Peter Willsman

Peter Willsman of Labour’s National Executive Committee has made a right cunt of himself ranting like he’s read one too many copies of Der Sturmer….

Notice the typical anti-Semitic trope about Jews controlling the media – “they can falsifiy social media very easily.” If this rant was aimed at any other minority – especially one beginning with the letter ‘M’ – then Willsman would be booted out of the Labour Party quicker than Owen Jones can invent a phobia.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not defending Israel or indeed Jews in general. However, the nightmare cult of identity politics says that only a member of a particular group can decide what is prejudice against said group. Even the law says that a hate crime is one perceived to be motivated by hatred by the victim or any other person. The only people who are not allowed to decide about prejudice appear to be Jewish folks. I am not pro-Jews/Israel so much as I am against hypocrisy and identity politics.

Why is it that the people who are so loud in proclaiming their own virtues are often guilty of the very thing they complain about?

‘Anti-racists’ who hate… well, everyone really.

‘Anti-fascists’ who use fascist tactics – violence, intimidation, suppressing free speech – to prevent anyone hearing views they don’t like.

Islamic clerics who whine about made-up ‘Islamophobia’ whilst holding views about Jews that would make Heinrich Himmler blanch.

Bonio going on about giving to charity whilst (allegedly) engaging in decades of tax evasion.

Christian preachers who go on about the bloody Bible and condemn anything vaguely out of the ordinary in sexual relationships whilst engaging in acts that would make even Dick Fiddler of this parish raise an eyebrow.

Whether Hillsman and the rest of the far left are really anti-Semitic is beside the point. They have broken their own (bullshit) rules. If Trumpy (utter cunt) is a racist for criticising Sadiq Khan and disliking some of the violent verses in the Koran makes you an ‘Islamophobe’ then, by the same logic, the whole Corbynite left is anti-Semitic to its rotten core.


(Disclaimer: any logical inconsistencies, poor spellings or grammatical errors can be explained by the fours beers I’ve had in the last hour).

Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt