Young Earth Creationism


These fanatical cunts are among the most dishonest cowardly hypocrites you are likely to run into on the web.

They are slowly infiltrating common sense with a view of destroying it. They are sneaky cunts too often to be found loitering around Science forums pretending to post a genuine thread but after a few replies they soon turn it around to some form of intelligent design bollocks. They are pretty much told what they can and can’t argue about on their various websites so as not to look foolish. They are campaigning against Evolution being taught in school science classes.

They are told never to cite proof but use the word ‘evidence’ at every opportunity and last but not least when you corner one of these cunts in debate and they run out of answers they just nonchalantly throw in ‘well god works in mysterious ways’ like a utter cunting get out of jail free card!

Nominated by: Pagliacci