Islamist terrorist supporters


Those morons that are constantly trying to defend islam as a religion of peace, as yet more fucking insane muslims deliver their personal brand of peace, harmony and brotherly love down the barrel of an AK47 in Nairobi, et al.

Everybody knows that muslims are cunts, there’s no point nominating them. If you think that a pædophile warlord was God’s prophet and the message most urgently delivered to Mo was that he was allowed to shag or kill whoever he liked whilst attempting to take over the world, then you are self evidently a cunt. No, it’s not the child-raping, drug dealing, curry munching rag heads that are the problem per se; cunts will be cunts, I guess. It’s the dopey fucking rent-a-gobs, the Stockholm Syndrome cretins, the quislings and degenerates that talk such bollox as ‘a tiny minority’ and ‘a handful of extremists’, etc.

It’s the fucking cowardice of the Government, this one and numerous previous, that will not call a spade a spade or a terrorist a terrorist. It’s tossers like the Popes and the Archbishops who speak of the followers of this sick cult as though they were equal with us, in either religion, science, medicine, culture or even just manners. It’s twats that think a muslim from Somalia called Mohammed is British because he’s good at running. Fucking running! Not brain surgery, not oncology, not quantum physics, just running.

FFS, wake up, declare islam a terrorist organisation, fuck all its followers off to nearest middle eastern desert and rip down the mosques. These fuckers spread their violence, misogyny, war and misery EVERYWHERE they fucking go. Fuck ‘em off, now, while there is still time.

Nominated by: Termujin

( Published in the interests of free speech – Don’t send the bomb to us – Ed )

14 thoughts on “Islamist terrorist supporters

  1. Wasn’t it Stormin’ Norman who said “These fuckers believe that if they die in battle killing unbelievers then they go straight to paradise. It’s our job to help them.”


  2. Churchill didn’t think much of them either. First hand experience of them led him to believe that ‘…there is no greater retrograde force at work in the world today than islam…’ and ‘…islam in the mind of a man is as dangerous as rabies in a dog…’ And that was 70 years ago. Imagine if he took a stroll around most major UK cities today.

    Seriously, can anybody name me three positive benefits of having had this death cult and its followers foisted on the nation? The first one to say ‘curry’ gets a free punch in the face.

  3. Indeed gentlemen. Religions often evolve. Look how brutal Yahweh of the old testament has changed to the Christian concept of a ‘loving redeeming Christ’. Islam has not changed. Allah is still the primitive storm and war god of a nomadic people. Me, I’d burn them all. The simpering cleric in the pulpit and the frothing Inman in da onion dome. Send them all to purgatory and let god decide. But as god does not exist he is beyond nomination. Still a cunt though.

  4. I say give the fillies a chance. All this old testament/muslim bollocks is a male preserve rather. Noted that all this bother in Syria is courtesy of the Muslim Brotherhood. If there was a Muslim Sisterhood things would be decidedly dodgy once a month granted but the gentle touch donchaknow. Only extreme filly outfit that comes to mind are the Amazons (no not the online shopping outfit cunts). And some of those all female 70s punk bands such as The Slits would have yer balls off quicker than a mad muller.

  5. What makes me larf about religion is that IF there is a God, then there can only be one by definition – so why the fuck can’t these cunts just agree to worship him in their own way and just get on with life? The answer is, of course, that churches have nothing to do with religion. They’re political.

    Mind you, without religion we’d have to find another excuse to butcher each other. Perhaps “Freestyle Football” could provide an outlet. Worked for the Myans…

    • Don’t blame churches for the actions of those that go to mosques. That’s exactly what the apologists do.

      I see they’ve been at it again today in Nigeria, shooting 50-odd kids in their beds, literally.

      I’m still waiting for someone to give me 3 tangible benefits of having this shit in the country.

  6. Some big shot yank appeared on a chat show a while back and said he wished the USA would evolve into a post-religious society like Britain had.

    I’d cunt him if I could remember his name. Any offers?

    • If you are talking yank cunt “rationalists” then both Sam Harris and Lawrence M Krauss have plenty of previous. The British “post-religious” canard has been rattling around as a bandwagon for cunts to jump on for a good few years now. Have you heard of an outfit that call themselves Rational Responders? Well worth a cunting in my humble.

      No axe to grind with either side personally unless some fucker tries to interfere with me rights as Lord of the Manor – taking the maidenhood of any fair filly about to enter the Holy State of Matrimony, leading local fillies in the rites associated with fertility and harvest, just simple country pursuits. Takes me a week to work up a stiffy these days so I can’t have these cunts gatecrashing me events to hand out leaflets. Coitus fucking Interruptus. Me poor old horseprong donchaknow.

  7. I have to declare an interest here my friendly cunts. Muslims eh? The only bigger cunts on the planet are the Christians. Especially the American ones. These self serving money grabbing tax exempting Nazis are at a level of cuntosity that Adolf and chums could only dream of. Granted, there are a few there now that realise being tax exempt charities do not exempt you from a government arse diddling to keep you towing the Nazi line. This rare breed are nice cunts in my humble opinion. Still cunts though. Never been able to travel much so can’t say I’ve met any Muslims that weren’t as confused as me, ie. British Muslims. As far as God is concerned, please don’t cunt him off. He’s a nice cunt if ever I’ve met one. A pisstaker I’ll grant you. But he has his reasons that aren’t always obvious to cunts like us. I’m much more concerned with that atheist wanker Dawkins. Poor cunt. I like an underdog and feel the same patronising smirk for him as I reserve for Robbie savage . To see these two pricks making such cunts of themselves is high entertainment indeed. I almost feel like paying my licence fee again with the same zombied dumbcunt loyalty I showed before when using Patrick Moore as my excuse for self lobotomisation. Almost, but not quite. No, it would take a tsunami of sensibilities to overtake auntie for me to do that. Hardly likely now that they’ve put a new Rothschild spouse in charge. Don’t get me started on the poor old Jews and their zionist string pullers. All religions have their puppeteers and they all drink from the same Stinking paedophilic cup where they diddle each other every night whilst smirking at the poor mugs who believe. If there was a saviour to help us I doubt he’d/she’d be smirking at the state of affairs they’d find. I could be wrong of course. It’s been known. If I was, I’d like to punch this smirking cunt up the bollocks for taking so fucking long to come here and sort out these divisive cunt sticks once and for all. God loves all cunts

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