Social Media ‘Challenges’

Dear Cunters,

I shall keep this brief, but my God these challenges fuck me off.

I’m sure I’m unaware of 90% of them, like the spiders hiding in your house. I’ll let the Ice Bucket Challenge of 2015 off, mainly because it did actually achieve funding for the actual thing it was meant to stop with a genuine breakthrough. The problem is, I can’t remember what it was for and I’m pretty certain every fucknugget who poured iced water all over their craniums that housed their feeble brain can’t either. Which brings me to the crux of the matter; it is all a bunch of cunts on social media doing these challenges to “spread awareness” or some other justification for, what we all know is the real reason.

Like everything on social media, it is all about ‘ME! ME! ME!’ Look at me, I’m an attention seeking cunt who wants to cash in a couple of ‘likes’ on their chosen platform to show they’re all with the cause and joining in to look all wacky and crazy, without knowing or caring what the fuck it is about. Well, hashtag this you cunts #youreacuntchallenge Cunts! The latest is the ‘BringSallyUpChallenge’ – nope, me neither – but mark my words this quarantine is going to cause these challenges to multiply faster than a virulent virus.

Name me a challenge that has done anything in 5 years. Actually, I have heard of one. Apparently, some millennial cunts are doing one where they’re licking potentially infected surfaces to risk getting Corbyn-19. Hopefully, they will catch it and die, without using the NHS. And here is the major part of my cunting. At the start I said I’d be brief, but these cunts have got me so wound up I’ve gone on for hours.


Nominated by Fortress Cuntimus