Frankie Boyle (2)

Has Frankie Boyle had a cunting yet? He deserves one for a 2 sentence excerpt from a magnum opus of cuntitude to be found at his Facebook fans page, as follows:

“It’s not hard to imagine England relishing the prospect of a war. Look at how much they enjoy hurting Spanish people in their spare time.”

Not at all racist that, is it you ginger gobshite cunt? The English relish a war because we English are war like people, is that the jist of it? Not at all like the peace loving Scots who regularly hospitalise any cunt for having the wrong accent in the wrong pub in the wrong part of town.

Not only are we a warlike people, the English, but we enjoy hurting the Spaniards. And how exactly do we do that oh wise speccy bastard? By spending an average of £1300 per family in Spain? By being the largest group by far to visit with 17,840,292 Brits visiting Spain in 2016 thus contributing 11% of GDP to their beleaguered economy?

He must be hard as fucking nails, that cunt. He must have fought off thousands who would give him a proper pasting. Still, we live in hope….

Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart.

157 thoughts on “Frankie Boyle (2)

  1. A lot of migrants are cunts. Arrive in a country which is better than the one they came from (otherwise why be here) and then continue to moan moan moan about it:

    “too cold (including the people)”
    “too racist”
    “the streets are paved with goal but dogshit”

    My response to them has always been swift and clear, if you don’t like it, fuck off.

    It’s a shame our country is full of faggots without the backbone to do the same. It disgusts me.

    This is why London is full of people who identify themselves as “1/8 burmese” or “3/12s pakistani” – because who wants to be associated with a nationality who doesn’t have the bollocks to stand up for itself when it gets overrun by bloodsucking migrants.

    Cunts the lot of them.

  2. This unfunny Scottish cunt is described on the internet as a “bit of a controversial comedian”. He IS Scottish. He is NOT a comedian. He’s simply a THICK CUNT.

    Boyle is of the genre that I hate the most, these smooth self congratulatory and arrogant tossers have an air of arrogance that gets on my tit end.

    To be measured as a comedian , you must be able to stand against the greats of comedy, Bob Monkhouse, Benny hill and hundreds of old time guys who could connect with an audience, make em laugh, and send them home entertained. This cunt couldn’t raise a giggle in a fanny farm.

    So simply fuck off boyle, get rid of yer ginger face fungus, and keep yer gob tight shut. ( Comedian my arse )

  3. If it makes you happy ya fuckin shitebag.
    After ye nominate her, go and chew on yer dangleberries, you little weak cunt.
    Have you chopped yer little nuts off to go with the name change? You little fuckin weirdo.
    Only joking, get well soon

  4. My family knows all about ISAC and they also know you’re a weak cunt.

    My daughter knows dickead dubblegay is cunt.

    Get well soon mate.

    • Here we go again, one sad twat sharing his mental breakdown with the uninterested…

    • Go learn the English language including spelling and grammar, you thick weirdo cunt.

  5. Who’s wasting time??????

    Don’t worry about me, I’m doing swell.

    Get well soon mate.

  6. I’m on my phone watching the FA cup worrying about the state of yer head and what you might do to the public.

    Get well soon mate.

    • HATING?????????

      It’s called a LAUGH.

      You should know what a laugh is as you hear it on the rare occasions you walk down the street.

      Get well soon mate.

      • VICTIM??????


        If any of these cunts feel they are VICTIMS then they truly are cunts.

        Don’t know many people from Norfolk apart from yerself and Chris Sutton.
        Are ye’s ALL like this, or have i just been unlucky with Norfolk folk?

        Get well soon MATE. 🙂

        And please don’t get me in trouble with the cunting polis. TA.

  7. WHEN?????????

    When are you going to carry out these threats?????????

    It’s easy sat there wiping yer chin making threats, but if yer gonna do something, then fuckin do it ya Chris Sutton like weak cunt.

    Get well soon mate.

  8. A question I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while.
    What is yer problem with people being cunted?
    Do you want to live in a world where cunts can do what they want and everybody should just nod along?
    THAT would be a waste of time.
    No one in the media is pointing out cuntishness.
    Is that OK in your book?

    And anyway, its called FUN.
    We’re just a bunch of cunters having fun.
    And coz the world is encumbered with weak cunts like yerself, its nice to talk freely with like minded folk who don’t get upset by words.

    Get well soon mate.

  9. What the fuck is going on?

    Am I in trouble for thinking there are some cunts in the world that deserve cunting?

    • Its hard to tell whats going in with this weak cunt, The Bournemouth Red.

      A troll being upset about cunters having fun.

      As I’m actually a nice guy (aye right) i actually feel sorry for the cunt.
      Being a dribbling “adult” with nonsense filling his dead head cant be nice.
      Just another cunt that wishes every cunt sang the same tune.

      Hope he gets well soon.

    • No, it’s just the pet troll having a little spazz out. The sad cunts posts will be gone soon.

    • Great. I’d love Bob Geldof, Bono and Tony Blair to know precisely what I think of them.
      That they are cunts that is.
      Thats C-U-N-T-S in large letters, just for them…

  10. If you think ‘victim’ Frankie Boyle could give a fuck about being cunted you are as delusional as your posts. And by the way – turn the caps lock off. It’s the equivalent of green ink.

  11. Tim the runt farron has ruled out any chance that the lib dems will form a coalition government after the general election?? That utter Prick has set a new benchmark for the word delusional!

    • Well it is Tim Farron, and he is a Lib Dem, it’s a prerequisite to be delusional…..

      • Yeah yeah, just like the libdems ruled out going into a coalition with the Tories in 2010. I think there was also something about student fees….Me thinks the ginger hamster in chief speak with fork tongue.

      • The Lib Dems are a mob of unprincipled whores, they’d sell their mothers and children off to ”peaceful” traffickers if they thought it would get them some political power.

      • Little Timmy is still getting shit over poofgate, the silly twat. If you are of the religious persuasion, the bible says it’s a sin, so if you believe in that fucking nonsense, that would be your position. Cunts pick and choose what they believe in the bible, but if it’s supposed to be the word of god, it’s either all true, or all bollocks. Stupid cunts….

      • I actually feel a bit for timmy here, he’s a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT, you’re supposed to be able to believe what you want, if he thinks that two blokes packing eachothers fudge is a sin, why shouldnt he be able to say that. Not only is it a sin, its fucking disgusting.

  12. “Say it direct to their face.”.. Classic Ricky…….This from someone who hides behind women’s names,denies everything even when confronted face-to-face by Anna Raccoon. Perhaps you’d like to meet me “face to face”,that way you can really get your point across? But you wont,will you? You’re a sad,pathetic man,now fuck off.

  13. Frankie Boyle is nothing more than a left wing Bernard Manning. A terrorist sympathiser and a desperately unfunny cunt.

      • You know what else comrade Corbyn (hopefully) won’t have soon? A leadership job.

        The man couldn’t lead lemmings over a cliff let alone a country.

      • He couldn’t even give a straight answer when asked if he would have the head of ISIS killed if the opportunity arose. What a useless spineless fucking cunt he is.

      • Remember this is the say Corbyn who wouldn’t avenge his own people in the event of a nuclear attack.

        Hell, if anything he’d invite the head of ISIS to ths country if given a chance – look at his track record!

      • On the proper topic of this thread, I find Frankie Boyle about as amusing as a foreign lorry fuck sideswiping someone on a roundabout.

        Let me assure you, it’s not a funny experience.

      • Yeah…strange sort of humour, not really sure if it counts as comedy? Same shit comes up in psychoanalysis, and trust me…that crap is anything but funny.

      • I got sideswiped by a Polish artic on the M25.

        Absolute cunt was probably watching porn.

        Good luck with the insurance claim. This one is taking years.

      • The guy from the front page (I’m new here). Done an internet on his name, was genuinely surprised to learn he’s a proper adult. What an absolutely sad cunt.

      • Well I wouldn’t say ”proper” adult.

        No proper adult would be an unfunny little troll.

        You know what unfunny little trolls are right? Cunts!

  14. Because people have better things to do than go on Twatter perhaps?

    Whoever you are, you need some help and you need to learn how to type without the cap lock on.

  15. You’ll be a busy man forwarding all of my thoughts to the “Victims”…so you’d best make a start and get on with it. I’m really rather proud of a lot of my posts,and would welcome a wider audience.

  16. Please feel free to forward my comments onto any if the cunts I post about!

    Especially “peaceful” cunts! They’re the fucking worst by a long way!

    As for any famous cunt, well I’d relish being given the chance to call them a cunt square to their fancy and then back that up with hard evidence as to exactly why they are a cunt in my opinion.

    And don’t forget my opinion is mine alone, get a judge to rule on that you cunt!

    All this posturing bollocks when we all know you’re as hard as soft dog shit!

    Boring cunt.

    • Christ, went to the local for a swift half and then this….is she/he menstruating?

      • I believe it’s a troll that sometimes shows up, doing what trolls do best. Being a cunt.

      • Let this troll fuck off back under his bridge, and the rest of us can carry on cunting.

    • Please quote mine verbatim, without error, especially to any Pro-EU retards.

      • Emanuel Macron is a cunt. By all means forward this opinion to him, and copy it in to coathanger-dodgers such as Guy Verhofstadt-Goebbels and Jean-Junction Juncker-Himmler.

      • Agreed, they are all cunts.

        Hence the Brexit vote, the EU is a worthless dominion run by (corrupt) cunts.

  17. The thing is – and I may being going against the grain here – I love Frankie Boyle’s unsensored stand-up stuff.

    I loved all the Katie Price and Jade Goody stuff, fucking pisser.

    And then…he writes that fucking column for the Groaniad like he’s the voice of the socialist working man.

    Frankie stick to ripping shreds of fellow odious famous cunts and leave the socialist observations to some cunt who actually gives a fuck about them!

    Hopefully our troll will pass this onto Frankie for me.

    • Tremadol/Tramadol Nights was brilliant, and he makes Jordan that bit more bearable.

      Very, very funny guy, even though he’s a fenian. 🙂

      • I have to admit I’ve laughed a lot at some of his stuff. He better than most of the crap that passes as comedians these days.

  18. Why do they always write in that rag?

    Given their current financial status. I wonder if they hit Boyle up for a donation?

    Surely a declining readership should be a hint to the Groaniad that their paper is the shits?

  19. Regarding Birdman’s question about people from Norfolk, I’m in Norfolk and in certain places it does resemble The Island of Dr Moreau.
    Our trolling chum and I are almost neighbours, he’s just 15 minutes away on me bike…

      • Too kind Birdman. To be honest Norfolk does have a sizeable cunt population.
        Funny enough, coming back from a few days at the coast with Mrs B for our wedding anniversary last week, I actually drove past the trolling twat’s house. Didn’t click at the time or I’d have stopped and got a few holiday snaps.

        “This one’s Prickie wanking over his mum’s Freemans catalogue”
        “And this one’s Prickie sobbing bitterly into his pillow…”

      • “And this one’s Prickie slobbering uncontrollably while sticking his todger through the fence at the local primary school…”

  20. It’s probably not Serena, the bloke has a habit of second guessing peoples email addresses. Or they could be his sleeper accounts. He seems to have a lot of time on his hands.

    He is a internet troll that took a dislike to Dioclese for some reason.

    The Anna Raccoon he referred to was a intelligent, brave, thoughtful lady who was dying of cancer. I believe she has passed away now. He trolled her site some time ago, she tracked his IP back to his house and paid him a visit. He denied all knowledge

    So all in all, a bit of a sad cunt

    • A bit of a sad Cunt? My friend you may be a master of the understatement with that….

      • It’s the usual troll twat. His style of writing is errr…. “unique” to say the least.
        A combination of bitter old man and spiteful adolescent, but with a touch of tantruming toddler for good measure…

      • Funnily enough…in my early career in psychiatry, we studied this type of hypermania which was often accompanied by expressive hyperphasia. it suggests a powerfully deranged state of psyche that often manifests in sudden and extreme acts of violence and sometimes, self mutilation.
        In lay terms, the subject is fucking crackers.

  21. Oh Jesus…looks like that troll cunt has been sniffing around here like a scrote looking for glue in an alley-skip. He’s probably pissed because the Easter holidays are over and his mum caught him wanking over old Baywatch episodes again. People like that are boring and it all points to the fact that he more than likely has a cock like a dwarf carrot in winter. Fuck out troll. Wipe the bootprint off your arse and get to bed. School in the morning. Cut along now little man.

  22. I enjoyed the “face them directly on Twitter” comment. Fucking terrific. So what is Twatter then, other than another forum for anonymous commentators to call each other a cunt?

      • Yeah, thanks for that.
        I was highlighting the irony of him calling us anonymous keyboard warriors, while encouraging us to post on another anonymous cunt calling platform.

      • That’s the typical keyboard warrior, throwing that insult around while doing. the. exact. same. bloody. thing.

        I wouldn’t class the fine cunters of this site as keyboard warriors, we don’t do forums spats here, all we do is collectively vent at anyone and everyone who is in some shape or form a cunt.

        Right guys?

    • Am i correct in saying that Rickie Doubleday is a “bogan” ?

      I know he’s a cunt, but can “began” also be used, coz i love that phrase but know its reserved for a certain type of cunt.

      Sorry for all the NZ questions. (I’m not a troll)
      I have another one that I’ve forgotten the now, so I’ll ask ye that another time

      • Hmm, possibly. Bogan is difficult to explain properly. I’d guess it would be somewhere between a pikey and a boy racer. They are a hybrid type of cunt if ever there was one. Benefit bludging, drug taking/dealing, scruffy cunts. Chav possibly but not so well dressed ?

      • Cheers, KiwiCunt.

        Thanks again for the information last week regarding some of New Zealand’s history.
        It was informative and interesting. Ta.

        New question next week. 🙂

      • A bogun in Australia is a chav or a pikey. The blokes have teeth missing and the women wear Ugg boots. Both are ill-educated and are peppered with tattooes.

      • Some of the richer ones drive Utes and some of stupid ones eat souvlaki, washed down with VB or shit rum.

    • Every now and again, cunters applaud another cunter for their”user” name.
      Well I’d just like to say that Mahatma Koat is my favourite.

      Absolute genius, Mahatma Koat.

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