James May

James May

James May is fat, talentless, annoying, retarded and totally unfunny, fat headed, smug cunt of the highest order.

If only one of the wankerish gags on that shite programme could go wrong and then he and his two cuntish bum chums could be burnt alive in an Austin Allegro. This useless arsehole could only have made it onto the idiot box through the BBC. How else?

He’s a loathsome fat cunt. CUNT.

Nominated by: MonsieurCnut

7 thoughts on “James May

  1. I hate Top Gear. Bit like a porn movie – seen one, you’ve seen them all. Always thought that May’s level of cuntiness was significantly lower than Clarkson’s though. The fucking midget with the shitty necklace, ridiculous haircut and small-man syndrome trumps them both, hands down. Little cunt.

    I’ll tell you who are cunts: Jerry and Kate McCann. McCann? McfuckingCann? McfuckingCan’t look after your children properly more like, you cunts.

    I’ll leave aside the fact that both of the smug fuckers have had difficult questions to answer on this matter and have repeatedly refused to do so (48 times in Kate’s case) and have acted highly suspiciously during police investigations. They have, at the very least, abandoned a 4 year old girl and two 18 month old babies in an apartment they CANNOT see from their position in the pub, in a foreign country, after refusing to pay 8 quid for a registered babysitter supplied by the hotel, so they could go on the piss. They have admitted adminstering drugs to Madelaine, so she would sleep (being asleep and being unconscious are not the same thing) and then fucked off to the ‘tapas bar’ for a splash of vino. They couldn’t even be arsed to go back and check on them, sending their mates every now and then, so they say.

    If a pair of fat, dole-scum chavs had left a kid in a council flat in Birmingham, to go on the piss with their mates, after drugging said kid to shut it up, then didn’t even check on it, then started pissing and bleating about a fit up when police dogs indicate a death and blood is found in their car, they’d be banged up, after being subjected to national derision and hatred for their wicked selfishness… There would be no multi-million pound fund set up to find the poor mite (or pay your mortgage whilst you swan round the world as some kind of macabre celebrity, drumming up yet more cash, fucking millions of it), no trips to see the arch-wizard of Rome whilst leaving you two remaining kids yet again, no succession of highly profitable law-suits against anyone who dare state the fucking obvious, including the police, no free pass for being a doctor, no sympathy when your crodile-tear stained, surgically enhanced, grusome face appear on tv yet a-fucking-gain, with the begging bowl rattling in your manicured fingers. No fucking book deals, no charity start ups, no meeting the Prime Monster, no, not of any of that.

    There’d be a fucking lynching, and quite rightly so, you utter, shameless cunts.

    • They are cunts, Gerry’s freemason connections make interesting reading. Gordon Brown, the cunt Cameron and prince Charles can personally vouch for their innocence. Still at least the old bill get a nice few weeks in the Portuguese sun looking for suspects. Description… A tall, short, white, black man of stocky, slim appearance. The metropolitan police are cunts too for not investigating this case properly.

  2. I don’t watch Top Gear, but I’m aware of these cunts. Is this the little Brummy cunt? Anyway, I like the burning to death comment. It would be nice to tie the three cunts to a tree and go to work on them with a blow torch. Or do you left wing tofu eating cunts think this is too harsh? At least it would leave a small ‘carbon footprint’. Much better than placing the cunts on a bonfire. And the wankers at work don’t think I’m concerned about the environment. Cunts. Nice rant, well said, Genghis.

  3. Steady eddie, I could see the confusion with Mitchell’s career with Webb (during which …he delivered all his cuntdom) but May …Cap’n Slow …a cunt.
    You’re daft.
    Lego house ….think about it.
    Fifth Gear hosts on the other hand ….radio4 pre-baked cunts ….everyone of them.

  4. That arrested development midget cunt should be dowsed in petrol and torched, fucking little pea headed faggot!

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