Being male and especially being an IT nerd, I tend to be very focused and precise when it comes to information acquisition. By that I mean, 99% of the questions I ask can be answered with either a yes or no. Simple, easy and efficient. You’d think.
People who know me should know that. People who don’t are expected to get with the programme pretty quick because it is blatantly obvious. However, neither set of people seem to comprehend that I don’t have the time (or patience) to deal with their meandering and irrelevant drivel. For the sake of brevity, I present two typical examples, one from home and one from work. You decide who the cunt is.
Other half: I’m going to pop to the supermarket as we need a few things.
Me: OK. Would you like me to go with you?
Other half: Well I’ve made a list, but I think I might swing by that other store we went to that time, you remember, it’s next to the dry cleaners on the corner. I saw something online and it said they had some things on offer so, you never know. Where did I put my handbag? Think I’ll wear my heavier jacket as it’s cold and might rain. With slick roads you never know what the other idiots on the road will do. The other day as I was turning into our road, some moron just pulled out in front of me. It was all I could do to slam on the brakes and stop in time. What is wrong with people? Now where did I put that list? Can you think of anything else we need? I might make that fish dish later so I’ll need to add a few extra things to the list. Last time I made it I used cod, but I think I’ll try something different this time around. Fish has got so expensive. Do you know how much cod is these days? And salmon? The other week I was in….
Me: FFS!
Me: Can we meet at 10 tomorrow to go over your requirements for that server build?
Co-worker: I’ve got a meeting at 9, then I need to follow up with my manager about another project I’m working on.
Me: So does 10 work or not?
Co-worker: Did I send you the requirements for that server?
Me: Yes, but there’s a ton of detail missing that I’ll need in order to complete the build. Hence a meeting. Can you do 10?
Co-worker: What else do you need to know?
Me: Well that’s the point of the meeting really. Can you make that time?
Co-worker: I’ve sent you everything I have.
Me: OK, but I still need some additional details. Can we meet to discuss at 10 tomorrow?
Co-worker: We’ll need that server up and running by Friday.
Me: FFS!
Nominated by Imitation Yank.
A link on the subject provided by Cuntemall below.