YouTube [3]


YouTube are cunts for allowing this useless fucking government to ram their Pro EU crap down our throats.

Just been watching a motorcycle video and right on the end of it is their fucking advert. Its enough of a kick in the bollocks they’re using taxpayers money to finance a massive leafleting campaign without having it beamed onto your screen by whatever means.

Youtube could and should have told them to fuck off but obviously couldn’t resist sticking their big fat snouts in the trough.


Nominated by: Captain Cunteye



Have been aroind the gee gees most orf me life and the Sport orf Kings would not run without a spot orf enhancement. Trick is not to bung too many syringes in its arse so the fucker gets to the finish line pronto but does not drop doin dead midway. An embarrassment. Horses for courses you might say.

Back in the ’60s we tried all sorts, the traditional arsenic through to the weird and wonderful. What ever the Keefs were orn, Moon and Richard, up the old horses arse it went. Recall one oiting at Cheltenham where two rival firms and the jockey had illegal bets orn and doped accordingly. They independently introduced uppers, doiners and Christ knows what into the nag. Literally by race day did not know whether it was coming or going so three fences in it lathered up and died. All bets void. Bugger.

Big shock horror now it’s going orn in British professional sport. Who’d have guessed? Allegations left right and centre. Dodgy quacks dealing oit the stuff and dodgy physios injecting. Arsenal, Man U ect all denials pledging to look into it, BMA, HMG orn the case. Can quote some chapter and verse on this because have a cousin who was team quack for one orf the alpine nations. Walked aroind with a suicide belt stuffed with syringes and potions. On call night and day.

Shit (to use the delightful West Coast term) hit the fan when the Berlin Wall came doine. Suddenly loads orf ex Ruski/Nazi dodgy sports quacks were released from commie land to embrace the capitalist world and go into private practice.

Chemical enhancement is, has been and ever will be, part orf the great sporting experience. Get used to it cunts. Think orf the legion orf new sponsorship opportunities. Wayne Rooney sponsored by Regaine and Minoxidil, Maria Sharapova sponsored by KGB Chemical Industries and a few firms like Chelsea Headhunters and Millwall Bushwackers sponsored by the Sinoloa Cartel (look it up) and Roche Pharma. Chemically enhanced supporters as well? Sir Limply’s Sporting Highs? A commercial opportunity. There’s a thought.

Happy days.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Owen Jones [3]

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I saw that Owen Jones cunt on that This Week politics show the other night, what a fucking cunt.

Now if someone is genuinely fleeing persecution then fine lets help them but most of these cunts pass through 7 or so SAFE countries before trying to get in to the UK so why don’t they seek asylum in the first safe country they reach? Which is apparently the requirement of being a refugee. This is a massive question and it doesn’t get talked about much o/n TV.

I watched some Question Time and they were talking about it as soon as some of the panel said it they went onto something else.

Nominated by: Black & White Cunt

Banksy [2]


Banksy what a cunt, trying to be all mysterious and edgy by not showing his ugly face,some of his pictures (stencils) are okay but Banksy is a leftie, he reportedly has sympathy with isis and the so called refugees.

The cunt!

Nominated by: That’s a Spicy Meatball

The Jeremy Vine show


The Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 is so far left it is almost off the fucking page.

Its idea of a balanced debate is some left wing cunt arguing with an extremely left wing cunt, whilst whiny cunts phone in to agree. Occasionally they have someone with a different opinion on the show but they make them look like Hitler would have found them a bit of a cunt.

Also, when the cunt himself is off on one of his many holidays, they shove on that repugnant old tranny Vanessa Feltz on, who smiles and laughs itself through the feel good topics of children with leukaemia and toe cancers. Oh, and he broke down on air the day Bowie died, the ponce.

Cunt him just for that, surely?

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye