Council employees


ALL fucking council employees are total cunts.

Traffic wardens are cunts; planners are cunts; building control are cunts; councillors are proper and complete cunts; the fuckin’ woman who answers the phone and goes “H’what department does hw’one require” is a cunt; the cunt that inspects the bins should be placed in the extruder from which said bins are, well, er, extruded as he is a nazi, fascist, blowfly loving cunt; the council van driving cunts are all cunts, in fact even the council offices are cunts. And the library. And the fucking cunting swimmin baths.

They are all………..CUUUUUUUUUNTS!!

Nominated by: iorek Byrnison

12 thoughts on “Council employees

  1. Totally agree a bunch of useless CUNTS.

    Having worked on projects over the years in a number of local authorities around London I can say hand of heart you could randomly walk around with a fucking ray gun and vapourise 30-40% of the staff in every council and there would be fuck all difference in the service they do (or don’t) provide. You can also do the same in central government agencies and the management tier of the NHS!!!

    Underworked, overpaid, too much holiday, fucking flexitime, in late, home early work shy fucking cunts. If the majority worked in the public sector they would be out the fucking door quicker than a vindaloo fuelled shite the next morning.


  2. The simple way I see it.

    All council management must ensure that employed men are not racist, sexual deviants or paedophiles and employed women are protected against the men risk. Council employees are potentially undesirable and injurious to the public. For this reason all council employees must have council tax payer public liability insurance. To offset the risks and reduce the insurance costs all council employees must be health and safety and equal opportunities diversity trained. They are not allowed to take on any responsibilities until they have gained their training certificates, permits and licences.

    Without this completed training council employees might tell you ‘they are not qualified’ to deal with your query; and fob you off. Or they might tell a fellow employee. ‘sorry I’m not trained to start up the computer’ or, ‘I’m not allowed to make the tea – I haven’t been trained about the dangers of electricity and hot water yet’

    What a load of fucking drone cunts council employees are.

  3. There’s an ice cream van that comes around our way… The bloke who runs it is clueless… Any fool knows that you park the van, ring the chimes, and then wait for kids to spread the word, come out or mither their parents…. This pillock stays around for about 30 seconds and then fucks off… Needless to say, he doesn’t sell much ice cream… Now here’s the funny bit: This lad also hardly speaks any English, and he has a card/permit on display in his van given to him by the council….

    We had an Italian ice cream man called Sam… He was great and he was around for over 30 years… Sam retired in 2013… Now we’re left with this clown… Another council employed prick…

    • There was a cunt in Sheffield who used to deal smack from an Ice Cream van… I wonder if he was caught for not displaying his food hygiene rating certificate?

      • Hey that’s pretty creative If he sells Hash too I’d buy from him I wonder if that cunt pete doherty buys “ice cream” from him also.

  4. Health and Safety needs a good hunting… I must make the time to write this one up. The Councils simply used this a rinse to get more cash from house holders, and string out public works and projects and justify vastly inflated management salaries.

    Helath and Safety, along with the NHS needed to be abolished, as this symbian circle is keeping probably 70% of the mouth breathers in this country alive, ignorant cunts who were highly likely to have previously met their demise at their own fucktard hands.

  5. I put my bin out (the grey one) yesterday to be emptied…. I get home and my mrs tells me that she can’t find the thing anywhere… She looked all over the street, but it was nowhere to be found…. So I bell my local council and they tell me that our bin ‘accidentally’ went into the back of the bin wagon….. Now these things happen, but what pissed me off is those lazy, useless binmen monkeys didn’t even knock on the door to tell the old lady… Neither did they leave any sort of note or message through the door… If I hadn’t have called the council, I wouldn’t have known what the cunts had done… It is bad enough that the grey bin is only emptied every three weeks (effectively once a month, and in the summer months too!)… But the thing vanishing as well, due to those thick, lazy cunts and their stupidity?

    We actually pay council tax for this shit? If a new bin is not on my drive monday morning, I will go to the council building and dump a load of crap in there…

  6. Don’t forget the cunts that fuck up the roads with their bumps and pinch points and their cuntish 20mph limits. They are supercunts and give ordinary standard issue council cunts a bad name.


  7. Well where should one start?

    Nasty little shitty cunts that can’t get jobs elsewhere but have such great amounts of power over those that have the talent to work in the real world whose skill and efforts pay these cunts their crappy wages.

    The little turd wangers work in huge buildings with free parking all paid for by the rest of us. They lord it over the rest of us whilst wearing their crappy saggy suits. On how I wish they would all disappear up their collective big saggy old cunts.

    Small people work in big organisations. Big people work in small organisations.

  8. Councils and the cunts that ‘work’ there ………… Now I may need some time to assemble this epic.
    …. Talk amongst yourselves for a while.

  9. in our town st.neots on the cambs and beds border we have a councillor called ” bob farrer ” he has been tory independent and now ukip councillor and a little while back he described a new school on his patch for mentally disabled kids as being a school for retards .
    last week not knowing this-I rang him to ask about ukip and him and the brexit campaign and was gonna suggest he try to get in the paper or write a letter to the local rag trying to make sure locals got of their bums and voted out on the day-but he shouted abuse at me and ended the call in 20 seconds-so I didn’t get to chat …. that’s when I googled him and found out he calls disabled kids retards and there is a petition against him on which I signed instantly -take it from me he is a rude angry loud man as well as a hater of disabled kids -please sign the petition comrades and spread the word-maybe he can be removed if enough of us are aware and register our anger.

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