Far Right Lies and Poison

I dont have much time for Musk but let’s have a look at his lies.

”The billionaire claimed Ms Phillips “deserves to be in prison” for denying requests for the Home Office to lead a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham, Greater Manchester, and called her a “rape genocide apologist”.

So, there was no exploitation in Oldham? And Phillips didnt refuse an inquiry?

Parki skum have been exploiting kids in all major cities of the UK. It is their culture and religion and by denying an inquiry Phillips deserves the abuse. As does Starmer.
I think his ‘far right’ bullshit is another example of this useless cunt shooting himself in the foot.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Drag Queens (5)

There are certain professions (politicians, schoolmasters at boarding schools and scout masters, for example) where I strongly believe a psychiatric assessment ought to be made into the candidates motives and mental health. Another one I would add to this list are drag queens. Clearly homosexual, these confused and mixed up individuals seem to think they really are women, and behave in an effeminate manner at all times, prancing around with falsetto voices. When the slap all comes off and they find they are men, and not women – that seems to be when the trouble starts.

These comments are made because of the untimely manner of the passing of yet another of the number this weekend.A man who called himself “The Vivienne”, dead at 32 – suicide or drugs, I wonder?.

The story is treated as a major tragedy in the Sun “newspaper”, so let’s go for something a little less gushing. Anyway, the painted and powdered Health Secretary should read and take note – not least for and about himself:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

Plastic bottle tops (2)

Yes, a cunting of intellectual proportions.

Some cunt, or commitee of cunts has decreed that plastic tops must be attached to the bottle to ‘reduce plastic waste’ Waste that never fucking happened.

So now we get lacerated gobs and tongues if we swig from the bottle. Bottles are difficult to reseal and shaking the fuckers gets liquid everwhere. Cutting the stupid tabs leaves lethal edges.

Fucking genius for a problem that never existed. And as an added bonus it is a fucking EU directive.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbuble.

Dead Pool [348]

Congratulations to Norman who correctly predicted the passing of footballing legend Denis Law.

Denis passed away earlier today at the age of 84. Known simply as “The King” by supporters at Old Trafford, Denis Law was the last surviving member of Manchester United’s so-called “holy trinity” along with Sir Bobby Charlton and George Best – and part of the club’s famous 1968 European Cup triumph. Law also played for Huddersfield Town, Manchester City, and Italian club Torino during his club career, and made 55 appearances for Scotland, scoring 30 goals for his country.

On to Dead Pool 348.

The Rules:

1) Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next. No duplicates allowed. You can always be a cunt and steal someone else’s noms from the previous round.

2) Anyone nominating the world’s oldest man or woman is a cunt and will be ignored.

3) It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4) No swapping picks mid pool unless your pick is already taken.

5) Hits are awarded based on chronology of death reporting and not always chronology of death.

Get on with it.


A personal bugbear of mine, given I have several friends from Russia and most of my family on my other half’s side speak Russian. I’ve also just finished Navalny’s book, which is excellent.

Don’t get me wrong, Putin and his bunch of cronies in the Kremlin are a bunch of cunts. They’ve raped and plundered Russia since the late 1990s. In doing so, they’ve deprived her long-suffering people of a good standard of living.

HOWEVER, the way we treat your average Russian is appalling. I’m up for sanctioning bastards of whatever ilk for being bastards, but the way the West treats your regular Vanya or Svetlana is appalling by cutting them off from travel, making them jump through hoops to get visas, blocking their bank cards etc, is nothing short of abuse.

Then there’s the demonisation of Russia. Question the EU and its suicidal energy and social policies? You’re a Kremlin stooge. Don’t throw your full weight behind the war in Ukraine and would rather see your taxes spent improving your own country ? You’re a Russian imperialist AND apologist. So on, and so forth.

Don’t get me wrong. Vlad’s incursion into Ukraine shouldn’t have happened. Neither should have the West’s continued poking of The Bear since the early/mid-2000s.

… AND yet despite your average Russian being generally well-educated, God fearing, and decent, we in the West roll out the red carpet for the Camel Enthusiasts and Chocolate Faces, who continue to massively enrich our societies.

I dunno about you, but I’d rather live next to Ivan than Abdul. Or UmBongo.

Nominated by Cuntis Cuntis.