The Labour Party


Labour really are useless cunts, if that cunt Miliband is the best they can come up with.

Does anyone seriously expect this fucking cunt to lead the UK out of the shit to pastures greener? I don’t reckon the whole fucking arse load of cunts could boil a fucking egg without error.

The Labour party are the biggest bunch of cunts going for actively encouraging immigrants to Britain on such a fucking ridiculose level that it was obviously going to fuck the place

Nominated by : Alf Garnet

3 thoughts on “The Labour Party

  1. Labour is exclusively made of up of cunting cuntards of the highest order of cuntitude.

  2. Been screwing around on this mortal coil long enough to know that all politicians are cunts. Only difference is that once they had some experience of life so at least were self taught cunts. Now they are mostly young done politics at uni and nothing else type cunts. Think of voting UKIP? Wait till they will turn out to be UCUNTS. Our only salvation from politicians ( and police, unions, NHS, bankers, BBC, Church, Eton boys ect ect ) is to be bigger cunts than thay are.

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