Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari

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I wish to nominate Saudi Arabian “cleric” (and, I presume, owner of a micropenis) Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari as a complete cunt.

This twat reckons he knows more about cosmology than Copernicus, Galileo and Newton – just because he’s read the book of fairy tales attributed to semi-historical paedophile, desert bandit and all-round wankstain Mohammad.

Watch this link – his explanation of flying to China is unintentionally hilarious. The Neolithic folks who built Stonehenge knew more the workings of the universe than this cocksucker, thousands of fucking years before the Koran dribbled out of the ass of the (presumably pre-pubescent) camel Mo was fucking because the girls at the local kindergarten were already being humped by his fellow beard wearers.

Nominated by: Cunts Mate Cunt