Tanni Grey-Thomson


Tanni Grey-Thomson is a whinging cunt.

She seems to think that paralympics should be given equal coverage. Although you’ve got to respect the paralympians, I personally find watching some of them bloody hard going. Good luck to them,but it’s not my idea of fun. Think I’ll put Stephen Fry on. That way I can swear as much as I like at the screen without being called a callous bastard.

Nominated by: Dick Fiddler

Just when you’ve got shot of the Olympics, along come the Crippleympics!

Seems there’s no money left to pay for it so Baroness (FFS!) Tanni Grey-Thomson is calling on the richer nations of the world to save her pathetic games. She seems to have missed the fact that Brazil is one of the fastest growing major economies in the world. Plus they’re hosting this shitfest and can’t be arsed to pay for it.

Frankly I don’t blame them. Who the fuck can be bothered with something that wouldn’t even exist without the PC generation pushing it? Personally, I fucking can’t show even a remote flicker of interest!

Bollocks to her and her fucking stupid games…

Nominated by: Dioclese