Dawn Butler (2)

A finger lickin’ KFC Bargain Bucket cunting please for Dawn Butler on her second go round as an MP (the first ending with the exposure of her eagerness to take part in the expenses scandal a decade ago).

Butler’s pug ugly face looms on the front bench of Steptoe’s shadow cabinet these days, and her head seems as full of shit as ever:


What an honour it would be to achieve the pinnacle of the Bernie Grant Award – the now dead racist M.P. famous for saying that the riot which resulted in the death of P.C. Keith Blakelock that the police “deserved a good hiding”. What a charmer he was – a sort of butch David Lammy.

To think that if cretins like Dame Keir, Steptoe, Boles and Grieve sabotage today’s vote there is every chance in a month or so the Labour party, with fuckwits like this repulsive woman could be running the country.

Have a good day.Fuck off.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

27 thoughts on “Dawn Butler (2)

  1. She is an ugly cunt and I’ve noticed her on the front bench… She probably plays with Step toes dick when no one is looking.
    Not that I condone PC Blakelocks murder at all, but back then the Police did need a kicking as they were racist cunts, it’s all gone the other way now with Police scared to be called racist.
    Don’t know much about what she believes in politically but I am sure she is for unlimited immigration, increased benefit payments, and it sounds like she was putting the Curry Goat on the edge expenses… The cheeky raasclaat.

    • So the police were racist? And just like our Islamic friends are lovers of peace, the black community, then and, apparently now too, were never involved in any crime at all I suppose?

      Those cunts got the policing they deserve. That poor policeman, trying his best to keep the community safe from those rioting scum, did not deserve to have his head hacked off.

    • She’s not that bad, B&WC.

      I know that after an Aspall’s or three I’d be liable to smash her back doors in. Not too keen on the cane-rows, but nothing a sharp pair of Fiskars™ and a decent weave from Xsandy’s in Lewisham couldn’t fix up.

      • Erratum

        On second thoughts, and looking at Google images, she is pretty damned turbulent, and her lips are no good. She looks a bit of a daffy bitch too, a whisper of strabismus in the right eye. Scissors and weaves are one thing, Duck™ tape and crash diets another.

        It’s a no, ciders and pipesful notwithstanding.

      • I see you appreciate fine Cider CS, Aspall is lovely and well as Westons, and orchard Pig and also Ashton press… I’m not an alcoholic or anything.

      • Indeed I do, B&WC!

        Chaplin & Cork’s Somerset Vintage is, at 8.2%abv, on a par with Westons Vintage, but smoother, less fizzy and more apply. For me, Aspall’s must be the Première Cru blue label; the others are too sweet and a bit thin.

        I think I’d need quite a few of those before tackling Ms Butler, on reflection!

    • Just like dianne Abbott plays the race card at any chance, and head full of shit and broken biscuits. Plays the socialist but first in queue when having a expenses fiddle! All the same, corrupt lazy and hypocrites to a man

  2. She always sits next to the great leader at PMs questions nodding at everything he says and shaking her head at everything the nastie waaasist tories say. I just don’t understand how anyone could vote for a party with Corbyn McDonnell Flabbott Long-Bailey Dame Kier and all the rest of the truly thick lefty dreamers. If this repulsive bunch get voted in we deserve everything get.

    • She’s a Churchill! Dog.
      Nodding and shaking her head. I’m sure she gets confused sometimes. Nodding when she should be shaking, shaking when she should be nodding.

  3. As soon as you see those type of braids, you know there’s going to be trouble. Another slab of loathsome crap from another whiny racist.

    Thanks for the reminder about Bernie Grant. The corrupt, money-grubbing hypocrite would be so proud of the MPs of Colour sitting in Parliament today, the egregious, fat cunt.

  4. A short search reveals that she is the offspring of Jamaican immigrants.
    There’s others too who get to power without having any notable British background such as the Milibands.
    Is it any wonder that everything we hold dear is being eroded away? Parliament is full of self serving cunts who try to install foreign values instead of upholding the British ones that seemed so attractive to their parents in the first place.

  5. Yeah, Lardbutt always sits on Catweazle right shoulder, constantly licking his arse and making sure she is on the telly as long and as often as possible.
    It wouldn’t surprise me if the crafty old cunt is shafting her black arse now that the Flabbot is too fat to bend over.
    While she is fighting for the poor and oppressed she is not averse to helping herself to the maximum expenses allowed. Well, who wouldn’t want a whirlpool in their second home if some other cunt was paying for it?

    • Disgustingly mixed metaphor alert!
      She’s have to lose a bit of weight to accomplish that, Freddie.

  6. When will they learn that some people are not fit to be members of parliament?
    We’re supposed to be able to TRUST our elected representatives, not despise them. This cunt was caught up in the expenses scandal: £18000 for FOOD and Jacuzzis over 4 years? Pull the other one. She gets paid a salary to buy food and to pay for her entertainment. If it was anyone else they would have been prosecuted.

    If Steptoe forms a government it will be a collection of multi-coloured, window licking, corrupt or corruptable half-wits.

  7. She seems like a Flabbott mini-me in training by The Dear Leader having held vital Shadow Cabinet positions like Shadow Minister for Diverse Comooittees and Shadow Secretary of State for Wimminz and Equalities. This was the same cunt who found the time to whine about Jamie Oliver and culturally appropriating jerk chicken while Londonistan’s aspiring architects were busy offing each other daily, including her own vibrant and multicultural constituency.

  8. Labours frontbenchers aren’t easy on the eye that’s for sure
    Catweazels definitely not one for the ladies! And you’ve got lardbutt, abbotpotumus and that shrew faced cunt long Bailey as eye candy for the fellas!

  9. Isn’t she the one who had a go at Jamie Oliver for ‘cultural appropriation’ when he launched a spicy sauce product?
    I think she was found to have done a bit of ‘cultural appropriation’ herself when the expenses scandal broke, as WC points out.
    Just another on the make cunt for my money.

  10. Never knew this cunt got a Whirlpool on expenses… What a cunt. Black, white, peaceful all these Politicians are some of the biggest cunts amongst us. How much longer will we put up with this cunt behaviour? I hope the Brexit betrayal is the final straw and we have a revolution… French style. Piss off.

  11. Got to keep an eye on them Cornish cunts all the way down there… What the fuck are they up to.

    • Fucking their sisters and feasting on roadkill, got to watch those bumpkins.
      They’re not as green as the cabbages they pretend to be.

    • Fuck off. I’ve retired to Cornwall, and I love it. Some of the locals aren’t as bad as you might think. Cornish first, English a long way second, British… erm, maybe… Leave the Cornish alone; they’re fucking alright. ‘K?

      • I holiday down there every year, a beautiful part of the country.
        But I wouldn’t want to live there, probably couldn’t afford it anyway so irrelevant, still think they’re incestuous abominations though.

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