It just occurred to me that when the site was changing admins we never conducted a cunt of the year for 2016.So if each one of you can nominate a cunt you think most embodied cuntitude in 2016 with a brief explanation as to why I will collate all the answers of the winning candidate in a separate post. I may even stretch to a photoshop of said cunt in a graphic sexual position complete with a crown if I can be arsed.Fill your boots. We Will allow nominations until 23:59 on 3rd February and will post the official result shortly after.
Vagina Miller. Brexit denier. Enough said.
Tony Blair, total cunt and should win it every year.
Surely Tony B-Liar is worthy of a Lifetime Cuntcheivment Award. His special brand of cuntitude transcends all others.
Barry Obummer. Back of the queue? Fuck off kermit.
How ye doin’ , Skidmark Eggfart ?
Good to see/hear from you again.
Hope yer well.
Also, I’ve missed quoting yer comments to the missus, and when she asks where i heard that, i reply, Skidmark Eggfart, as if its a normal name .
Haha. Thanks, birdman. I got cheesed of not being able to call a spade a spade but now there are new moderators maybe that will change.
Welcome back Skiddy…
Being a relatively new cunter I am guessing you must have ruffled feathers? Good, love a bit of feather ruffling. Salutations Skidmark Eggfart,
Good to see you back. Skidmark. I trust that your absence hasn’t moderated your views? :).
Cheers Mr Fiddler. I’m afraid I’m not quite so easy going as I used to be……
Welcome home . Skidmark . You must be like a simmering volcano with all the cuntery that’s been occuring .
I don’t think any of us are clever or educated enuff to vote for such a complex decision.
What with us all being uneducated, racist northerners.
Even the ones from the south.
Well be that as it may I am going to delegate my powers to you in this decision-making process.However this vote is only advisory and I reserve the right as an admin to disregard your results if I feel them unjust.And if you want to take me to court be my guest. George Soros has already agreed to pay my legal fees.:P
Fantastic response birdman – we should just nominate a mod to cunt on our behalf – we poorly informed uneducated cunters cant be relied on to make our own minds up on such an important subject.
Lily Liar: The Musical Mong….
Robert de Niro…
he was going to punch Trump in the face.
He forgets he is only an actor who plays gangsters and acts the tough guy.
Fucking libtard cunt.
Speaking of libtard cunts, I reckon that old smelly STD riddled kipper, Madogga, is already in the running for Cunt Of The Year 2017…. But, with any luck, she might keel over before the 2017 awards take place…
The 6ft 4 Trump would have knocked the cunt the fuck out.
6’2, not 6’4 (and don’t forget he’s carrying all that extra weight too…).
It would be like putting Barry McGuigan up against a mid-1970s Elvis. I know who I’d put my money on.
He is probably going senile and thinking he is one of his characters.Sad
It’s a tricky one – either Cameron The Coward for running away crying before triggering Article 50 (even Corbyn was calling for it on the morning the result was declared) or the odious and grotesquely over-exposed Sue Perkins because 2016 was surely the year this talentless, witless, supremely pleased with herself (for no discernible reason) cunt was EVERYWHERE and I’m sick to fucking death of her. You couldn’t switch on a TV or Radio without seeing or hearing that supercilious speech rhythm that ex-Oxbridge types mistake for comedy.
(Note to Oxbridge types – it’s the CONTENT of what people say that makes them funny; adopting the vocal delivery of Cleese via Deayton et al just isn’t enough).
Given that ALL politicians of all parties are self-serving, hypocritical cunts to some degree and therefore their cuntitude is par for the course, I’m going to have to nominate Perkins who, in an ideal world, would just fuck off and hang herself.
its got to be Cameron, it was almost like they cloned Blair and put another head on it.
Tim Farron, and his stupid little face on his empty bulbous head.
Why not cunt 2016 itself?
1. Endless political bleating (fuck ALL of it!)
2. We lost Bowie and Haggard.
3. My pit bull got mauled.
Um what in the actual fuck?! because 2016 is not a person or a gender even Also pitbulls are horrible! pit bulls were bred to be violent, rude, arrogant cunts basically niggos in dog form.
They also randomly attack people even children your lucky it got mauled before he mauled you Sorry for loss though even tho pitbulls are unpredictable cunts
Not actually true Ttitslapper, Pit bull’s are remarkably loyal dogs, they are not naturally people or dog aggressive, they have to be made that way. The problem with pit bull’s is they are incredibly tenacious and have a powerful bite. It isn’t the dog that’s the problem its the wankers that own them.
These chav underclass cunts shouldn’t be able to have dogs, even worse they are allowed to breed and have orrible little feral cunts like themselves.
Number 3 sounds like first night in a women’s prison….
Sad to hear how yer loving pit bull was mauled, LA Cuntessa Durera.
Pit bulls can make loving additions to a family, its the chav/ned cunts that treat them wrong, that gives them a bad name.
Like the “master” of the dog that mauled yours.
I’m sure that not all Pitbulls are violent, unpredictable fuckers, but you gotta admit, they seem to be the breed that make the news the most often when a kiddies face gets torn off. I accept that it’s quite often down to the chav cunts that own them too, and that after years off being kicked and hit, the dog finally decides he’s had enough. Unfortunately, it’s often the kids that get the brunt of that.
It’s got to be Nicola Sturgeon!
Yep, she’s a posionous, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit.
That kraut Merkel runs a close second and I feel for the German people who’ve let this montrous woman infect their country with slimy no good tit swinging rapists and other imported foreign scum.
Stealing a quote from Clark Griswold? Shame on you. Oh go on then.
I’m finding it hard, coz there’s cunts and there’s fannies.
Some are dangerous and some are just shite on yer shoe.
Miley Cyrus = Fanny, for her online reaction to Trumps victory.
Islamic terrorists = Cunt, for indiscriminate killings, and not being brave enough to fight a square go.
Impossible, literally impossible! it would have to be 100 cunts of the Year. Theres too many cunts to count but just to take the piss Merkel… my reasoning is shes trying to ethnically cleanse europe with her EU funded crazy haji plan from hell
Also Merkel is fat and I would not have sex with her
Too many cunts to count? Sounds familiar…
Nicola Sturgeon……….Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
New Zealand Comedians.
A bit of a scatter gun nom, and I know it won’t win, but it needs saying anyway.
A bigger bunch of unfunny, cringe inducing cunts you will not find. Banal utterings, interspersed only by swearing, and some cunt resorting to a “funny” dance. Total bollocks. It makes Miranda look like Shakespeare in comparison.
I’m going to pick that banana boat beauty Cunty Miller, sick and tired of seeing her smug ugly face all over the place. Had the cheek to claim everyone should thank her for what she was doing. Doesn’t think too highly of herself does she, fucking cowshit cunt. Apparently she has said that her and her family may have to move in 2017 due to my death threats, I mean death threats in general. I hope she fucks off as far as possible and she can take her 2016 Cunt of the Year award with her.
I’m with you on this nomination, and everyone else who’s nominated this cunt.
If the gobshite needs to move then get on with it. Piss off back to Guyana where you belong and by all means take your fucking family with you.
Though i think he may have won before nothing can take the cake from Spivy. Though seconding Fred Sue Perkins is a close second just under The queen of Cunts Hillary Clinton. Which she would no doubt love.
Top cunting King Cunt – cant disagree with Spivy – put me down for a portion of that. Oh – and can you spare a few quid to keep up his fantastic investigative journalism? He doesn’t know where his daughters next facial volcano is coming from and how to fund her next ten years in a barrier nursing institution. Just sayin
Lily the Musical Mong is the best way to sum up 2016.
KC. I agree, it has to be Spivey. He is head and labia above all other cunts.
Keith and Lily Allen. A family of inbred cuntishness.
My first thought was Cameron or Osborne for Project Fear. Then Sturgeon for her ridiculous Brexit posturing. Then there’s Corbyn for getting a vote of no confidence, standing for re-election and being elected by different people, then expecting the PLP to do what he tells them. Ffs!
But the crown has to go to Farron who believes that there’s a vote winning strategy in defying the will of the electorate that should finish off the Lib Dems forever!
And you can’t cunt Spivey because he’s no cunt. The cunts are the people who send him money through his shitty site. Incidentally, this site makes no money from anywhere…
… So many Cunts …..
I picture it as a sort of baton race, with Tony Blair, Nicola Sturgeon, Alec Salmon and Nick Clegg ….. in one never ending race, each picking up the baton from the last for the entirety of 2016 … and sadly looking like continuing well into 2017.
Not to be forgotten are the shower of Cunts at the head of the EU who will be ‘dictating’ to the UK on how they let us leave them.
Bog trotters Bono or Geldof…flip a coin….
Yea geldoff. That’s a good one. He’s always been a cunt but in 2016 he managed cuntitude on a whole new scale.
This is indeed a tricky one, normally we have a principal to be cunted then just let fly, this requires a cool head and some thought as 2016 was a vintage year.
It was much easier back in the day , 1912 probably the captain of the titanic?, 1939 chambalain and his piece of paper?, 70.s Nixon?? 1997-2017 blair? Actually a strong contender for lifetime cunt award, history is littered with Cunts but 2016 condensed so much talent.
Sue Perkins is a cunt and about as funny catching your cock in your zip, also she has that other half witted cunt Mel giedroyc to fall back on, whilst they fall around laughing at inane jokes maybe they should ask themselves this simply question ” are the audience as pleased with us as we are with ourselves??” NO WERE FUCKIIN NOT!!!
I’m gonna go away and give my head a wobble and come back later, with so many Cunts to choose from it’s difficult…..
Can we please have it in Oscars style.
Musical Cunt – Lily Alen
Theatrical Cunt – Ewan Mcgregor
Political Cunt – Nicola Sturgeon
Cunt in a supporting role – Baroness Scotland
Cunt Region of the year – London
Lifetime Cuntidtude award – Tony Blair.
We could have a big ceremony and all dress up. My local pub has a function room and does a great buffet.
Any other categories please feel free to add.
Hang on for a nano second.. FARRON. I mean, what is the fucking point!
Oh I fuckiin like that!!
There’s real scope there….
Best newcomer ?? ??
Lifetime disservice award.. ken cuntasaurus CLARKE……
Endless possibilities… ?
Oh, tricky. I hate with venom Russell Brand, would gladly punch over and over Jeremy Cuntbin, gladly dance on the grave of Tony ‘I am a cunt’ Bliar (although there will be a bloody long queue) and his cunt friend Gordon ‘I can’t do sums’ B ruin. But since it is just for the year my vote goes to Diane Abbottomus. A cunt of the first magnitude, as thick as a pile of pig shit and twice as messy, and one of the nation’s leading hypocrites.
She (?) didn’t even turn up to last night’s Brexit vote. Probably too busy weaving a new grass skirt with matching half coconut bra and fetching chicken bone jewellery. But then again it isn’t her country so why should she bother?
Fellow cunters – this is a no brainer. As previously cunted, the ENTIRE Politcal class (on both sides of the Pond) instantly qualify.
From Remoaners, to anti Trumpers, to the Jockenese, they continue to show their utter contempt for the voters – racists, ignorami and Deplorables that we are.
They should be strung up in Parliament Square, under the watchful gaze of Oliver (In the name of God, go!) Cromwell.
A belated Happy New Year fellow cunters
Big Al
PS Happy retirement Dio – thanks for your efforts. Best wishes to the new team
For me, Theresa May. Having become our PM through fixing it that all other contenders dropped out, Sharia May has consistently prevaricated on doing anything. She could have triggered article 50 on day one but pissed around until the courts became involved. She has done nothing about the real enemies of the UK, the civil service, education and media sectors. Every Trotskyite cunt I know was over the moon when the countrys most useless Home secretary blagged the big chair, and we’ll all rue the day the cunt did.