Islamaphobia (3)


If this doesn’t get me killed, banished from the western world (in fact, actually, all the world …. except China or Russia maybe), or banned from my favourite indulgence (and indeed crucial therapy) ISAC, then I don’t know what will….

They want to ask about “islamophobia”.
I say to you, I’m not “phobic”, I just don’t trust you…

You may ask why.

Well, I’ll be honest.

In all known Muslim countries women are treated like second class citizens. They’re oppressed, belittled, forced to marry ugly, smelly cunts that they don’t fancy, and raped and stoned just because …. well, you’re a man and if you feel like it, you can.
That goes against my values and morals.

But that’s not the reason I don’t trust you.

Gays are a normal (ish ?) thing. I’ve met loads. Some were cunts, and some were ok. Just like everyone else.
Although I can’t understand how a man (or anyone else for that matter) would like cock, they have the right to live. They have the same right to enjoy life and be free as everyone else.
But in Muslim countries it’s illegal. They’re persecuted (jokes doesn’t count as persecution by the way), REAL persecution, they’re even killed in some countries.
Many Muslims in the West agree with this doctrine. I don’t.

But that’s not why I don’t trust you either.

Your countries (and many “British” muslims) HATE Jews. Now I’ve only met a few Jews so I can’t comment on them as a race, but from what I’ve gathered, they’re pretty much just the same as everyone else.
Some are cunts.
Some are great.
And the rest just wanna live their lives in peace and be left alone by cunts like you.
For some reason though, you will insist on wanting them murdered. *sigh*

Even that’s not the reason I don’t trust you.

Islamic terrorism kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people every year. Not soldiers. Not police. INNOCENT men women and children are butchered, intentionally, on a daily basis by islamic terrorists.

Even THAT’S not why I don’t trust you.

The entire media and political establishment sycophantically fawn over your every move. They suck up to you like a whipped dog whining to its master.
It’s embarrassing and pathetic.
Especially when the police are involved…. so called “impartial enforcers or the law” sucking up, sucking up, sucking up…
Your religion stands for every value that they claim to be against.
Yet they still protect you.
You are a … sorry … THE … protected class.

That’s not the reason I don’t trust you.

Tens of thousands of vulnerable children were targeted, groomed, beaten, intimidated and raped. Sometimes by as many as 10 “men” at a time. They believe that their religion gives them the right to do whatever they want, regardless of the pain, hurt and torment that it causes others.
It’s still going on now.
And there are the countless vulnerable victims that were deliberately hooked onto heroin just so that they could be used as prostitutes and trafficked around the country.
I’m sure many Muslims are appalled by this behaviour, and although it came from your community, I don’t hold you all to blame.

I’m pissed off with you, but that’s not why I don’t trust you.

There is a certain man that lived a long time ago. I won’t mention his name for fear of getting my beloved ISAC into trouble.
Let’s just call him “aherm, aherm, moh aherm” .. ed”
He was a worse human being than hitler.

He raped.
He murdered.
He conquered.
He enslaved.
He tortured.
He massacred innocent people.
He stole.
He lied.
He raped children.

You idolize and worship him…
You proclaim him as the PERFECT human being. A man your ideology states that you should look up to and emulate.


How many of you name your kid moha….*agerm* *aherm* (sorry, close one there) ….
You name your kid after a murdering, anti Semite rapist and then ask why he might get bullied?
If someone named their kid hitler, do you think the cunt would get bullied? Of course he fucking would. Good.

You call me “phobic”, …an irrational fear….
I’m not scared of you.
I’d defend any of the above …. women, gays, Jews, whatever, from your oppression, persecution and your murderous rage, with my life if need be.

…doesn’t sound very “phobic” to me.

I’m just being honest. Since you seem so desperate to find out about “islamophobia”, I thought I’d just give you the truth.

Anyway, I’m buying a Russian phrase book and changing my name to volobtkin or whateverthefuck and getting the fuck out here before ….


It’s the religion of peace isn’t it …. ?

Nominated by Deploy the sausage


79 thoughts on “Islamaphobia (3)

  1. I remember those hip hop cunts Public Enemy bigging up Islam in the 80s…
    One of the tossers said that white people with blue eyes were the result of white humans fucking dogs… All because some psychotic muzzie cunt said it before them… But – of course – they got away with it… Just like Stormzy got away with slagging off gays in his younger days… If Hitler had been black or muzzie, he’d be viewed as a god now by the feral left…

    As for the ‘religion of peace’ itself? Savages, pure and simple…. Human filth who rape and murder… Don’t look back in anger? Do fuck off and die…

  2. The left are insane… Rabid and irrational… It’s like they’ve been brainwashed…. If there was another 9/11 or 7/7 these swivel eyed cunts would make excuses and the BBC would try to play it down and see it as ‘un-newsworthy’… If the BBC and the like aren’t bothered by peaceful rape gangs (which they aren’t) they obviously wouldn’t give a fuck about genocide… We are well and truly fucked…

  3. Q: What did Jesus say to Mohammad?

    A: ‘When are your followers going to get a sense of fucking humour?’

  4. A brilliantly written nom followed by some very eloquent comments.
    I can’t compete with either….so I won’t.
    The way that this country tolerates this shit is disgraceful.

  5. Nice one, deploy.

    Feels a bit like we’re enjoying a minor golden age of fantastic spot on cuntings.

  6. I think that has to be the best, most comprehensive cunting I’ve read in a long time. There is this well used observation in the online “community” that states that if you want to know who runs the world, just see who it is you’re not allowed to criticise. Needless to say, the goat fuckers on the Arabian peninsula have their grubby hands on the oil taps. Say no more.

  7. Islam is neither a race nor, more importantly, a ‘religion’.

    The ‘religious’ aspects of it are part and parcel of the whole, which is a…

    Political Ideology.

    One that is immutable. One that is unimpeachable. One that is to be pursued, promoted and proliferated by all its adherents, from cradle to grave, on pain of eternal Hell.

    And proliferated it is, by hegemonic indoctrination and stultification from said birth. If you are born a boy, your father instills it in you until you are old enough for the madrassa, the madrassa reinforces it in you until you are old enough for the mosque, then the mosque and its ‘community leaders’ work together to ensure you, and all your antecedents, are getting the rinse and repeat cycle thoroughly repeated over and over again until you are spotlessly brainwashed.

    If you are a muslim male, and let’s not forget the mere convenience of being born into the system, you are now part of the greatest, most superior species on the planet. Anyone else of any human physiognomy, and needless to say any animal, is worth literally nothing compared to you. You have dominion over any and all that are not in your image.

    So, you take, you rape, you pillage, you torture, you kill, you plunder at the expressed freedom of your perfect ‘law’ to do so. And there is no excuse, no reasoning, no rationing that any non-believer can offer up to you that would be worth of mercy. Because they commit the first, fundamental, original sin. They do not believe The Truth that you do.

    People of the world, wake up for crying out loud. This is your future unless you decisively, definitively deal with this CANCER PLAGUE now.

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