Alex Salmond [2]

I hate that cunt Alex “cunt of the fucking English speaking universe” Salmond, because he is a fucking racist English hating bastard.

Alex “scotch cunt of the century” thinks scrote-land is better off without “they english bastards”. Fuck off you cunt. There are 8 million cunts in scrote-land and 90% of them are either on the sick or on the dole. That would be the sick and the dole paid by the 60 odd million English who work and pay taxes. Taxes that go to the unworthy, racist, lazy sick bastard cunt Scottish. Fuck off Salmond. Time for the English to kick you cunts into touch, you fucking ungrateful, whinging, Scottish Cunt!

I had the misfortune to not be represented at Westminster by that Racist Cunt, while I lived in Aberdeenshire doing a job not Scot could be fucked doing. Salmond is a cunt. The SNP are complete cunts, and Scotland is full of of cunts who live off the the English, who they hate. Fuck those cunts. Get those cunts out of the UK. They need to be disunited, the total cunts. Fuck off you ungrateful scotish bastard cunts

Nominated by peter

65 thoughts on “Alex Salmond [2]

  1. Shit hot rant Peter!
    “Scotland is full of of cunts who live off the the English, who they hate…” which is why the cunts can’t afford to go independent; we should wait until we have done all their oil before fucking them off to be one tiny province within the rump EU.

  2. Exactly, wait until the North Sea oil runs out, by that time we’ll be drilling for 200 Trillion cubic metres of shale gas in England and will be fine, for about 70 years. Also, by that time the EU will be fucked and so Scotland really would have nowhere to go.

    Put a gun to those cunts’ heads and tell them to bring all their powers back to Westminster and demolish their stupid spasticated parliament building or fuck off.

  3. Well let us go then! It’s been proved time and time again that Scotland more than pays it’s way and it’s actually you feckless English cunts that have been living off our oil for 50 years! Fuck off!

  4. I would like to nominate ‘Peter’ who wrote this drivel as a cunt. He’s an uninformed, ranting twat of a cunt, very much like the sort of cunt the Scots and every other cunt on this planet hates because of their ignorant splutterings. I’m sure if the rest of the planet could manage to launch the whole of England into space and towards the sun we’d finally be rid of cunts like Peter and their overblown sense of superiority and blatant racism. Fuck off cunt!

    • your a cunt and you know you. your such a cunt that when you where born the midwife slapped your fat ugly drug taking dole scrounging cunt of a mother.

  5. I find the reaction of the 2 Scottish comment makers most revealing. When a Scotish cunt goes off on an English hating rant, apparently it is just “a wee bit o’ banter”. But when anyone points out the truth of their racism they start squealling.
    Why are the Scottish so shite at international Football & Rugby? Because there are only about 50 people in the whole country not on the fucking sick and thus able to play infront of cameras without getting done for fraud.

  6. From HurlingDervish

    Dark Lochnagar,
    You should do some research my old fruit, before calling someone else a prick. Half of fucking Scotland is owned by millionaires from Malaysia, Dubai, Honk Kong and America amongst others. The crown estate under ‘Ol Liz own a large chunk as well. The Oil supplies have been in sharp decline since 2005 and are running out fast.
    Also I’d like to point out that the North sea is under jurisdiction of Scottish law only, and because Scotland is NOT a sovereign state, it therefore has no maritime boundaries. In short, you don’t own that section of the north fucking sea anyway.
    Should we sever ties with Scotland? sure, you can have back the massive debt that the UK is saddled with as a result of the infra structure investment in oil, as well as paying for your own defense, parliament, Foreign offices, healthcare, a massive welfare/benefit culture etc.
    Don’t expect the oil money to cover all this lot. It won’t. Good luck with that!
    Oil makes up a tiny fraction of the UK fucking economy for fucks sake. All the Scots fucking moaning about it is irrelevant. Have the oil and independance if you want it so badly.
    Do stop fucking moaning at us like a bunch of cunts and do something about it.

  7. From HurlingDervish

    Oh, and Salmond is still a rag pulling, cloth touching quadruple chinned fat 5 bellied cunt.

  8. To be honest I think Salmond looks like a right fucking kiddy fiddler. Bet he fucks goats as well like the rest of the SNP.

  9. The Scottish (and Welsh) parliaments were built under the direction of the EU as part of a divide and conquor strategy. Many people are yet to come to terms with what has happened Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland no longer exist they are states within the EU.

    As for oil revenues the EU will take all of Scotland’s oil money like they took Scotlands fishing industry and as before there wont be anything they can do about it.

    There is also something that happens to countries that are entirely independent, have oil and no nuclear deterrent. The conceited arrogance laziness greed racism of certain people and with a false superiority. When peak oil approaches or even before I can see an ungratefull bullying nation paying back its karmic debt.

  10. From HurlingDervish

    Anoymous at 18:22, stop stealing my thunder you band wagon jumping cunt.

  11. I think you lot have left out the sectarian cunts, humourless wee Free cunts, Billy fucking ‘friend of Charles’Connolly and haggis(which as far as I can tell is made from cunts) as reasons to admire our Scottish bretheren.

  12. It’s because of the ill informed and quite frankly racist comments from you cunts that make Scots want to be independent. BTW, remember we are due 8% r thereabouts of all the assets of the British state since 1707, including buildings, art etc. Get it right up yous!

  13. From HurlingDervish.

    Stop being such a touchy cunt Lochnagar. Have your fcukin’ 8% and go fucking boil yourself a Haggis, you sackcloth wearing cunt.

  14. Take it from me Alex Salmond is indeed a bloated over confident heading for a spectacular fall type of cunt but compared to the typical Scottish Labour mafioso, he is a fucking statesman of the highest order.

  15. What makes me laugh about Alex Salmond the saviour of the jingoistic Breave-tarts is that he is not ethnically Scottish! He is of Mongolian and Jewish extraction! Also has anybody noticed how many Jews are already on the political scene here in Scotland!!!”In March 2008 the Jewish tartan was designed by Brian Wilton for Chabad rabbi Mendel Jacobs of Glasgow and certified by the Scottish Tartans Authority”!!!
    Jeremy Isaacs, broadcaster:Andrea McLean,Manny Shinwell,Harry Woolf, Baron Woolf,Myer Galpern MP, Lord Provost of Glasgow!!!

    comic nuts:Jerry Sadowitz:Ronni Ancona (Sephardi), comedienne.

    They will divide and conquer us as usual.

  16. How revealingly Cuntish to the core.We contribute to your Olympics,your National Opera,Theatre,,Ballet,your stupid squinty wheel,your whole worldwide posturing as a big world power.We give you £10,000,000,000 every year for 40 years just from oil revenue.We go and fight your idiot Post Colonial “can’t believe we don’t still rule the world” wars,we store your Nuclear Weapons and your submarines,we stop you having an eternity of solely Tory government.I notice there is no thread for English Cunts which is utterly Cuntish in itself.Lick my scabby ring hole ya rancid cunts

    • So you’re one of those cunts who thinks the majority of the British Army are Scots – what a load of bollocks. Get over yourself you dumb cunt.

      And don’t forget to vote “yes” in the coming referendum. Ta-ta!

  17. From HurlingDervish.

    You fuckin’ Prick Astley! If you reckon I go to the National opera you fag, you’ve got another thing coming..
    If I could, I’d take the fuckin’ olympics, fuckin’ theatre, opera and all those typically gay shit things you mentioned and instead of letting you have them back, ram it down your fuckin’ offal lovin’ scrawny necks you tartan cunts.
    Now please do the earth a favor and nuke your cunting selves.
    I have never heard such a fucking whinging whining, mardy boo hoo we’re alll going to cry , look at us we’re brave hearts type bollocks in all my fuckin’ born days.
    You cunts are an embarassment to these isles. Fuck off and get a life.
    I will never, ever, ever, ever go to fucking scotland, because you cunts
    have contaminated it with your rhetorically innacurate pompus bollocks.
    Suck on my knob you cunts!

  18. To be accurate,it’s spelled inaccurate,you should be embarrassed (with 2 r’s) you can’t even fuckin spell.Pompous has a u in it.So you’re also a stupid slobbering Cunt in a Cuntry full of scrounging ignorant Cunts…Ya Fud

  19. From Hurling Dervish.

    It’s a typo ya fat cunt, I was so incensed at you lot pissing around I missed the keys!
    Scrounging? how the fuck does that work then Mel Gibson?
    You fucking twat! You’re only sad because I said I wouldn’t ever visit your piss hole of a nation. Please don’t cry. You cunts seem to be very good at bleating when you can’t get your own way.
    Henry VIII had the right idea, keep you mangy pudding cunts up there and don’t let you out south of the border.
    See, easy really, you septic japs eye. To complain about spelling is a tad pedantic. There was me thinking you might actually have some decent point behind your rant. Go and lick your fat mate Salmond’s ring piece.

  20. No please PLEASE stay away.You thought I might have “some decent point” ? Why reply to it the way you did then ? Think it through. As for whining,they are replies to a series of rancid semi-literate megawhines from you on a website full of whining,set up for your whining. Think it through. I notice there’s still no section about English Cunts although there’s millions of Cunts among you. Think it through ya self-defeating Little Englander Enoch Powell worshipping deluded sewer-dwelling bilious impotent diseased Cuntish arsewank.Think it through.

  21. Gentlemen/ladies(?)
    We need some balance and moderation in this thread.
    The English and the Scots are both nations of uttercunts living off the culture and industry of the Welsh. So fuck off back to Aberdeen or Tunbridge Wells or whatever shithole you originate from. Cunts.

  22. From HurlingDervish
    Anonymous, you are a cunt. I can’t be bothered with your inane wibbling anymore.
    You Billy Connolly loving cuntflap.

  23. there are 5 million of us scottish cunts in scotland, you silly cunt. And about a million of them are english cunts. 8 million you say?? And we have all the oil that’s made in the UK, so take your ill informed bile and ram it right up your cunt. Cunt!

    • I have noticed over a period of about forty years the population of Scroteland has never risen above five million. That`s because as soon as they can walk they all head south to the border to sponge off England, and they`re down here in their millions telling us how great Scroteland is.

      As if! It`s a freezing, God-forsaken wasteland and you can never change that.. You have been sponging off us bigtime since 1707.

      Salmond may do England a very great favour by obtaining our long-awaited severance from Scroteland – can`t wait!

      By the way any oil that`s left does not belong to you, it never did either!


  24. I could go on forever and a day about you fucking scottish cunts but I wont. I will just say that if you think you can go it alone with that stupid fat cunt Salmond and two (lets count again) TWO major sources of revenue (whiskey and declining oil reserves) then you really do deserve the destitution you are bringing on yourselves! Grow up for fucks sake. Get rid of that fat ugly rasist Salmond and work towards a prospering UK like the rest of us.

  25. first fucking thing we’ll be doing is building that fucking wall between scotland and england back up again. That Hadrian didn’t know anything about stone work, the cunt. Shoddy workmanship from that silly Roman fucking fuckhead. Next time round it’ll be better, cos it’ll be worked on by some scottish cunts. Any english cunt crosses it and we’ll take a hammer and plant it right on the cunt’s napper.

    • The Emperor Hadrian was a very great Roman Emperor leaving his mark all over the Empire. He had the vision to build this wall, among others, to mark the northern boundary of his Empire, with the express intention of keeping out the savage, primitive, uncivilised cripples to the North, whilst defending civilised peoples to the South. .Not much has changed in over 1800 years.

      If you want help rebuilding the wall,I will gladly assist from the other side. It`s one of the great missed opportunities of history that it was not maintained. You Scotch git!

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