I nominate Emmanuel Macron for a cunting.
Though the MSM conveniently choose to ”forget” this little detail, he is no stranger to politics or for that matter a centrist.
Until last year, this little worm of a human being was the Finance Minister lackey of the Socialist Francoise Hollande. Under their dubious tenure, France’s economy went further down the crapper and 238 people have died via ”Peaceful” people.
Also, like most typical Frog politicians, this maggot have the obligatory ”screw the British” mentality shared with the rest of his ilk; earlier this year on a visit to London, the bastard openly spoke of poaching talent from our country post Brexit and has, and I quote, stated that ”the best deal Britain could get with Europe is membership in the EU”.
Make no mistake, this miserable , conniving, two faced little shit stain is about as anti-establishment as the peaceful lot are tolerant of other culture. He is an unrepentant cheerleader/lickspittle of the whole EU/federal/globalisation agenda that is so beloved by the worthless maggots known as the political class and liberal imbeciles in general.
Noted Kraut EU cocksucker Sigmar Gabriel hopes Macron wins the election in order to, and I Quote again, ”put Eurosceptism back in its place”.
If Macron wins, the whole miserable path Europe is on will continue.
Just once, it would be good if the people of France grow some balls and do the right thing instead of the easy but doomed to backfire horribly option.
Nominated by Prime Minister Sinister.
Who protects Macron?
I believe the French press is even more left leaning than our own!
“Who protects Macron?”
George Soro’s arsehole protects him and Hollande is basically his bitch, yes france is incredibly left leaning. If Marine doesn’t win within 20 years it will be Francistan
I doubt it would take even 20 years TitSlapper. France is on the edge of an abyss, and their only hope for salvation is Marine Le Pen.
20 years? Give it 5, parts of Frogland are already Peacefulised, look at Marseilles.
And yes, it’s all part of grandcuntmaster Soros’ world vision.
Saw hideous old bat Margolyes on the box earlier, saying how terrible it was that we’ve voted for Brexit.
Typical, coming from one of the George Sorarse persuasion.
Macon, c’est un con vraiment toxique, and ee looks as eef Gideon’s leetle coq is up is arsehole.
It will be a truly great day if this cunt gets shat upon from a very great height. Vive Marine !
How could you trust someone who shags grannies anyway?
Hasn’t been a good player for years now, old Rooney.
Never thought he was that great to begin with.
He was never that great… Trailed behind Ronaldo and Tevez in that 2008 side, and was also shown up by Berbatov… The Scouse wighead has had his moments, but was always as unprofessional as fuck… Drinking, smoking, eating shite and just being a total cunt… But never as great as the nu-footie cunts say he is… The ‘record’ means nothing… The Scouse knobend will never be as good as Charlton or Law as long as I have a hole in my arse…
These words some up Rooney best:
Ronaldo, Tevez, Berbaflop, Van Cuntie, Ibrahimoshit.
Would you include him in the ‘World class’ England players of the last 15 years? Personally I wouldn’t. My list would be:-
Now I don’t support any of the clubs those 4 played for but those guys were better than Rooney.
Let’s face it, if Owen’s career wasn’t buggered by all the injuries he would have broken Charlton’s record for England a long time ago. Unfortunately, injuries and going to Real Madrid to get Madrid bench warmer syndrome and then coming WC 2006 killed that all dead.
Yes, Owen definitely had a strange career. Going to Madrid must’ve been too tempting despite knowing they would always choose Raul (even though Owen was better). He was on a slow freefall after that.
Nevertheless, ace for the Reds and England.
Alright so I’m convinced I have a adverse reaction to the gin because I get chest pains the next day which hasn’t happened before or on any other alcohol that I’ve drank. My previous gin experience 3 days ago I got the gin shits the next day… not a pleasant experince I’ll tell you.
Currently drinking a light gin ceaser (yes for breaky!) and got them I wonder if its the juniper or some other herb affecting me maybe angelica root? definitely not the coriander or liquorice. The tangerayrecipe contains other botanicals but its a heavily guarded recipe so I’ll never know what the cunt is… blasted
I’m afraid drinking gin comes with a price tag, I call it gincontinence.
I guess so just wonder why my stomach rumbles from it and the minor chest pains, Wonder if I’d like Genever more? its apparently made from distilled malt wine so its different chemically. In olde england when the gin boom hit every poor bastard wanted to drink like the King.
Except the very cheap shite they were drinking was made with sulphuric acid, turpentine and lime oil massively produced in horrible conditions . That shite could kill you, really toxic and double proof… probably shite blood drinking it I wouldn’t doubt it…. guess I got off lucky lol
As usual the frogs will come out with their ? Up. ‘Don’t shoot, Don’t shoot’. Farage got ridiculed by all the eu cuntzzzz and most of the uk ‘sensible’ people when he likened the twats to the Mafia but that describes the vitriolic, vengeful wankers to a fucking T. I now believe that Tezzas only option if she gets elected is to tell them all to FUCK OFF. Quite literally. You can’t reason with a ‘gang’ when they are all stood behind each other acting all hard and tough. But if she tells them to take a hike they’ll start the infighting and back stabbing and start to fragment. That’s when the real picture of the spineless cunts appear when they’re asked to cough up more poke. So go on FUCK RIGHT OFF shit kickers!!
“I’d rather have a German Division in front of me than a French one behind”
George S Patton.
May’s only possible approach must be to get them to agree or we pay them fuck all.
We have the upper hand in this game. They need our dosh…
They also need our markets. When these all powerful cunts have to explain to EU agriculture and industry that they are being fucked over in order to punish the UK, I think a reality check may kick in. We shall see.
They have always needed us a lot more than we need them.
May should go for the good old divide and conquer, it would be easy pickings with these twats.
I’d like to cunt Parliament. If it was down to me I would have our MP’s sit for a week 4 times a year to concentrate what is really important. This would focus their minds and get rid of the totally unecessary legislation they produce just to justify their existence. The only other thing I would require them to do would be to sign off the death warrants for the next 3 months Lawyer hangings.
Beautiful language, some superb literature, delicious wine and generally better-looking and classier totty that ours, let’s face it.
Nonetheless, a timorous attitude in any battle married to an arrogance unmatched in the world should see this EU pawn win convincingly. Plus ça change, plus c’est le même chose and all that. Vive les Cowards français.
I’m definitely with you on the classier totty front
Fuck off, they don’t shave their arm pits! Scruffy cunts. As for language, bollocks. English is far superior, it has more words for a start so must be better. French literature, like the language it uses, is shit. If you want literature look no further than the English, the undisputed world champions. French wine is overrated, just as good wine coming out of USA, Australia, NZ and SA and cheaper too ( how come Australian wine is cheaper than French, when they are not in the EU so have to pay tariffs and ship it half way around the world as well?)
I’m sorry, but this attitude that everything French is better than anything English is a throw back to the Norman conquest, when English aristocracy had to brown nose the Normans if they didn’t want to loose their castles and lands. And it persists to this day amongst the chattering classes.Cunts.
Never understood what makes a Brit believe that everything French is superior.
Yer totally correct there , Skidmark Eggfart.
The language is fuckin horrible, its as if they are spewing up whilst having a cold.
The wimmin more often than not have a gaunt look to them and their food and wine is as pretentious as the rest of the cunts.
Oz red is stunning. In the good old days of Oddbins (mid-90s ??), I used to get a Wolf Blass Cabernet Sauvignon for a whisker under a tenner.
You’d have had to stump up 3x as much to get a French red of equal quality.
Could live in Oz happily, but I fear they would not allow me to keep rabbits…
The Normans weren’t really French. They were descended from Vikings. Think about it, Norman/NORSEman. That’s why they’re slightly less arseholish than their countrymen.
I didn’t say their language or literature was superior, just excellent. English lit is the best in the World (pre- about halfway through the 20th century; now it’s shite). I never mentioned their ghastly food – who the fuck wants to eat ponies and chocolate-covered ants?
Australian wine is alright but the cheap stuff is like imbibing Chinese vinegar. The good stuff is expensive, whereas French is decently-priced.
I like winding up the French more than anyone (if you want an ace read, try “1000 Years of Annoying The French”). However, let’s be realistic: hairy arms or not, their women are leagues above ours.
My wife and I are both direct descendants of Hugh Kevelioc, 5th Earl of Chester g-g-grandson of the conqueror, William Duke of Normandy…
…so just watch it, alright !?! ?
…and don’t call me fucking French! We’re NORMANS! We hate the French surrender monkeys too..!
Italian totty is miles better than that Froggy stuff…
Lovely piece of Italian work here:
Italian women have a style which is super sexy and now they know about the dangers of the sun the older ones don’t age quite as bad as they used too
Of all the girls I have been with, the French girls have had the finest grasp of the balance of being a lady in the street and a freak in the bed. Most English birds are puking in the street and lazy in bed.
The Australian government rebate 50 Pc of alll marketing costs including salary for an Australian working for the Australian company overseas for anything sold as export.
In addition the vat paid in country which is 10 Pc refunded if its proven the goods were exported.
Catch is the company need to spend the money first and they are eligible for 5 grants paid annually to go towaeds the additional costs of exporting to far lands.. as well as putting pakis on islands when they choose to front up for asylum Seems there’s a bit to learn there.
And that wine is from ex British colonies so even more reason to like it over French shite and as for language It’s got to be English then Italian over fucking French anyday.
Froggies are renowned soap dodgers. Lowest sales per head in Europe. They also like to stick medication up their arses. What’s to admire in these cunts?
Their wine is overpriced and unreliable compared to the rest of the world. Their cheese isn’t a patch on British cheese. They have August off. Their Peacefuls are running riot. They have only ever had utter cunts for President.
And then there’s the Jungle. Would never have started but for the useless French authorities.
Fuck em.
Agreed, Cunstable, especially on the cheese. They’ve got over 1000 types but still can’t produce Cheddar.
I’m sorry but the French women seem a step up from the chavvy slags you get in every town and city in the UK, French wine is my favourite (Malbec) although fuck champagne (overpriced shit) give me Freixenet any day. French food is way better than English, go to any top ‘British’ restaurant and its all French techniques and usually served with French wine. As for the French people they are cunts. Black, White, whatever they are cunts except for a friend of mine and a neighbour. The white French are more Celtic than the Germanic English so there is a difference between the two types of women. I don’t discriminate against any lady although I would rather hear a lady talk French or have a french accent when I’m rooting it instead of listening to Tracy from Skegness. The cunts.
We have much better pudding than the French.
I lived in Germany when I was 18-19 years of age… And the Frauleins were top totty… That was years ago though, so I don’t know how it is now… They’re probably afraid to go out these days, because of all the rapeugee filth…
But even the German birds have nothing on the Italian ones… Spent some time in Turin and Rome, and thinking about some of the girls I met and spent time with still make the (cough) hairs on the back of my neck stand up… The sight and sound of an Italian bird when she’s up for it…. Bloody hell…
The northern English accent is way better than the french.
Scotland, N. Ireland is a bit hit and miss, but i love all other accents on wimmin.
I once copped off with a bird from County Durham once and i asked her what part, north or south of Ireland was that.
She laughed and i still got laid.
Tracy from skegness has a standard grade in french, anyway.
I was in a bar chatting up this Geordie bird who kept taking her mate with her to the toilet, every time she needed a piss, so I asked her why her friend had to go with her.
“I need someone to pull my knickers down”
“Why’s that?” I asked..
“Cos I’ve never done it myself”…
I’m with you Black & White, although French noshbag is overrated.
I don’t care about a bit of hair. I’ve had hairy pits girls from France, Germany (naturally), Japan, Korea, Finland, I don’t care as long as they’ve looked after themselves and aren’t pikeys.
Given the choice between a hairy-pitted Frog, elegantly-dressed, supping wine and ready for a bit of rutting, or a shaven, ignorant British bird shoving McBurger King down her gullet, peppered with tattoos of Tupac on their legs dotted on green-white skin which covers moguls of flab, I’d go for the former.
It pains me to say it but British women have a worldwide reputation for being 1) easy, and 2) ugly. It’s hard to defend them. When did they stop making an effort? When did they decide wearing trakky bottoms and jeggings were attractive? When did they go from a Size Zero to a Shape Zero? Fucking depressing.
“Froggies are renowned soap dodgers”
Not true at all soap,perfume was actually popularized and commercialized in 15-18th century France. Here we go with food nationalism again cunters.
French wines are pricey as a cunt but they have some of the best ones
My sentiments exactly on the finer sex
Escoffier (good name for a chef) agreed that GB puds were indeed the best…
Le Frogs always have and always will choose the route which results in the minimum expenditure of energy. A lot of em can’t even be arsed to take a shower more than once a week. Do they still take a dump into a hole in the floor?
Best place to hide something in a Frenchman’s home is under the soap.
So that is why they love the peaceful ones, fucking soap dodging.
The whole reason that they are the world centre for perfume is because of their soap dodgyness.
For anyone interested here is a torrent of last nights fight.
It was mint!
A cunting for Phil Shiner. Parasitic human rights lawyer who lives off bringing cases of murder and torture against British troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. This fucker has finally been struck off after dreaming up bogus statements and paying off raghead ‘witnesses ‘. A victim of this cunt plus Blair and Cameron who along with ‘top brass’, washed their hands of him was Sgt Blackman , finally released for dispatching a peaceful towel head, the only action these bellend’s have seen is rimming each other off at Eaton. Emmanuel Macron is a limp wristed, cheese munching granny grabbing cunt too.
Shiner and his fellow scumbag colleagues at that despicable law firm lied like fuck, so surely they are guilty of fraud at the very least? The misery these cunts inflicted on our soldiers, so that they can line their pockets deserves punishment, and being struck off ain’t nowhere near it. By the way, are the taliban signatories to the Geneva convention? Would they send lawyers to Britain, to look for atrocities committed by themselves? Like fuck, to them cunts it would be just another victory.
We will never win wars against these cunts, unless we play by their rules. They don’t worry about approval ratings, or how the press are going to judge them, so either we we leave them to it, because if it doesn’t effect us, why should we waste lives on these lost causes, or we go in and wipe them out.
The Geneva convention sounds like a good idea, but in actual fact it encourages war. The concept of a civilised war, which the convention tries to promote, is a myth. The nastier and more brutal war is the less likely people will be to want to engage in it. The idea that you can apply rules, like a game, is absurd.
Indeed thats why the likelyhood of robotic wars in the future of which drones are a precursor, are likely to keep us in a state of perpetual war. The future is a cunt.
The socio-globo-libero mantra of the super rich (who want to stay rich at the expense of everyone else) and the current columns of power (who want to stay in power and toadie to the super rich) has fucked western Europe over.
We made our stand last year and made it clear that we want no part of a Federalist Europe (which we never signed up for anyway – the common market was about trade not “control” which is what it is now) or anything to do with the unelected puppets running it (while the likes of Soros pulls the strings).
You look at the ordinary folk in most original EU states (who’s lot has gotten worse as each “Johnny come lately” eastern block nation was added) they’re as pissed off as we are about the whole EU tissues of lies.
If the French want to take back control of their destinies then they have to elect Le Penn, it’s as simple as that.
And the rest of the socio-globo-libero press agencies around the world will do anything to prevent that because Le Penn has said that she’ll offer the French a referendum on EU membership, and – should France go – then the whole shabbang will collapse and globalism can go and fuck itself! Good!
The only folk who lose in that scenario are the globalist puppet masters like Soros and their minions. Ordinary (Western European) folk will be better off because their lives and lifestyles will no longer be downgraded and downmoded to meet the former eastern blocker’s lots which is on the way up.
That’s what globalism does: creates a false economic equilibrium across the boards which then makes it so much more easy for the EU puppets to control and keep the populace in check, all while having their strings pulled by super rich globalist cunts. Cunts like George Soros.
There is – although no cunt in the public eye will admit it for fear of being shot down in flames – a world “peaceful” problem. No matter how governments and press agencies decide to dress it up, everyone knows there is a “peaceful” problem and it needs to be stopped. Western nations need to stop appeasing and pandering to these cunts and to start putting the cunts in their place, caveated with a friendly: “And if you don’t like those apples then fuck off to any shithole which shares your views and beliefs because we DON’T!”
Le Penn is the only candidate who wants to abate this “peaceful” problem in France.
Paris is like Londonistan in this sense: Parisians tend to be libbo/love everyone minded whereas the majority of France away from the capital is also fed up with “peacefulness”.
France has two choices: Macron, keep the status quo to the detriment of your lot in the long term, or Le Penn and at least have a stab at changing things.
If fairness we we’re lucky that Cameron and Gideon were so arrogant that they couldn’t believe that the great unwashed would want to leave their precious EU gravy-train otherwise there would not have been an EU referendum in the UK.
Go on France, do the right thing before your grandkids end up worshipping in Notre Dame mosque!
P.S. Alec Salmond is a snakey, greasy, untrustworthy cunt (just suffering his drivel on Sunday Politics now)! I bet he never loses a ball on a golf course! The cunt!
Here is the drunken Juncker kissing and hugging his boss, George Soros last week. Sickening and doing it so publicly too, he obviously has no shame and couldn’t give a shit if everyone knows he is Soros’s bitch. What a cunt.
Did I go too far in my cunting of Macron??
Not in a million years.
Shit stain can’t be cunted enough.
Can someone cunt Gina Miller again while we’re at it?
I second that. Banana-gog Miller cunted again !
That’s it, I nominate Gina Miller for another cunting.
So, it wasn’t enough that taxpayers’ money was wasted because this vile bitch pushed for a supreme court ruling.
It wasn’t enough that ultimately Article 50 was triggered despite this unaccountable money grubbing piece of excrement’s efforts.
First of all, despite being a multi millionaire she has the audacity to set up a gofundme or whatever the fuck it is to scab money off of various mugs, marks, luvvies and other wastes of oxygen, she is now funding the democracy hating LibDems and the bigoted SNP cunts in order to ”prevent a tory landslide and hard brexit”.
So let me get this straight, she would stoop to funding a party that wants to see the demise of the Union because she hates brexit.
She wants to piss all over everyone who doesn’t share her twisted vision for this country.
She goes around, with that hateful smug face and gets uppity when people show what they think of her and the bullshit she is causing.
Is it wrong that I think this piece of shit deserves a nice dose of Polonium 210?
May I say that I do not like this gentleman , and would much prefer it if Marine Le Penn would win. France will fall into the abyss with this gentleman in charge
Don’t worry buddy, I hate Macron too, he is no centrist.
He’s just a frog version of Gidiot the Wankstain
Excellent cunting PMS. Macron is most definitely a weapons grade cunt. He was mouthing off recently about punishing the UK for having the nerve to leave the EU, in order to dissuade other EU countries from doing the same. Every pro-EU cock who talks like that, proves that the majority of Brits who voted to leave the EU in the referendum were RIGHT to do so.
They like to claim that the EU is a benign organisation, but their behaviour over the past twelve months has shown that the EU is actually a MALIGN, undemocratic, incompetent, anti-British, corrupt club for failed, fifth rate politicians like Juncker and Tusk to get rich and pretend that they’re important. They give a nominal nod to democracy by allowing people to vote for representatives, in the form of MEPs. Let’s be honest though, do they actually have any influence on the EU? Do you know who your MEP is?
ALL decisions are made by the likes of Juncker and Tusk, two contemptible little Hitlers, who got their jobs via a closed EU committee, rather than in free, fair and democratic elections. They are answerable to NO ordinary EU citizen. They answer only to Mutti Merkel. And considering she’s an older woman, Macron Le Moron will be only too happy to slip his tongue up her.
The next two years are going to be a complete and utter farce, with the EU becoming increasingly belligerent. They will put as many obstacles in our way as possible, in the hope that any countries considering it will change their minds about holding their own exit referenda. And all the while they do it, they will be showing the world that they are small minded, democracy hating demagogues who crave power and money more than anything else.
Once the election is out of the way, May should tell them to fuck off. She them that the UK is walking away, effective immediately. When the industries and services in countries like France and Germany start to feel the hurt, and they’ll put pressure on their governments who will in turn put pressure on Juncker and Tusk. Then the EU will come crawling to us, begging for a trade deal.
Part of that deal, should be that the EU takes in all the Remain twats who’ve spent the past 12 months whingeing about 17.5 million people using their democratic right to tell the EU to fuck itself. Especially the likes of Kinnock, Farron, Heseltine, Clegg, Ashdown, Clarke, MILLER, Branson and Remainers in Chief, Blair and Mandelson, who recently told a German newspaper that the EU should forget about giving the UK a good deal and think only of itself. Advice which they are taking.
Ah yes, Donald Tusk, the man who is so toxic back in Poland that he would never get democratically elected to clean the bogs over there let alone a proper job.
Labour party activists need a cunting. At a recent gathering, one of these vile creatures created a fake British Army recruitment poster which ‘jokingly’ referred to British soldiers as murderers. There was also a similar one for the Royal Navy. I like to think that I have an excellent sense of humour, but I’m struggling to find this bullshit even remotely funny. Especially as a man who spent more than 20 years in the Army. I’m sure the likes of Thornberry, McDonnell and Seumas Milne find it hilarious though.
This is typical of the left, particularly the far left. It says a lot about them that, even when faced with the disgust of normal people, they not only refuse to apology for such offensive drivel, but they apparently can’t see that they’ve done anything wrong. And let’s not forget that these are the same parasitic scumbags who threw celebration parties when Margaret Thatcher died.
It says a lot about this filth that they think it’s acceptable to slander and insult the very people who give up much of our own freedom to ensure that they keep theirs. Many of those men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of democracy and freedom, and these cunts piss blithely piss on their memory.
It also says a lot about Corbyn and his Shadow cabinet, who could have come out and condemned this disgrace, but instead chose to remain silent. Vote Labour? I’d rather suck a dozen severed cocks.
It’s the left showing their true colours once again QDM, they try to fool everyone into thinking that they are all sweetness and light and for the people when the fact is that they are WMD grade cunts with contempt at the best and loathing for regular people in this country.
They have an evil and twisted world vision that they want to press ahead with regardless and will shut down any debates or attempts to stop this.
These people would sooner invite ISIS into this country and let them do what they want rather than protect the British.
They deal out the most offensive and vile slander and then laugh it off like a joke.
Vote Labour or any left wing party for that matter? I would rather relive my car crash a dozen times that vote for any of those vermin and I do not say that lightly.
Every election, I hope that Labour will be wiped out at the polls. This time it might happen.
Blair is an utter cunt, but there’s one thing he is right about; when you try to turn an election into a traditional left vs right battle, the right will win every time.
Ed Milliband made that mistake and lost.
Corbyn is an even more insular left wing muppet so by that alone he should get obliterated at the election.
But somehow I don’t think that he would have the sense or decency to resign as leader if that happened.
Remember when the Tories sent our troops off to liberate Iraq?
Nah me neither.
A fellow cunter said last week that violence is ignorance, or something similar, but imo, the lack of violence has let wimpy cunts hold aloft these placards without running the risk of a chair getting smashed over their heads.
A chair? Pfft those cunts deserve a shovel to the head.
Yeah, that was me. Violence is the argument of the idiot I think I said, however, it’s seems it’s the only language that some cunts understand, so it’s more than helpful to be fluent in it. And we are. Be it Rourkes drift or Goose green, Sainte Nazaire or Basra, we will fuck you up.
I totally understand and agree with yer original comment, Gutstick Japseye.
I’d hate to live in a world of fuckwits bashing anybody for anything, but these lefties and a lot of other cunts know that they can say and do what they want, sometimes even dishing out threats, and no one is going to slap them for it, or smash a chair over their heads.
Like those ‘anarchists’ who think are outside of the law, yet without the law to protect the crusty cunts, normal folk would quite rightly batter fuck out of them. Funny old world ain’t it??
It’s the same with Bliar… he is totally incapable of understanding why people loathe him so much; so self-delusional, he just believes all that crap he spouts.
That picture of Macron is disturbing, looks like his face when his 65 year old missus is giving him a gob job.
For a couple of weeks, fellow cunters have been slagging off Macron’s 65 year old wife, and how he’s a “granny shagger”.
Firstly, there’s nothing wrong with rooting a granny, as long as she’s not a Thora Hird-like granny.
Secondly, I’ve just googled Brigitte Macron, and if its the mature blond milf/gilf ye’s are talking about, then ye’s are talking sheeeiiiiiittttte!!!!!!
That’s an attractive woman ya picky cunters.
They’re both french, that alone lowers them in the eyes of many.
Also, Macron is a cunt.
So is Chris Sutton.
The first fuckin voice i heard when i put the radio on this afternoon, Chris Fuckin Sutton.
But, i was left feeling confused coz he was slagging off David Moyes, which is a very rare thing in the media.
Apart from Chris Sutton calling out David Moyes, Chris Sutton is a cunt.
So is Ian wright, Danny Mills, and Kevin Kilban.
I had a think about non twats/cunts pundits, i got
Pat Nevin
Joey Barton
Chris (the greatest) Waddle
Stuart Pearce
Only non-cunt pundit on telly is Graeme Souness… It’s great when he barks at that little cunt, Jamie Deadkrapp, when the latter talks (yet more) shit… And that Scouse cunt, Carragher, sounds like a forty fags a day parrot…
Barton as TV pundit would be hilarious… They should put him and Roy Keane on the same show… If they didn’t go at each other, then it’d be fun to watch them reduce Phil Neville to a blubbering wreck…
I only get 5live in the evenings and a mix of 5live and talksport at the weekends.
Barton has been on 5live a few times, and I’ve found him refreshing compared to most of the other cunts.
I’d love to watch Souness on the telly.
I remember when he came up to Glesga Rangers, the game got a bit “harder”.
Player-manager and it was either in his first or second game, he got red carded against Hibernian
I used to got to ibrox with my dickless da, even though i never supported Rangers, but it was great to see all the English players, with Graeme Roberts and Ray Wilkins being my favourites.
Question for you BM. Which would you sooner root, a 25 year old with firm tities and arse, smooth flawless skin, all her own teeth and silky natural hair or the very same girl 25 years later with saggy tities, huge fat arse, wrinkly liver spotted skin, false teeth and dried out grey hair that feels like straw? Exactly.
Now I don’t mind cracking one off over the odd bit of gilf porn, especially when she is being really filthy. But that is for the sheer perversity of it, not because I want to fuck granny.
I’d rather root Holly Hagan before Brigitte Macron, but I’d rather root Brigitte Macron before Charlotte Crosby.
Never had an older girlfriend, but when i was ever single, i muched preferred the older milf.
I’m 42 now, so the older woman that i like has gotten older.
Is “muched” propar englund?
No it fucking isn’t, neither is gotten. FFS! Write out 100 times;
“i MUST use proper inglund like wot my m8 eggfart skidmark duz!!!”
There’s a story that when some Gibraltarians don’t want to pay on the London underground, they say to the collector ” I’m sorree, I’m not speaking of the eenglees the very best”
It might be an urban myth, but i think it is funny.
My daughters first language is Spanish, and sometimes, like Gibraltarians, her eenglees grammar is shocking.
Everything is back to front.
Ask her how old she is, and she answers ” i have twelve years”
When Gibraltarians beat you at say a game of pool, they say ” i win you”
Its about time her and her fellow Gibraltarians knocked it on the head.
Spanish is a stupid fucking language and sounds horible, like some one with throat cancer. Why don’t the dosey fuckers get with the program and learn English?
These French cunts like Macron need reminding who liberated their country from the cunts they’re now sucking up to…
Never could figure why we saved the ungrateful cunts twice when they were our mortal enemies for centuries before that.
I remember the 70th anniversary celebrations to commemorate the liberation of Paris in 1944… The streets of the French capital were full of parading French soldiers, tanks, and flags… My great uncle John (who was at Normandy) said as he watched the news, ‘I don’t remember any fucking French tanks or army personnel…’
Don’t know why he, and the rest, even bothered… Fuck the Frog faced cunts..
And you know what? I blame the Frogs for the rise of Hitler.
Yes, that’s right, I blame those cunts for that cunt.
When the treaty of Versailles was done, we took our pound of flesh, so did the yanks, but the french went completely overkill on what they took from the krauts which led to severe economic strife for them. Then the Great Depression happened and the krauts got hit reeaaalllll hard and this festering resentment gave way to Hitler.
Dear France,
Fuck you!
Unkind disregards,
Prime Minister Sinister.
That’s an interesting take on history, PMS. I rather think the rise of international Bolshevism which threatened to throw Germany into a civil war had more to do with Hitler’s rise but it’s always good to blame stuff on the French so we can say they had a hand in it too.
Moot point Skids, Bolshevism was a worldwide menace.
It was Patton’s 3rd Army that broke through to Paris.
De Gualle had yet another hissy fit and insisted that French troops liberated Paris, so Patton allowed some elements of Leclerc’s 2nd French Armoured Division to get the glory.
Unfortunately for the French, most of the Free French forces were Algerian and Moroccans. It was considered unacceptable for “colonial blacks” to liberate Paris, so they were held back. They did however have 3000 or so exiled Spanish Republican troops of the Régiment de marche du Tchad at hand, it was they who had the honour to liberate Paris.
Seems Blair and Mandy have been telling the EU they should give us no quarter.
Excuse my ignorance, but isn’t that called treason?
Wasn’t it Blair and Bumboy Mandleson who did away with treason being punishable by death?
Says it all, doesn’t it?
Says it all that the worst shit in this country (not that it was in the best of states before) all began to happen about this time 20 years ago……….
Have a look at these charts. Net migration well under 100 thousand a year and sometimes even negative between 1975 and 1997. Post 1997 to 2010 a massive increase in immigration of up to 272,000 per year. I wonder what happened in 1997? Can anyone remember that far back?
Yeah, another cunt in power who was part of the socio-globo-libero machine!
Fucking cunt ruined these country!
Mandlescum recently recevied the Legion d’Honneur medal from the French, presumably for treacher aginst the British
And he was proud to receive it. Scum should be shot for that.
If that cunt and notable GILF shagger Macron gets in, the next peaceful attack on French citizens will garner as much sympathy as ‘Well, its what you voted for’ from the rest of the world.
A vote for Macron is a vote for more slaughter….like an incontinent mute, it goes without saying….
I’d like to nominate John Mcdonnell for a re- cunting. He sat there on the Peston show this morning and when asked how the fuck Labour were going to pay for all the promises they were making, he repeatedly said ‘ With a fairer taxation system ‘. When asked what he meant he refused to tell and said ‘It will all be in our manifesto’. In other words he hasn’t got a scooby doo because he and that fucktard Corbyn ain’t thought about that.. Kept going on about ‘investment’ too..and that was Gordon Brown’s favourite word for borrowing shitloads to pay for everything. Typical Labour. Still, at least the cunts are consistent I suppose.
In other words, they would pay for it by taxing the shit out of everyone .
Personal allowance would drop back down to £5000 with those cunts in power.
Yep, no doubt about it. Same old Labour
Also, that megacunt Alistair Campbell was on Peston today.
Why do the media think his opinion on everything is even relevant?
He’s never been elected for anything, he’s mad as a bag of mad badgers…and he’s a minge for fucks sake.
Which twats their beloved “working man” in the arse pocket more than any other cunt!
Oh but then they can introduce another “Tax Credit” scheme which moves the burden of companies paying a decent wage onto other tax payers.
Schemes like these only cost billions to implement, police and pay out. Public money well spent in the eyes of Corbyn and McDonnell.
“And we have helped – through our tax credit system – thousands of families to achieve a living wage!”
Yes and to help those few thousand you only had to shaft millions of taxpayers in tax cuts and borrow a couple of hundred million to kick it off!
As Maggie said: “That’s the problem with socialism, eventually you run out of other people’s money to spend!”
Fucking useless Labour! Kinnock used to bang on about the “Boom and bust!” politics of the Conservatives, yeah, well at least you got an occasional “Boom” with the Connies instead of the perpetual “Bust” courtesy of Labour governments! Fucking cunts!
And true to form even now they want to spend other people’s money.
The cunt McDonnell may as well have been in a police interview room. ‘No Comment’. Useless lying cunt.,
McDickwad and Campbellend both deserve immolation.
The French are Cunts.
From Joan of Arc through to the snooty wanker at the local bistro,there hasn’t been a good ‘un amongst them. They all hate and resent the English,but love crawling around with those porridge-wogs in Jockland if they think that it’ll help them get one over the English.
Churchill shouldn’t have just sunk their navy,he should have reached an agreement with Hitler. They could keep France (and we’ll chuck in that craven old bastard DeGaulle),and we keep our Empire. At least then those appalling Yanks couldn’t claim to have bailed us out. Lazy,fat windbags.
Makes no difference who wins their election,they’ll still try to shit on us. It’s down to the fact that they resent us because if we’re not kicking their arses,we’re liberating them from those forgotten-who won-the War Krauts.
Blow up that fucking Channel Tunnel, build a wall across the Scottish border,tell the Krauts to fuck off or they’ll get a good dose of night-time bombing raids (they don’t like it.), ignore those alcohol-dependent beggars,the Scotch ,and tell those fat,stupid wankers the Yanks to keep their noses out or we’ll burn the fucking White House to the ground.
French cheese is like the French people..stinking,runny and fucking unpalatable.
That fucking tunnel was the worst idea ever, linking us to the french like that, what were they thinking?!
I’m convinced that the yanks’ late intervention i both wars was by design to screw us over after we did most of the thankless hard work.
Then the twats had us break up the empire in the name of freedom and democracy.
Let’s make no mistake, the yanks are not our friends.
On the other hand it might be put to good use, with DB trains direct from London to Oswiecsim, loaded with those of the peaceful persuasion.
If the original wall had done it’s job in the first place, you probably wouldn’t have been born.
I bet yer more Scottish than ye think Dick Fiddler.
I’m not saying that yer great great great great granny was a slag, but she might have been “rustled”.
Scottish cunter. 🙂
I’ve been insulted by the best,but really,Birdman,to suggest that I might be part Scotch is intolerable….Mind great,great,great,great granny Fiddler was a well-known slag,as are all the Fiddlers,I’m proud to say…but Scottish….NEVER. 🙂 .
… DF … that’ll be Scot’s … Scotch is a term for a drink I think you’ll find …
Oh, I know BMP,it irritates the fuck out of the cunts when I call them Scotch. That’s why I do it….I really am a childish man.
“Scotch” works every time.
Also , pronounce ” loch” as “lock”, instead of lokhhhaa
I await Vermin Cunt Spotter’s disapproval. 🙂
… DF … ever give it a thought that many of our ‘Cunter friends’ might be ‘Scotch’ … and perhaps many of them non ‘alcohol-dependent beggars’ …. ?
Quite often I find that to generalise is quite unfair .. ‘know your audience’ … as they say.
ISAC is a great ‘level playing field’ to Cunt those that deserve it … but to ‘Cunt’ those that are on ‘our side’ ( that is fellow Cunters who see real Cunts for who they are ) is like dividing the cause …
I’ll make my own decisions on who I choose to cunt,if you’re terrified to say a bad word word about anyone for fear that someone on here might not like it….Well that’s up to you. I’ve insulted every colour and creed and as far as I’m concerned the Scotch are fair game.
Oh.and the only “side” I’m on is my own.
You’ve also insulted cyclists, once too often, and left me crying into my handlebars, ya cunter.
The picture of that cunt looks like he’s taking a peaceful man’s sausage
He’s too old for the peacefuls.
A word of caution, MSM will try to terrify you by saying Macron will try to renegotiate treaties that will result in a jungle style camp in Kent. It is likely that he will, but before we get excited MSM will forget this important detail:
Prior to UK border guards being stationed in Calais as a result of the treaties signed in the early 2000’s, there was no jungle camp in Kent. This is because we revert to regular rules governing border controls.
Yes those rules technically allow anyone in until they reach immigration control. Here’s the catch that stops chaos: For every one that does claim asylum, the carriers used to get fined 10 grand per head. Funnily enough not many got through as trains and ferries sure as hell wouldn’t leave station/port without the proper checks as big business hates fines and bad press.. It was actually better than our piss poor border force, who operate without the funds at the hands of the ferry operators and the incentive to stop their business from going bankrupt cos half of eritrea stowed away in hold.
It was the FRENCH who wanted the current arrangement as they were getting shit off big business who hated paying for the additional security required and the French thought they were being clever by making it the responsibility of the UK border guard to protect entrance to the UK… Hence why they dont bother manning their side in the opposite flow of direction – they really thought they were onto a winner.
Now this has all been forgotten and we have all been fooled into believing that it was the British who wanted it to prevent chaos… So don’t panic if he does want to change the treaties… It won’t make one blind bit of difference to us… Ignore the MSM, once again they are being self serving CUNTs and only reporting it with their cuntish take on things. Think about it, we don’t have UK border guards stationed at airports around the world, it is self policing as airlines are shit scared of massive fines.
No more illegal immigrants will arrive by either the way it was before or the way it is now. Illegal immigrants in the UK will continue to arrive the British way; invited at the behest of HM Government.
Churchill on De Gaulle: “He looks like a frightened gazelle, caught naked in the bath.”
Norman on De Gaulle: “He looks like a Concorde, with the wings pulled off and the engines (his arse) ablaze…”
PM Sinister on De Gaulle: ”He was an ungrateful, back stabbing, worthless maggot and he’s been getting arse tagged in hell for the last 45 years.”
Captain Magnanimous on De Gaulle: “A preposterously haughty, ungrateful turd-bubble who constantly acted more important than everyone but hid like a cowardly ferret in London while his country was battered.”
One good thing about de Gaulle : he stopped us joining the EU, proving that nobody is all bad…
Pity that Edward Battyboy Heath, may he not rest in peace, was so determined to take us into the EU.
Christ, for the short amount of time he was PM that alone was arguably even more damaging for this country in the long term than Dicklick Blair’s reign of terror.
birdman on De Gaulle.
They air hostesses are alright.
has Spiveys site gone tits up? impossible to get it ATM. shame i was in need of a laugh.
Wonder if the McCanns have gone out for a meal with a few friends to get over the anniversary of their child’s disappearance?
You have to wonder if this case would have the publicity it has if it was the child of a couple of scally’s.
Oh,it was the child of a couple of scallys, L.L., just fucking sly,clever scallys.
If they had been black, Kate McCann probably been made a dame by now like Steven Laurence’s mum.
Grabby fuckers,the pair of them.
Kate McCann seems to have a nice tan I noticed Dick.
Probably had to fly somewhere warm and sunny to follow up on a “sighting” and spent a month or two on the beach “searching”.
I saw in the news that they are prepared to do “whatever it takes” to find Maddie.
Kate is alleged to have said: “Ok Gerry, you roll your sleeves up and I’ll get the shovels!” – allegedly, from an unknown, uncoroborated source.
You always have to caveat a piss-take like that because they get a bit snippy and like the legal system to execute its duties appropriately and correctly as representatives of the law.
As opposed to executing their duties appropriately and correctly as parents!
Pair o’cunts! Allegedly.
A friend of the wife was one of the journalists who was out in Portugal when the story broke.
Apparently instead of tirelessly searching the entire area for their missing kid, the McGuiltys were far too preoccupied with sunbathing, pausing only to get up off the sun lounger to give a press conference revolving around how distraught they were…….and then returning to the sun loungers, while the locals and holiday makers went about searching for their misplaced offspring.
The cunts!
Been getting into watching ‘Cunt pay, or we’ll take it away’ lately. It’s a valuable source of information as I have a few large debts from years ago when Black and White cunt was younger so I know a bit more about how the debt companies work. I don’t know who the bigger cunts are the debt collector/companies or the dumb idiots who open the door to the cunts.
Get professional advice, B+W Cunt. I’ve had a couple of fairly serious problems with the tax-office over the years,and it was amazing what a real bastard of an accountant could do. Certainly saved my bacon. Just don’t fiddle the VAT man was the final advice he gave me,apparently you just can’t fuck around with them.
Cheers DF, I’ve moved away from the original property where I had the debts. I know they can trace you via the electoral roll etc, I haven’t messed with the taxman or anything like that it was some expensive pro audio equipment bought on finance which I didn’t pay back and I sold on the equipment, and a massive phone bill that went from 3-4 hundred to a couple of grand. The cunts still write the odd letter offering me a 70% discount if I pay it. Fuck that I could get a nice hooker and a few grams of coke for that, don’t they realise I’ve got my priorities on order.
Thankfully I can do my own tax returns as I’m a chartered accountant.
A good accountant will save you more than he costs. Mind you, there’s precious few good ones to be had…
I’m in the property business Dioclese, is there an is a cunt cunter discount?
Sorry old son – gave it up in the 80s and went into IT because it pays better.
Still got the piece of paper and letters after me name tho’
If any debt collection agencies are reading I live Norfolk and my name is Rickie Doublecunt.
Fucking French cocksuckers. If they elect this sack of dogshit, which they surely will, I hope the Camel drivers blow up that two bob meccano tower and bring it crashing down on their fleeing arseholes. Bunch of EU loving cunts.
This granny grabbing little turd has already said he plans to make UK pay for Brexit. The French in general still have a hangover from WW2 over having to be bailed out by the Allies.
All the threats to “make GB suffer”… sounds like true Nazi behaviour.
Wonder if Macon’s ancestors were collaborators ?
Cheddar cheese needs a cunting,
We produce loads of different cheese yet all the cunts who go shopping buy fucking cheddar. Next time your in Waitrose (if your a rich cunt) or LIDL (if your a poor cunt) look at the cheese section CHEDDAR EVERY WHERE.
Buy some Stilton or Shropshire Blue even that shitty Red Leicester you cunts and if your feeling adventurous try some Goats cheese, anything but fucking Cheddar.
You can’t cunt Cheddar!!
There’s loads of great different cheeses (not French of course) but a good strong Cheddar can’t be beaten. There’s cheddar everywhere cos it’s fucking lovely!!
Bollocks! Cheddar and Red Leicester are easily the best. Stilton smells like shit and tastes even worse. Definitely don’t want any foreign fucking cheese. In fact I’ve already started looking at stuff in the supermarket and if it comes from the EU I ain’t touching that shit. No more Danish fucking bacon for me. Stick the EU shit up your arse! Eat British I say!
I love extra mature Cheddar but the cunt cheese is taking over and getting out of hand, bit like Walkers crisp, Red Leicester is tasteless rubber shit like you get in McDonald’s burger. I love all cheese especially Manchego and Grand Padano, and fuck Danish bacon, ‘real’ British bacon cannot be beat (‘real’ meaning not pumped full of water). Next time you’re in the Cuntryside and you see a Farm shop go in and you’ll usually get some proper bacon. PS stinky cheese is the best. All the boring cunts buy bland cheese, like all the cunts who only buy fucking Cod (bland tasteless expensive fish) get some Sea Bream or Mackerel down you.
I lived in Switzerland for 8 years, a very cheesey-chocolatey cuntry (even their international car reg. is CH; jc, they even have CHavs there !), but it always amazed me that when I was queuing up to get fondue cheese, there would always be some old Madame Pahud (a sort of Monty Python pepper-pot type) asking for “gruyere, mais pas trop fort” – “a bit of gruyere, but nothing TOO strong”. It’s their equivalent of cheddar, and the 30-month + stuff is the bollox…
And CH is NOT a cunt, ‘coz they had the v good sense not to join the eu shite-bucket
Cunting Cheddar cheese??????
Get fucked.
Extra mature from Waitrose is amazing and literally pisses all over foreign cheeses.
And i mean it gets its cheesy cock out and pisses all over it.
The only foreign cheese that comes near it and manages to get a little piss spray in is Danish Blue.
Next time get some Manchego extra curado and eat it at room temperature.
Don’t put it in the fridge.
Shropshire Blue is fucking brilliant. Moreover Stilton is sublime. Yet go easy on Cheddar. It’s ours, at least, and is preferable to French shite any day. I tried Roquefort once; it was like chewing iron filings.
See what you’ve done, Captain Magnanimous, you backed the french wimmin and then somehow that leads to cunters trying to cunt CHEDDAR!!!!!!!
It’s amazing what one post can lead to on ISAC. 🙂
Imagine snaffling a bit of Cheddar and olives off of a naked, nubile French bint whilst she recites “Je t’aime” and writhes in ecstasy. That’d make a perfect advert for Sainsbury’s.
That’s a bit cheesy.
And ditch the olives for peas.
Dya like cheese?
Dya like peas?
Then try cheesy peas, or new squeezy cheesy peas.
Kids love em, mams.
As I sit here in the Drakensberg mountains of South Africa looking at the famous Amphitheater (Google it you ignorant cunts) I am forced to interject my review of the South African Cheddar I just had with my lunch…
It a bit on the soapy side and doesn’t really have enough bite to it for my taste. Mind you, it did come in a prepacked piece so may not be indicative of the true South African cheddar.
In any case it does go nicely when washed done with a nice cold Windhoek lager. I have to say that the Namibians know how to brew beer so I’m guessing it’s down to their German heritage?
At least when the trade war breaks out with the Kraut’s we’ll be able to get decent beer from Namibia…
And while we’re on the subject Heineken is carbonated horse piss probably made by some cunt on a Friday afternoon.