Sebastian Coe [4]

Sebastian Coe exchanging fluids and bribes up the arse with Lamine Diack

Sebastian Coe exchanging fluids and bribes up the arse with Lamine Diack

The cunt Coe reminds me orf a dodgy little batman we had in camp in Germany just after the war. Could get antibiotics, cigars, whiskey, nylons or an arse for hire within the day. Same cropped hair and mouth like a piranha fish.Useful but ruthless little cunt. Also takes me back to me time in East Germany. Many a hairy chested fraulein mixing testosterone and alcohol. Hazardous times.

The story so far. A kraut journalist name orf Hajo Seppelt first broke the story orf Olympian corruption a few years back but it did not get much traction with the FIFA shenanigans going on. See [here]. Now following a report from WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) we hear allegations against the Ruskies viz state sponsored doping programmes and wholesale corruption and Ruskie goons intimidating left right and centre. All this was known, it is alleged, to Coe while he was vice president of IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) and hands on involved in getting the Olympics to London. Have always wondered how London landed the Olympics when usually these fair lands get sweet FA. Snouts in troughs? London officialdom looking the other way while Ivan and Ludmilla inject in the khazi?

Other items of interest. Coe was promoted as first chairman orf the FIFA Ethics Committee by our old friend and paragon orf probity, Sepp Blatter. Left that fat little job to become Vice President orf IAFF, later to take over the top job from the white as snow president orf sixteen years, Lamine Diack. Mr Diack is now apparantly in a spot orf bother regarding allegations of corruption, bribery and running a personal slush fund orf a million+ euros obtained from payments to cover up chemically enhanced athletes results. Churlish to add perhaps that Mr Coe has been in a spot orf the old soup himself regarding his six figure salary from the American sportswear company Nike which is itself linked to Mr Blatter and our friends at FIFA by allegations orf dodgy “sponsorship” deals orf various national teams and individuals in order to obtain certain lucrative World Cup rights.

Difficult to choose a cunt in such a rich field but on balance I will stick with Mr Coe if only because anyone named Sebastian sounds like he should be playing a rather sordid little pooftah in a black and white early 60s British film.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Sebastian Coe [2]


Sebastian Coe – a brown-nosing, corrupt cunt, once an MP, now promoted to president of the IAAF, presumably to cover-up the truth about doping in sport? We can’t have Jessica Ennis & Mo Farrah exposed as drug cheats can we, that would sully the Olympic Legacy (fuck off).

I regard Coe in the same disdain as Sep Blatter, a corrupt cunt who probably and allegedly fiddles with kids.

Nominated by: Timmy Mallett