Gary Lineker [4]


Gary Lineker needs to be cunted right now…

First of all, his ‘legendary’ (so he says) status as a footballer… Goalhanger who took the glory, but did very little teamwork… Fucked off and left his ‘beloved’ Leicester City for a big money move to Everton (who were champions at the time), then fucked off to Barcelona for another big pay day… Played briefly for Tottingham, but then fucked off again for a load of cash (some Japanese joke club called Grandpa’s Eight or something)… What integrity the man has, eh?…

A goody goody arselick on the pitch and a sanctimonious twat off it… I recall Lineker’s ‘horror’ at Eric Cantona after the Selhurst incident… If that gobshite, Simmons, had verbally abused Lineker, old goody gumdrops would have responded quietly ‘Steady on! There’ no need for that, old chap…’ Lineker openly condemned Cantona, but sang the praises of his ‘mate’ erstwhile pisspot and wifebeater, Gazza… As I said, Lineker is man of standards… Didn’t slag King Eric to his face, mind you…

Such standards also applied to how he treated his wife… Old Mr Nice Guy dropped his rather nice wife, Michelle, for younger underwear model, Danielle Bux (I bet she fucking does!)… Lovely bloke…

Now this paragon of virtue is looking down on all the working class riff-raff of Britain and calling them ‘racis’ for daring to have misgivings over the’child refugees’ from the Calais Shithole… Well, being concerned about potential rape, murder, terrorism, and economic and welfare queue jumping is not racist, Mister Arselick… This cunt also has the breathtaking arrogance to spell out the definition of the word ‘racist’ to (what he sees as) the ignorant peasants… What a complete cunt…

And Lineker will never be as good as Bobby Charlton or Jimmy Greaves as long as I have a hole in my arse…

Nominated by: Norman

39 thoughts on “Gary Lineker [4]

  1. The guys a cunt ,and Norman nailed him perfectly.
    But my biggest gripe about the cunt is how him and a lot off the media made Leicester city’s league winning heroics all about him and his emotions.
    He did help put a consortium together when the foxes were in the shite , but he was always going on about being ex spurs and barca and for most of last season he kept saying spurs were going to win it , even though spurs never spent one day on top of the league last season.
    And now he’s the foxes most famous fan .
    Also how is it zany to appear in the telly in your boxers in 2016 ?
    Has he never seen Geordie shore?

    Fucking smug wife leaving cunt…….

    • Leicester is full of ‘fair weathered fans when Leicester were top…where I work even fans of other teams became Leicester fans! Tossers!
      Before that only the die hard fans admitted they were fans.
      It’ll be interesting this season how many of these so called fans remain loyal to City..

      • In the fifteen years I’ve been abroad, I’ve met two Leicester fans and saw one guy wearing a shirt.
        A Couple of months ago , i saw three grown men in a Leicester shirt in one week.
        And I’ve seen a few since……
        The one person who never jumped on the bandwagon was my daughter, who remained barca for some reason……..


      • Even our MD the stupid old cunt, went from Man U to Leicester.
        If Leicester don’t do so well this season, he’ll be back to Man U…..

      • I worked with a cunt who once said “I am thinking of becoming a Spurs fan”
        First of all it’s heart not head and second even contemplating what he said makes him a massive cunt.

      • All Johnny Come Lately, gloryhunting nu-footie fans are cunts…. I first went to Old Trafford when Doc was in charge and United were shite… Cunts like George Graham, Arnie Sidebottom, Mick Martin, Trevor Anderson, George Buchan and Jim McCalliog. were in the team and the Holy Trinity (Best, Law, Charlton) were long gone… Relegation was inevitable, but I followed the reds to Division 2… Great (Doc’s classic side, Big Ron’s 80s, Cantona etc) and bad times (Sexton’s shite, early Fergie, Moyes etc) followed, but being Newton Heath born and bred, there is no other team for me… I feel sorry for true Leicester fans for attracting these knobheads…

  2. All the above cunting cheered me up. A real cunt.

    And the cunt shouts. No one has explained the purpose of a mike to him , he fucking shouts; is the cunt mutton? , fucking mingefaced tosser.

  3. Vinny Jones used to call him “Big Ears” so I’ve heard. Bet he calls him something else now…

  4. Lineker,with his bosses connivance,has convinced himself that he is a much-loved “National treasure”.
    Well, Gary,you’re not. Most people think that you’re an insufferable wanker,so the sooner you fuck off the better.,,,and take your shwbiz and football pals with you.

  5. I want to nominate Cold Calling Telemarketers a bloody good Cunting.

    They hassle you for PPI, Pensions, Microsoft scammers, the Accident you never had to name a few.

    Now I know everyone needs to work, but these bastards are a different breed, a law unto themselves and a lot of them are from India, called Dave. My Arse are they called Dave! Cunts!

    Whilst waiting for a reply for a couple of job interviews one time, I had to answer my phone, in case it was said job.
    I regularly got calls from these fucking arseholes. Not satisfied with fucking calling me, They try to text me too.
    That was 6 months ago and yet still they call and text……….They’re persistent little fuckers!
    Not only do they fucking piss me off with their constant calls and texts, they disturb my other half, after a night shift.

    ~The accident I never had, yet they had all the details(apparently)……….Yeah right!
    ~Microsoft, I’d been hacked, really? I don’t use Microsoft…wankers!
    ~Some random Insurance company called ‘Black Pearl!’ I kid you not, claiming they’d got my pension details, they hadn’t, they were spouting the wrong info!
    ~The bank(apparently) wanting to know why, I haven’t used my American Express card, I don’t have one!
    ~PPI on that loan I had, again, what fucking loan!

    There’s many more I could mention but the list is endless. These fucking scamming cunts will do anything to try and nick my info.

    I kept blocking them until my block feature was full and they are crafty cunts too, they use different phone n.o’s and if you do try and call back (number withheld of course, so you can rip them a new arsehole) you either get, dodgy cunting piano music or ‘This number has not been recognised’ message in a very ropey sounding yank accent.

    Total fucking wankers, at least let me ring back so I can have a fucking word or two.

    Luckily my other half and I are on to them, but what about the poor old elderly and not so bright folk?

    I bet there’s a big banner goes up with a siren that screams ‘I’ve fucking got one’ when they answer and just for that alone they deserve a fucking good cunting.
    By Cuntybollocks.

    • I have three good ways of dealing with them :

      1. See how long you can keep them on the phone. Tell them you’re really interested but there’s somebody at the door. Please don;t hang up because you’re really wanting to do business with them. My record is 22 minutes. Theuy get a bollocking if they don’t hit their call rate targets

      2. Swear at them. Really, really call them all the cunts under the sun. Tell them to fuck the fuck off. One said to me he’d ‘hang up if I didn’t moderate my language’ – thick cunt!!! Bear in mind they’re on random autodial so unless you tell them your name and phone number, they don’t know who you are.

      3. Give them your neighbour’s address and phone number. Tell them to send you the info. You really don’t like the cunt anyway…

      • Nice one Dioclese.??

        I shall do just that, you see, they won’t ring me for a week now….

      • I used to give the telephone number and address of my MP. I don’t know if they followed up on it, but I felt better nailing two bunches of useless cunts at the same time.

    • Twice a week i get calls from some cunt i cant call back coz their number is unrecognised.
      I have told them to fuck off in English and Spanish ,bit they keep calling back.
      The last time was this morning at 08:27.
      Who fucking cold calls at that time?
      And the cunts keep calling me Antonio.
      Now I’ve read Dios advice, i cant fucking wait until they call next.

      • I’ve had them apoplectic by calling them “paki cunts” and “daughter rapists”…they really do not like it.

      • Had a call at 02.30am from one these cunts in the far east.
        Was too knackered to be abusive and just hung up.

        When the phone rang at that time, first thought was…fuck, someone’s dead…..

      • .. I’ve a couple of ways to deal with these fuckers …

        The mention of… ‘the accident’ , which of course never occurred … I start to crumble on the phone and speak of amnesia because of the horrendous death’s and the insurance claims which I would like to get sorted out … then hang up …..
        or …
        You’re calling me .. so I’d like to get a bit of a profile on who I’m actually talking to … ‘What colour are your panties ?’ .. male or fucking female … they get uncomfortable and hang up for some strange reason ….

      • There are some great voices to put on to annoy these shitehawks:

        The posh One… Pretend to be an eccentric aristo and talk in ridiculous posh voice, with lots of ‘old boy’ old fruit’ and call them ‘johnny’ with plenty of Python style colonel blimp grumbling and suchlike…

        The Asian… Well over the top paki voice… ‘Me no understandy! What are you wanting? Me want white woman!’ But! But! But! But!’ etc…

        The Paddy… Lots of ‘Ahh Jayzus’, and say ‘ahh well now’ ‘yer know’ and ‘to be sure’ every few seconds…

  6. I use to be found of Walkers Crisps until this tosspot began advertising them….there was even a Salt and Linker flavour.
    Needless to say I never had any, since he ‘ Traded’ his then wife in for a younger model, I kinda went off him…Knob.
    That didn’t last either because he reckons his too old to start another family….
    Should have stuck with your first wife then, you fucking crisp loving, big eared wanker.

      • Golden Wonder curry flavoured crips were excellent with a pint .
        Anybody know if you still get them?

        Anybody remember Tudors gammon and pineapple flavoured crinkle cut?…………..

      • I remember Golden Wonder doing curry flavoured Ringos, birdman… Don’t recall the gammon Tudors, but I remember the pickled onion ones though… Sausage and Tomato Golden Wonder were great too… Those recent Walkers ones like cheese on toast with worcester sauce, chicken and salad cream sandwich and cheesy baked beans tasted like shite….

  7. anyone see Watchdog the other night? if you want to see low life scum in action catch it on the iplayer. how do these bastards sleep at night? probably very easily is the unfortunate answer.

  8. Was in the post office today and it was mobbed. Usually you grab a ticket and wait for your number, but today the ticket machine was broke ,so i mumbled loudly”where the fuck is the tickets” in English. To my surprise a blind guy replied, in English, that the fack-ing tee-kets where over there .
    Before i could even begin to wonder how a blind guy complete with guide dog knew where they where, he turned around and walked right into a bin and fell.
    Sorry to say ,i folded and cried with laughter and had to spend the next twenty minutes queuing while all the spics growled at the ignorant cruel foreigner….

    I’m not a bad guy ,and do feel bad, sorta, but it was fucking hilarious…….

  9. Jug eared prick, stick to talking shit about football, and leave the serious topics to the grown ups.

  10. Funny how that jug eared cunt has to take a pot at anything or anybody associated with the Leave campaign, yet I am still waiting for him to condemn that Nicola Gorb bitchy cunt. Imagine if someone who voted to Leave uttered those words, the cunt would be pissing his pants, big eared cunty cunt

  11. A true gargantuan cunt of epic proportions, and one of the worst footballers ever to grace the game. Grade A, top shelf fucktard

  12. Lineker is and always was a massive cunt. Not only for the way he has dealt with his wives but recently for his lefty outpourings on the jungle “children”.
    Fuck off you big eared crisp thief cunt.

  13. Lineker is an utter cunt…..
    A BBC leftie rent boy, who keeps opening his mouth and running down all the bad people who voted for Brexit?,the loathsome cunt even said his own generation had embarrassed him!! . The worst kind of pseudo intellectual, he hasn’t been able to articulate a single original thought on Brexit!!, instead like the CUNTS clegg and farron etc he just wheels out the old cliches ” throwing away the keys” ” our children’s futures”, blah blah blah, well you overpaid dullard have a think about this , England’s land mass 132,000 km/2 population 55 million population per sq/km 426!!!, try expanding your FUCKIIN brain!! That’s the highest figure in a European group 1 country, we’ve flown past the Dutch, with open door immigration our net figure last year was 330,000 !! That’s a city bigger than Brighton!!, with roads, hospitals, schools and every other service known to man sinking under the deluge and wages stagnant due to an endless supply of cheap foreign labour what right has a FUCKIIN has been BBC arse kisser to attack people for voting for a change!!! What we don’t need is preening wanker like you telling people that are struggling with all this that somehow they have got it wrong!, and that they should feel ashamed???… Get a grip you FUCKIIN WANKER!!!

  14. The man (Lineker) has a predisposition that shows what a shallow person he is, I will not call him a “C” that gives him a status lower than he deserves.
    Just look carefully at his sarcastic self satisfied grin, that says it all, his body language gives away what a creep he really is, toadying to the archetypal persona that the BBC consider to be acceptable, he has projected this false image to it’s max and covered up the TRUE character within, a clever ploy to exploit the BBC Bank Account. Thank goodness the woman he so called married in such crass opulence ( £100,000 spent on booze) who is so much better than he, can see him for what he is. sadly the beeb will keep his presence as he has conned so many to adore the false character he portrays on screen, underneath sadly there is a nasty piece of work, sex mad and nasty with it. But hey in Aunties eyes he is squeaky clean………..pah

  15. Old FA cup big eared smarmy faced scummy cheating overrated 5th rate ex-fudballer. Who the fuck are you to have a pop at people who were genuinely concerned about the ‘children’ in the Calais jungle. Did u look at some of the fucking cunts. They could have done a ZZ Top tribute gig! FUCKING CUNT. And while I’m on the subject. Lily ‘fucking fake tears needs a serious kick in the cunt’ Allen should have been tied to a post and stuck in the middle of the shithole with all the rapeugees. Let’s see how long your tears last then, u 5th rate talentless CUNT.

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