BBC Weather Forecasts


BBC Weather deserves a thorough cunting.

Just watched the post 10pm BBC PC Fest weather (formerly known as the news) and in a 3min slot the cunts basically told us the weather we’d already had today for 2mins (which they got wrong yesterday, i.e., no rain but windy where I live when in fact it was pretty still but pissed it down), followed by tomorrow’s guess of “bright but cloudy, dry but with some showers, and calm with the occasional hurricane.”

And to add insult to injury they now want soft cunts to ring/text/tweet/Facebook what the weather is like where they live now. Why? To cross check it against the lies their brand new £100m “Super Computer” states (remember that, the cunts were creaming themselves about that in January and it’s been about as accurate as flipping a coin, or a couple of pine cones ever since) – so they can “update as necessary”!

Bet the purchase order was for a refurbished ZX81 and the top met office brass divvied up the remaining £99,999,990 between themselves.

I wouldn’t let the cunts predict their own birthdays! Cunts!

Nominated by: Rebel without a Cunt!

Weather forecasters


Weather forecasters are cunts. The Fuckers don’t give a spoiler alert and launch into what the weather will be the next day, without giving me a chance to switch channels, or at least mute it.

I wanted to watch it live:

Nominated by: WTF

Most weather people on TV are indeed cunts… However, there is one who does the weather for the Granada region. Her name is Jo Blythe and I would bang her like a shithouse door in a gale…

Nominated by: Norman Whiteside