

Smokers – yes, the fucking lot of you! – can eat shit and come back for seconds.
Feel sorry for them? Fuck right off, they are selfish, posion spewing cunts who care about little else other than their pathetic addiction. They should be fined for spreading their muck in the air and leaving their butts on the ground. If I had my way, they’d be lined up against the nearest wall and given one way tickets to oblivion…


Nominated by: King and Cuntry

No smoking in pubs


I don’t even smoke, it’s just depressing to see smokers being forced out in the rain standing around looking miserable just so they can have a quick fag. Worse, they make a right mess outside with their discarded ciggy butts; it would be much safer and cleaner allowing them to smoke indoors.

Why not be sensible and have separate “smoking” and “non-smoking” areas in pubs, or even separate smoker’s pubs? Imposing a blanket ban is dictatorial and unnecessary.

Nominated by: Colin Murray’s Brain