Harry Styles of One Direction ‘fame’ seems to be intent on heading in the ‘Wrong Direction’
The pretentious self important cunt says that his latest single “Sign of the Times” is influenced by the terrible decision of Brexit and by Black Lives Matter. He reckons he will vote for “whoever is against Brexit” adding the push to leave the EU is “creating the kind of world he does not want to live in”. Actually, it’s Harry Styles and his ilk that want to create the kind of world I don’t want to live in.
Well, Harry, here’s a couple of things you seem to need reminding about : Despite what you think, you’re not really that important and nobody really gives a flying fuck what you think except you.
It’s no wonder you support the Labour Party because it’s full of left wing politically naive fuckwits like you. So please get back to churning out more of your bubblegum pop for the kiddywinkles, put your ego back in the box and just shut the fuck up, there’s a good boy…
Nominated by Dioclese
As I know next to nothing about this apprentice crafty butcher I cannot really have an opinion on him so after reading his biog on IAC I will file him under “forget this cunt” and move on.
Ian Brady has finally croaked.
About fucking time!!
Ian Brady – may you suffer and burn in hell for all etenity you vile vile cunt!!!!
Good riddance Brady y ou evil evil cruel sadistic cunt.So happy to hear this.Cheered when I heard
I know right?
Need a glass of champagne
And a meal to celebrate?
When his scrag end bitch, Hindley, croaked in 2002 the Stretford End sang ‘One down and one to go!’ (to the tune of Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay )…. Hope Brady also gets serenaded with the same contempt… I for one will be well up for it…
Hindley was cremated at our local crematorium at Bar Hill Cambridgeshire. The Crematorium was closed for 24 Hours. There were no other cremations that day. Following the cremation, the Crematorium remained closed while staff thoroughly cleaned ALL ovens, not just the one used. The ashes were removed off site. The “Mourners” were very few, A couple of poor officers who were compelled to attend, the undertaking staff, and a few unknowns. The
foot bridge was also closed over the A14 as it neared the crematorium. Police were on duty at the entrance to the Crematorium all day. The only floral tribute was a small wreath taken inside and cremated with Hindley. Nothing came out. I shall never forget that day, when our local crematorium was soiled by the burning of the miserable carcass of the Hindley Bitch.The village where I lived and worked at that time ( Longstanton ) took a long time to get over that.
I had known Hindley in my short time at HMP when in the Medical team there. I am retired now and she is dead. I had to be professional. that hurt.! Now I am retired and she is dead, I can finally say, She disgusted me with her presence and her lack of humanity, she disgusted me at all levels, and I am so pleased she is dead. She was and always will be ( Like Brady ) the kind of Cunt I detest.
Glad that vile filth Brady has snuffed. That bastard along with Hindley should have been burned at the stake. Another dark soul enters the gates of hell. Good riddance to twisted shit.
Hope he’s roasting in hell with that other murdering cunt, McGuiness.
A pitchfork up both their asses,
Sod that, I hope an endless horde of demons are arse tagging these scum.
I will reset the pool in 10.
What is fucking annoying is that the cunt probably had the best treatment funded by tax payers. Still, the cunt is dead and hopefully the scums cunt of a body is burning in hell.
Worse is that the fucker died of natural causes.
Never should have got rid of the Death Penalty….
Harry Styles is a no mark cunt
The BBC needs another cunting!!
Independent body media watch released figures yesterday showing extreme anti Brexit bias by non other the supposedly impartial BBC, they had looked at TV and radio time given to both sides over the last 12 months, on one flag ship radio show only 6% of the time was given to leave supporting speakers!!, on most of the other programmes there was an average of approx 30% given to leave supporters?Hardly even handed!!.
Yesterday the BBC ran a piece on race hate crime in Avon and Somerset all attributed to Brexit of course, a young Somali had been attack in Bristol, a polish lady had been told ” this is a public bus for British people”?
The problem I had with all of this was it happened back in 2016!! A couple of days after the referendum!!, it’s hardly current news is it? The BBC were intimating this behaviour was ” still happening ” but couldn’t find a single story from 2017!!,
Amazingly desperate stuff even by guardian infested wonky eyed BBC,s standards……
And has anybody else noticed Leanne wood the leader of Plaid Cymru gets a totally disproportionate amount of BBC airtime in relation to her party’s size!! How many MP,s do they have?? , the reason for this is because she a remainer and would given the chance opt for the softest of all Brexits, in effect a non brexit!!! Cunts Cunts Cunts!!’
It appears Plaid Cymru has 3!! MPs……. ??
Someone has to shag them sheep.
I remember learning about Communism and the Russian revolution at school. Our history teacher back then was just about the only person without a pair of tits that could hold my attention for more than a minute. I really enjoyed the subject and came out of it thinking that the Communists were the misunderstood heroes.
I remember applying their principles to today’s society and thinking that the world would be a much better place if Communism replaced Capitalism.
At some point in a pub on a night out I brought up my starry-eyed view of the world with a friend of a friend who was a few years older.
He said, “Who is going to train for 7 years in medical school when you can earn the same stacking shelves?”
And that’s all it should take for any right-minded individual to turn their back on idealistic, fantasy bullshit and understand that the world can never work that way.
If you’re over 20 and describe yourself as a Communist/Socialist then you are without doubt a massive cunt!
In Cuba, Doctors earn about £25 per month ( 2010 ) thaat is the same as taxi drivers, shop assistants and a whole raft of others. The people who earn more money, are the engineers, technologists etc. They earned around £55 per month ( 2010 )
In Poland, Doctors are paid far less than engineers. In fact Doctors are paid very poorly. Polish society values and rewards tradespeople.
My point is, you were never wrong in what you believed. You believed in something. Many do not.
Your history teacher sound like a right cunt. Why the fuck are these lefty cunts allowed to poison young minds?
If he had any sort of grasp of his subject at all he would have taught that the most free, most egalitarian, most stable, most lawful and most prosperous societies ever have been driven by free market capitalism. Contrast with socialist regimes, repressive, dismissive of human rights, always on the verge of collapse and poor.
The man who taught me that, was a bright edged young Doctor from Cuba. Now it so happens that Cuba has a wonderful Health Service, underfunded yes, but a wonderful service. He earned in a month, what I earned in 2 hours.Why? “Its because I believe in what I do, and I believe that I can help, and it is important to believe someday I will succeed ”
Money builds nothing, it is people who build. It is important that we all believe in ourselves.
People who belive in reincarnation and the spirit cunts.
Most of us cunters had someone talk to us about spirits and reincarnation , some say that they saw their granny spirit walking in the house at night or that someone they know is the reincarnation of their dead drunk of a husband.
Guess what, they are cunts.
Can we please focus on the real world?? It seems to me that shite and nonsense are just an excuse to not deal with the meaning of life and the fact that our time on This planet is finite.
How about you cunts try to deal and be good with the decisions you made in your life, dont expect to solve your problems in the next life or apologize and confess to your dead mother that it was you that broke her teapot and that you are male prostitute.
Please get a fuckin grip and stop to waste oxygen and my time with that shite cause i got real problems and so do you.
Mega cunts!!!
People that don’t believe in the spirit are soulless cunts.
I dont care what others cunts believe, just dont waste my time with it. They can believe Mary didnt cheat on Joseph with an big knob jew and that Jesus is the son of God ,the biggest cunt of all time, if he exists is just as real as the easter bunny and santa claus.
But you just wasted my time with your beliefs.
Do you remember anything before you were born? When you die it will be the same, so all that shite is pointless and waste of time.
Also i didnt say i dont believe in a soul, or something my rant was directed at delusional cunts who to them that shite is like an hobbie.
My new hobbie is Horology, especially anything to do with grandfather clocks.
I’m really into it….big time.
Boom boom!! ???
Stop wasting my time with yer beliefs.
There is a test held by researchers into artificial intelligence called the Turing test (aka the imitation game). The idea is a human or panel of humans has to interact with the AI system being tested and decide whether they are actually interacting with another human or an AI system. If the AI system can convince more than 50% of the judges that it is indeed a human then it will have passed the test.
No AI system has ever passed the Turing test, however experts agree it will happen and project that date as somewhere between 2030 and 2040.
The point? If a box full of switches can convince you that it is human, will it also convince you it has a soul? And if it does, what does that tell you about the soul? That the soul is simply a clever smoke and mirrors magic trick.
All i know is that i don’t know. 🙂
That’s fair enough, it takes a wise man to know what he does not know.
Thank you Skid that was very interesting i will do a little research about it.
Loved Rising Damp…. When Rigsby is taking the piss out of all that spiritual bollocks…. He said that vegetarians won’t eat meat, but there are those who believe in reincarnation who won’t eat anything, in case it’s someone they knew…. He also said they won’t even do gardening: ‘because the spade might go through a worm, and they’ll think they’ve cut Granny in half…’
Top stuff….
BBC Breakfast just did a lengthy interview about the TV dramatisation of the Muslim grooming gangs without once mentioning Muslims… ABBC W@gfucking cunts…..
The thing with cunts like Harry Styles (and Kunty Perry, Gluebag Cyrus, and other pop star and Hollywood cunts) is they’re so arrogant, deluded, and not even honest…. They act like they have substance and intelligence… That’s ridiculous enough… One can tell from the crap they put out as ‘music’ that they have nothing to say and are as shallow as a maggot’s grave… But then they act like they’re politically minded and actually care about other ‘ordinary’ people and society in general…. When in actual fact everyone knows they are thick as fuck, have everything done for them (including what they say), and only give a fuck about fame. money, their own publicity, and where the next champagne bottle and line of coke is coming from… These cunts only do the Anti-Brexit and/or Trump thing to look good and get loads of Libmong Twatter ‘followers’… They are as fake as Bruce Jenner’s twat… When Oasis started Liam said he joined the band ‘to earn loads of money, pull loads of birds, and get out of this shithole (Burnage)…’ Which is fair enough, and he’ll be the first to admit he can be a cunt… I’d respect Styles more if he said, ‘Look I’m as thick as fuck…. But I’m raking in the cash and shagging every night… That’s what I’m in this for…’ But cunts like Styles and all these anti-Trump slags who are basically hookers with record contracts can’t even admit that they are cunts….
On the subject of crap pop star gobshite cunts, heard a hilarious tale about Cunt Geldof…
That smelly Bogtrotting tramp, Bob Geldaft, was at a Crosby Stills Nash and Young gig one time… Backstage he saw CSNY holding hands before they went onstage… Geldof laughed at them and called them hippies… CSNY then promptly kicked the fuck out of Geldof…
A pity they didn’t kill the druggie tramp. They could have written a song about it…..would have been a big hit I reckon.
I do so hope that is a true story.
It got me thinking, Geldof is definitely a slap in sight cunt. If I ever saw him I would walk straight up the the cunt and give him a dig. No verbals, no warning, no build up, just a well deserved spanking.
Are there any other cunts who deserve the slap on sight title?
Cheese and Onion munching cunt St Lineker…one of those faces.
Tom Hardy, smug cunt.
Holly Hagan has a spuff on sight face. 🙂
Oh they did!……..”Teach Your Children.”………(And your wife not to overdose you horrible cunt)
Tom Hardy’s alright. At least he’s done some decent stuff.
For me it’d be hard not to go mental and start lamping either Bono or Mel Gibson on sight. These two contemptible, abhorrent cunt-dwarves have inflicted some dire, wretched shite onto us.
Dafuq? Trolling my own posts. What a twat.
Hasn’t taken the parents of the kid who drowned at Drayton Manor amusement park long to announce that they’re going to sue. Allegedly the kid stood up to swop seats and fell out of the boat. How the fuck are the operators meant to guard against crass stupidity?
The parents are probably missing the kiddie benefit money.
Where the parents drinking wine with chums at the time ?
Muslims,Birdman,so no alcohol…..they were probably doing something peaceful…..like organising a taxi to ferry the young girls safely home.
I thought they were.
I don’t know anything about it other than the missus mentioned it last week and finished off with ” fuck her, she’s a Muslim, well she has a Muslims name anyway”
I was gobsmacked. She doesn’t usually talk or think like that.
The times, they are a changing.
Nowadays it’s always somebody else’s fault, blame adjustment used to be a thing those ambulance chasing American shyster lawyers did!! ” have you been a stupid Cunt?? Don’t worry call shitbag and co for a blame adjusted payout” how times have changed……….
The school she was with is a private school so they’re not short of a bob or two. If they can’t screw the amusement park they’ll probably go after the school for letting her go on the ride unsupervised. A few years ago some kid drowned in a stream on a geography trip and the teacher in charge got banged up for it. Best get on the phone to their insurers and cough up. A camel and a couple of goats should do the trick.
Meh, the way peacefuls breed, it will be replaced soon enough.
Question!! Is Harry styles wasting as much time on us as we are on him???? ?
The Cunts an utter fopdoddle…
Pffftt ha ha, fopdoddle…. ahaha!
Nice one Quizzer!
Agreed Quislings, the cunt has to be on his period?
Or maybe he has……PMS?
Cheers PMS ???
Your welcome buddy.
Getting back to the Rotherham peacefuls, I know the reason why they fuckers did what they did:
They had a massive months/years long sexual emergency!!!!!!!
……and this is why we should bring back hanging…..
Where’s Albert pierrpoint when you need him?? .
You have my vote PMS.
Gods, if I were PM/Ruler/Dictator of this country that would be the first of many changes along with:
To hell with negotiating with the EU cunts – got to WTO rules, cheaper in the long run.
Strike down devolution, they are doing a shot job of running Jockland and Sheeperville.
End this disgraceful persecution of the paras and soldiers who fought the IRA.
Slash the overseas aid.
Boost defence spending.
No more peaceful temples.
Demolish existing peaceful temples.
Retroactively hang all serial killers, terrorists and nonces.
Get rid of that fucking tunnel, you all know the one!
Get rid of a lot of these NHS managers who actually do fuck all but put all the moey in theirs pensions, splashing cash on the NHS won’t fix it!
Stop this safe space and no platforming bullshit in the Unis.
De-politicise Whitehall, the civil servants should do their fucking jobs instead of playing silly fuckers politics.
I actually would renationalise water and energy, those companies have been taking the piss for long enough.
Neuter those Union cunts some more.
How’s that for starters?
Potholes, ye forgot potholes.
Works for me….. 100% correct….
My pet hate is the E fuckin U!!
May should tell them to go fuck themselves!! Portugal Italy Spain and Greece are bankrupt!! France isn’t far behind, Germany like a benefit office in Bradford is sick of handing over their money to a bunch of useless scrounging Cunts!! , where’s juncker gonna get his money from ?? Wonga?? They are desperate for our cash!! May should go in and tell those self elected Cunts what’s what!!
The EU has a history of bullying small weaker countries….. also…
The BBC,s constant plugging of Plaid Cymru has definitely got blairs dabs on it!! They are hoping to undermine brexit by getting Wales to change its mind……” oh look it’s just England that wants to leave” Cunts!!
Wood can get fucked. I don’t know anyone who votes Plaid Cymru, at best they are are protest vote, or a dimwit party. Even the people I know who voted remain are now wishing our government (UK, not the pointless Welsh Assembly) would pull their finger out and get on with it. If she didn’t want to frustrate brexit, she wouldn’t make the news. Like Farron….
Because she is the voice of softly softly no real brexit her agenda is being pushed relentlessly by the BBC!!, the stupid Cunts on everything BBC, she’s had as much air time as Theresa May, if you were a stranger to the British political scene you would think she was a major player not some two bob wonky eyed leader of a 3 MP party……….