Richard Seymour


Guardian contributor, left unity member and Socialist Worker Party Member Richard Seymour is a cunt. Although the preceding sentence qualifies him as a cunt this sentence he wrote on a Facebook article about Simon Weston`s opposition to Comrade Commie Corbyn`s plan to share the Falklands with the Argentinians confirms it.

As a veteran who suffered terrible injuries to protect fellow British subjects he argued that this would be a “repugnant surrender” which most sane people would think. But no, it seems that the PHD student and writer of a blog called Lenin`s tomb would disagree. So did he provide a counter argument in the guardian to Mr Weston`s comments as one might expect from an intellectual? No instead he posted this on Facebook:

“Who gives a shit what Simon Weston thinks about anything?If he knew anything he would still have his face”

Now I bet this Communist prick would complain if I mocked a disabled person calling me “ableist “a term many of his political persuasion would but it`s ok to say that about a war veteran. Christ, if he becomes an academic God help the poor fuckers who have to pay £9,000 a year to hear his shitty views. This was also a man who did a book putting the late Christopher Hitchens “on trial” for supporting president Bush. So you put a dead man “on trial” who can`t defend himself and mock a disfigured war veteran. What a great moral authority this cunt is (cough)!

Here is a link to his Wiki page and a Facebook group asking for an explanation. I would love to hear his response!

Nominated by: Shaun of the Dead 69