Here we go again, Rishi Sunak the “tax cutting chancellor” who has overseen taxation reaching unprecedented levels of pain. The Chancellor who is happy to be part of a government that is shortly going to screw the UK permanently into the ground with their absurd Net Zero policies (which nobody voted for incidentally). He is “going to help the plebs” by cutting 5p off Fuel Duty. FIVE PENCE. Think about it. With fuel prices having increased by at least an extra 50 pence a litre he’s raking in an extra 10p/litre on VAT alone. That’s 10p more than the cunt was taking before and he has the audacity to offer 5p off Fuel Tax to “help”.
Did you know that you pay VAT on top of Fuel Tax itself? Fuel Tax itself is 58p a litre. The VAT on top of this tax (the “tax on a tax” ) is 10 pence. That’s 10 pence of unjustified tax that was already being paid BEFORE fuel prices went crazy.
So why talk about 5p off? I can only think it came from the Government’s massive “virtue signaling department” (this has to be big they do so much of it). “Listen, we’re taking in an extra 10p on VAT so let’s pretend we’re cutting Fuel Duty by 5p and look good. The plebs are so stupid they’ll never notice they are being royally fucked over. And, besides, nobody wants to vote for “the other lot”, we don’t have any opposition [rubs hands].”
Listen, there are local elections coming up in May. Whatever you do don’t vote for any cunt allied to a conservative badge. If there is nobody else you want to vote for then please still vote but spoil your ballot. There are websites out there telling you how to do this or, in the spirit of this website, simply write “all cunts” across it.
(Extra value link brought to you by Night Admin)
Nominated by: Mikdys
Seconded by Spanky Mc Spank with this:
I’ll seconmd this one, what a fucking farce from the government of comedy.
Rishi the billionaire chancellor is going to cut five pence from a litre of fuel that will then be instantly grabbed by the retailers by a price increase….market forces etc will be quoted. Hell, they will probably add on more than the shilling good old “British” Rishi will take off.
It really is an eye watering shame we do not have a strong, realistic opposition at the moment becuase this lot of are a bunch of foul smelling anal discharge. Are Labour talking about the cost of living? fuel prices? food prices?….nope, they are obsessed with what “defines” a woman, race, spongers and gazing at their own champange navels.
Cunts the lot of them, we should have a lynching of all thse overpaid cunts.