Frankie Boyle (2)

Has Frankie Boyle had a cunting yet? He deserves one for a 2 sentence excerpt from a magnum opus of cuntitude to be found at his Facebook fans page, as follows:

“It’s not hard to imagine England relishing the prospect of a war. Look at how much they enjoy hurting Spanish people in their spare time.”

Not at all racist that, is it you ginger gobshite cunt? The English relish a war because we English are war like people, is that the jist of it? Not at all like the peace loving Scots who regularly hospitalise any cunt for having the wrong accent in the wrong pub in the wrong part of town.

Not only are we a warlike people, the English, but we enjoy hurting the Spaniards. And how exactly do we do that oh wise speccy bastard? By spending an average of £1300 per family in Spain? By being the largest group by far to visit with 17,840,292 Brits visiting Spain in 2016 thus contributing 11% of GDP to their beleaguered economy?

He must be hard as fucking nails, that cunt. He must have fought off thousands who would give him a proper pasting. Still, we live in hope….

Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart.

157 thoughts on “Frankie Boyle (2)

  1. Left wing rioters have started their shit in Paris, because Le Pen came second in the first vote in the French election. Typical of the cunts, my vote didn’t win, and of course I am right, so let’s smash the place up. Scum. Violence is the argument of the stupid.

    • Second depending on which poll you believe, according to a Frog Interior Minisrty poll she came first.

      Agreed, always the same with the leftist morons, the result doesn’t go their way so they throw their toys out of the pram and march and riot and vow to ‘fight’ (seriously, WTF with the militant language all the time?!) the ”evil” right wing.

      I think the left wing is due another cunting for being terminal sore losers all the time. Every time anyone on the other side of the spectrum had to suffer the result not going their way, they/we would grit our teeth, hope the idiots don’t screw things up too much (no luck there – thanks Blair) and just get on with it.

      But then that would be too much for the sanctimonious, snowflake, lefty arseholes who want to ram their views down all of our throats and then abuse and shout down anyone who disagrees with them.

      • Didn’t Lenin once come out with some statement about how “we need to encourage aggression and hostility towards all who might disagree with us…” or suchlike?
        And this one…
        “Some people have to die, to make the world a better place”
        Quote, Ken Livingstone (cunt).

      • Eh, strand Red Ken in a room full of Mossad agents, that would be a sight.

      • I always get a little confused on what is left and what is right. Im Right, and I’ll always be Right. Everybody else can be Right if they agree with me. If they don’t agree with me , then they are left out.
        I think that’s what I mean. Right?

    • Yes she is.

      Careful, liberal liquidator, some of these cunters may give you stick for that.
      Us Le Milf lovers need to stick together. 🙂

    • I’m worried Le pen will lose If these numbers are right and maybe they aren’t, I have no idea but I don’t really see why they wouldn’t be. It’s already over.And voting is nonsensical If people will vote to be murdered in the streets by Moslems, then voting needs to be abolished as a concept especially when half of fucking france is moslem!.

      It’s a Belgian news agency reporting this, because it is illegal for the French media to report it until after polls close. So who knows how much it’s worth.

      • “If people will vote to be murdered in the street by Muslimes”

        Never thought about it like that.
        What a bunch of doss weak cunts.

        Nice one, TitSlapper.

  2. And always try to remember, when forming original compound verbs, there’s a fine line between hyphenated words….

  3. I hate to say it, but I don’t think Marine will win. Why you ask? It’s simple – tactical voting – all the other bitter shits will gang up voting wise to get their nice leetle EU stooge (Macron) into power to try and keep the failing EU alive for a little bit longer.

    • Fucktard twats? Have you looked in a mirror lately?

      Also, learn to spell, if you can’t even do that right then you fail at being a troll more than you already do.

    • Oh no whatever shall we do his going to twatter us all to all our victims . O,o the shame that will brought upon my family name and non existent children what ever shall we do.

  4. Yes, yes, so you keep saying.

    Now, step away from the keyboard, it is clearly past your bedtime.

    And don’t forget to take your meds.

  5. It’s the sites pet troll, the scumbag cunt has stolen her login details. The creepy cunt has form, he has stolen women’s details before. Little man, with a micro cock.

  6. Sorry what was that? I can’t understand what you are saying due to your illiterate little rant.

    Is your spell check working?
    Is your sense of logic and reason working?
    Do you actually have anything worthwhile to do in your life other than troll with the cap lock on while spelling incorrectly?
    Do you understand what I am saying to you?

    If the answer to these is no, you fail at….. well everything.

    • Can’t understand why this troll-twat continues to post all this nonsensical bollox. He’s a boring, repetitive nonentity. His Mummy will catch him, and d/w appropriately.

  7. Well talking of ill (mental) health……

    I must ask – were your parents brother and sister by any chance?

  8. I have to go to kip, can someone else continue to engage and insult Prickless in my absence?

    Early morning starts are a cunt…

    • Tell me about it, always catches up with a vengeance by Friday.
      I do hope I don’t have to do too much bloody overtime this week, that shit got old a couple of months ago.

      Understaffing is a cunt too…..

  9. Fuck me …I’m scared shitless….oh…henny penny…the sky is falling in ! Fucktard!

  10. Can you please let Brendan Rodgers know that i think he’s a cunt first.
    For that cunt to be cunted has always been my goal.

    Cheers, Rickie Doubleday.

    After that let them other cunts know in any order ye want.

    See, a lot of cunters think of you as a fuckin weak pest, but i knew that ye’d come good.

    Cheers for helping out with getting our cuntings across to our “victims”.

    Get well soon mate.

  11. Just ignore the troll cunt. Its arse will be kicked orf the site in due course.

    • Eh, if it’s all the same, I think it be best that its lack of intelligence is exposed some….. boot it off site in about 5 minutes?

  12. Can you do something useful like shove a broomstale up your jack and go sweep the dirt off the nearest motorway.

  13. So, does anyone else have to deal with the dreaded early mornings for work?

  14. Good for you, evidently you don’t have a job either if you have closed down many blogs.

    Now, the amusement factor with you has worn off, kindly build a bridge and jump off it. Cretin.

  15. Congratulations. And did those bloggers ever reappear, or were they terrified into silence forever?

    • He’s a gutless knob, who trolled a woman dying of cancer, and when she caught him, the spineless prick didn’t have the guts not only to apologise, but denied it completely. Not the actions of man, is it?

      • Gutless? Seems like this miserable pile of excrement is lacking more than guts it seems, probably also missing a spine, balls, brain and soul.

        Sod not the actions of man, more like not the actions of a decent human being.

  16. Oh yes, I’m sure they are wetting themselves at the prospect of dealing with a DoubleDouche troll.

  17. Four days of twelve hour shifts and four days off for me, and as I delegate more than work, i have plenty of time to share with some of the best folk I’ve ever communicated with.
    I say twelve hours, but its probably closer to three.
    Still get paid though.

    Why do you seem to think that us cunters keep our cunting away from our families?

    As I told ye before, my missus and daughter are well aware of my cunting and they both enjoy the sanitized versions i give them.

    I don’t tell any other cunt though, coz they lazy cunts can find it for themselves.
    That’s the beauty of ISAC, we all found each other accidentally, and I’m sure long lasting cunterships have been formed.

    Viva ISAC.

  18. I find this all strangely interesting. What drives someone to post comments on a site they don’t like, to be met with derision, only to come back and post more comments?
    Apart from the glaringly obvious answer, can anyone tell me?

    • They probably sit at their keyboard touching themself when they read the derision that they get.

  19. Is it a full moon tonight?

    I can’t find my slippers again.

    That picture of Frankie Boyle makes him look like a upside down Ewok.

  20. No I insist, if you have time to troll like this, you have time to explain.

    Unless of course you are full of crap.

  21. How do you know that the very brave Anna Raccoon went to the wrong door?
    You seem to know a lot about it as if, maybe you were present when she came to confront you.
    How did you hear about her “error”?
    Coz she got you right.

    And you hid.

    • He’s to stupid to realise that he’s actually admitting it was him. Fucking loser.

  22. Just ignore the cunt people. It gets orf orn degradation and self harm. Will spend all night at its keyboard in a cold toilet (most likely disabled) massaging its own shite into its flaccid little cock. Respond to it no more. It feeds on attention.

  23. So, AGAIN, how did ye know it was a woman with cancer that answered the door?

    Did you visit them also?

    Yer digging a deep hole here Rickie Doubleday.

    I’m starting to get bored.

  24. Incidentally me dears If you use Google Chrome browser and you hit the F3 key a small box pops down from the top space bar on the right. Enter a search term into that box eg troll and it will find all instances of that word on the web page each time you press the F3 key. The box also shows a count of that word. In addition a vertical space bar on the right shows a series of brown lines indicating their position down the page. You can click on them to find the desired word as well as clicking on the up and down arrows to the right of the search box.

    This has been no 32 orf a series orf tech wanks by Sir Limply. Enjoy that vaseline.

  25. Frankie Boyle is an untalented and watered down version of Jerry Sadowitz. He still makes jokes about the poll tax even though it was axed 25 fucking years ago. He lives in London because he clearly can’t stand Scotland or the Scots any more. He has a sneering reverence for Glasgow. He knows he can make money from ticket sales of his shows from a Scottish audience but he clearly wouldn’t live there and can’t be bothered saying anything positive on any subject.

    He presumably couldn’t get a job doing anything else so he became a bit of an offensive comedian. Well he should try living in Scotland again on low wages and see how he gets on. He’d probably turn that into a successful TV series. Cunt.

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