Trending icons


People who say “Iconic” when what they really mean is “famous” and people who say “trending” when what they realiy mean is “popular” – big fat cunts one and all.

I went into my local HMV yesterday and alongside a sign saying “CHART” there was a new sign saying “TRENDING” – I was minded to go back later and firebomb the cunts out of existence.

Those cunts at Twitter are to blame for “trending” and it goes without saying that everyone on Twitter is a cunt.

Nominated by: Fred West

3 thoughts on “Trending icons

  1. Indeed Mr West. Let’s be obscurest and pretentious and make up for our lack of cunting intellect. I used to be maddened in meetings by the term ‘going forward.’ Management speak will be the death of us all. Guess what I’d like to do to these cunts. Something to do with combustibles and a lighted match.

  2. Blue sky thinking. Wankers. Thinking outside the box? Only acceptable if your Chris Waddle. Hey let’s touch base…. Fuck off. The worst one has to be a “water cooler moment” what the hell is that? Do drunks have a “Super Tenant moment” on the park bench? No, they just drink the shit, shout at buses and throw up. Trending? What a bunch of cunts!

  3. I think its because most of the cunts that make this shit up only have basic knowledge of the English Language, and have no fucking idea how speak. The cunts.

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