Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,639 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. I am a nasty fucker, on the estate there are a number of old concrete swing sites that have grassed over.
    I needed the turf so I donned my best pretend council outfit and cleared them.
    we have a number of nice clean covid19 body collection areas ready to go.

  2. I have just returned from a supermarket here in S.W. France. The ‘natives’ were handshaking, bissous, and talking in huddled group. God help any Coronavirus that came into contact with them, the dirty, smelly inbred cunts.

  3. I wonder what will happen of the Tokyo olympics is cancelled, given that Japan is just down the Yellow Brick road to China?

    I bet the BBC are hoping it won’t be cancelled otherwise they’ll miss out on a very nice 2 week jolly at the licence payer’s expense (as well as leaving a massive carbon footprint across the skies – but of course they won’t mention that will they? Cunts)

    • Cancelling all International event where there is mass movement of people would make good sense, the Olympics happens every 4 years but no one misses it in the 3 years it isn’t on.

      • They should have cancelled that fuckin’ Cheltenham festival for a start. Cunts come from all over the place for that, spreading the virus far and wide. I fuckin’ hate horse racing!
        Sport of Kings?
        Fuckin’ sport of the idle and great unwashed.

  4. Well we’re just a little more multi cultural now. Makes me proud *sniff*

    Fuck it, I’m booking a cruise and then asking them if they supply corona-chan or should I bring my own.

  5. Some advice from myself…
    Give your Mrs one from behind, not missionary style as to avoid close contact.
    A temporary halt to tonguing her arsehole until the virus peaks.
    Don’t come to my Brothel as we are having a deep clean.
    Don’t share notes when sniffing the white stuff.
    Dont come anywhere near me.
    And finally…RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.

  6. My dyslexic friend is worried about catching the Racoon vaccine. Last night I bought a weekly NowTV pass (£14.99) to watch the Players golf from the USA. Got up this morning and they’ve cancelled the fucker! It’s pretty bad in Spain so what the fuck were we doing in letting 1700 Athetico Madrid fans in to watch the Liverpool match. My main worry is panic food buying. Brings in limits now !

    • It’s too late all the pot noodles have gone!

      Food shortages would do me a favour, I could do with loosing a few pounds.

      • Loosing? Oh dear, you’ve been affected by the online lazy typers. Easily cured with a good dose of cunting, reading, and a wee shot of rum every day. Haha.

  7. Reassuring advice from Boris and his experts I thought. Don’t touch your mouth, eyes or ears BUT you can still touch your todger. So, basically, its just carry on as usual for most of us ISAC’ers.

    Can anyone imagine what it would be like if you had Corbyn and the Flabbot in charge of things at this moment – it would be fucking epic !

  8. Like many others I can’t quite see what all the fuss is about. Yes, if flu would cause you serious problems then you’re quite right to be worried and hopefully you’re taking sensible precautions. But for reasonably healthy people to be shitting themselves beggars belief.
    On the plus side I went to London on Wednesday and the tube at rush hour was actually bearable.
    And it cannot be said too often what a bunch of subhuman cunts the chinese are. Fucking degenerate in every aspect – morality, hygiene, politics and worst of all their treatment of animals. For fuck’s sake they make the Japanese look normal. The fucking Japanese.

    • I have just returned home, from doing a job for a regular customer. This lady is very prim and proper, very nice house, everything just so.
      We were chatting about Corbyn 19, and how the Chinese were irresponsible in their dietary choices and hygiene practices, when she suddenly blurted out ” The fucking dirty bastards ! ”
      I was quite taken aback. Mrs. Prim and proper obviously has a raunchier side.
      Speaking of the aforementioned fucking dirty bastards, a plane load of medical aid has arrived in Italy, from China.
      Now there’s something to ponder, if that’s not a wake up call for the West to be concerned about, I don’t know what is.
      We need to get our act together, pronto !

  9. Rejoice! St Grunta of Thunderbox addresses the world on the coronavirus emergency!
    ‘We can’t solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis, and we must unite behind experts and science’.
    Thanks for those moving words of inpiration from one of the world’s leading experts.

    In other news, I see that there is a propaganda campaign underway by the Chinese to try and create the impression that the outbreak is really the fault of the Americans. Right…

    I’m following the advice of my Scots born missus; stay calm, substitute deep fried Mars bars for deep fried bat, and gargle with Buckfast. Avoid dehydration and build up your vitamin intake by drinking plenty of Irn Bru. If you get the virus, self isolate and drown the little fucker with liberal intakes of the malt whisky of your choice.

    • The virus having started in the US is actually the propaganda that the commies are pumping out within China. Dirty lying fucking cunts.

  10. Any guesses as to when that fat windbag Ian Blackford will stand up in the Commons and say that the government is doing down Scotland in the coronavirus emegency?

      • I wish that cunt Hanks would isolate himself with a loaded revolver.. Up his own arse septic tank cunt….

      • Tom hanks only worthwhile films are Big, burbs, Toy Story and maybe forest gump every other movie he has done since is shite not worth watching New Mr Rogers film looks like a pile of shit

  11. Just been down to Morrisons and the fucking shelves are empty… not a toilet roll, pot noodle or the fabled anti bacterial gel sanitizer in sight…

    That sanitizer stuff is like Unicorn shit, meaning I don’t think it actually exists…

    • Morrisons, eh? Funny, dat. My little local Co-op is keeping up with demand, more or less, so maybe it isn’t the chavs who are panicking after all, but the comfortably-off?

      Oh shit. Shouldn’t have revealed that. Hermione and Timothy’s chums are descending on the place like a collective noun of vultures now…just as well I cleaned it out of Fairy Liquid yesterday.

  12. The real slap round the face with an infected cock is the fact that all the people walking round my city centre wearing face masks are fucking chinks…I kid you not.

  13. some more fun:

    1. seen on twitter was a guy who said:
    “I have 2 x 16 packs of toilet rolls and 8 bottles of hand sanitizer. Looking to swap for 3 bedroom house in Chelsea”.
    This was replied with:
    “You can have my Bentley if I can hold them for 5 minutes to have photos taken”.

    2. I suppose the Irish judicature has no equivalent to the UK’s Master of the Rolls?

  14. I’m wondering which one of us cunts will catch this first? Probably me, the good always die young.

    • Probably me…those fucking Korean housemaids that I imported aren’t looking too fit at all. I put it down to unnatural wear and tear but I’m beginning to have my doubts now.

    • I work in a care home for the elderly and my Dads in and out of hospital so probably me.I am still fairly young but do have asthma so I will probably survive.If not oh well no point worrying about it.My Dad isnt worrying if it happend it happens.

  15. If ever there was an incentive for smokers to give up it’s never been greater than now!
    Recent research has shown the greater number of Chinese infected or dying have been men. This can be related to the fact that over 60% of Chinese men smoke, whereas only about 3% of women do.
    Anyone who has respiratory problems through smoking is particularly vulnerable.
    Quit now! You know it makes sense!

  16. They’ve cancelled the Premier League for the next three fucking weeks, Champions League’s off as well. May as well just cancel the fucking season. Even if somehow the pandemic abates in the next three weeks there’s no room in the schedules to play the postponed matches so it’s over.

    Fucking Chinese cunts. Why the fuck did the world not just close their borders to the gooks for 3 months!? Would have cost some money yes, China’s an important market but fuck it it was a false economy to keep the borders open as it’s now causing a worldwide recession. Stupid fucking bastards!

  17. Local elections have just been postponed for a fucking year. This is fucking ridiculous. How in the world could any cunt justify these measures while believing closing borders to China was excessive?

  18. It’s now looking inevitable that schools are going to be closed too. What the fuck do they expect parents to do? They say ‘just until the virus has passed it’s peak’, but what the fuck does that mean? The virus isn’t going to go away, as long as people have got it they’ll pass it to others whether it’s ‘peaked’ or not. So when everything re-opens the numbers will simply rise again, what’s the fucking point!? You can’t close everything forever. Keep everything open and any cunt who’s uncertain about being around others just fucking stay at home.

  19. Fuck’s sake, I’ve just come back from town having done a shop in M&S for my self-isolating Mother and also Poundland for some random shit (sadly, no hazmat suits there for Mum, as I predicted yesterday)

    M&S was shittier than it usually is, and that is saying something, The bloody panic buying locusts have even cleaned out the entire sliced meats section so I couldn’t even get two measly packets of corned beef!! No fucking sprouts either!! If I was going to hoard food, I seriously doubt that sprouts would be high on my list. Chocolate buttons and tea maybe…..sprouts? Fuck that.

    Consequently, I had to haul my weary arse over to Iceland to try to get said corned beef and sprouts there. I had to laugh at the woman standing behind me in the queue though. We got chatting and she was as exasperated as me with all of this panic buying. She said that she was in Sainsbury’s yesterday and wanted to get on the tannoy and say ‘All you sad fuckers panic buying, just fuck off home, you greedy bastards’. She also told me that her Mum had a stock of just 6 bog rolls, ‘but that will do her the whole year as she is always constipated anyway’…….

    This lady made my shitty day that much better.

    I might add that when I was in Poundland, I saw some ethnic carrying an entire shelf tray of fucking POT NOODLES. About 16 of the fuckers! Jesus, you have to be pretty desperate to be hoarding that shite!

    • There should be rationing to stop cunts doing this. Panic buyers and hoarders are a bigger threat to life than the fucking virus. I guarantee those hoarding cunts are just going to buy a whole bunch of shit that ends up going in the bin because they bought so much. We throw away like 20% of food at the best of fucking times!

      • She really is a disgusting slob,Ron. I can’t understand why anyone would think that she’s some kind of role-model.

      • Looks like a strong independent woman i.e. she’s single and built like a bull.

      • Nish-fucking-Kumar is right. We are not the nation that beat the Nazis. We are now cunts. Fuck off.

      • The fact that anyone knows who this cunt is, is very worrying.
        I haven’t got a fuckin’ clue.

      • A “reality” show “star”, Bertie. She’s one who continually pops up on any Celebrity….. programme that lets her shoehorn her fat arse through the studio door…..She is also a repulsive,thick, sack of shit.

      • Thanks Dick, I see. I’ll bet she uses half a roll at a time with an arse that size!

      • Fuck’s sake, Dick!

        Bet that the cunt has some corned beef down there in her trolley… fact, probably the whole bloody cow!

        She really is an ungodly specimen of Womanhood.

      • That fat cunt Collins wasn’t hoarding bog roll, she probably goes through a roll a shit, the fat greasy talent free blob of flab.

      • All women go through at least half a roll a day so you’re probably not wrong.

  20. Sweet fucking Christ, I think we should just nuke China into oblivion the filthy cunts. Here are pictures of food being delivered in Wuhan – in rubbish trucks. Fucking bin lorries! Food!!

    Do you think they bothered to clean those refuse lorries before loading it with food? Do you think the Filthy Fuckers of Wuhan bothered to wash their hands before eating? Cunts don’t know the meaning of he word wash.

    • Latest conspiracy theory is that the USA brewed the virus, infected one of their own and send him to Wuhan to kill off the chinks. This comes from a member of the Chinese government.

      The world’s gone totally mad…

      • Ironically, even if this was true, I doubt if many would actually believe it. Sounds like a pathetic attempt at spin to me.

      • This morning I have e-mailed the Prime Minister asking that in view of the £30 billion extra spending announced in the budget to cope with CV what representation he is making to the Chinese government for reimbursement?
        China has a $400billion a month trade surplus with the rest of the world.

      • Too fucking right, the whole world should sue China. Hopefully Trump takes the lead.

  21. The WHO have just said Europe is now the CENTRE of this pandemic. Yeah thanks for that China. Thankyou Eropean ‘leaders’ with your open fucking borders. They should all be fucking killed, this is their fucking doing!

      • Bertie, your comment really made me laugh after a bloody bollocky day. Bloody brilliant.

        Probably Pete Townshend’s doing. We know how he likes a bit of media drama.

      • Evening Nurse Cunty! That was a rehash of an old one but still . . . .
        I didn’t realise the Who were still touring but apparently they’ve just called off their tour due to the virus ( actually real, not fake news)

      • I didn’t realise the Who were still touring Nurse Cunty but they’ve just called off their UK and Irish tour due to the virus.

  22. The latest side effect of Covid 19, it seems like it is now fashionable to be ‘self isolating’
    The virus needs to be renamed for the ‘look at me brigade’ wokevirus!


  23. You fuckin’ cunt Boris. Your strategy with the the virus is to try to build up ‘herd immunity’ where the intention is to achieve a figure of 60% catching the virus, on the basis that they will have a mild case and will build up immunity for next Winter.
    Fuck the sick and elderly. They are collateral damage. These are the people who ‘loaned’ their vote to Boris. I want my vote back. Fuck you Boris, you lump of lying shit. From now, I am your official opposition. CUNT, CUNT, CUNT.

  24. Evening all
    Anybody out in IsACland actually got this cunt yet, or think they might have it? How bad are they actually finding things?

  25. Jose Mourinho is said to be worried about contracting CV after hearing that Mikel Arteta tested positive, so he has decided to self isolate in the Spurs trophy cabinet….

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