There are certain professions (politicians, schoolmasters at boarding schools and scout masters, for example) where I strongly believe a psychiatric assessment ought to be made into the candidates motives and mental health. Another one I would add to this list are drag queens. Clearly homosexual, these confused and mixed up individuals seem to think they really are women, and behave in an effeminate manner at all times, prancing around with falsetto voices. When the slap all comes off and they find they are men, and not women – that seems to be when the trouble starts.
These comments are made because of the untimely manner of the passing of yet another of the number this weekend.A man who called himself “The Vivienne”, dead at 32 – suicide or drugs, I wonder?.
The story is treated as a major tragedy in the Sun “newspaper”, so let’s go for something a little less gushing. Anyway, the painted and powdered Health Secretary should read and take note – not least for and about himself:
Nominated by W C Boggs.