Personally I think clamping down on the vast quantities of counterfeit electronic/computer peripherals originating from China would be a better way of Amazon increasing trust, rather than penalising private individuals who are just wanting to move on a DVD box set that they’ll never watch again. Paying the proper rate of tax would also help these lying, scumbag cunts win back public trust and confidence.
It’s obvious that far from being overly concerned about counterfeits, the wholesalers are seeing their sales fall as customers prefer to choose more reasonably priced second-hand titles and it’s probably the wholesalers who are twisting Amazon’s arm. It’s interesting that the particular box set I’ve been banned from re-selling has NO second-hand copies available on Amazon Marketplace at all, but lots of third party sellers offering it for the same price as Amazon – or considerably more.
Counterfeits, my arse. This is all about profits which should come as no surprise from a bunch of tax-avoiding cunts.
Nominated by: Fred West
I’ve never tried to sell anything on Amazon Marketplace, but from what I’ve heard about Amazon in general, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. I had problems with Ebay when I tried to sell some archery equipment I no longer needed. The main problem was with one Ebay subsidiary, PayPal.
Even though I’ve sold stuff on Ebay for a number of years and received nothing but positive reviews, PayPal insist on insinuating that I’m a thief, by withholding money I’ve been paid for SIXTY days. I’ve actually spent half an hour arguing with one PayPal fuckwit over who owned the company he worked for. He just wouldn’t accept that Ebay owned PayPal, despite me pointing out that at the bottom of the Ebay homepage is the heading ‘Other Ebay Companies’. Under that heading is a list of companies. Can anyone guess which company is at the top of that list? That’s right, PayPal. Fucking dicks.
I sold one of my wife’s bracelets on eBay. Despite giving precise measurements, the fat bitch the other end couldn’t get it round her porcine wrist and registered a dispute with eBay for ‘item not as described’
The cunts at eBay invoked their ‘buyer protection’ system and immediately gave her a refund through PayPal even though she still had the jewellery. This was not a trifling amount and was over £100. I complained that they’d refunded the money before the dispute was settled and before I’d had the goods returned.
This went on for 9 months. Nine – fucking – months. I sent copious emails. Spent hours on the phone to the cunts in the far eastern call centre. Then I got a call from a debt collector because – not being stupid – as soon as there was a dispute logged, I emptied my PayPal account and reported my credit card lost so they couldn’t just grab the money.
Eventually – after a recorded delivery letter to their registered office threatening to sue them for negligence and causing undue stress as well as for the money they’d refunded – they cancelled the entire affair.
In the end I got to keep the money and we got the goods back.
What a bunch of useless cunts eBay / PayPal are.
So what DVD were you trying to flog Fred. “The Killing Game”?
Particularly pissed orf by this flim flam Amazon have, drone delivery or some such. Have to say can’t wait for the fuckers to roll that one out. Got a syndicate orf sportsmen down me neck orf the woods ready to join me and me twelve bore for a spot orf drone shooting.
As befits my name, Sir Limply, the DVDs were ‘The Parent Trap’ and ‘Heathers’, and a couple of dance music CDs – of the ‘deep underground house’ genre, naturally. But the one the Amazon cunts objected to was the box set of ‘Homeland’.
Ah yes, takes me back a bit Fred. One orf your little girls was called Heather as I recall. Did she share your “deep underground” vibe? The police dug her up deep underground your patio I believe. Least best said about The Parent Trap I think. Love and kisses to Rosemary.
If you can’t sell your archery equipment it might be a good idea to line those dimwit Cunts from pay pal against a wall and use them for target practice.
That’s not a bad idea.
I would like to nominate people who use roads as leisure and recreation facililties, as Cunts.
Lets start with the Cyclists, not the ones who cycle to go somewhere, but the ones who prefer to cycle alongside other men in equally tight clothing, riding 3 abreast so it makes it difficult to overtake. Newsflash to your wife, he is a closet gay. Then said wife turns up on a news programme whinging you got run over, and demand more action to make the roads safer (
gonna come back to that at the end)
Then we have the joggers who jog along country roads, facing the traffic, as they sensibly should, so they can see and get out of the way of oncoming traffic. However, If you just stay in the road regardless of what is coming, you may as well run away from traffic, as is reduces the closing speed, and you won’t see your death coming.
Finally we have horse riders. Why the fuck are you even in the road, Just fuck off into the fields and bridleways, you are the dumbest cunts of the lot.
Roads were built for, and paid from motorists tax, for the safe and expedient access to town and cities. They pretty much contain vehicles that are capable of at least 60mph driven by people who have had the most basic training. So if you think you still want to jog, cycle ride a horse on these roads, don’t fucking whinge if you got scared, injured, lost a loved one, because that is evolution at work, you dumb cunts! Rant over
Then there’s those pedestrians who decide to cross the road in a diagonal manner walking twice as far and taking twice as long to cross the road causing drivers to swerve to avoid them. Utter cunts !
I recall cunting the trotter fraternity a while ago for very similar reasons. There is it appears a new breed, made up of what I suspect to be mendicant Eastern Europeans who have decided to make the sport more multinational but with the same goal of fertilizing the tarmac, causing traffic snarl ups of epic proportions.
I’m not racist, I hate them but them all equally, but I suspect all of the ones I mentioned are all home grown cunts. I will spend next week running them down, to make sure
Don’t care if they are from East Europe or Paddyland or just UK born raggyarses, their bloody animals belong in a field, not on the highway
Paypal Ebay and amazon are all unscrupulous profiteering buyer siding cunts