Ta-Nehisi Coates

At the suggestion of that illustrious cunter, Cunstable Cuntbubble, I offer for your revulsion an Americunt. Not just any Americunt. But Africunt/Americunt extrordinaire, Ta-Nehisi Coates.


Ta-Nehisi Coates is the current darling of the snowflake/coaldust community here in the states. The sheer magnitude of his cuntishness is off the Sphincter Scale. It is deeply rooted in the best tradition of black American, militant victimology.

First, some background. Ta-Nehisi’s father Paul was a member of the Black Panthers. He fathered 7 children by 4 different women. He was the founder and publisher…in his basement…of Black Classic Press…an affiliate of the George Jackson Prison Movement.

George Jackson was the founder of the Maoist-Marxist Black Guerilla Family, who was shot to death during an escape attempt from San Quentin prison. He was serving a sentence there for armed robbery and was awaiting trial for murder. Five prison guards he took hostage during his attempted escape…and 2 white prisoners…were found dead in his cell afterwards.

Coates claims to have learned his family values…along with respect for one’s elders and contributing to one’s community from his father. So, it will come as no surprise to any of you that these perverted “virtues” make him the darling of the snowflake/coaldust/apologists/victimologist community. He is a regular fixture on their TV shows…and at speaking engagements and cocktail parties.

Coates believes all the evils of the world can be attributed to the white man. In fact he goes so far as to say, all of history can be explained by the white man’s continual attempts to keep the black man down. Accordingly, he expresses a dismal view of the future of race relations in America.

Despite this simplistic racist viewpoint, Coates, cannot be dismissed as simply another angry black voice of victimology, spouting off in the hood just to justify bad life choices. He is a “revered” author to the snowflake/coaldust community and has written for such libtard rags as The Village Voice, The Atlantic and Time magazine. He cuntishly repulsive works include such putrid diatribes as “My President was Black”, ” We Were Eight Years in Power” and (Donald Trump is) “The First White President”. Central to Coates’ narrative is his idiotic thesis that white Americans rejected Barack Obama because they have an innate fear of ” good negro government.”

Coates dismisses any criticism of his mythical notion of “good negro government” and the myriad examples of black politician who have gone to jail for graft, corruption, drugs or any one of a number of crimes…with just a wave of his hand. Just like he dismisses any and all criticism of himself. In point of fact, he is a shallow, simplistic, race baiting huckster and hate monger. His cuntish notions don’t stand up to serious inquiry.

This was illustrated when Harvard Professor Cornell West…himself a major league Marxist cunt…came forward with a series of damning criticisms. He called out Coates for going soft on Obama and pointed out that black Americans were no better off under him than any other President. He called Coates an apologist and wanted to know when the last time his coaldust ass was in the hood? He dismissed his view of history and said it amounted to fetishizing white racism. He called him…horror of horrors…the voice of neoliberal America and basically got all up in the “brothers” face.

The snowflake/coaldust community was aghast! Which cunt to support? Never fear! Whitey to the rescue! Alleged alt right villain Richard Spencer came out with a similar argument about the fetishism of racism and solved the problem. The sonwfalke/coaldust community rallied around Coates like a voters to a politician giving away government jobs.

Coates for his part behaved just like you’d expect him to. He refused to answer the criticism and in the best snowflake/coaldust tradition posted on Twatter that he “…didn’t sign up for this” and promptly closed his account.

But again…never fear…you can’t keep a vile cunt down. With the opening of that mega epic spectacle of Africunt values and virtues…The Black Panther…Coates has resurfaced. You see…this eloquent spokesman of the Neocunts and brilliant philosophical leader of the oppressed cuntish masses, is a writer of comic books…specifically…the Black Panther! And now that it has been acclaimed as the greatest film epic since “Scott of the Antarctic”* it has been announced that Coates will write…wait for it…Captain America!

I shit you not.

By the way…for those of you who are wondering…the name Ta-Nehisi is supposed to be an ancient Nubian hieroglyphic for…Cunt. Fuck, I don’t know. But if it isn’t it ought to be.

So with all of that said I proudly cunt…Ta-Nehisi Coates!

Nominated by General Cunster