys . I suggested that of you want to stop all Islamic terror then best thing to do would be to deport all of them .

    i was then told i was a wacist because my sister “knows” a few of them on facefuck and twatter, i then asked her what there beliefs were and how much time she had spent with them , hanging out ,at their homes ? . Her answer i haven’t and i don’t care about that stuff i asked her about how they treat women in their own country and how the Koran tells them how to kill gays and non believers . Again her answer was i don’t care and i don’t need to know what the Koran says .

    i then asked my mother what she thought about this and got same spiel.

    then i asked her what she knows about the Koran and why these ppl are doing what there doing ?. Exactly same answer i ain’t read the Koran i don’t know about any of what your talking about .???.

    I have spent hundreds of hours if not thousands of hours researching this Islamic terror over the last 6-8 years from videos, news reports, freedom of information docs, polls , surveys, interviews and hidden camera footage of these shit staines and i to then be told i know fuck all about any of it really pissed me off.

    i gave the pair of them statistics , and evidence from reparable surveys carried out by international independent commission s and from government, army and policing reports.

    After doing all of that all i got was “well i don’t care your stats are bollocks” and i don’t care because your wrong because i know a couple of nice sand wogs of Facebook who really aren’t being nice to me just because they want to fuck me honest .

    And then my mother got all uppity because she thought i was calling her stupid for being ignorant on a subject she admitted to not caring about and knew nothing of.

    so in summary my mother and sister are prime examples of why this country has gone to shit , both know fuck all about the subject but think they are some how right and that facts and stats don’t matter if you feel like some are ok because of facefuck then that’s cool apparently.

    And if you give then hard worked for evidence they just call you wacist and say that your evidence is bollocks even though they know fuck all about it and have never even looked at it .

    Right rant over sorry about that but that really pissed me off but all the women in my family are like this they have nothing but feelings and emotion s and what ever twatter and facefuck or the ABBC tell them to believe no matter how much evidence i provide .

    • Sheriff, with all due respect, you really need to give your mother and sister a good slap. Reading what you just posted about the crap they came out with offended me something fierce. So please, if they won’t listen to reason, you need to display unreason to them.

      PM Sinister
      A fellow cunter.

      • Quite right mate. Im always being told to pipe down so as not to cause offence, and told “eee, you can’t say that ”

        Its because people say nothing that these cunts get away with everything. I hate the fuckers with a passion. Do I upset them ? Quite frankly I don’t give a fuck.

    • Great stuff Sheriff. You really should know better you complete and utter R word. Nearly all these cunts will be there to photograph themselves and post it on Faecesbook or Instawank. Look at me….please look at me. 22 dead…..yeah very sad but fucking look at me! This is post modernism in action. No cunt knows what is real anymore. We’re doomed……we’re all doomed.

    • You think that’s bad I have a sister who fucks the dirty bastards. Needless to say I have not spoken to her in years. Hoping she’s married one by now and has been forced into servitude and dressing up as a one man tent. The idea of her wandering around the High Street in this heat is some salvation.

      • Reminds me of a Polish woman where I work.

        Always thought there was something off about her.

        Last year, it got my hackles up the way she sneered about Brexit and Trump.

        Then, a few moths back I learnt another tidbit about her.
        You guessed it, the man she’s married to and gave birth to his spawn for is a goddamn peaceful!

    • I always say religion isn’t a race and anyone the accused me of it shuts up

      • You can convert to Islam. You cant convert to Afro Carribean or Chinese, so spot on Mr Stokely. Also ‘Islamophobe’ is always misused. It means fear of Islam not hatred of Islam and is a perfectly rational emotion.

    • I had exactly the same row with mrs Fistula in a restaurant, I screamed across the table at her WHEN THE FUCK WILL YOU REALISE THIS IS A MUSLIM PROBLEM ?
      Now the Peaceful ones have fucked up my Anniversary.

      • As is always the case. Saggie May says there should be a new approach, I have an idea – kill the fuckers!

    • Sadly, you are spot on. Facts are no longer relevant, it’s all about how you feel… why are wimminz so dopey and deluded ??

      Macron is a snivelling, snail-fucking littlebollox CUNT, for trying to make EU capital out of the London attack…
      “we must stress the importance of European (ie EU) cooperation over terrorism.”
      They need our intelligence, cos their security is shite.
      Any more blackmail on behalf of your uberwanky EU cronies, and you’re out. CUNT.

      Merkel is a fuckin hypocritical old bat for polluting the Union Jack by projecting it on to some monstrosity in Berlin; then the affrontery to say that she stands in solidarity with us (oh, and, by the way, I’m sending a few more hundred thousand rapEUgees your way soon)…Scheissbag

  6. All this concert is is a self congratulatory circle jerk by a bunch of smug slebs looking for easy publicity.

    Now doubt they will preach love, unity, tolerance, globalism and the rest of the self serving bullshit they oh so love to spout.

    There is no, has never been and will never be any integration regarding 99.999999% of the peaceful types.

    No doubt there will be at least one political statement by one of these sanctimonious sleb twats.

    No doubt there will also be the now mandatory verbal shots taken at Trump.

    Multiculturalism is a fallacy, these cultures, and I use that term lightly in certain cases, clash violently with one another and will never be on the same page.

    Alas, this nonsense will get lots of coverage and people will buy into their crap.

    What are the odds that Comrade Corbyn will put in a ”surprise” appearance?

  7. What is going on with this site now? Can only the favoured get a cunting posted? Not had one of mine picked up since the installation of the new regime.

    • Still getting problem Sir Limply?

      I don’t get it.

      Have you been having proxy server problems or the like? I you have contact the Eye, it worked for me.

    • Re post a cunting of yours here and I will upload it by tomorrow Sir Limpy!

      • Reposting as asked:


        So all tickets for the Ariana Grande Manchester benefit gig sold oit within minutes orf going orn sale. Ticket agents old friends TicketMaster (Master minds behind London Olympics balls). Endless promises to sort ouit dodgy 3rd world/chinko/mafia ticketing bots. Have to buy ‘em at inflated prices orn Ebay now. Unless our AlKillyer friends have bought the lot as a thank you for their loyal supporters. Cunts too dumb to realise they need a few proper punters there or else not worth going.
        Gig should go with a bang either way. And TicketMaster will have made their money whatever. Proves Capitalism is King.

      • Don’t forget that not everyone who bought their original tickets for the original concert did so through Ticketmaster. Without their booking reference number and information about where they bought the ticket they can’t get in. So anyone who bough their ticket through one of these unscrupulous resellers or ticket touts are fucked.

        Only about 9,000 out of the14,000 or so who attended the original concert, have received tickets for the charity gig.

  8. As distasteful as it is, I’m going to watch this shower on the ABBC just to see if my predictions come true. And to see what left wing biased bullshit the ABBC will come out.

  9. Cant stomach the luvvie fest concert.Bet it will be filled with anti trump pro Islam slogans!Fucking cunts!

    • Hey Shaun, reckon Corbyn will put in a ”surprise” appearance?
      I think the scum will to win some cheap votes.

    • Scruffy cunt from piss poor Spinners (the British folk group, not the Detroit Spinners) tribute act, Mumford and Sons…. I think he’s been shagging arch-snowflake and luvvie cunt, Carey ‘Hairy’ Mulligan…

  10. Police are doing a wonderful job? What by doing their fucking job? I have no sympathy for them. They have dutifully followed orders to round up anyone who dares criticise the worlds most favourite religion for many years. Put their fears of being called racists before their duties to protect us from these barbaric invaders. Now all their chickens have come home to roost.

    They can’t have their muslim cake and eat it.

  11. In my day never went oit unless appropriately tooled up, if only a pair orf brass knuckles in me veskit. Doine the pubs on my manor the bouncer would not let you in withoit a pair. We expected to take care orf our own.
    Let the towel heads try to pull a stunt like the London tear up then we’d tear their balls orf. Pathetic slap headed pink jowled foodie faggots. Put orf their Snowflake Surprises by a few wog terror merchants? Shooters is one thing but blades? Come orn for Christ’s sake. Go for ’em mob handed in a confined space, that’s the ticket (no room for the cunts to get busy with their tools see).
    What is this bolloxs from the filth? Run, Hide, Tell. That’s how we saw orf the krauts and the IRA I suppose. My terror advice is Stay, Abuse, Castrate.

  12. Having this concert is all very well, lighting candles and leaving flowers and teddy bears allows people to express their grief and let’s face it it is hard to know what to do if you’re just Joe public.

    I’m sure the security services are working hard to detect and prevent the next attack.

    The political class though have to provide clear and concise guidance to the security services and back them with adequate laws and funding.

    Hope everyone has a good time at tonight’s event, especially those who went to the original concert and experienced the attack.

    I don’t think everyone involved in this event is a cunt, well I’ll qualify that, they are not a cunt for being involved in this event.

    This event is partly a response to the unthinkable, people don’t know what to do because they have no comprehension of what we are facing.

    As inviduals we need to pause for thought and find out what we can do in our daily lives to fight the enemy. That might be by making informed choices about where we spend our money or by educating ourselves and then educating those around us.

    Throwing some choice insults around may let us vent some justified anger but it doesn’t change fuck all.

    We need to get smart, we need to be able to counter the SJWs with well structured and researched arguments and we need to begin the long difficult process of reversing the damage done.

    • Sixdog, let me offer you some wisdom about trying to counter the SJW snowflakes with well researched and structured arguments. It’s real simply wisdom:

      Never try to argue with an idiot, they will use experience and beast you with it.

      • Your not trying to win the argument with the idiot, the point is to wake up some of the spectators to the discussion. The idiot willl continue to believe what he wants, it’s about getting information introduced to the debate that is currently suppressed or badly presented.

      • Problem is, some of the spectators don’t want to wake up to reality.

        The debate will continue to be suppressed because certain quarters only want the ”right” kind of debate.

      • Hence Safe Spaces… so that they are NEVER confronted by any opinions that, perish the thought, might differ from their own spasmotron beliefs…

  13. In light of last nights attack in London,I wonder if Chas and Dave should relaunch their career. A heartfelt rendition of “Mustn’t Grumble” should demonstrate that the famous British stiff-upper lip is alive and well and no amount of nail-bombings, or stabbings can defeat us.

    Nothing like a good disaster to relaunch a career.What Band-Aid started,no washed-up,second rate act has been frightened to follow.I bet most of the acts at Manchester have new “material” that they’ll inflict on an already traumatised audience tonight.

    Security’ll be tight. Although they’d need the Hells Angels from Altamont to keep me away from strangling most of the cynical,opportunistic cunts that are performing. (Not Katy has been said..she’s got a lovely set on her.)

    The audience can perhaps get temporary tattoos of a fluffy bunny to show their defiance. They can put the picture up on facebook along with some mawkish,trite hashtag…. #lovewillprevail, perhaps..that sounds weak and pathetic enough to not trigger any backlash.

    None of the “brave”acts will mention the real reason that they’re all gathered there with tears streaming down their innocent faces…. As that bystander on Sky so eloquently put it last night…”FUCKING MUSLIM CUNTS.”

  14. It’s a shame this site doesn’t have a forum. It really is the only outlet I know of for right minded individuals. The only place I know of to let off steam.

    • Mega, believe me when I say that last sentiment of yours is shared by pretty much everyone who posts on ISAC.

      • It’s one hell of a busy site and deserves the best. How did I ever survive without it? I only found ISAC a short while back and when I did it was like:

        “Eh, what’s this? You what? You mean I’m not alone??! Why didn’t any fucker TELL ME!!!”

      • Again, many of us shared that sentiment.

        It seemed to good to be true when I first found it.

        I remember how I found it too. One day I googled ‘Nicola Sturgeon is a cunt’ and found this wonderful site.

      • We need a forum, make a proposal , attract some sponsorship and advertising. A lot of the issues on ISAC need deeper discussion. I love the fact that like minded people with deep insight and practical common sense frequent this site.

      • Ah brilliant! I googled “Russell Brand is a cunt”. It was love at first sight. Or should that be love at first website.

      • That’s exactly how i found this site , searching for Russell Brand is a cunt lol ?

      • Same, I just happened to type in Bob Goboff is a cunt. I used to have a ‘hate’ list. It included Russel Brand, johnathon woss, kieth lemon, that ignorant cunt builder I do some work for’s son ‘Gazza’ and many more. When I told people I had a list they thought I was wierd until I said to them ‘ if you had one, who would be on it?’ Every single one gives me a couple of names. I say ‘there you go, you have a hate list’. Every cunt on this planet has one. I also, btw have a ‘go for a pint’ list.
        Amanda Holden, Rachael Riley, Jennifer Lawrence, Brian Blessed?

  15. Had it on for 2 minutes.Already feel sick and want to bang my head against the wall.

    • I see that cunt Bono sent in a message and claimed to have sympathy for the victims and their families. Pity he never showed that kind of sympathy to the victims of his IRA butt buddies.

      • Now Miley Cyrus is on. Under the circumstances I do hope she keeps it clean…..

      • Miley Cyrus is on. Under the circumstances I do hope she keeps it clean…

        Unlike her cunt…

      • Although Bozo is a cunt, to be fair he proper kicks off at the Fenian scum (after the cenotaph bombing in 87) in the Rattle and Hum film… Still a cunt though…

        As for today’s concert? I dare say that STD infested goggle eyed media prostitute, Kunty Perry, will be having a peaceful sandspade blowbang after the gig…

        No Coldplay fan either, but with all those smelly minged mutts on the bill they’d be forgiven for thinking they were at Crufts….

    • What, that ”I’m Happy” song?

      Christ, given that it’s not even 24 hours since the last attack, that choice should have been struck from the playlist.

      • Pharrell/Farrell/Farill is an epic cunt of epic proportions… As Big Ron would say, he’s a fucking thick nigga…

      • Think he’s doing TV punditry abroad, LL….
        Absolute joke how ITV went all holier than thou on Ron… He got caught, simple as that, but everyone does it… Anyone who says they have never used a racist or sexist term, or told a racist or sexist joke is a lying cunt…

        Top manager too… That 85/86 side (before Sparky fucked off to Barcelona) was fucking ace…

  16. Watching this concert reminds me of the scene in Titanic when the ship is sinking and the violinists just carry on playing.

    • Fuck that’s a bit macabre isn’t it?

      Or does that sum up this country in general?

      • I rarely post on music matters, but I gotta do this one. Firstly, I love music.. I mean good music, music by great bands who are masters of their craft. Real rock Stars, guys of the 60, 70, 80, and some of the progressives, yes even some grunge. But this!, This isn’t music. This isn’t the product of persons expert in their craft. This is shite. Plain simple unadulterated shite. Stars? FFS, I think not. Plastic twats bouncing around like the fucking Tiller Girls on speed, and so much electronic and digital enhancement, even a dog turd would sound good. The politics and self promotion? Disgusting, simply fucking disgusting. Turgid nuggets of shit the lot of em.

      • It is true.The country is being attacked and is going down the shitter but these cunts just carry on singing!Rhe country is macabre by flocking around a concert whilst rhe victims are still warm.

      • And yet the perps haven’t been named yet. Curious that….

  17. OMG !!! she is fuckin terrible, awful, diabolical, talk about hype over substance, she’s just making a weird noise, fuckin hell. and to think she’s probsbly living in a big mansion somwehere, jeeez.

    • Fuck me Richard, you MUST have a strong stomach to watch that shite!

  18. Fuck me. I haven’t seen such an example of opportunistic ghouls feasting on the dead since the Nazis were pulling the gold teeth out of jewish corpses. The performers and organisers should be fucking ashamed.

  19. Another Saturday night in the UK where the innocents had to suffer the dregs of humanity and there desperate actions…..unbelievable!

    And there was more bad news after Britains Got Talent…

    • Still not seen any sandspades in the crowd, Mrs says they’re still outside in the queue being searched….

      Sadiq ‘Cunt’ Khan – “We are the safest city in the world”

      18 black on black knife deaths in 6 weeks, two terrorist attacks in three months…. Put another track on, you parkie gobshite cunt…

      • Meh, the sand devils have no appreciation for anything outside their cult and their muderous, kiddie diddling ways.

  20. What a hideously non-inclusive audience…I haven’t seen one niqab wearer making heart signs and asking “Where is the Love.” Oh,well..they’re probably too busy sharpening their kitchen knives or sorting nails for the next bomb.

  21. The worst thing about this shite is that it’s on literally every fucking radio station in Britain apart from Classic FM and Radio 4.

    Why broadcast it on Radio 1 & 2 for fuck’s sake! Radio 1 is the appropriate choice for a shit-fest like this! ABBC cunts!

    • If it’s on Smooth Radio too, I will be so fooking nettled!

      Oh God, Beckham sent a message too!

      • Was it…

        “And loike can me and Vics get that knighthood now cos we’re all concerned loike? Ain’t that roight babes? BABES??? Oh sorry Vics was going to be here wiv me but her cuticles needs doin’ and she gets grampy if she don’ts gets vem dan. Anyways we’s wiv you in spirit Newcastle. Er, it was Newcastle wont it? Babes? BAAAABES??? It is Newcastle roight…? Oops sorry Vics says its Birminam, so we’s wivs you Birminam!”

        Thick attention seeking cunt!

  22. Must say,there’s a few smart bits of totty in the audience….if they’re gullible enough to swallow this load of shite,wonder how they’d feel about swallowing a needy old cunt’s offering.

    • If the bunch of slappers can stomach this crap, they can take a DF ISAC offering.

  23. I was channel hopping and landed on this shit for a couple of minutes.

    According to katie perry “love will always beat hate.”

    Oh, so it was love that stopped the terrorists last night.
    It was love that stopped the nazis was it.


    Aggression and big fucking guns win wars, NOT love.

    Katie perry can stick love up her arse (or she can have my love up her arse if she likes).

    Give me a big fucking gun any day of the week.

    • Kunty Perry reckons love beats hate?….
      Funny how the thick as pigshit slag had so much hate for Trump and people who voted for him then, eh?…. And, if I remember right, this attention seeking shagbag called for ‘revolution’ and for people to ‘take to the streets’ after Big Don beat Kilary out of sight… Yet Perry wants us to be all pally with murdering sandwog filth?… She sees someone she doesn’t like becoming President worse than innocent people being killed by psychotic camelbummers? Fucking slaaaaaag!

  24. Last night in Turin plaza, an “explosion” was heard causing thousands of Italian football fans to flee.
    Hundreds sustained non threatening injuries due to the stampede.

    Doesn’t that prove that something needs to be done?

    One bang and western people flee for their lives.
    They all say that love will conquer all, but a loud bang brought out their true feelings.

    Now turn that fear into anger, and we can get on with the show.

    PS. Mark Owen is fuckin dreadful.
    The cunt gets paid for THAT????

    • I thought you were referencing that joke about Italian bravery.

      ‘One car backfires and the whole of Rome surrenders.’

      • There’s a joke about 6 reverse gears in there somewhere…..

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