Kids [2]


Kids are cunts…

Looking forward to the little fuckers going back to school… I am sick of these little bastards ruining my dinner hour with their screaming, tantrums, and those sadistic little cunts that chase pigeons…

Not to mention their parents doing fuck all when the brats act up and are generally foul…

Fucking cunts…

Nominated by: Norman

Rolf Harris [3]


This an emergency cunting of Rolf Harris following his conviction on TWELVE counts of kiddy-fiddling.

We all know Harris did “Two Little Boys” in the 1960′s, but now it transpires the cunt also did two little girls in the 1970′s…

Not only a lying nonce, but a fucking Australian to boot. Behead the cunt immediately.

Nominated by : Fred West

Now we all know what his ‘extra leg (diddle diddle diddle dum)’ was… And I dread to think what he wanted to tie a kangaroo down (sport) for….

I always wondered why he made those funny panting noises he was so famous for… Dirty old Aussie cunt!

Nominated by : Norman Whiteside

Now we know what he made his didgerie do…

Nominated by : Dioclese


kids of all ages banner

Who gave these pram weilding fuckheads permission to assume they can bring their spawn to a place where hard working people are paying to relax. Not to be bothered by noisy, squeeling tempremental stinking loud cunts and simply expect everything is OK to let them run cry and scream and we all simply sit there and bear it.

Bring back the slap for fucks sake as I assure you if you are not prepared to unleash one on that cunt making all that fucking noise, I will.

Nominated by: Bloke in Holland