What an utter cunt Ken Clarke is.
The fucker stands up in parliament, defies the will of the electorate, insults the Prime Minister, talks down the prospects of his own country. The EU lickspittle is a disgrace to his country and his party. To be fair, his was the only constituency in Nottingham to vote remain but that doesn’t excuse the bile he was spewing out yesterday in the house.
According to Ken we’re all living in wonderland, so perhaps we should emulate the red queen and call “off with his head”!
Only proves you just can’t take a man seriously who wears brown hush puppies with a blue suit.
Nominated by Juncker in Wonderland
Ken Clarke is a cunt.
I am getting fed up with Brexit, for fucks sake it’s everywhere on the news, the tele. FUCK OFF.
What the fuck will everyone talk about when it’s finished? Although we will have more control over all the European cunts coming here, we still have fuck loads of Africunts, Asian cunts which Brexit cannot stop. Before any cunt calls me racist I am half black and half white ya cunts. I think this country has gone past the point of no return. There are big changes going on, and I don’t like a lot of them. Too many cunts here who shouldn’t be, it’s enough to make me wish they brought in ID cards, that would flush a load of the illegal cunts out. We need a cunt patrol, anyone who looks like a cunt goes in the van and gets dropped off the cliffs of Dover.
Agree totally about the non EU immigrants. It’s not colour that’s the problem, it’s culture. There is no place for these cunts here. Look what they’v done to cities such as Bradford, Luton, Birmingham etc etc.
And Ken Clark is certainly a cunt.
Excellent idea, a cunt van, I’m sure I have watched a film/series of films about a cunt van. It also contained an immigrant I believe, she had multiple loads of white/milky covered liquid sprayed into/onto her and appeared to be very pleased with her lot. I’m up for driving that van straight to the cliffs of Dover with her in it….filthy slutoon.
You speak wise words When will people listen?
See that’s half the fucking problem black and white cunt…. “before anyone calls me a racist I’m half black and half white ya cunts” I’m sorry does that mean you can’t be racist because your half black??? Black people are the most racist cunts on earth …. I’m sick to fucking death of cunts like you thinking that racism is a white only trait…. jump off the bandwagon!
Shut the fuck up Mike Cunt,
Firstly I did not imply that because of my background ‘I cant be racist’ I simply meant that I am pissed off with everyone from around the world coming here and keeping on coming here. I was pointing out that somebody reading my comment may think I am white and being racist, and by stating my ethnicity it would make them realise that although part of my family are descended from immigrants I have strong views that in some ways go against what people may expect me to say because of my ethnicity. Everyone white, black etc can be racist and your right a lot of black people are racist. I have some racist views against white traits as well as black traits. “I’m sick to fucking death of cunts like you thinking that racism is a white only trait…. jump off the bandwagon!” You are jumping to conclusions there and trying to speak as if you know my views. Anyways you’ve now been told so do fuck off you knobhead.
I’ve never seen Black and White Cunt play the race card in all my time on here, and also, he doesn’t discriminate where cunts are concerned.. He hates both black and white (and black and white) cunts… A cunt’s a cunt, right?….
Nice one Norman, your right a cunt is a cunt and a racist is a racist whether your black, white or a black and white cunt like me.
Well said , both Norman and B and W Cunt. When I read your original contribution , B and W , I didn’t take it that you were using the fact that you are half black to pursue an agenda. You didn’t emphasise either your blackness or whiteness to make a valid point.
Ha ha why don’t you do one black and white cunt ….. I’ve been told have I? Fucking typical keyboard warrior …. perhaps we should sit down over a pint and we can discuss it? Feel free to contact me for my address and we can set that it the debate up
@Mike Hunt You joker, I’m 6’3 and 16 stone I ain’t no keyboard warrior you fucking pussyhole. You’re calling me a keyboard warrior and your typing crap about ‘meeting for pint to discuss it’ you’ve been watching too many gangster films. Let me guess your a MMA champion and no one messes with you. Don’t respond either I’m not into cheap keyboard threats cunt.
@Simon de Cuntford, thanks, nice to know some people like yourself read a comment and don’t jump to conclusions and then start calling people cunts.
Hey, Black and White Cunt, I’ll meet up with ye for a doob.
Yer cool as fuck, mate.
Even though yer half white.
Cheers Birdman, if I ever come over to Gibraltar I’ll give you a shout. I’m sure you know where the good hash and weed is.
I might have to find a new dealer.
I’ve been going to the same guy for twelve years, and even though its in the roughest part of town, I’ve never had any problems.
Then last night , a group of cigarette smugglers surrounded me and told me i was welcome down there anymore.
I can handle myself and even though there was five of them, i was still up for it.
After some arguing, i slowly left, stopping every few yards to let them know that i don’t give a fuck.
I’m looking after my daughter tonight coz the missus is on nights, but tomorrow I’m going back down, and ill see what they say then.
The cunts were all older than me, and wearing tracksuits.
Middle aged chavs.
Anyway I’ll let ye know how it goes.
And i will be taking a small knife, that fits perfectly in my fist and sticks out between my fingers.
At what age does this street fighting stop ?
I’m still having a couple a year.
So fucking what if your 6ft 3 and 16 stone?? Your still a cunt I’d eat you for breakfast you fucking little gay boy …. no I’m not an MMA fighter at all but if you research my past posts you’ll find that I’m a paratrooper and still serving …. which basically means I’ll rip your fucking head off and shit down your neck faggot … try me if you like … like I said welcome to meet for a pint ANYTIME xx
The name of this site is, Is A Cunt, not, Be A Cunt.
Whats this , ‘I’m a serving paratrooper’ nonsense ?
Yer obviously new to it, coz an experienced paratrooper wouldn’t be playing that card. He has more class.
Save that for yer Brecon beacons boys weekend.
You totally got the wrong end of the stick when reading Black and White Cunts original post, and tried turning it into a pissing contest.
I know its not my pigeon, and Black and White Cunt doesn’t need me to add anything, but yer ‘ I’m a serving paratrooper’ shite , made ye look daft.
Play the game, you got it wrong.
@Mike Hunt, your a Paratrooper and still serving which means you’ll rip my head off. I see you still think it’s the playground don’t you. Listen being a paratrooper doesn’t guarantee anything when it comes to a fight. Tired of talking to you, now fuck off and let me get on with cunting.
Antonio Conte is a cunte.
Usually wears a suit to games but when he realises he’s going to Anfield he puts on a tracksuit. If you wanted to blend in you should have worn shoes with the tracksuit you cunt. He’s been saying Chelsea have one hand on the Title, watch what you say Conte long way to go yet. Fucking Italian pizza cunt. Simon mignolet is a useless cunt as are many other players at Liverpool. I’m gonna pay a tramp to shit outside Stamford Bridge next time I am around there.
He wore a tracksuit to deter them scousers from trying to dip his pockets.
The suit would have just encouraged them.
Eh,eh, juxt a joke, calm down, calm down. 🙂
Forget the tramp, find a Moroccan to take a shite there.
The have less shame, and believe me, it’s ugly as fuck.
Shouldn’t have any problems finding a Moroccan in London. Some druggie cunt or cunts have been shitting outside a place I rent. Fucking cunts. Why not go in a pub, pretend to be a customer and shit in the toilet there you cunts.
Nasty, innit ?
Its bad enough when its a dogs shite, but to know that a “human” squatted and lightened his load, is sick.
There’s less rain in Spain than there is in Blighty, so that black pool of human sludge just lays there for weeks until the flies and ants eventually clear it away, but as the cunts keep shiteing, it’s never gone.
Right, I’ll stop the shite talk now.
I’m feeling sick.
worse, dogs like to shit where other dogs shit, I know this because I pick my dogs shit up and in these dark wintry nights I have returned home wearing spurs quite a few times.
Wish we had a cunt like that at Charlton Athletic. Conte will piss the premiership, mainly because he inherited a great team but also because he motivated them.That is what a real manager can do.
Fair do’s to the whingers though, Liverpool played well and deserved a point.Love clippety ,great character.
Conversely ,thankfully , we have MPs like Gisela Stewart , the German(!) Labour member and leading Brexiteer who , on the Emma Barnett show on Radio 5 live along with a pro-Leave Tory and the obnoxious Quim Farron , politely but firmly put the odious , sniffy toad in his place. While little Quimmy sounded like the hypocritical little whinger he is , she came across as a decent , fair-minded democrat.The Conservative MP , whose name I didn’t catch , was also fluent and impressive in stating his case , and kept his calm admirably , given the lib-undems sniping interruptions and waffle. Tiny Quim is a terrible advert for those decent remainers on both sides of the house who actually uphold Democratic values.
It’s our loss that the admirable Ms. Stewart isn’t in Frau Murky’s place.
Didn’t even need to read this to agree with this cunting Jiw.
There have been calls for Gibraltarian “MP’s” to attend the House of Commons.
Watch out for that one, and if any public voting is involved, don’t be fooled by their Union Jack flag waving.
The are, to an ape, a bunch of self centered cunts, who are only in it for themselves.
And as they have the population of a tiny English town, they shouldn’t have a say in British affairs, coz as I’ve said, all they are about is Gibraltar .
If you thought the SNP are bad, well they are their little cousins.
And that’s all the political parties in Gib.
It amazes me that no cuntries in the EU, especially Spain, have not brought up, that all through the economic crisis, they are the only place in Europe that’s constantly been on the up.
CLARKE is a relic from the Cretaceous period , a FUCKIIN loathsome lumbering dinosaur of a politician, as the expression goes ” you can’t teach an old dog new tricks ” what chance does anybody have with this cunt??
Like all dangerous obstinate creatures he should be tranquillised , put into the hold of a ship and deposited on the first uninhabited island available.
Maybe bearded sunbed lounging tax dodging branners could run trips out to the island to see old cuntasaurus?? Just a thought ?
Him and Skinner, another sad, nasty old cunt. Both of these fuckers have spent DECADES living off the British taxpayer. How much is enough? There should be an age limit on being an MP, or a rule that says any MP who spends more than fifteen years in Parliament will officially be known as a leech.
Fucking classic! ???
The only thing he’s ever really done, is help to stab Thatcher in the back. And THAT was because they disagreed with her reluctance to hand more power to Brussels.
Twice proven to be a treacherous cunt!
What Brexit has done is shown how many quisling, anti democratic, self serving mother fuckers we have in this country, and if I hear another cunt start a sentence with ” I respect the decision of the British people” then talk utter shite my FUCKIIN heads gonna fall off!
I would prefer that THEIR heads fell off.
So would he be addressed in parliament as the dishonourable leech??
I always thought that Ken Clarke lived with his mother. Whenever you saw a picture of him,when he was relevant,there was always an old dear who looked to be about 100 years old peering over his shoulder. Turns out it was actually his wife…she died in 2015, although to look at her,I’d have put it nearer 2001.
Just proves that the unfounded rumours about him having an eye for the younger ladies to be malicious gossip. Ken obviously likes a bit of Granny-Porn,and why not? Many a good tune played on an old fiddle,but Ken looked to be straying into the realms of taxidermy.
Wonder if he’s thought about annexing Brunhilde Pomsel’s corpse,now that the old dear’s shuffled off to the great furherbunker in the sky,unmourned and unnominated in the Dead Pool.
If Ken Clarke was a man of integrity like the Remainiacs are proclaiming then he should not have stood at the last election as a Conservative when holding a referendum was in his parties manifesto.Ken Clarke along with Major Douglas Turd and Heseltine always sneered at the Maastricht rebels with Major even taking the whip away.Surely Theresa May should return the courtesy to cunts like Clarke.
Ken Cunt. we heard you, now FUCK OFF!
If we are realistic, there is a fair chance that getting out of the EU might not be the leap into happiness that any of us hope for. The painful facts are that we do not know what will happen, we never did know.
Our votes were based upon what we were told and the emotions surrounding immigration and control of our country that became strong issues. Clarke is reminding us that there are no easy ways out of this and it will cost. Take a guess who will pay if it does.
Correct again,us. And if there is pain it will hit those who have least the hardest.
The leavers will take the brunt of this.
Doesn’t mean Clarke isn’t a cunt , but he always has been .He is true to his beliefs though, it will be interesting to see how many will admit to being leavers if it goes tits.
I’m a cunt and I will get my coat.
And no matter what happens, i’m positive that the MP’s of today and the ones of tomorrow will still take the piss and fuck us over.
Every chance they get.
That’s a certainty.
I will no matter what, we never had a vote to join the EU, which is a totally different beast to the EEC. If the EU is such an open and wonderfully democratic organisation why has it been created in such an underhand way without buy in from the people of Europe.
The EU is a platform for globalisation intended as a step towards global governance. Maybe the question you should be asking yourself is what kind of world would you be living in if we have a world government via the backdoor?
The political equivalent of The Church of Scientology: make everyone you contact think it’s great so they want to join, brainwash those who do join into thinking it’s the only way, do their utmost to intimidate people into never leaving and ostracise them if they do.
The thing is that their brainwashing via the liberalist agenda through schools across Europe almost succeeded when you hear generation snowflake describe themselves as European before being British.
I’d say anyone 30+ (apart from the joiner libtard types who just want to feel part of anything in their sad little lives) would consider themselves British ahead of being European.
Globalisation only works for one group of people: the political elite. The lot of ordinary folk in established coutries gets a lot worse under globalisation, worse still their rights are slowly diminished under this regime as well.
George Orwell was as socialist as they come but even he could see where all this shit was going by watching what was going on – especially with the likes of Jean Monnet – across Europe which compelled him to write 1984.
I would urge generation snowflake to read 1984 and then to tell them: “Is that what you really want? Because that’s where this atrophying social experiment run by unelected former bankers is taking us, except when you’re my age it won’t by Big Brother who’ll be watching you and controlling your every move, it will be Big Mullah!”
Enjoy those apples you snowflake cunts!
Bang on. I voted to join a free trade collaboration back in the 70s. I did not vote for what it has become. When they tied the economies of the Southern European countries to the Deutschmark it was obvious that a German dominated superstate was on the cards.
Yep it was pretty much all planned since at least as early as 1971 with the FCO 30/1048 letter. Conspiring bastards.
That may be true Trouserbulge but conversely we don’t know what will happen if we stay in. As for the people it affects most they already have be affected to their detriment by the cunts who put the needs of immigrants and minoritys WAY ahead of your average council estate Joe. Don’t get me wrong they are some of the laziest idle cunts imaginable but that is a product of succesive governments not being tough enough and making the fuckers ‘earn’ where possible their benefits. Truth is the Euro is going headlong into oblivion and it’ll take us with it in or out. The only benefit in the short term of staying is a certain amount of fiancial stability. But why should we listen to the ‘it’s too fucking hard’ brigade. They gave the people a choice. Vote for a regime that isn’t working for them or have a look what’s round the corner. They’ll only ever vote one way. Been watching some of the commons debate and I was shocked at the drivel, bordering on the hysterical of Cleggwad. That cunt is the very reason people hate the system. It’s all very well for cunts like him, Farrog, Junket etc slapping each other on the back when they’ve given a couple of billion to some shithole where the money goes straight into the banks of corrupt cunts. Another bottle of Chablis Claude! Gisela Stewart put it well today. She said ‘I can write every speech for the Lib Dems. It’s too early, it’s too late, it’s too much, it’s not enough’. Spot fucking on for an insignificant useless waste of taxpayers money. One final thing. It would be far more entertaining if the MP’s were allowed to swear at each other across the commons. Ah fuck off Jezzer, cunt, bollocks! Just a suggestion.
Like I say let’s get Brexit done and dusted and then let’s turn our attentions to “Lazy Joe” or “Stella Johnny” as they’re known in my parts.
All those menial jobs that apparently no one wants to do in the UK, and hence (allegedly) why we have a rake of eastern blockers in to do them, all the while “Lazy Joe” and “Stella Johnny” sit back and enjoy the benefits train.
No more my friends, we stop the unskilled influx from the EU (or anywhere else for that matter) and then we put these cunts to work!
If you’re fit and able (and discerning ability will be on the 3rd tranche of tasks HM Govt need to get a grip on) you will work. No work, no money, and no EU law to argue your case on some bollocks reason for not working either (which we also have to foot the bill for in the courts), from then on you’ll have to earn the cunt!
…. I’ve mentioned before, I believe so many leavers didn’t vote for what would happen once we left, because realistically nobody really knows …. but many voted because they didn’t like the way things are/ were with the way the EU govern.
When Cameron got fuck all from his limp attempt to get changes from around the EU countries, surely there was only one way to vote .. leave and that was it … had we voted to remain, can you imagine how the EU would have definately shagged us up the arse from now ’til eternity, knowing we were as spineless as fuck and would bend over backwards and do as we were told by them …
There is some truth in this although I voted to leave on the basis of the undemocratic nature of Merkels Europe. Perhaps it makes me a cunt but the economics were very much of a secondary nature. I was, and am, pretty convinced we would be ok as there are a lot of countries out there to trade with.
Even if it does go tits up it will be our fuck up and no one else’s.
What swung it for me was that for four days each month the EU parliament travel lock stock and barrel to Strasbourg at a total cost of £150 million a year. Every MEP DOESN’T want this to happen .. even they think it’s ridiculous. However as it’s part of a EU treaty, it must happen unless the French ( and only the French insists it happens as it suits their fucking coffers ) say there is no longer a need for it.
This instance alone summed it up for me that the entire system is a fucking money squandering shambles. How many other instances are there of arrogance and squander amongst the Cunts ?
Cameron had a golden opportunity to get the reforms we wanted from the EU, and to give himself a reputation as a great leader. The problem was, he wasn’t even a mediocre leader. He fucked the UK’s position early on by announcing that he didn’t want the UK to leave the EU. It was a deliberate act of sabotage that ultimately, and deservedly, cost the arrogant cunt his job.
All he had to do was tell them “Give us what we want, or we fuck off and take our money with us”. We wouldn’t have gotten everything we wanted, but we would have gotten a very good deal, because the Kraut led EU wouldn’t have wanted to risk losing all that money.
Just watching the lefties meltdown ver our elected representatives agreeing that the will of the electorate actually counts for something.I need to get some good wine and cheese in a bit to truly appreciate the meltdowns.
Fuck IS…. The war on snowflakes is the priority… Muslamism is a disease… Snowflakes are the bacteria that allows Said disease to spread…
Just watching Salmond on BBC.Stuck up stupid fat little cunt!
Is that the Alex Salmond that was crawling up Trumps ring hole when he was building his golf courses in Jock land. Against the will of some of the residents and farmers. Hypocritical slime stain.
Yes, that’s him. Mr Loser. Wrong side of the argument time and time again but just can’t accept it.
His latest tweet says ‘Scotland’s place in Europe is centuries old’
What a slippery little cunt.
Scotland’s place in Britain is centuries old, ya wee bawbag.
Pro Europe, but against a United kingdom, how do their minds work ?
Every cunt that supports the SNP in any way deserves pish and shite slung at them.
Salmond and Sturgeon would happily go back to the days of the Auld Alliance.
I just wish that May would call the bitter,sad cunts’ wish and give them their referendum,with the proviso that if the vote went against them,that was the last of it for a generation.
Trouble is in Jockland a generation seems to be about 2 years.
I really wish they would vote and fuck off, we could then rebuild Harians wall complete with gun turrets.
I truly think Salmond is one of the BIGGEST cunts breathing at the moment.
At least his silver spoon job helps him maintain his generous girth.
Two utter cunts.
Not true. Some Glaswegians live into their 30s. Their teeth don’t though.
MPs vote overwhelmingly for Brexit Bill…
Would you like the revolver and petrol can now or later, Ms. Miller?….
And Merkel will be having a fit in der Fuhrerbunker tonight…
It’s nice to think that treacherous cunt is out howling at the moon tonight.
Don’t be surprised if she is planning another legal move. All for our benefit of course.
Merkel hates Nazis, shes a Statsi whore! How can she be Nazi? when 45% of bloody germany is fucking Arab?!
The cheeky bitch is offering to help the government in it’s Brexit talks. Er fuck off ya fuckin scrawn bag.
Who Merkel or Miller?
Yeah, I’ve just read that from The Express, i don’t even know how to comment.
From serial money grabber to wannabe dictator.
Where’s Jill Dando’s hitman when ye need him ?
Or at least a runaway double decker.
Ah, couldn’t dee owld IRA come out o’ retoirment, and blow up dat feckin bollox Milller?.. To be sure, now…
“No thanks Gina but hey if you want to help democracy and lawmaking in your native Guyana we’ll set up a crowd fund to get you a one way ticket, 1st class, to Georgetown. A British Airways ticket is around £3,000 and so we’ll ask each donor to donate 1p each. We expect to top the £3,000 mark within 10 mnutes – if our servers can keep up with the demand that is.”
Madame May should say ‘No No… Organ grinder no need you… People tired of monkey’s silly song and dance… Fucky offy up banana tree… You savvy?…’
It’s reported that Cameron asked the owner of the Daily Mail to sack the editor before the referendum because of his pro brexit views. Only confirms what a slithery cunt he was.
It’ll be true.
The arrogant bastard started to panic when he realised that people weren’t swallowing his lies. Crawling around Europe like a posh Oliver Twist, begging for crumbs off a bunch of foreign nobodies,and then lying to the British people about what he’d been offered.
A spineless,stupid man who deserves to be judged as the weakest PM in history.
As I’m currently on this website whilst also watching the City match, I’d like to cunt BT Sport, partly for the ridiculously high price to watch their shoddily assembled coverage, but in particular for the further insult of their all-cunt lineup of presenters, commentators and pundits. Each and every person on their programming is a gormless waste of sperm and I reserve most of my contempt for the likes of the following:
Steve McManaman – Sick to fucking death of hearing you say “Fletch” every 10 seconds you silly Scouse piece of bell cheese. Oh and it isn’t the early 90s anymore dickhead…get a fucking haircut.
Rio Ferdinand – The Daffy Duck looking motherfucker’s face makes me want to stick pins in my eyes.
Gary Lineker – Your cuntish attempt at facial hair is justification enough.
Glen Hoddle – Knowingly/unknowingly doing his best to rival the ultimate chatter of shite in football commentary, Andy Townsend.
Michael Owen – By far BT Sports biggest crime against humanity. Never has one cunts voice been able to make me want to simultaneously go to sleep and also embark upon a frenzied episode of self harm. The man’s voice and lack of depth in anything he says is so boring it tears a gaping arsehole in the very fabric of space and time. Deserves his own cunting.
So fuck you BT cunts, and your prices! (I’m watching it using my brother’s login details online…..Rich cunts 0 – 1 Cheap cunt).
Mary creagh , Paul Farrelly ( labour) and any other FUCKIIN shit stain who voted down article 50 after the people they proport to serve ( constituents) voted to leave the EU should upon our exit be put in stocks and left to answer to the people they have betrayed, utter CUNTS!!, self serving, Anti democratic, quislings one and all, exhibiting all the traits of their paymaster Cunts over in Brussels.. These traitors should never be allowed to enter parliament again..
Should all be charged with high treason and flayed across a gun carriage….Traitorous cunts….
Chris Bryant MP for Rhondda was on R5L last night defending his stance of voting against his electorate’s wishes: “I remember speaking to an 8yr old girl who asked if I would ever vote against my conscience and I said I never would.”
You had your vote Chris on 23rd June 2016 mate, just like all your other constituents, 1 person 1 vote. You voted remain the majority of your constituents voted to leave. As a servant to your constituents it was not your decision to make – conscience or not.
And trying to excuse your treachery with some syrupy (and probably made up story) about having a political conversation with some 8yr old girl (who probably could be less arsed about politics let alone knowing what “conscience” meant) is the lowest form of “I want to keep my job”-ery I’ve ever encountered.
You’d have more respect from me – and probably your constituents – if you’d just came out and said: “They wanted out, I wanted in, so fuck ’em!”
I hope the constituents of the Rhondda pay him the same courtesy come the next general election!
Send the cunt back to London where he belongs, the parachuted in, whining loser. That’s what Annoys me about living in Wales, because there are safe labour seats, we always get cunts dropped in, like the Kinnock cunt, who’s registered as living above a kebab shop in aberavon, but lives in a fucking castle in Europe somewhere.
I’ve been reading about Vagina Miller in The Sun’s page from three days ago.
She says she may have to leave Britain for the safety of her and her family.
Good, jog on.
She says there’s a five grand bounty on her head,endless abusive emails and phonecalls and is afraid to walk to work.
Violence is wrong, and I’m sure that the vast majority of the threats is hot air, but she should realise that she tried to fuck over millions of indigenous Brits, and it was going to piss a large number off.
Do you know that her crusade started after having lunch with a lawyer friend, and she asked if the referendum was legal.
Deport the bitch for her own safety, coz by remaining in the UK, she’s only going to cost the taxpayer more money for her lifelong police protection.
There is always a silver lining to most stories and this is the one on the Brexit legal fiasco.
Hope that cunt spends the rest of her life looking over her shoulder.
Only £5000 on her head???
Make that £5005 ????
5 grand?!… That one who did Saint Jo Of Cox did it for free…
I forgot to mention that she thinks that she’s going to be the next Jo Cox.
This bitch really loves the sound of her own voice.
If anyone wants a laugh search Catherine Russell on twitter.She is an actress and Holby City and seems a little upset about something.Can`t think what though 😛
Holby City… Top end stuff, then?….
Emergency deadpool nomination, please, Shaun of the Dead 69.
Catherine Russell, please.
Heart attack or suicide, i don’t know, but if her Twitter account is anything to go by, I think that she’ll be dead in the morning.
I’ll split the winnings with you.
You already have five names in the pool.Feel free to swap one of them for Russell though if you wish.Make sure you do it on the correct page though.Oh and before anyone asks no one had Desmond Carrington.
You know Shaun I can honestly say that was the first time I’ve ever gone onto Twitter.
Firstly I had no idea who Catherine Russell was and if you’d have said to me beforehand that she was in Holby City I still couldn’t have picked her out of a line-up of one person.
So that is Twitter is it? What a pointless piece of shite! So some cunt posts some banal shite on there and that becomes gospel does it?
On her page those tweets relating to Brexit were bollocks. Pity none of her “clingons” (clingers-on to her – so called – celebrity status) are bothered about the facts – whether Brexit or Trump related.
“Donald Trump wants to ban all Mexicans from the US!” – nope! He wants to ban illegal immigrants crossing over from the Mexican border which also includes anyone attempting that route from Central and South America.
“Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from the US!” – nope. He’s put a 3 month hiatus on allowing “unknows” from several countries famed the world over as terrorist incubators. There are dozens more predominantly Muslim countries not on that list which the US deem safe.
“The EU is the only democracy we should vote for!” – and when did you last vote for Jean Claude Juncker, et. al., to rule Europe (shhh-snowflakes, here’s a clue, you can’t vote for them, but hey so long as you feel good in tweeting it…)
These statements are issued and re-issued like they were gospel because some hipster burger flipper cunt said so on Facebook, or some menopausal snowflake in need of a reality check tweets it. Christ alive! No the wonder the world is turning into Twatsville with cunts like this!
I’m under no illusions that outside of my close family, as far as this world is concerned, I mean nothing to it and I never will. I don’t pay it any attention because I’m usually too busy working trying to keep a roof over my head and provide for my family to give it a second thought. And yet these vacuous cunts to a person all think they’re the most important person in the world – EVER!
What a delusional bunch of cunts they are! And judging by the volume and speed of the replies (by the same person) – sometimes seconds between them – tells me that there ain’t much work going on in these circles! No the wonder they have all the time in the world to go on marches and hold “virtual protests” all fucking day long!
If I wanted to say summat to someone and wanted to get a response that quick, and then ping-pong that about then you know what I’d do – and I appreciate that this may be a little ‘old hat’ – I’d pick up the fucking phone and ring them!
Oh but of course, if I “ring” someone then the world can’t see how important I am to it and how my opinion is the only one that counts otherwise I’ll unlike/unfriend you and then your opinion no longer exists and I can go back to my “Me! Me! Me!” utopia bubble of self-interest.
Well all I’ll say is this: you can’t “unfriend” reality. Brexit is a reality. Trump being President is a reality. And the reason for that is that as much as Zuckerberg (et. al.) may have tried to cultivate this overhyped sense of self-importance, luckily the balance is still in favour of the realists – just!
That Owen Jones is still a fucking lefty cum gargler
He is right and 17.4 m people are wrong especially his own constituents. Must be great to live in a world where you know you are right on everything.
My wish with these cunts is that his constituents remember his actions at the next election and bin the cunt.
He can get a job at a museum or something.
I think even the left are starting to realize he is a whining slimy little Trotskyite cunt.Don`t see him much on telly these days thank God!
And Tim Farron should be bolied alive…. Slowly…
Those two cunts could go out and set up a bronski beat tribute act. Sneering pair of twats….
Hang on a minute…….is this the first time this cunt has been cunted? I’ve just got home from a long shift in the kitchen with crap workers from the eu and this is the first thing I have looked at! It can’t be the first time?
Nah I should of looked properly he has been…..sorry cunts!
It appears that there is now a group calling themselves the ‘stop Trump coalition’, who are basically made up of cunts who all have been cunted here, and they have written a letter to the paper of cunts, namely the guardian, to try and get a million cunts to march on London, to put a stop to all things Trump. The list of cunts who signed this letter is a veritable who’s who of top drawer cunts. A fucking blizzard of snowflakes! I think we should just forget voting from now on, and just run the world according to Facebook and twitter likes. Pointless cunts the lot of them.
I love this picture of Clarke you can tell even the guys behind him are thinking sit down you fat stuttering old cunt!
I’d like to nominate the gargantuan cunt that is London Labour MEP Seb Dance. The childish act of holding up a handwritten sign saying “he’s lying to you” while Nigel Farage defended the immigration policy of Donald Trump in the European Parliament is a colossal turbo charged act of cuntitude. This sack of human excrement shows that these left wing fucknuggets really are clueless and being manipulated by the MSM and all the other liberal propaganda tools hell bent on a one world government. Where were all these snowflake cunts when His Imperious Majesty Barack the First, President of America, Protector of the People as Long As They Know Their Place and Belong to The Right Unions, Defender of the Privileges Accrued by Attending the Right University, and Scourge of the Rich If They Don’t Contribute To The Democratic Party O’bummer imposed a previous six-month travel ban on Iraqis? Same horse isn’t it?