Diane Abbott [7]

Diane Abbott is a cunt.

I mean, she just is.

I notice that the fucker has no issue using the ‘M’ word when it’s in the context of…

The brave Muslim Imam who put himself in harm’s way as a driver ploughed through hundreds of innocent worshippers.

An example not to just the Muslim community but the whole of the UK.”

And rather than allowing division to rule the day, the Muslim community in Finsbury Park is leading the way in bringing people from all walks together.”


This literally was live from Parliament 5mins ago.

All fucking lies and vitriol. Darren Osborne you cunt!

Diane, the country isn’t just divided it’s fractured and irreparable, and it’s like this because cunts like you gloss over “peaceful” atrocities, will never use the ‘M’ when in a negative (although accurate and apt) context but will happily use the ‘M’ word when it comes to love, peace, integration…

You make me fucking sick Diane Abbott!

And let’s not forget Finsbury Park Mosque’s favourite son, Abu Hamza. He was all for love, peace and integration wasn’t he. And the fact he had hooks for hands and had a shot eye was just a misfortune accident with a potato peeler wasn’t it.

I mean it couldn’t have been the fact that he blew them off while making bombs to blow up infidel, infidels like the ordinary non-“peaceful” folk of the UK (the folk you and your party hate so much) could it!

And all while living in a state paid for 12 bedroom house in Kensington for him and his brood of God knows how many little “bomb makers”, also while receiving thousands a month in benefits courtesy of the arse pockets of the ordinary non-“peaceful” folk of the UK (the folk you and your party hate so much) via your treacherous leader of the time: Tony fucking Blair!

And let’s not forget having to foot the legal bill to the cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds for the hooky-handed cunt to attempt to avoid deportation. That was UK plc money well spent wasn’t it.

Diane Abbott you are a cunt, a thick as pig’s shit, racist cunt. But I’m not allowed to say that to you because – as you’re a person of colour – that makes me the racist, even though you are the CUNT!

I will never understand how you have held any position in office. I wouldn’t let you lick stamps in a post office!

Nominated by Rebel Without a Cunt

277 thoughts on “Diane Abbott [7]

  1. Although yiu wouldnt let her lick stamps in a post office, I bet you physically couldn’t stop her from licking the stripped bare chiggun bones in a KFC outlet, eh?

    • I was floored upon realising that this monstrous cunt hasn’t reached double, nay triple figures of cuntings.

      • Brenda’s veneers alone put him firmly in the frame for a cherry-popping cuntwalling. I wonder who the greatest ever cunt has been to never receive a nomination?

      • Hell yeah Birdman, I have nominated him as he is 100% cunt but to no avail 🙁

      • Maybe if I start a tumour that Chris Sutton, Brendan Rodgers AND Lily Allen meet up for threesomes
        This cunt only has to stay at cellic three more years and he’s a “nine-in-a-row winning manager”
        It might be ten, I’m not really sure, but Allah help us all when that happens.
        Get yer finger out Sevco/Glesga Rangers, and stop this cunt.

      • Sorry Gingers Ballsac, i was mainly talking about Brendan Rodgers there.
        I’m obsessed, maaaan. 🙂

      • Brendan Rogers is a cunt birdman. He was Reading manager for a short while, couldn’t stomach the fucker.

      • I have it on good information that Chris Sutton is in fact a cunt.

      • Start a tumour ffs??? 🙂

        Left my glasses at home again.
        Any posts of mine from the afternoon/evening with daft spelling mistakes means i never took my glasses out with me.
        Spelling mistakes at other times, eh, i don’t have an excuse for that.

      • Don’t let it get to you Birdman, I’ve had my share of shockers on here.

      • You should see me at the beach squinting and pulling faces trying to read and write comments with the suns glare on my phone and no glasses.
        Still pretty impressed with my pish effort though. 🙂

  2. It’s all very well cunting the Flabbott, she is the sort of cunt who cannot be cunted enough and deserves every ounce of venom the public can throw at her. However if it wasn’t for the good people of Hackney she would be just an unpleasant memory, like that time you got so pissed up you were sick through your nose.

    Just what kind of idiot would vote for someone as clearly unqualified, stupid, pig ignorant and racist? I guess it must be those who are themselves unqualified, stupid, pig ignorant and racist and clearly there are a lot of them in Hackney. Would it be any coincidence that Hackney has increased its population by 21% in 10 years, that 25% of its population is under 20 and that 59% of the population are not white British?

    To be fair to Flabbott, she does go that extra mile of cuntitude every time she opens her pie hole, but the real cunts here are the people of Hackney. Thanks a lot you fucking twats!

    • Couldn’t agree more. Of course, the demographic of Hackney cuntstituents is either i) thick as fermenting manure enrichers and gimmigrants, or ii) the metropolitan ‘intelligentsia’ who got on the train at Cambridgeshire, moved down to an East London flat, got a moustache and a low-cut vest, some purple leggings and a sailor tat (twat).

      A bunch of cunts of course who, for various reasons, find multiple-box ticking minority representatives to be an obvious vote choice. And make no mistake, Abbott’s enormous fucking box gets plenty of ticks from these useless Hackney fucktards.

      The fact that she is utterly fucking shite – even as politicians go – matters not a jot. She’s fat, black, female (just), and now a victim – that’s all that’s needed.

    • The nail on the head with a fucking big hammer, She was the first black women mp if my failing faculties serve me. Elected because she was “black” and labour. Problem is she will be voted in by Hackney fuckwits ad infinitum because she is black and labour. The fact that someone can earn a degree and still be such a complete cunt makes me very glad I did not bother with the university radical shite.
      She is a nasty piece of work and thats going some for most politicians.
      She even out cunts vaz aline and that is difficult. She is what she is a pro politician elected by a mass of fuckwits; in total a complete waste of space like 99.9% of her fellows.

  3. Never get tired of Diane Abbott getting a solid cunting within these walls. With most nominees who are everpresent and always have their switch in the ‘cunt’ position – think examples like James Corden, Lily Allen, Stewart Lee, The Guardian – repeated cuntings are never wasted and the reasons for cunting them are never exhausted.

    I have to say, as a Tory voter, the election made for pretty fucking grim watching for the vast majority of the campaign from start to finish – the only highlights were watching Attilla the Cunt balls up another simple bit of economics on her custom made ‘Abbottcus’; which saw her calculate the average copper’s salary to be £4k, in addition to massively fucking up when asked if she knew how many Councillors Labour lost in May and many other non-numerical gaffes besides. She is beyond braindead, and into almost mystical fucking realms of stupidity. In the words of Gordon Gekko, if she owned a funeral parlor, no fucker would die.

    On a more serious note, this cunt represents everything that is wrong with the overtly liberal in society. Primarily, the divisive act of seeking offence where there is none; moulding incidents to fit in with a victimisation rhetoric. This to me is why the liberal left are so fucking dangerous – thanks to professional offence takers like Flabbott, certain people get demonised, or lose their jobs, or ultimately get turned into pariahs because somehow, the voice of these Birkenstock-clad cunts seems to shout louder than others with common sense.

    Abbott is thick (in any sense of the word), over-emotional, illogical, divisive, a cunt, racist and too opinionated to ever function even remotely as a human being; let alone on a (reinforced) seat within Her Majesty’s Government. Yet she is far closer to that position than I ever would have liked, thanks to being a cause célèbre for several ‘oppressed’ minorities. I still have trouble believing that anyone outside of thick Hackney enrichers and KFC franchise proprietors would ever be pleased to see Jabbott the fucking Cunt in any capacity.

    The Tories get plenty of things wrong, make no mistake about that. In fact, there are more than enough of them to receive a daily solid cunting. However, two things in my ‘umble opinion have helped to damage, possibly even destroy (time will tell) British culture: i) overtly-liberal stances on immigration, equality, welfare and housing, and ii) the endless borrowing of money to fuel badly-made election promises. As long as the Tories, in some capacity, stand against these matters, then I will continue to vote for them.

    And Diane Abbott represents the very worst excesses of political correctness and hypocritical left-wing stance. She is a cunt of seismic proportions. Both her cuntitude and indeed girth are so massive that they can be seen accurately from space.

    • .. ‘The Tories get plenty things wrong …’ … the next time I get a ‘circular’ e-mail from Ruth Davidson on my ‘support for the Tory party’ she’ll be getting a right royal rev up and fuck off for the way the Tories / Theresa May :-
      A … Ran their campaign on a total vote loser bollocks with all their ‘Dimentia Tax / Fox Hunting’ shit … now not in the Queens Speech … had she not included them in the manifesto she would have romped the election …
      B … Pandering to the Grenfell residents … ’cause she has to’, because she made such a monumental fuck up on the election manifesto ….. and now sets a presidence for every Tom, Dick and Mohammed to screw the Govt. … probably more Mohammed than Tom and Dick …
      I’m in the constituancy that got rid of Alex ‘Baw Heid’ Salmon .. although that was the ‘silver lining’ … it’s a fuck off dark cloud the Tories are leaving us with.

      • I can’t disagree with any of that. A great deal of ineptitude from the Tories. Their election campaign was a solid wall of fuck.

      • It was truly beyond the shits, the clusterfuck of all clusterfucks……. and yet Labour still couldn’t win.

      • Reminds me of an old Steve Bell / If cartoon in the Grauniad (yes, decades ago, I was indeed a cunt, but never went on any demos…and a certain paper, The Torygraph, as it was then known, was further right than the Völkische Beobachter…)

        Neil in bed with Glenys, trembling, looking shit-scared and grabbing the covers (well if I woke up next to her…) “I can’t believe it…the Tories ran a shite campaign, they had a monkey as party leader, and…
        Labour STILL bloody lost !!”

      • Hey Boilsmypiss, I’d loved to have seen that baw heided cunts smug face when his peepol rejected him.
        All them years thinking he was untouchable, the ‘sacked’ ya cunt.

    • Hear hear! She’s a cunt! An odious, short memoried (when it suits) cunt!

      Is it actually true that Corbyn shagged her in the past, or is that just a bit of hijinks? Honestly I don’t know if it’s fact or fiction.

      If it is a fact then he must’ve strapped a plank across his arse to stop himself from falling in!

      • He shagged her back in the 70s, they went to East Germany on a motorbike together and got it on in places.

      • FACT
        No fake news here Rebel without a Cunt.
        He showed nudie pics of her to ‘impress’ his mates.
        No news about them being impressed though.

  4. I see the population of this country increased by well over 500,000 last year.a number of reasons are cited but the biggest is immigration. So we better build lots of houses just so we can stand fuckin still. How long can we keep going like this?

    • What makes me laugh is how the left can never, ever answer that topic. We add a city the size of Hull to the UK population each year – how can they even deny that this pushes the NHS, housing, welfare etc beyond proper levels of management.

      • Socialists only has one solution to any problem; spend more of other people’s money.

      • Apparently so many immicunts are employed by the NHS (??)…

        Well if the dosscunt camelfuckers round here are neurosurgeons / cardio-thoracic consultants “between contracts”, I’m going to sign up to PetPlan.
        For myself.

    • Ascertain precisely where the immicunts are coming from (as if we don’t know), and glass the shiteholes over once and for all…
      No shite cuntries, no shite, whiny inhabitants.

      People will eventually forget, and radiation sickness is likely to help…

      Have been writing a novel…NONE of the profits will go to any grasping sandshite charities…

  5. I just bought a dehumidifier and read the instructions and it says ” Do not use your appliance in humid places” WTF! What a cunt.

  6. I can’t believe the stupid fat cunt hasn’t learnt or be told to shut her flabby chops.

    Everytime she speaks, more ill. thought-out bullshit, put a muzzle on it, or a horses nosebag, that would keep her quiet, dumb bitch.

  7. In response to RWAC’s nomination, I personally think Darren Osborne deserves a monumental cunting.

    Grenfell fire notwithstanding, it genuinely felt like the tide was turning from the usual stiff-upper cunt resolute tolerance of raging towelheads blowing up and knifing members of the public – but thanks to an alcoholic, shit-driving taff, muslims are no.1 victims and causes for furious left-wing calls to protect them at all costs.

    He’s set things back years. In fact, I am yet to meet anyone with the surname Osborne – different spellings inclusive – that is not a complete and utter fucking cunt.

    • Darren Osborne may well be an alcoholic cunt but he is an English alcoholic cunt. Born in Weston Super Mare.

      Of course the liberal media and the virtue signalling cunts on twatter and arsebook are going to spin this into a pro peaceful narrative, but they would have done anyway regardless. However, the more they spin and virtue signal the more people are beginning to find the truth and realise they are being systematically eliminated from their own country and that the they are being lied to on an industrial scale.

      I wouldn’t make Osborne out to be a national hero but I don’t think he is a cunt either.

  8. Hmmmm . I see people who have already bought apartments in the luxury development where some of the homeless from Grenfell tower are going to be re-housed are kicking up a stink, claiming it will bring down the value of their property. Are they heartless bastards or do they have a point?

    • I’m delighted to hear it. Maybe next time there is an election they will vote for a party which wants to limit immigration and not yet another labour bitch with a face like a slapped arse. Just a thought.

    • They have a point.

      I have no love for the aloof rich-bitches and career wankers who likely festoon the luxury apartment block. But however vile they may be, the point is that they pay their way legitimately and have earned their keep; even if it is thanks to daddy’s millions.

      The re-housed indiviudals, probably in most cases, have not contributed a fucking penny toward the cost of keeping them in Grenfell or anywhere else; let alone some exclusive tower block in the heart of Kensington.

      Mind you, an element of karma for the well-orf if memory serves – Kensington voted Labour in GE 2017 (the last constituency to declare). So here you go people of Kensington, your first taste of Labour housing policy. You cunts voted for it, after all.

      Best welcome the ghouls into Tenpenny Tower, then.

    • .. interesting today on LBC … same topic, people paying £15k ( FFS) for the ‘amenities’ … not wanting the ‘re-housed’ to use the afore mentioned ‘amenities’ … excellent … let’s see if it steps up a gear with the ‘well heeled’ heading down to the pool with their Holland and Hollands to ‘sort things out’ …
      I think the Mayor .. Mr Khan .. should be stepping in, for his opinion, and to show his true colours ….

    • Classic. Had she wrestled a bomber to the floor and lost a limb in the process, then fair enough. Her acts of heroism are however being able to film a video and uploading it to Twitter.

      There’s a lot of me, me, me in the piece. As well as the inferrence that her tweet was the single most important event post-attack.

    • What the fuck has Grenfell tower got to do with a terrorist attack ?

      My life one month on, still fuckin angry.

    • She didn’t film the bomb going off, she was in the concert hall.

      Stupid cunt.

  9. Sandnignogz who bow to an imaginary god in the sky every time they go to the Mosque, giving Theresa May grief for bowing to a real person (HM Queen)?…Yeah, them cunts…..

  10. Doesn’t that fat, ugly tosser realise the goat fuckers hate black poeple? No thought not putrid fish smelling twat she is.

    • You’re making the classic mistake of thinking left-wing politicos have any grasp of logic whatsoever.

      Besides, even if she did register that simple fact, because both she and the towelheads hate the white British, that commonality makes them necessary bedfellows.

  11. Now I’m not a conspiracy nutter but one thing about the Manchester bombing does puzzle me, that video shown above as far as I know is the ONLY video of the incident and it actually shows nothing of the bombing. The explosion actually happened in the foyer area where parents were waiting for their kids to come out of the arena. 22 people died, there must have been a fair bit of structural damage as well as some appalling scenes of dead and injured people. Everyone has a mobile phone, where’s the footage?. It seems very very odd that nothing has emerged. Anyone got an explanation?

    • You would have thought the foyer of a major arena would have CCTV, wouldn’t you?

      • I wish it had CCTV footage of the time i went to see Depeche Mode there.
        I’d come off a night shift, travelled up to Manchester, and got off my tits on speed and hash.
        Speed bombs, doobs, speed bombs, more doobs get inside and ate most of my hash.
        Then more speed bombs.

        I had to be escorted to a toilet were i saw my reflection in a mirror and i was green.
        As green as the Hulk.
        This was all before the concert had started.
        Somehow, maybe more speed, i managed to sort myself out, pulled a bird outside in the foyer rejoined the gig with her and only missed the first four songs.
        I’d have loved to have seen that on CCTV.
        This was years ago and i don’t act like that anymore.
        Wish i fuckin did though.

      • I’d need that amount of drugs to get me through a Depeche Mode concert too, and I don’t do drugs.

    • Bet even old Barry White would have been intimidated by the though of tacking her…

      “Oooohhh Baby…… JESUS CHRIST NOOOO!!!”

      • We slag off her lack of sex appeal but who knows, she could give the best blowjobs ever.
        One were she takes the whole length in her mouth and still manages to lick the back of yer scrotum at the same time.

        I wonder if her fake “posh” accent slips when being rooted.

      • I don’t know about blow jobs but I bet she could suck the meat off a KFC drumstick in seconds.

      • Birdman, she could deepthroat like Silvia Saint for all I care, but the mere sight of that fucking abomination anywhere near the old tackle is enough to keep me in straitjackets until last rites.

      • I reckon she sucks like a Dyson hoover. Lips like a pound of split liver, bet she could suck an apple through a straw!

      • Full respect as always DF, any man can tackle the best ones, only a real man can take the worst.

      • Just watched those two videos. I was 8 years old when ‘buddy God’ Corbyn battled Maggie and the useless arse trouser is still spouting the same old bollocks. Has the cunt never grown beyond 16 years old? I can’t believe some people’s ignorance. My budgie has more of a handle on the world than any of these career, part of the furniture, so called liberal,anti freedom, lazy,pathetic,useless,phoney,fake,gob shite, say yes to all, fucking cunts.

      • The man is 68 and yet still clings to that same failed ideology he has been spouting since the 70s, how pathetic!

    • No new buttons, no new nuffin.
      I know I’m easily wound up, but ISAC was a place to unwind and have fun.
      Now I’m arguing with a fuckin button.

      Change is bad!!!!!

  12. Just to complete the cunting, would you not think that Abbott, on a relatively comfortable wage, could not afford a better fucking weave than her current hairpiece? Not that she could really improve her looks anyway, but fuck me does that rug look really, really stupid.

    Diane Abbott is probably the only argument for compulsory Burkhas.

    • Criticising her irish is racist and sexist.

      Taking the piss out of Trumps syrup is fair game.

    • Her hairdo makes her look like James Earl Jones in Conan the Barbarian but fatter.

  13. I thought we were all rid of this fat racist gargoyle when the cunt proved she had straw for brains in the maths department.
    Saying she was very ill and needing time away from politics was, I thought, labours way of fucking the stupid bitch off quietly and permanently.
    Damn the fuckwitted youth who supported Corbyn. All of a sudden the cunt isn’t ill any more and is spouting fresh bullshit by the truckload.
    While I mention comrade Corbyn, why does the prize twat think he has a mandate to form a government instead of May when even fewer people voted for the party. the cunt must have caught maths disease off Flabbott.

  14. Hold on ‘anarchists’, Charlotte Church is mooring up her £1million yacht on the Thames…. She’ll be with you asap for the ‘Day Of Rage’….

    Laughable fat slag…

    Hold on ‘anarchists’, Charlotte’s mooring up her £1million yacht on the Thames. She’ll be with you asap

  15. Diane Abbott is beyond doubt a massive cunt in every way, Di and her ilk really do get me down at times so I have to find the humour in a world of cunts wherever I can. The below is a fine example of what separates cunts from normal human beings.

    “A leading economist has inadvertently caused a storm by saying he preferred the voice on the iPhone Siri virtual assistant to be male because he felt that made it more trustworthy.
    Nobel prize laureate Sir Christopher Pissarides’s comments at a conference in Norway attracted fierce criticism.
    He told the BBC he apologised for upsetting people and his comment was meant to be “light-hearted”.
    “It’s a mistake and I’m sorry, but the audience was laughing.””

    Cunts are outraged by his comment!!!!!

    Non cunts never got past his name before they pissed themselves laughing and anything he said was soon forgotten.

    • Its the same as happened to Sir Tim Hunt, a Nobel prize winning astrophysicist or some such. He was addressing a conference in Korea and said;

      “Three things happen when girls are in the lab — you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them, they cry.”

      It was a fucking joke but he got hounded out of his job in the end by a feminazi mob. No doubt the same will happen to this poor fucker.

    • People nowadays seem determined to find something to be “outraged” about…and normally the cause of their ire turns out to be a white man. They are the first to scream about sexism or racism,when in fact,they are the racists and sexists.

  16. will the former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey now face prosecution for concealing evidence in the case of Peter Ball? he was told what Ball was doing and did precisely nothing. Ball went on to abuse many more boys and young men. any reason he shouldnt face jail?

    • The Archbishop of Cunterbury needs a solid bashing. Or, at least, a cunting.

    • At the very least it should be obstruction of justice or even accessory before, during and after the fact.

      But of course those laws only apply to us normal folk, not archbishops and the like.

  17. Prince Harry is a gilt-edged Cunt.

    The half-blood prince has now decided to take on the mantle of his muzzie-gobbling tart of a mother and,with the benefit of his stellar intellect,teach the Plebs how to be more “caring and sharing” when it comes to our feelings…..Oh fuck off,you thick wanker. I couldn’t give a fuck and have no sympathy for how hard it was losing your mother at a young age. I could have understood your upset if Nanny had karked,but “Mummy”? The bitch was too busy whoring to give a shit about her children (lucky that she did enjoy hawking her pearly or the cuckoo that is Harry would never have been conceived,) Half the trouble with people today is this self-indulgent whining about feelings and emotions. It just encourages people to think that the World owes them something because they’ve had it “hard”.

    I dislike most of the Royals,but at least they make no bones about believing that they are a superior breed,indeed their sheer arrogance is one of the few things that I admire about them. Not Harry,he wants to be seen as “The People’s Prince”, a caring,modern Royal who empathises with and understands the Commoners. It’s all an act, the Cunt cares no more than any of the rest of them,as long as they can continue in their gilded,anacronistic lifestyle they’ll put on any mask.

      • In a way I agree with you,IA…the longer the old biddy hangs on,the less time we’ll have to put up with her fucking son as King.

      • Eh,leave off the Queen, with any luck she’ll outlive ol’ big ears.

        As for Cad jr, I don’t want to hear all that bollocks about emotions and feelings.

        George VI must be spinning in his grave, he kept his shit together during WW2 and yet everyone after Her Majesty have proven to be…… unworthy.

        I’ll say it to – Long Live The Queen! Seriously I hope she even outdoes her mother on age!

      • Am hoping that jug-ears buggers orf first, preferably in a bizarre sex act involving Parker-Bowels (any sex act involving her must be bizarre, though…)

        Would feel sorry for Her Madge, losing a kid first, but I sometimes wonder if it would trouble her much. More of a blessed relief, really…

      • Although I don’t have anything particularly against the royals, as far as I can tell they have never done me any harm. They are a bunch of superior cunts, they even think they are related directly to God.

  18. She’s a stupid, lazy, fat, racist, ignorant, jumped up civil servant and a fucking great big fat cunt.

    She was sacked from This Week for being a sitting MP but that’s probably because she wasn’t entertaining or well informed.

    She also looks like one of Del’s deflated sex dolls in Only Fools and Horses.

  19. Lady Died was, indeed, a prize trollop… Johnny Bryan, Will Carling, James Hewitt, Oliver Hoare, that heart surgeon cunt whose name escapes me, Dodi Al-Camelbummer… And they’re just the known ones she played jiggy-jiggy with.. And virgin in 1981 my arse… Anyone who was around at the time knows she was a Sloane Ranger and a slag of the highest order…. All that ‘shy’ and ‘simpering’ stuff was bollocks… The Princess Of Tarts deliberately went out of her way to hook Charlie… A friend of Lady Died (another Sloaney) recalled Princess Innocent Knickers gloating with an almost sinister glee about how she’d ‘got’ The Prince Of Wales… Apparently one of her favourite groups was Supertramp…. Very apt…

  20. Jabbot the Hut is lying in bed one night, sans wig, sans clothes but trying to look sexy. Compo Corbyn walks in with a sheep under his arm which bleats, distressingly.

    Compo sighs. “Darling, I have a confession. This is the smelly, disgusting pig that I’ve been fucking for the past six months and I must apologise.”

    Flabbot says, “I might be stupid but even I know that’s not a pig!”

    Compo replies, “I was talking to the sheep.”

  21. It’s no surprise that the Kensington rich crowd are up in arms about their new neighbours. These are the sort who are all for the diverse multi cultural society when it consists of some arselicking, subservient foreign waiter fawning all over them in some posh restaurant where we can’t afford to push our noses against the window.
    But move them in next door and suddenly they’re not so keen on equality. Eeeeeegh……….can’t these refugee chappies live with the poor people? What do I dodge my taxes for?

    • Yeah, funny that, they don’t like it once it’s all on their doorstep do they?

      Karma is a bitch for these cunts.

    • Excellent comment. Once again this highlights the real truths that these luvverly slebs can preach to us on how to treat peacefuls and fugees with their dying swan TV and twinklenet meedja appeals on what “we must do”, but when they move in next door it’s all “Ewww how disgusting…my ego has been compromised” and they scarper back to ivory tower and bolt the gold gates behind them. Preaching sleb cunts to behold.

      • Usual double standards with the cunts – happy to have us put up with all the shit but the moment they have to they squeal like pigs – cunts!

  22. Tomorrow marks one year since the referendum. Back then nobody had ever heard of the Miller slag, today she is a celebrity. Tonight, yet again, she is on Question Time. No prizes for guessing what the whore will be rabbiting on about.
    In the old days we used to hang foreign espionage agents, today we invite them on the telly to tell us how fucking stupid we are.
    I despair!

    • I’ll pass on QT, especially if that loathsome cunt is on the panel.

      I’ll say it again – it’s a pity she wasn’t in Jonestown, Guyana in November 1978, would have done us all a massive favour if she was!

    • Presumably that simian-faced shitcunt is only appearing because QT tonight is in a pro-EU area? I’d definitely watch if it was in Boston or Hull, for sheer heckling entertainment value.

      I’d like to put this more eloquently, but Gina Miller looks like she has a really foul-smelling cunt. Don’t ask me why I think that.

      • Gina Miller is a foul cunt, so that’s probably why you think that.

        Ooooh QT in a pro EU area? Wow…. that’s really……predictable of the cunts.

        Talking of the BBC cunts, I see those non-wits Moffat of Dr Who infamy and Gatits or whatever his name is of Shitlock are going to team up to do Dracula now. That will be an easy pass, no doubt it will be some PC, pro Parking Stanley, pro Iron Hoof, PC bullshit.

      • QT from Wakefield was a good un. That is Mary Creagh’s constituency and she is one of the worst remoaners but the thick cunts still voted her in despite 69% voting to leave. I always knew there were a lot of thick as shit cunts out there but I never knew there were so many.

      • That seems to be a thing, like the dumb cunts in Doncaster voted 70% in favour of leaving the EU yet continue to vote for Ed Miliband!

        Don’t even try to figure this anti-logic out.

      • It’s weird how constituencies go… take Richmond Park, with 70% voting remain… yet they gave Zac Goldmsith a third chance, returning him as MP over the Olney abomination – Goldmsith a clear leaver.

        Does actually make me wonder if people are just sick of Brexit now, and it’s no longer the number 1 focus in the minds of the voter…

      • I think people are tired of politics, politicians end endless referendums, I know I am!

  23. Can we please give David Lammy the biggest cunting ever. Why? Because he is the worlds BIGGEST CUNT.

    • Ah yes, Lammy the democracy hating arsewipe – he hates it when it doesn’t go their way, bit like the Democrats in the States really.

    • Lamy needs to remember the basics of ENGLISH LAW. Unlike Ugandan, Nigerian ,Pakistani and other flyblown shitholes, it is the custom and practice to establish the facts before pointing fingers, and certainly well before summary execution. This black semen stain was in the press this morning, screaming that the Metropolitan Police have failed in their duty to make any arrests for the Grenfell Disaster.

      That slick slime sucking shite gobbler must feel he is back in his ancestral homeland where the rules of law are dictated by the colour of your shite. He is, a cunt, and is most worthy of a super cunting, the cunting little cunt,

      • Make arrests…… arrest who exactly? That cunt is an imbecile!

  24. When Flabbot was removed from the firing line due to “ill health” we were subsequentkey told it was because she had type 2 diabetes. Well I’m no doctor and have no medical qualifications, but what I do know is that the symptoms of type 2 diabetes do not cause you to be a thick brainless idiot who turns up for TV interviews totally unprepared and unable to answer basic questions, or be crap at basic maths, or be a racist cunt, or be a traitor to the country, or be a Muslim terrorist apologist. The fat cow should be taken to the tower and be hung drawn and quartered. The cunt.

    • Hanging, drawing and quartering Flabbott would be a Herculean task. Even a quarter of her is bigger than the average walrus.

      • Trying to hang her from the Tower would probably cause it to collapse!

      • In army tems, “Osteo-inertia”

        Also, lacking moral fibre. She wouldn’t know what a fucking moral was if she choked on it.

        Daft shitebag probably thinks you get morals in posh quiches…

      • KFC….. I call it CFA….. anyone want to guess what that stands for?

    • Christ, May, as crap as she is, at least doesn’t use her type 1 diabetes as an excuse.

      • The old hunch-backed cunt fucked up this election. Monumentally. I could cunt her pretty hard indeed.

        But, BUT, she is coming in for some real stick, as well as the humiliation of being a lame PM. However, not once (to my knowledge) has she played the victim card in any respect – not as an MP, as Home Sec or as PM. That deserves some respect at least considering how frequently female politico play their various victim cards.

      • I’ve often found that the women who have made something of themselves whether it be in politics, business or even mvoies in some cases or in life in general are the ones who do not go using the feminist or gender card.

      • I’m no doctor but a cursory google lists one of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes as unexplained weight loss.

        Hmmmm. Something doesn’t quite fit.

      • Yeah, Jabbott is a notable fat-arse so that doesn’t make sense….

      • I would be very surprised if she were NOT type 2 Diabetic. After all she has the appetite of a fucking horse, is the size of a fucking horse, and has been ridden like a horse ( sorry Jezza ) and no doubt, farts like one.

        Her absences ( vacant periods ) are probably due to a non accidental overload of verbal shite.

        It must be very difficult when talking shite, to seperate all the shite that went before, and that which is yet to come.

  25. They should put her on stand-by in case the Thames Flood Barrier fails.

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