Ed Miliband [9]


It’s funny how Miliband’s recent trip to Israel has suddenly washed away the atheist he’s claimed to be for years and jump started his Jewish faith. As Dioclese points out in his blog, he’s shown his ignorance by announcing that he wants to be the first Jewish PM. He’s a bit late for that, since Benjamin Disraeli has beaten him to it by about 150 years.

One of his best comments was his claim he was an atheist who had faith in God. Which to me at least shows what a dumb shit Miliband is, since the whole concept of atheism is that you have faith in the fact that God doesn’t exist. His claim was a classic example of the word ‘OXYMORON’. With the emphasis on MORON.

The best picture from his trip to his spiritual Motherland, was the one of him playing football with a Palestinian child. This was no doubt supposed to make him look like an ordinary, caring, man of the people, statesman. The look on his face though makes it clear that, along with beer, Ed also doesn’t do football.

To be perfectly honest, I’d rather see Bob the Builder as Prime Minister than this geeky, buck toothed, weird voiced, twat who looks like an axe murderer. The worst thing though, is if Labour win the next general election, we’ll get that evil, arrogant, egomentalist Ed Testicles as Chancellor. A man who makes Gordon Brown look electable.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

13 thoughts on “Ed Miliband [9]

  1. About as enlightening as his views on reforming the nations health. Under the benificent guidance of Labour, the great British public will be subjected to a raft of laws concerning salt, sugar, alcohol and smoking, if they ever get back into power. The Lord Milliband is determined to coerce us into adopting a healthier lifestyle to reduce pressure on the NHS. The new labour nanny state will invest millions in skateparks, swimming lessons and a “get back on your bike” initiative. Little of course in any promises to give the economy a similar health check. As for his promises on immigration, I expect to see the figures of migrant workers (politically incorrect to use the term “benefit tourists”) double under Labour.
    God help us if this cunt ever gets into power

  2. This man is a cunt. Without a doubt.
    Milliband is just the same as the other two party leaders (and cunts),Cameron and Clegg: All rich bastards, never been skint, never lived in the real world, don’t give a toss about anyone in Britain who isn’t rich or a banker, and all of them are career politicians: who serve themselves, and not the country or people they are supposed to represent. Labour now is as much a party for the posh twats as the Tories are….

    When these three cunts start their bullshit for the next general election, the only way we will be able to tell them apart is by the colour of their ties. Bastards.

  3. Presume you allude to the cunt’s appearance on the Cunt Marr show. Personally I am all in favour of bribing the lower orders with cheap gaspers and booze and fuelling their addiction to fat, sugar and salt. Lower the taxes. Their human rights donchaknow. As it is me human right to coerce the fat fuckers into the gut driven path to destruction. Let them eat cake and kill ’em orf quick.

    Thus we octogenarian (ok cunts nonagenarian – it is also me human right to lie about me age) aristos with cast iron genes that have been sorted out over the generations will inherit the earth.

    Millicunt is a nasal whining union toadying tool that has never told the truth in his life. If the labour cunts ever return to power they are such a bunch of machiavellian
    tossers that they will speedily self destruct in a bloody midnight orgy of back stabbing.

  4. He’s married to a cunt as well. The evil ‘green’ bitch Justine Thornton. She wants to tax the air we breath to give even more money to jews.

    Parliament is Satan’s lair. The child buggering bastards want us all to work 80 hours a week for a turnip sandwich, while they eat golden swans, and ritually dance around the Protocols of Zion.

  5. That Gerry Adams is a bit of a cunt. No, actually, he’s a massive cunt. Stupid, bog-trotting, thick-mick murderer. Dragging women out of their houses, in front of their kids, and shooting them? Then all this ‘It wasnae meh’ shit. Beardy-weirdy cunt.

    Someone should teach the cunt a lesson, permanently.

    • Gerry Adams and his sidekick McGuiness are two cunts who have long deserved a bullet in the kneecaps, however, the situation in Northern Ireland is still very volatile, rest assured, if he is found guilty and sent to prison, then it will give the the Fenians the excuse they have long been looking for to start a new terrorist campaign. ( and the chance to indulge in a little drug dealing, gun running and extortion at the same time). Followed by the Loylast contingent getting in on the action. Which is why I think the bog dwelling cunt will be found not guilty

  6. Meaning to cunt this cunt for a long time so given the interest here is me nomination:

    Gerry Adams

    Worth reminding ourselves who this rat faced oirish cunt is. Son of Gerry Adams Snr and has a son called Gerry Adams Jnr. Can you guess the name of his grandfather? Why Gerry Adams. Obviously not much imagination in the family or a lot of incest. Indeed our Gerry has shed tears on air when talking about the abuse he received from his paedo father.

    Is it possible to question his loyalty to the Parliament in which he served until 2011 or at least claimed expenses? Well Adams Snr set a fine example during WWII by helping the Nazi war effort by taking part in IRA operations against British forces. We do not forget that Lord Haw Haw was a mick.

    With a slippery Fenian cunt like Adams it is always important to listen to what he does not say rather than to what he does say. Remember “putting arms beyond use”. Did not mean they were being destroyed as part of the peace process, just hiding them in a hole somewhere in Donegal (bandit country). Likewise his statements about Jean McConville. He has said that he was not involved in her abduction and her murder. It may be strictly true that he did not get his own hands dirty but it is a coaches and horses statement which still allows him to have participated in the planning and sanctioning. Typical Adams speak.

    Have knocked around Northern Oirland meself in the ’70s and ’80s and had me old Bentley driven orf the road in bandit country by some paedo provo cunt in a van just because I was sporting English number plates. No secret then that Adams was an IRA brigade commander who went on to become chief of the whole shooting match. Adams is a typical two faced IRA cunt with a vast catalogue of previous. He is as guilty as hell. If he becomes a further embarrassment to the IRA there are plenty of arms buried in Donegal that can be returned to use.

  7. Agreed, Sir. Whether he was (ahem!) ‘involved’ with Jean McConville’s murder or not, Adams has got up to all sorts of other nastiness and knows where a lot of other bodies are buried… It’s all well and good having a beef with the British government and the military. But bombing elderly World War II veterans who effectively saved Ireland from the Nazis invading…If the Nazis had got to Britain, they would have gone for Eire next: and Hitler would have wiped out every tinker in the place! Yet there were cunts in Ireland who were helping the Nazis! Including that cunt, Adams senior! Then there is killing little children in a place like Warrington. Butchering two off duty soldiers in their civvies. Bombing the shit out of Manchester (when a lot of the people who live there are of Irish descent) shows what murderous and malevolent cunts these bastards really were.

  8. Just a fucking wanking cunt, die you bastard, and the rest of the fucking cunts, particularly all the TORY cunts, cock suckers and poor rogerers. bastard cunts.

  9. Back to the Milliband cunt. He is like a public school headboy, that no-one really believes in, and is totally unelectable. His, Cleggs and Camerons only policy in the upcoming elections seems to be how much they can discredit UKIP by trawling their candidate’s social media for inappropriate comments, as they are the only party that offer an alternative to the “main” parties

  10. Beware you perverted little cunts in westminster UKIP are coming carrying the wishes and votes of the majority of the nation with them…I see old cock in the mouth spunk up the sinus’ has gone quiet as a church mouse and so has the Tory boy….cameron is busy locking that fucking gimped up kiddie fiddler Gove down in the basement in his box again…in fact the only cunt out of them all who is out ‘fighting’…huh huh is good old Prick clegg…nick the prick….think about it people…why is prick clegg the only one debating Farage…the answer is that the other two cunts and their parties are hiding because the global elite have told them too…the lib dems are universally hated by everyone so they are expendable so they have been chosen to duel UKIP..why? Because the elite know how truly fucking dangerous UKIP are to thier status quo….fuck you all in westminster you revolting traitors…NO MORE!! VOTE UKIP for fucks sake. Peace to you all brothers!!

  11. Should blow the cunts huge bulbous nose off with a shotgun, throw some acid in the whores face, and break nicks cleggs with an iron bar

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