20 thoughts on “Billy Bragg [6]

  1. This cunting was too long try to keep it shorter next time, haven’t heard the cunt sing but I’m sure he’s dreadful . He also is a supporter of a multi-racial Britain well when these migrants get here I’ll send them to his house he would probably love that seeing how hes such a political diversity cunt.

    • Oh bloody hell, just a mile from where my ex-missus ran off to join the “daisy chain” lifestyle. ……..

      • Well there you have it, a fucking bloody hypocrite and a washed up shitty musician to boot. Only one asian lives in his town pfft hes multi-cultural alright indeed but more of a poofter faggot.

      • He moved out of working class London the moment the illegals started moving in.

        What a cunt.

  2. He’s definitely a cunt.

    Can I nominate Walmart as a first class cunt, for obvious reasons..

  3. Who designed this fucking site?

    I’ve been looking for the registration horn to educate you fuckers in the true art of cunt sniping for a queen mother’s age.

    Sort it out you workshy sloths I am the humblest fucking genius you will ever come across.

    • What fucking registration?
      Got something to say, then leave it in the comments.
      If you’re that much of a genius, learn to fucking read you lazy cunt.
      And if you don’t like the site, feel free to bugger off…

    • ” I am the humblest fucking genius you will ever come across” haha there’s a concept because people who are humble don’t need recognition or flattery, what are you a genius of? being a goat fucking cunt?

    • Nope! No idea so turned to wiki:

      “Raised on the family pig farm ……”

      Some Cuntings just write themselves. When she was doing her indentures for her baronesship would she have been
      di-L-do Harding?

  4. Billy Bragg where to begin … A self absorbed rose spectacled wearing tosser. A great example of a champagne socialist, live in upper middle class ghetto whilst expousing working class values. Let’s all embrace multiculturism as long as it doesn’t affect me. Oh I’m tired of it. Stop the world I want to get off.

  5. That tuneless cunt, Billy Bragg likes to think he’s Bob Dylan… When in reality he’s more like Arthur Mullard…

  6. A right Royal cunt who, like his mate Bono, cannot be cunted enough.

    Saw him in Manchester the other week during the Tory mutual masturbation fest saying how he had returned to his labour activists roots after comrade Corbyn got elected boss. Well, that’s another 20 years of Tory rule then….

  7. Billy Bragg, the Essex Morrissey. ‘Britain’s unofficial spokesman on multiculturalism’. That’s one I thing I really fucking hate. People who take it upon themselves to speak for others, regardless of whether the people want them to or not. They usually have egos the size of Jupiter, which sums up Bragg perfectly. And regardless of what he and his dipshit fans say, he is most definitely a hypocrite.

    He drones on and on, ad infinitum, about the joys of multiculturalism, yet lives in Devon, a place that’s about as multicultural as the sun. I can’t help but wonder. If, as Bragg claims, multiculturalism is so wonderful, why doesn’t the cunt live in, say; Tower Hamlets, Luton or Leicester? Three places that have genuinely been affected by multiculturalism.

    I think it’s because those three places are shining examples of what festering shit holes those places are, because of multiculturalism. In particular, it’s one group of none British that have, through sheer numbers, brought such enrichment to those places. Anyone care to guess who that group is? Yes, that’s right, MUSLIMS! As usual, they’ve pretty much taken over in those three places, and dragged them back about 500 years. Yet despite the fact, that muzzies despise everyone who isnt’ muslim, especially gays, Bragg and his kind just fucking love them.

    Like all left wing fucktards, Bragg is perfectly happy to preach to us lesser people, but not so keen on practising what he preaches. Yet still the arrogant cunt thinks he has some kind of moral and intellectual superiority over the rest of us. Obviously, I think his music is shite. It’s basically the same miserable drivel that the Smiths used to churn out. The only real talent that Bragg, and Morrissey/Johnny Marr actually have, is the ability to make millions out of gullible idiots.

  8. You could have just put up a photo of an actual cunt, and everyone would have known it represented Billy Bragg.

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